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Article 1

Article 2

Article 3,4

Article 5,6




Constitution of (-your region’s name-) Region of Confederated Nations

We the people of ("your") Region in order to secure the blessings of equal justice for both ourselves and all of our land’s future inhabitants do hereby ordain this Constitution of the Confederation of the Sovereign Nations of ("your") Region. Our Confederated government shall govern the relations that our sovereign nations shall have with each other and shall be the paramount united authority of our collective nations governing our relations with foreign governments. As citizens we proudly endorse our independent nation’s membership in this Confederation. We have constructed both our nations’ and our Confederation’s government to be our abject servant instantly subject to the supreme dictates of our majority command. We pledge no allegiance to our governments but, rather, force them to constantly demonstrate their allegiance to us. Our Confederated government shall act as administrator of this Constitution’s laws that shall-

-Govern the relations between all the member nations of our 45,000 sq. mile region.

-Assure the environmental quality of our entire region.

- -Assure that our Confederation shall not force any nation to either remain or become a member nation against that nation’s will.

Our Constitution endeavors to establish the best possible attainability of the highest possible happiness for the majority of all citizens that shall ever live in our land. We regard our present and many past generations as an unjust minority that has deprived the majority (posterity) or (the many future generations that when taken collectively vastly outnumber the few destructive generations that have preceded it) of the environmental wholesomeness to which they hold rightful title. Without sufficiently wholesome environmental conditions future generations are robbed of their constitutionally guaranteed attainability of the highest possible happiness. It is with profound feelings of pride that we joyfully pledge our allegiance to the honorable purpose of reversing the legacy of this cruel injustice.

Our Constitution establishes in law two unique cultural institutions that shall perpetuate this passion for environmental preservation in the hearts of all the future citizens of our land.

First.) Geographic Model. ( See the maps attached ).

Our Confederation is Constitutionally bound to, both, grant nationhood to and protect a district from any quantity of incoming traffic that the district’s citizens shall demand. Their declaration of nationhood shall free that district from any obligation (other than to honor this Constitution) or indebtedness to any person or entity (government or private) outside their district.

We assert that, motivated by their love of their newfound freedom, security, autonomy and cultural identity many districts shall chose to order the Confederation to severely restrict their incoming traffic. We are proud to provide for ourselves this wholesome degree of security for our sovereign districts and are fully cognizant of the wholesome, inhibiting effect this shall have on our regional transportation and commerce. This limitation of cross-regional commerce shall, happily, necessitate district self-sufficiency in consumable goods. Our Confederation shall assure that no district employs environmentally destructive unsustainable means to achieve this self-sufficiency. The hardship we must bear transforming each overpopulated, environmentally impaired district into a healthy, bountiful, autonomous paradise shall be endured with the same proud happy hearts our beneficiaries, posterity, shall have as they maintain it.

So it shall be with every district as their descendents throughout the ages carry on this proud tradition of wholesome honorable livelihood.

Second- Voting).

The second institution of our 24-hr all year voting system shall unleash goodwill of every kind including the environmental goodwill in the hearts of our future citizens.

We vest ultimate power in our popular majority with the stalwart confidence that goodwill far outweighs the ill will of humanity. We perceive in mankind a far stronger proclivity for cultural heroism than for slothful, self-serving, destructive behavior. The glory and beauty of cultural heroism is made manifest when men kill and repel the destructive invaders of his land thus preserving his culture of environmental sustainability far into the future. When the rituals and traditions of a wholesome culture designed to prevent overpopulation celebrate and reward those who abide and punish those who violate, cultural heroism is demonstrated. When the majority of the best land surrounding a village is left unmolested cultural heroism supremely manifest. This heroic goodwill that resonates within the hearts of all of us becomes our own embittering poison when our society (nation) prevents us from expressing and witnessing the good product of our heroic efforts. Absent the cleansing antidote of seeing our goodwill made manifest in our land, this embittering poison turns a minority of men into destructive miscreants. For thousands of years these miscreants have been in authority over the good and decent majority throughout the world. NOW our Constitution shall issue forth a glorious new era in human history. Our government shall be under the direct, instant, indisputable command of our good and decent popular majority. Our government is Constitutionally mandated to instantly obey our majority will. The minority will of corporate miscreants shall never again be made manifest. Our repressed goodwill, once released by our voting system, shall explode with a passion that shall resonate in the hearts and minds of all our future citizens. We shall joyously destroy and transform the chemical and cement bondage that restrains the glorious forces of nature and allow our land to burst forth as the paradise it is destined to be. Where once we demeaned ourselves with shame and doubt our new hearts shall be engines of pride and confidence. Posterity’s reward empowers us with honor.

Our passion shall not wane as our population is adequately reduced and the wholesomeness of our environment is fully restored. Our spirits shall be emboldened by the earth’s rich bounty to be democratically distributed. Democratic does not infer universal distribution of resources. It is now and has always been the responsibility of the local majority to heroically govern consumption in order to maintain their land’s sustainability. When environmental preservation demands that some degree of privation must be endured then cultural heroism is manifest regardless of whether the majority wills to restrict equally or restrict only the minority. May our humanity towards our local minorities be great but our passion to benefit posterity be greater. Let the quality of our land attest to our nobility, courage and heroism.

We shall not walk this noble path alone for our Constitution shall inspire an unprecedented, joyous transformation of human history that shall be emulated throughout time throughout the world.

As individuals our we pledge our first and most profound allegiance to the justice due to posterity. When posterity suffers not from the bounty we reap our honor is served. Humanities’ passionate yearning to live as a member of a culture that enriches the earth has never waned. This enriched and renewing earth for which we have passionately yearned shall be made manifest by our honorable Constitution.

We the people proclaim that:

-Our highest purpose is protecting the environment.

-Our highest achievement of honor is gained from accomplishing our environmental purpose.

- We shall preserve our honor, knowing the cost will be great.

- We will reduce our population to a level that the land, within five miles of every population grouping, will sustainably provide 90% of that group’s consumable goods.

- Our Confederation shall zealously pursue all possible means of enforcing inter-district and international treaties without violating the sovereignty of a Member Nation.

- We shall gain the wisdom and good will necessary to inspire all citizens and Member Nations to obey our treaties. We will maintain our faith in our ability to improve our Confederation even if our honor forces us to direct our Confederation to violate a criminal Member Nation’s sovereignty.

- Our environmental purposes are best achieved by preserving the right of sovereign nationhood of all districts (smallest district =25sq. mi.).

- All Member Nations shall independently and democratically determine the degree to which they wish to restrict ingress and egress across their sovereign borders. For all Member Nations who share a border with foreign or international territory the Confederation shall assist by upholding a level of restriction as high or higher than that of that Member Nation.

- Our Confederation shall provide all military force necessary to defend our regional borders from any attack or invasion.

- Our Confederation shall be permitted to collect from each Member Nation a sum equivalent to 5% of the cost of that particular Member Nation’s yearly expenditure for their own home government. The Confederation tax collected from a district shall be mainly applied toward the support of the Confederation soldiers assigned to that district. The Confederation shall conscientiously strive to equally reduce the cost to Member Nations as far below the allowed 5% as possible.

- Five of our region’s most wealthy districts shall have their taxes applied toward a government operations center large enough to accommodate all four ministers and their staff. The facility shall include the Confederation Army’s farm, school and barracks large enough to house one fifth of the Confederation army. All unused portions of a Government Operations Center {GOC} shall be available for that district’s citizen’s use at no charge. Most Homeland centers shall have one of their districts volunteer to host a GOC’s of smaller size [districts will want to provide a facility adequate to serve a Minister elected from their Homeland].

- We shall not seek to expand the collective territorial borders of our region beyond the present 45,000-sq. mi. geographical placement.

- We shall establish a geographical model, tightly enforced by our Confederation that will irrevocably prevent habitation beyond our constitutionally enacted maximum limits.

Constitutional Limitations on Population and Land Use [see maps on pg._____] 1.) 90,000 person maximum limit per 3600 sq. mi. Homeland area.

2.) 75,000 person maximum limit per 615 sq. mi. Homeland urban/suburban center. 3.)15,000 person maximum limit per 3000 sq. mi. surrounding the Homeland’s Frontier. districts.

4.)40-mi. minimum distance of Frontier (5 persons per sq. mi. avg.) district land required between.

Homeland centers.

5.]Frontier district land use severely restricted to preserve the land in near pristine climax habitat. - Condition.

6.]Homeland center districts (minimum size is 24.6 sq. mi.). 122 persons per sq. mile maximum density.

-All districts are subject to Confederation’s environmental requirements concerning land use.

-Population levels are a goal achieved by each district fulfilling its yearly population reduction levels required by the Minister of Environment.

- We shall maintain an accurate census of all persons residing within our borders.

- Our Confederation will require all Member Nations to maintain an electronic voting system (Internet) accessible to all their citizens 24 hrs. per day. A majority vote of all Confederation citizens during any 15-day period shall direct our government to take any action voters wish.

- Our Confederation shall not levy any tax on any citizen.

- Our Confederation shall not enrich itself in money beyond the sum of year’s operating cost over a current year’s budget.

TAX. Our Confederation shall encourage, but not require, our Member Nations to apply the following method of local district taxation upon which the Confederation tax is based. Each Member Nation that has an independent currency system may conduct a yearly local popular vote to determine the percentage of inflation of their national currency that they will direct their national treasury to inflict on their currency by the printing of all the money to pay for all their local government costs. Factored into the original inflation figure shall be the 5% that will be printed to pay the Confederation yearly tax. In this way no individual is directly taxed either by the Confederation or by their local government.

- We empower our Confederation to encroach on our Member Nation’s sovereignty to perform the five following governing functions.

1] Environmental protection.

2] Border protection (district and foreign borders).

3] Assure free and fair elections.

4] Weapons control (universal limitations applicable to all persons including Confederation soldiers as well as Member Nation citizens).

5] Secession rights (the right of any district to secede from any Member Nation under whose authority they may find themselves).

- Our Confederation shall have four elective offices that will be chosen by our region’s entire electorate (our Constitution may be amended to include more popularly elected offices henceforth).

1] Minister of Environment.

2] Minister of the Army.

3] Minister of Communication.

4] Minister of Sovereignty.

- All of our districts shall choose one Representative to serve in the Confederation’s legislature by the popular vote of that district’s citizens.

- Our Confederation shall prohibit Member Nations from inflicting unauthorized acts of war upon a foreign nation and assure non-aggression between our Member Nations.

- Our design for government shall inspire the greatest passion for citizenship (passionate participation in government) than has ever been witnessed in the history of man. Mankind has not yet experienced the sense of freedom and personal empowerment made manifest within their souls as the blessings bestowed by truly secure sovereign local (25 to 3600sq.mile ) democracy. The product of the sovereign democratic rule of the local majority shall be an exalted human happiness that inspires an irrepressible desire to vigilantly defend the right of all our neighboring nations to retain their sovereignty. Our citizens will recognize those who possess an overwhelmingly singular will to defend local sovereignty. These vigilant local sovereignty defenders are those who we will elect to serve in our Confederation government. Therefore, for the first time in human history, local citizens shall possess trust and respect of the wisdom and good will of those with power outside their locality. We are confident we can choose Confederation ministers who will make us proud that each of our Nations is a member.

We the people recognize that in order to accomplish our supreme goal of defending the rights of the majority (posterity) by protecting the environment we must relinquish a degree of our local sovereignty. Our Confederation officers must maintain intense thoughtfulness and unparalleled good will to preserve the highest degree of local sovereignty while defending the rich health of the environment. Should we choose our Confederation leaders unwisely, and occasionally we shall, our power to immediate popular recall and replacement assures the eventual success of our quest for leaders ruled by the better angels of their nature. We are confident that the best wisdom and good will reside in the hearts of the majority of us and it is in ourselves that we have vested the greatest power. We shall use that power to bring forth love and goodness now and forever across our beloved land.


Article 1

Article 2

Article 3,4

Article 5,6

