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This campaign needs your best effort right now, partner.
Our Constitution surpasses all others. Our Constitution is the most powerful tool mankind can wield to achieve his most noble heroic purpose on earth……serving posterity. Regardless of how long it takes it is everyone’s responsibility to hasten the adoption of our Constitution. Declare an oath to yourself and posterity dedicating your best effort to this purpose.
It is your author’s wish that every individual acre of this earth’s ecosystem become subject to less damage. All areas that presently are parks or park-like should be protected from further damage. The rights of districts are secondary to the need for ecological preservation.
Please, dear readers, appreciate the enormity of the freedom our Constitution affords all of us by placing vast power in the hands of each district’s majority. This sacred empowerment shall free all of us of the terrible burden of guilt that we all bear (a guilt often borne deep in our biology) for inflicting so much horrible pain on posterity. All humanity burns with fierce instinctual desire to regain this freedom. The world under our Constitution is a free world not a dominated one.
Adoption of our Constitution may come by violent revolution of the majority over the minority or by peaceful region by region secession into our regional majority’s well-prepared ultimately humane hands. Citizens of every region of the world will democratically choose our Constitution and prepare their rightful secessions.
Our preparations must be complete in order to minimize harm and prevent disastrous failures. It shall take years of voting entirely outside our official government system to have a fully developed GIW [Government in Waiting] that will instantly assume competent peaceful control from our oppressive, corporate-controlled PG [Present government]. We must all work quickly to develop many interconnected EIVS [Extragovernmental Internet Voting Systems] in order to both create our GIW and determine when we have a legitimate regional majority vote for secession from our PG. We shall not waist our time reforming our PG. The fifth class Constitutions of our PGs are designed to thwart all attempts by righteous majorities to rest power from the despotic minority factions that have ruled over most of the globe for the last 200+ years. Regardless of what horror our evil PGs inflict on us we will never cease until regional secession and majority rule under our Constitution is achieved. Our new nations and Confederations of nations will not offer the slightest aggression against any other that does not violate our borders. Under our Constitution no nation shall be permitted to conduct hostile expansions of its borders into another nation’s territory. It shall be the responsibility of each liberated region to assist other regions in their efforts to obtain a majority vote to secede and adopt our Constitution.
The moral grandeur of our movement shall inspire the support of all people of goodwill. Conversely, it will inspire violent convulsions of vitriolic sadism against us by the perverse, malignant, corporate reprobates that control of our lives and governments everywhere. We must prepare for the treachery of our PGs when secessions draw near. They have no compunctions about crushing any democratically determined majority that threatens their position of power. As our movement grows we shall see the faces and witness the sadistic evil of the powerbrokers who have the real control over the figureheads that run our PG. It is, therefore, my recommendation that in order to insure the most peaceful transition from the PG’s minority rule to our majority rule under our Constitution we must guarantee that the first act of war we will prosecute against our corporate enemies after they violate us with an unprovoked attack, shall be the torture and maiming of them and their families. They will understand fear. These blustering cowards will not respect the legitimacy of our regional sovereignty, our honorable notions of humane mutual benefit or the justice inherent in majority rule. In order for this threat to be credible a large percentage of us must be prepared to perform these gruesome deeds of personal torture. We happily invite the same threats of torture inflicted on our leaders by foreign agents in order to prevent us from attacking or invading them. We stand supremely self-assured that our region’s majority shall never permit an attack on any nation that does not attack* us first. *(Read entire border control section to clarify definition of "attack"). The global, corporate, profit-hungry minority is the most serious threat to posterity and the security of all nations. Exclusive possession or control of enormous wealth has produced vastly more environmental harm than good. The world under our Constitution guarantees freedom from the destruction wrought by world markets for goods. There has never been a product produced in one place in the world requiring global distribution for universal availability that improves the quality of life of the majority (posterity). No biological or mineral product exclusive to one place on the globe nor product of a manufacturing process performed only in one place has ever produced any world benefit that is not outweighed by the environmental destruction caused by its world distribution. (Extremely rare, small-scale exceptions may be made for some rare medicines, transistors, etc.). A glorious day will dawn when an enlightened world will restrict all but .0001% of the weight of all goods traded from world distribution. Until then the mutually assured torture and death of the leadership of corporate attackers (or sponsors of attackers) of nations shall remain a humane, just and equitable means of maintaining world peace.
Our movement must have a "medium" distribution of leadership. Too few leaders and we run the risk of our enemies corrupting, bribing, co-opting, jailing or just killing all our leaders. Too many leaders and we risk disorganization, disputes and lack of credibility. The better able our leaders are to convey our majority will to our enemies the better chance we stand of conducting a bloodless revolution when the time comes.
The first of the world’s regions to secede must remain ever vigilant against attack, for corporate thieves stand ever ready to remorselessly rape any land for its resources. We all can do our part to prevent our evil PGs or corporations from attacking the first seceding region. If they attack the first seceding region all this worlds supporters of our morally superior Constitution must run to their aid as soldiers and patriots.
Some reform movements within our PG may facilitate the smoothest transition. I recommend a worldwide reduction in the lethality of weapons available to any police at any level. Also an absolute prohibition against military weapons in the hands of police. Majority backed governments have the right to defend themselves from a hostile minority by deputizing their citizens. Minority backed governments are illegitimate to begin with and have no right to rule by force of superior arms. The goals of our Constitution express the will of the majority right now, today, ever before now and forever after. The goodwill clearly expressed in our constitution is the inherent goodwill that is the biggest part of the humanity of all of us. The evil will expressed by the majority of us presently is an expression of the smallest part of ourselves. Therefore we who speak out on behalf of our Constitution represent "The Majority" and have the majorities right to free speech. We must evoke this sacred right of the majority in order to defend those heroic figures who speak out (hopefully all of us) urging adoption of our Constitution, from government harassment or jail. We must endure any number of the perverse machinations of our PG’s court system in order to achieve our purpose. So long as we don’t propose to commit a specific crime at a specific place my understanding is that our speech is protected….unless we anger "them" ,the powerful. This is why we all need to anger them collectively and with the singularity of our noble purpose.
Read our Constitution. Become inspired! Few of will imagine a more noble purpose than ours at this time in history. The desire for honor and democratic rule is instinctual in all of us.
Once you credit yourself to be an adequate spokesman for the cause start e-mailing everyone and spreading the word. Once the momentum of our movement begins to build, your neighbors will begin to feel new hope and a spirit of optimistic goodwill. Go door to door promoting collective neighborhood communication through a specially dedicated internet chat room.
Now its time for you and your neighbors to collectively buy a hosted website.
Once this local communication becomes useful and popular it is time for your closest 3000 neighbors to begin an official "leased internet web server account" to serve as your EIVS. Your EIVS could cost your 3000 neighbors as little as 10 cents per month plus the cost of one technically inclined elected neighbor to "run" the website. This kind of site will provide a high degree of privacy for your voting and debating needs.
All manner of current local issues might be resolved without involving your PG. The main function of your EIVS must be the establishment of your district and regional GIW. Much needs to be agreed upon before a region is adequately prepared to secede from our PG. Our Constitution is long and along with the great freedoms it offers comes some weighty responsibilities required of all of us. Looming large among these is district self-sufficiency, district and regional boundaries, population reduction, border security, power, water, sewer, waist disposal, banking, land rights and the sovereign civil government of districts to name a few. Unless we have a fully organized civilization prepared to assume control the instant we secede, our glorious new society could quickly suffer civil war. This in turn would invite foreign attack and we can then kiss our freedom goodbye. It is, therefore, critical that we endure the years of careful, conscientious construction of our GIW by daily use of our EIVS to secure our everlasting freedom.
Our PG could crumble at any moment and the majority of citizens could call upon our movement to assume control as their last, best hope. We must, therefore, build a consensus among us now on the practical operation of our GIW even though we are not yet a publicly supported majority.
Our attentiveness to the debates and election of GIW Candidates must be carefully given. Subject by subject we shall learn who has the best temperament, knowledge and will to suit the separate GIW offices of our individual regions and districts. Those leaders that can bring an entire region to consensus on the just application of our Constitution are rare and we will be a long time in finding them. One of the poignant balancing acts our leaders must perform shall be the honorable protection of the environment while still protecting an adequate degree of district sovereignty.
We may want to retain many of our separate hosted web server sights to protect against our PG destroying our EIVS. At ten cents per month per voter each Homeland (county size approx.) of, say 3,000,000 voters could potentially carry as many as 1000 hosted sights any one of which could take over EIVS duties at any time. Hopefully this strategy would foil any malicious plans our foul PG might have in store for our EIVS.
The last year before a region votes to secede should have intense 90% voter participation daily on scores of issues and candidates. The GIW Minister of Communication will be working furiously to produce vote averages to create consensus out what will most assuredly be widely disparate solutions to most all issues.
Please condemn all those who proclaim that their independent personal example (recycling, vegetarianism, driving less etc.) is "all that they can do" by informing them that they’re not only wrong but disingenuous and cowardly. Inform them of the true means of making an adequate contribution to real world betterment is made by supporting this movement. We are all responsible for far more than what little we can effect on our own. It is our indisputable responsibility to band together--to act collectively--to overpower the minority that holds us captive. Collective action will force honorable change.
Your author will be available for comment to assist all those with sincere questions.
Spread the word. Disseminate the this website address. Develop your neighborhood website.
Develop your neighborhood EIVS.
Create your own accurate census in your neighborhood, district and region.
Progress to developing district EIVS-
Then your regional EIVS.
Refine your GIW both district and regional.
Make your GIW completely prepared to intelligently and courageously implement our Constitution and then…….
Bill Kahn April, 00 Better Constitution.
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