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Episode II: Forbidden Love Trailor Analysis


Episode II

"Forbidden Love" Trailor Analysis

(Click to Enlarge) Sequence 1 - Anakin Skywalker stands on a Naboo balcony. We've seen a portion of this image previously in a 'Select' shot from the Official Site.
Sequence 2 - Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi welcome Padme, Dorme, and Captain Typho. Jar Jar Binks in Senatorial robes can be seen to the rear left. The dialogue that runs through this scene is as follows:

Obi Wan: "It's a pleasure to see you again, m'lady."

Padmé: "It has been too long, Master Kenobi."

She spots Anakin. "Ani? My goodness you've grown."

Anakin: "So have you. Grown more beautiful."

Sequence 3 - Another shot of the same scene as Obi-Wan faces Padme.
Sequence 4 - Anakin and Padme comment each other.
Sequence 5 - Obi-Wan and Anakin converse on the balcony of Padme's Coruscant apartment. The dialogue that runs through this scenes is as follows:

Anakin: "Just being around her again is intoxicating."

Obi-Wan: "Be mindful of your thoughts , Anakin. They can betray you. You have made a commitment to the Jedi order and it's not easily broken."

Sequence 6 - Various images of Padme pan across the screen.
Sequence 7 - Continuation of previous.
Sequence 8 - Continuation of previous.
Sequence 9 - Obi-Wan and Anakin enter Padme's apartment from the balcony where the conversation initiated about Padme.
Sequence 10 - Anakin and Padme facing one another in her apartment. Anakin stares at Padme. The following dialogue occurs:

Padmé: "Don't look at me that way."
Anakin: "Why?"
Padmé: "It makes me uncomfortable." She turns and walks away.
Anakin: "Sorry m'lady."

Sequence 11 - Continuation of previous.
Sequence 12 - Continuation of previous.
Sequence 13 - Frieghters (like the one that Anakin and Padme travel on to Naboo) are docked at a Coruscant platform/spaceport.
Sequence 14 - Anakin and Padme are taken via Rickshaw droid through Mos Espa. The droid carries them to Watto's shop.
Sequence 15 - Anakin assists Padme when she exits the Rickshaw. Padme begins the following:

"It must be difficult having sworn your love to the Jedi..."

Sequence 16 - Anakin and Padmé are seated in the transport freighter's dining area facing one other. Padmé continues her dialogue from the previous scene:

Padme: "...not being able to do the things you like."

Anakin: "Or be with the people I love."

Padmé: "Are you allowed to love? I thought that was forbidden for a Jedi?"

Sequence 17 - Continuation of previous scene.
Sequence 18 - Anakin assisting Padme out of a boat at the lake retreat.
Sequence 19 - Anakin and Padme walk together on Naboo.
Sequence 20 - Anakin and Padme together lakeside.
(Click to Enlarge) Sequence 21 - Anakin leans in to kiss Padme.
Sequence 22 - Anakin and Padme sit together in a Naboo meadow.
Waterfalls are in their rear and the following conversation takes place.

Padme: "You're making fun of me."
Anakin: "Oh no. I'd be much to frightened to tease a senator."

Sequence 23 - The above scene continues.
Sequence 24 - Anakin and Padme talking in their quarters on Naboo. The following dialogue begins:

Anakin: "We could keep it a secret."
Padmé: "Then we'd be living a lie. I can't do that. Could you, Anakin?"

Sequence 25 - The above scene continues.
Sequence 26 - Anakin and Padme walking through Theed, Anakin is carrying luggage, R2 is following them. The following dialogue begins and runs through the next several scenes:

"She is a politician, Anakin. And they're not to be trusted."

It is important to realize that the following dialogue is NOT paired with the previously listed dialogue between Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker.

Sequence 27 - Obi-Wan and Anakin Skywalker outside a Coruscant Nightclub. Obi-Wan is lecturing Anakin about acting too brash and without thought. For you diehard spoiler junkies, Anakin was trying to use force to gain information (using saber).

Anakin: "I've heard this lesson before." Obi-Wan: "Yes, but you haven't learned anything!"

Sequence 28 - Anakin in the Lars garage on Tatooine, after learning of his mother's death. The dialogue listed below follows through the next few scenes:

Anakin: "This is all Obi-Wan's fault! He's holding me back!"
Padmé responds: "You're not all-powerful, Ani."
Anakin: "Well, I should be....Someday I will be the most powerful Jedi that has ever lived!"

Sequence 29 - Continuation of previous in the Lars garage, family speeder from original trilogy can be seen behind Padme.
Sequence 30 - Anakin racing through the Tatooine sunset on a speeder.
Sequence 31 - Zam Wessel's ship speeds through Coruscant night skies.
Sequence 32 - R2-D2 on Tatooine chirping.
Sequence 33 - Anakin Skywalker and Padme outside of Watto's shop. Watto flies around.
Sequence 34 - Clones board Republic Transports on Geonosis.
Sequence 35 - Jango Fett turns towards the camera. This is when Obi-Wan first exits onto the Tipoca landing platform.
Sequence 36 - Obi-Wan deflects Jango Fett's fire with his lightsaber.
Sequence 37 - Anakin consults with a Jawa on Tatooine, the Jawa points towards two open Sandcrawlers.
Sequence 38 - C3PO on Tatooine.
Sequence 39 - Two Naboo fighters and Padme's ship head towards Coruscant.
Sequence 40 - Obi-Wan Kenobi hangs in a Geonosian holding cell.
Sequence 41 - A Kaminoan rides a flying reptile outside of Tipoca, Kamino.
Sequence 42 - Padme on Tatooine.
Sequence 43 - A very hateful Anakin walking on Tatooine. Check out this expression!
Sequence 44 - Yoda in Coruscant meeting chambers.
Sequence 45 - Shadow of Anakin and Padme embracing on Tatooine. If you look closely enough you might even see their shadows make a 'Vader'-like shape.
Sequence 46 - Count Dooku ignites and raises his saber. Looks like he has a very gentlemanly starting style, somewhat like a fencers.
Sequence 47 - Obi-Wan rides an assassin droid (which he jumped on from Padme's apartment) through Coruscant skies.
Sequence 48 - Obi-Wan Kenobi and Jango Fett go at it on Kaminoan dock.
Sequence 49 - Kenobi duels Dooku on Geonosis.
Sequence 50 - Obi-Wan's Jedi Fighter flies quickly across the screen into a Geonosian setting.
Sequence 51 - Mace Windu speaks via hologram. My guess is that he is speaking to Obi-Wan Kenobi, who has just found the large amount of clones on Kamino.
Sequence 52 - Jango Fett, in the air, fires on Obi-Wan Kenobi. Kenobi is on the landing platform.
Sequence 53 - Obi-Wan dodges Jango Fett's fire from previous shot.
Sequence 54 - Anakin and Padme lean into one another while they are chained on a transport on Geonosis.
Sequence 55 - Anakin and Padme enter the arena on Geonosis.
Sequence 56 - Slave I approaches Geonosis.
Sequence 57 - Jango Fett in Slave I gives chase to Obi-Wan in Jedi Starfighter in an asteroid field. Fett is enroute to Geonosis from Kamino.
Sequence 58 - View of Obi-Wan Kenobi from his Jedi Fighter's cockpit. You can see laser fire and asteroids exploding outside.
Sequence 59 - A very hate-filled Anakin duels Dooku on Geonosis.
Sequence 60 - Slave I fires on Jedi Starfighter (off screen).

(highlight to read)

Sequence 61 - Anakin Skywalker, face filled with rage and hate, lifts his lightsaber to strike down a Tusken Raider on Tatooine.
Sequence 62 - Continuation of previous.
Sequence 63 - Continuation of previous.