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Rogue Leader (Nintendo Gamecube)


Video Games

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Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader
Review by: GamePro

Visually, Rogue Leader is not like previous video games. Its scale is epic. We like to bandy that word about, but this time we’re using it in all seriousness. In the Battle of Endor level, you replay the ending of the Return of the Jedi—and it isn’t just an approximation—it’s the real deal. When Lando Calrissian realizes it’s a trap and you U-turn into the Imperial Fleet, the Destroyers are not just background; you have the dubious honor of taking them on…not all of them, admittedly, but enough of them to make Rogue Leader one hell of an experience. And while its scale is gigantic, Rogue Leader doesn’t skimp on details. Every ship and Imperial Walker is lovingly ornate, right down to its gears. Rebels have goggles and snow gear. Radar devices are beautifully reflected in pools of water. Sometimes—actually, a good deal of the time—it was necessary to fly around as a tourist just to take it all in.

[Click to Enlarge] Rogue Leader’s grandeur is reinforced by the incredible Star Wars music. Sound effects are movie-quality, and Leader has many more voice-overs than Battle for Naboo or the first Rogue. Denis Lawson (Wedge Antilles) even recorded new lines especially for the game. There’s even a Mark Hamill sound-alike so that Luke chimes in more than you might expect.

Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron II is a must-have game for fans and lovers of aerial combat. For Star Wars fans, it justifies purchase of the GameCube. For the gaming world as a whole, interactive entertainment has made the jump to the next level.

The Rundown

Graphics - 5.0
State-of-the-art—i.e., the artists have surpassed themselves. Epic grandeur and telling detail co-exist to create an unforgettable experience. Museum material.

Sound - 5.0
This is not your Daddy’s Nintendo 64. Crystal clear voice-overs, standard but classic music, and the best blasting and crashing effects you’re likely to hear ever.

Controls - 5.0
The teeny problems you might have keeping track of everything is more a part of the game’s flavor than a mechanical or design flaw. What’s at first overwhelming will most likely become second nature after a few missions, and the GameCube controller is a dream.

Fun Factor - 5.0
Some people may forgo sleep with this one. Exciting missions, unbelievable visuals and sound, and, like the first Rogue and Naboo, a replay factor through the roof. If we had higher than a 5.0, this one would get it.

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