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Article 1

Article 2

Article 3,4

Article 5,6







1] The Minister of Communication shall monitor [bookkeeping] the banking systems of each separate district to assure that the Confederation tax account meets the amount required of them. That amount shall be equivalent to 5% of the yearly amount the district spends on their home government.

2] The Minister of Environment shall authorize all withdrawals from each separate account.

(Since each district may have a separate currency most withdrawals shall be to pay the salary and expenses of soldiers stationed in the district to perform his specific duties).

3] The Minister of Environment shall make withdrawals of district tax accounts and pay according to the following descending order of priority TX (Tax Priority).

The beginning Confederation government allocations of tax account money by category and percentage shall be:

TX-- #1 50%---- Army Salaries, transportation, housing, cell phones, food.

TX-- #2 20%--- Communication system. Internet. TV & radio Transmitters. Phone system. Voting equipment.

*{Special}-----14%--- Five main GOCs with schools, farms, facilities to accommodate ministry headquarters.

TX-- #3 10%--- Environmental assistance equipment, surgical gear, testing gear (soil, water), heavy equipment, fences, food, transport.

TX-- #4 5%--- Army’s weapons. For Foreign wars. Domestic weapons.

*{Special}------1%--- Minister’s salaries.

*Special Priority for GOC and Ministerial host districts to assign all their tax account to these locally hosted Confederation expenditures.

4] The Separate currencies of districts shall cause the Minister of Environment to negotiate a extremely complex combination of trades in order to provide the commonly accepted value necessary to purchase all the goods and services required by our Confederation government.

5] Budget. The Minister of Environment shall obey generally the dictates of the Constitution regarding the budget percentages and priorities but the variety of goods and services needed are likely to become much broader than stated in the graph above. As the variety of needs expand the minister may need to change the original percentages. The popular vote shall always be available to direct the budget. The Minister of Communication and/or Congress shall construct a 20 budget item ballot for voters to designate portions equaling 100% and if 80% of the voters submit a valid ballot within any 15 days the numbers are averaged and that becomes the Confederation budget for that year. No new vote on the budget will be allowed for one year after a citizen-determined budget is adopted.

6] Tax Enforcement. The Minister of Sovereignty shall enforce the Confederation’s tax requirements of our districts. The equivalent of 5% of their expenditure on their local government is the Confederation’s tax requirement of districts and the Minister of Sovereignty shall take the following actions to encourage our districts’ full compliance with the Confederation’s biannual tax requirements.

District fails to pay 25% of its tax--------------------------------------- S-1(5)

District fails to pay 50% of its tax--------------------------------------- S-1(10)

District " " " 75% " "------- S-1(10) and Soldiers native to district have their pay garnished until tax dept is recovered.

District fails to pay 100% of its tax ----- NEGOTIATION. [n]

[n] #1- The district is in perfect compliance with all Confederation standards:

a] Confederation soldiers native to their district take half pay.

B] Confederation soldiers stationed in their district receive adequate livelihood from the district


C] The district renders goods or services equal to tax to Confederation {counting votes, validating census, and tendering agricultural produce, manufactured goods}.

[n] #2-The district is in poor compliance with Confederation standards:

The Minister of Sovereignty increases the severity of all his own and other minister’s sanctions by 10% per month until tax requirement is met. If the district continues nonpayment long enough a S-3(10) shall authorize redistribution and ceding of the district’s territory and population to the neighboring districts .



1) Troop Allotment. Troop allotment to the separate ministries may vary particularly if severe regional strife should occur. The Minister of Sovereignty shall determine these reassignments of troops. The Minister of Sovereignty betrays the environmental spirit of our Constitution if he reassigns needed troops away from the Minister of Environment for any purpose other than to avert region wide catastrophe. The Minister of Communication shall, as with the budget, in conjunction with Congress develop a ballot that designates our choice of percentage of troop allotment for each ministry. When, in any 15-day period, 80% of us shall submit (internet) valid (our portioning of troops equal 100%) ballots, the totals are then mathematically averaged and our will becomes a Confederation directive. The following are our Constitutional troop allotments and their most common duty:

A] Ministry of Environment--- 45% of troops. === Environmental inspection.

B] Ministry of Sovereignty---- 25% of troops. === Domestic and foreign border defense.

C] Ministry of Communication-25% of troops === Voting. Census. Internet. Media. Banking.

D] Ministry of the Army ------- 3% of troops === Army general administration & training of all troops.

E] Congress ---------------------- 2% of troops === Personal security of Congressmen.

2) Army recruitment. The Minister of Environment shall authorize the Minister of the Army to recruit citizens to become Confederation officers and soldiers when the need arises and budget allows. Wealthy districts or citizens shall be gently encouraged {NEVER FORCED} to finance their own citizens who volunteer for service. The Minister of Environment’s regulation of the budget shall regulate the general size of the army.

3] Troop distribution. The Minister of Army shall endeavor to recruit from as broad a spectrum of districts as possible. An attitude of objectivity is best maintained by a soldier who defends, inspects and works within districts from which he shall not hail. All soldiers who are not personally sought by one of the Ministries shall be assigned to one by the Minister of the Army.

4] Rejection. The Minister of the Army shall test and judge the suitability of all recruits. Districts that send their brightest and best shall in return receive soldiers of matching high caliber to serve in their district. Districts that send recruits of little talent will in return receive the most disagreeable soldiers to serve in their district. The district must replace rejected recruits.

5] District refusal. It shall be at the discretion of the Minister of Sovereignty to impose sanctions on districts that do not send recruits for service in the Confederation army. No greater sanction than S-2(2) may be imposed for this purpose and no sanctions at all if volunteers from other districts are plentiful.


Article 1

Article 2

Article 3,4

Article 5,6

