Article 1 |
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1.) The legislature shall be composed of members chosen every second year by a plurality of the popular vote among all citizens living within the respective district that they shall represent.
2.) Qualifications for becoming a district Representative of the Confederation legislature shall be determined exclusively by the democratic will of the citizens of the individual district.
3.) Each district shall independently determine both the amount of and the means by which a Representative’s remuneration shall be paid. Representatives will not be paid by the Confederation. The district must provide the Congressmen’s electronic communication (internet) needs.
4.) Each district shall have one Congressmen.
5.) The Confederation’s legislature shall be referred to as Congress and it’s members as Congressmen.
6.) Meetings shall be held for five hours per day, four days per week until congress shall agree upon rules of order, length and frequency of meetings, obtaining a quorum, length of a session, rules for impeachment or censorship of a member, choosing a speaker and other officers and all other rules necessary to facilitate effective Congressional business.
7] The Minister of Environment shall determine the allotment of the number of votes that each Congressman is entitled to use in congressional meetings. Their recourse shall be the recall the minister if they collectively reject their voting allotment.
8] Congressmen shall have no power to direct the army to perform any sanction on any citizen [excluding ministers] or district.
9.) Congress and the Minister of Communication shall establish a means by which all Congressmen may attend meetings by electronic communication (Internet).
10.) Congress shall reserve the right to conduct a recall vote of any Confederation Minister. The process of recall shall take the following form
A] An 80% majority of congressional votes may demand a Minister’s recall.
B] The speaker of the Congress notifies the Minister of Communication that a recall has been declared.
C] The Minister of Communication makes a region wide electronic announcement of a popular election of the minister in question.
D] In 30 days the new popular election, involving a 15-day period of voting, is conducted and the standing minister is again eligible. The winner may be determined by receiving a plurality of the votes cast.
E] If the standing minister is reelected his term of 4 years shall begin on that date and he is immune to recall by the Congress for 2 years. A majority of citizens may force his removal from office at any time through the normal ongoing open voting process. This majority however must consist of a majority vote of all voting age citizens.
F) If a standing minister loses in a recall election he may not be a candidate again for 4 years.
11.) Congress shall maintain an open record of all meetings, decisions and gifts received. The Minister of Communication shall conduct an ongoing investigation and open report on all gifts, especially hidden or disguised gifts, given to Congressmen.
12.) Congress shall encourage a yearly region wide popular vote to establish the degree of lethality standard for all domestic weapons. This standard shall restricts the degree of lethality of all weapons usable by anyone (including all police and military of Confederation and Member Nations).
13.) Congress shall maintain our armory of weapons of war that will be unavailable for any use other than foreign war. An accounting for all war weapons with the purpose of preventing their use by Confederation and Member Nation police will be maintained consistently by Congress.
14.) Congress shall vigorously endeavor to aid our Minister of Sovereignty in the making of arms reduction treaties with all foreign nations. The object of these treaties is to reduce the lethality of the entire world’s weaponry down to an individual personal protection level.
15.) Congress shall publish a letter of intent twice yearly stating whether or not they intend to recall the Minister of Environment as a result of their dissatisfaction with the minister’s reapportionment of individual Congressmen’s voting strength in Congress. The vote in Congress taken to accept or reject this report shall be one per Congressman.
16.) Congress may recommend the addition or strengthening (never the weakening) of standards. Congress may recommends amendments to us for our two thirds voting approval.
17.) The most important function Congress shall perform is to establish a consensus on ballot measures to submit to all citizens. Congress shall compile and approve an approximately 50 item, easily understood ballot listing actions they wish to have us order the Confederation to take. The Minister of Communication shall submit (on internet) this official congressional ballot to the voters for majority approval. The Minister of Communication shall submit his own official ballot as well. The Minister of Communication must post (internet) and count every ballot measure we citizens personally submit. Hopefully, Congress and the Minister of Communication will intelligently distill issues into a form that will garner the greatest consensus behind the wisest choices and we voters will pass those measures.
18) When a majority vote of the people (MVP) is established the Confederation is commanded to act on it. Since the ministers control and direct all government action they have 3 days to demonstrate obedience to our MVP command. Disobedience to our order by the Ministers may earn our wrath. Unwritten social tradition will determine the level of Ministerial disobedience that necessitates our (we the PEOPLE) armed revolution. When our Ministers disobey us our Congressmen are Constitutionally obligated to join our revolt. The minister’s disobedience to us shall constitutionally necessitate our army defecting from the minister’s control and then promptly joining us.
19) Congress shall establish a plan whereby at times of intense potential for a region-wide civil war a trusted, allied foreign nation will send troops to keep our weapons (those are stored for use in foreign war) out of the hands of either of our adversarial sides.
20) Congress shall determine the order of the personnel within a ministry who shall succeed a minister should he be unable to complete his term. The person who succeeds shall not hold a ministerial office longer than 3 months at which time a new election shall be held.
21) The ministers may submit the recommendations of 30 exceptional people for immigration into the region per year all of whom must receive a 90% approval from Congress.
22) Congress shall announce to the public their monthly appraisal of the ministers’ effectiveness preventing illegal immigration and may recommend a minister’s removal by popular vote for that cause.
23) Congress may assist the Minister of Communication to determine what method of identification is both the least invasive or offensive to citizens and allows the army the most effective means of distinguishing us from of illegal aliens.
24) Congress shall ardently defend the right of any citizen to take any action against any illegal alien within our region. Ministers, who take any action (other than the honoring that citizen) against a citizen who has punished an illegal alien, act in violation of this Constitutional edict and commit a treasonable offence.
25) Congress shall assist the Minister of Communication in his effort to prohibit any type of electoral college system for the election to any office including district elections. All elections of candidates shall be determined by a plurality of the vote.
26) Congress shall be the court of last resort to resolve conflicts between ministers. Such conflicts may include; their perception of overlapping authority, power or responsibility; unfair portion of army personnel; potential treasonable behavior etc.
27) Congress shall have the power to try ministers for treason if; called for by popular vote or; 2 out of 3 of the other ministers agree that a fourth Minister must be tried and; 75% of Congress agrees to a trial. 75% of Congress must agree on conviction and sentencing as well. During the trial of a Minister our popular vote may override all proceedings and dictate the decision. Congress shall establish a means by which acquitted ministers shall achieve satisfaction against their accusers.
28) Congress shall establish an equitable means by which Confederation troops that may be granted safe passage across districts for authorized purposes.
29) Congress shall establish a just and equitable agreement with all districts regulating the imposition of conscription {likely during foreign war}. The Minister of Sovereignty shall have authority to impose sanctions on districts that violate this agreement.
30) Congress shall establish a just and equitable extradition agreement with all districts regarding Confederation soldiers that are arrested and held by district authorities for the commission of district crime. The agreement shall establish a protocol determining the conditions under which either the Minister of the Army or the district should try the soldier.
31) Congress shall establish the maximum limit on the percentage of our population that can comprise that portion being Confederation personnel (soldiers, employees or elected officers). The size of our Confederation army shall number no less than twice the count of the population of our most populace district.
Article 1 |
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