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Article 1

Article 2

Article 3,4

Article 5,6







1) The four ministerial offices are:

Minister of Environment

Minister of Sovereignty

Minister of the Army

Minister of Communication.

All executive power shall be vested jointly in the four Ministers of the Regional Confederation of Member Nations of {YOUR REGION’S NAME). They shall hold their term of four years and be elected as follows:

1) Electronic voting shall be conducted region-wide over a period of 2 weeks open to all citizens over 18 years old. The Minister of Communication shall conduct the vote count open to public observation (internet) and declare the candidate with the plurality of the vote as the winner. All ministerial candidates shall be required to write a manifesto declaring their specific intent of the actions he intends to take in government. We may choose to mark our ballot (internet) permitting him (if elected) to act according to his Constitutional changes or choose him but have him bound to our Constitution as it is written.

2) Qualifications. We have full faith and confidence in our ability to use our wisdom and good will when choosing a leader of our Confederation and therefore all citizens are qualified to become a ministerial candidate.

3) Salary. The Minister of Environment shall assign one wealthy district from five Homeland Centers to host a government operations center GOC to be used by a Minister(s) who may require it. The Confederation shall use the district’s Confederation tax for both the buildings and the expenses of the Minister(s) and his staff whenever they shall be in residence. If their district chooses and has the resources any district may volunteer a facility to host ministerial operations. The host facility must provide all the minister’s electronic communication and record keeping needs. The Minister’s salary shall be eight times the amount of the average income paid in the host district. Congress shall establish an appropriate staff size for each ministerial position. Each Minister shall choose any 30 citizens to be his officers and must choose from Confederation army personnel for all other functions. All army personnel assigned throughout our region shall be under the command of one of the ministers. Ministers shall receive a pension amounting to four times the lowest paid Confederation soldier.

4) Graft. Ministers shall not accept any gift or pay other than their salary.

5) Oath. Ministers must swear an oath to the Constitution the voters have bound them to (theirs or this one). He shall take the following oath:

"I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of Minister of __________ for our Confederation and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the _________ region".

6) Foreign War. We entrust our national security to our Minister of Sovereignty. Our Minister of Sovereignty shall bear singular responsibility for committing our Confederated regional government to foreign war. From the moment the Minister commits our Confederation to foreign war the Minister of Communication shall conduct a four-day regional vote to allow us to countermand the order (by majority not plurality) and possibly censure of the Minister of Sovereignty. Our popular vote may choose to commit our Confederation to war at any time. The Minister of the Army shall have full military authority to conduct a foreign war during which he shall be the commander and chief of all troops.

7] Staff and Facility. The space in preexisting facilities, [GOCs], shall, in the unlikely event that all ministers should require the same facility, be allocated as follows: the Minister of Environment 50%; the Minister of Sovereignty 10%; the Minister of Communication 30%; the Minister of the Army 10%. The district that hosts the Minister shall be responsible for paying for the local operations of the Ministry including the salary, board and housing of the staff, building upkeep, communication needs etc. The minimum quantity of immediate local staff that each Minister shall be allowed to commission is: 30 for the Minister of Environment; 30 for the Minister of Sovereignty; 40 for the Minister of Communication; 20 for the Minister of the Army.

8) Press Conferences. All ministers are required to attend at least three 2-hour televised press conferences per year.

9) Proportional Voice in Government. All ministers shall be required to appear in a televised debate quarterly with his 10 highest vote-gaining opponents in his election. The Ministry of Communication shall conduct the debates. The debates shall be two two-hour segments with an hour and a half break between. The first segment shall be the opportunity of the tenth to the second runner up to debate the Minister for 10-minutes each. These opponents shall predetermine the exact amount of their 10-minutes they will allocate to the Minister to answer their questions. The opponents may opt to give a 10-minute speech if they so desire. Opponents have the option to give the Minister their intended questions beforehand if they choose. Opponents who decline the appearance surrender their time to the remaining opponents equally. Opponents shall have the option to use a cut-off button to curtail the Minister’s answers if they please. The moderator shall instruct the Minister to stop talking and listen when the opponent employs his cut-off button. The second 2hr segment shall be a debate with the first runner-up opponent employing the same rules as the first segment. This will inspire all of us to vote in Confederation elections because of our certainty that win or lose someone representing our opinions will force his strong voice to be heard.

These debates are mandatory and should a Minister decline he shall be subject the disciplinary measures established by Congress. The Ministry of the Army shall impose this discipline.



We boldly place in the hands of our Minister of Environment guardianship of our honor. We may not point to ourselves, our culture, our nations or anything we accomplish with anything but abject shame if we bequeath to posterity an impoverished environment. We are confident that each passing year will bring our land to a more sustainable and bountiful condition. Our minister’s stalwart defense of our environmental standards against violation by the few frees the majority of us to joyously exalt in the honorability of our culture. We are confident that humanity is inherently determined to prove itself to be worthy environmental stewards. We may judge each other according to a vast spectrum of human qualities but irrefutable condemnation befalls us when posterity must suffer unendingly from our degradation of the land. Earth shall again be blessed to have humanity as its loving good stewards.

We of ________ Region walk as a living blessing upon our land. We reject the assertion of the weaklings and cowards who perceive humanity and therefore themselves as an infestation whose purpose it is to despoil the earth in an orgy of consumption long before its orbit deteriorates (5 billion years from now). Our Minister of Environment shall champion our cause of good stewardship.

1] Manifesto. The Minister must publish a lengthy compendium detailing all sanctions he intends to impose on all districts he judges to be in violation environmental standards.

Also demonstrated and outlined in his manifesto shall be the following:

- The grace period and specific performance required of the district to enable them to avoid the imposition of sanctions.

-A through knowledge of the region’s agricultural, industrial and environmental history. - -Demonstration of the Minister’s knowledge of plant and animal biology, soil toxicology, pathology, ecology and the scientific knowledge necessary to protect environmental quality.

- His allocation of votes to Congressmen and his rational for this dispensation (details this section).

-His prospective allocation of his troops to districts.

2] Corruption. The Minister shall inspire a fanatical eagerness and rapturous feeling of privilege to be directing an irrefutably "better" outcome for the land. The Minister’s soldiers must be made to feel overwhelmingly motivated to demonstrate their goodwill and are thus implacably resistant to corruption. The Minister of the Army and he shall determine sentencing of a soldier convicted of treason.

3] Entertainment. The soldiers doing environmental inspection duty will be directed to organize entertainment festivals or small shows as a means to promote mutual goodwill between our Confederation and our district’s citizens. These may include circuses; sports, theater, concerts, competitive games or any uplifting shared activity to bring soldiers and citizens together.

4] Aircraft. The Minister may use small drone aircraft equipped with video cameras for inspection flights over districts. These must be at midday and no more than 20 minutes per day over a district.

5] Troop allotment. To demonstrate our priority of environmental preservation we allot 45% of all Confederation army troops to our Minister of Environment. Congress shall establish a protocol for troop reassignment to the Minister of Sovereignty if border hostilities arise between Member Nations.

6] Medical skills. The Minister shall strive to train as many soldiers as possible to provide medical services to citizens such as vasectomy, tube legation, inoculation, infectious disease diagnosis and prevention and the ability to teach as much medicine as possible to citizens in remote locations.

7] District authorities. The Minister must avail district authorities of an enforcement program they can institute in order to avoid the imposition of Confederation sanctions. The Minister must judge what he knows ought to be done within a district to meet standards and balance that with what he believes can be done by them. Its always better to have environmental standards met by the sovereign will of the district without any "encouragement" from the Confederation. The Minister shall have the full discretion to dispense justice with any amount of leniency or severity he judges necessary to best achieve our honorable purpose. Our Minister shall be governed only by our popular vote, the length of his term and most profoundly by his conscious.

8] Affirmative help for districts. Other than medical assistance the minister’s soldiers can, when convenient to them, aid districts by demonstrating differing methods by which they can accomplish compliance to Confederation standards.

Some demonstrations may include:

- f- Labeling foods with higher nutrition content that are grown organically.

9] Voting reapportionment. The Minister of Environment shall enforce Constitutional allocations of the number of votes to which each Congressman is entitled to use in congressional meetings. There shall be a standard allotted number of votes assigned to each Congressman based on district type and size as follows:

Congressmen of the Smallest 50% of Homeland center districts vote allotment—100 votes.

"" " " Largest 50% " " " " " --- 200votes.

" " Smallest 50% of Frontier districts " " " --- 300 votes.

" " Largest 50% " " " " --- 400votes.

Our purpose for assigning more power to Frontier districts is to promote environmental preservation. Per capita citizens of Frontier districts are most likely to have the most reverential regard for their land and environment Frontier citizens will produce a culture that stands as a bulwark against the insidious, rapacious growth of cities. From this culture we expect to see our Congress receive the most wise and responsible Congressmen. The larger the Frontier district the more heroic will be their resolve to resist the multifarious bribes and temptations offered to them in trade for their land and resources hence the more heroically judicious we expect their Congressmen to be. We believe that our Frontier citizens shall have their livelihood more susceptible to the occasional hardships of natural events (bad weather, pests etc.). Frontier citizens, whose wisdom and adaptability are molded by overcoming profound events, are most likely to produce Congressmen most deserving of the most power. We are cognizant of the challenges that face Homeland center districts as well. With more citizens per square mile the ability to protect their most delicate ecosystems becomes more difficult. Our Frontier Congressmen shall receive more voting power for the fore mentioned reasons and to allow a balance of power between rural and more urban districts (more Homeland center districts than Frontier districts). We are confident that we will receive wise Congressmen from all our districts and that the nobility of our region’s culture will be constantly ascending as we become ever more successful at defending posterity against environmental harm.

Our Minister will outline in his manifesto the beginning number of votes he intends to subtract from each Congressmen based on their district’s violations of environmental standards.

10] Ambassadors. The Minister shall receive foreign ambassadors to promote and accept environmental treaties.

11] Addressing Congress. The Minister shall have the power to convene (internet) Congress to issue an address on the State Of The Environment in which he shall call for our cooperation in accomplishing our environmental goals.

12] Volunteers. The Minister shall promote the use of volunteers of all capabilities.



Our Minister of Sovereignty shall have as his primary responsibility the enforcement of the Confederation standards regulating Border Control, Weapons Control and Sovereignty application (secession).

The Minister shall have sole authority (other than by majority popular vote) to commit us to war against foreign nations. Should a Member Nation in a dispute with a neighboring nation (including foreign nations with whom we are not at war) commit acts of severe enough (the Minister shall determine what degree of "severity" shall require what degree of response) aggression, the Minister may declare the aggressor to be an outlaw nation and impose S-3(10) war of subjugation upon them.

Our Minister must maintain a stalwart defense of the right of districts to conduct their governments with sovereign self-determination and with equal vigilance protect each district from harm by any other. The Minister shall issue orders that resolve each unresolved dispute between districts. Solutions employed by the minister that achieve an equitable and just result will differ in every instance. The ability to arrive at a just resolution of the ever-conflicting conundrum of district security verses district self-determination resides in the creativity, intelligence, goodwill and courage possessed by both our leaders and us.

Justice is not found in a law book. We, therefore, entrust our ministers with a broad latitude of power to use their own discretion to protect the environment and resolve bitter conflict between our Member Nations using any degree of force that they judge as necessary. As with all directives of our Constitution the highest justice we owe is to posterity. The necessity of our Confederation enforcing environmental protection may compromise the self-determination but hopefully not the security of districts. Our Minister of Sovereignty must have a profound understanding of the reality of our districts’ need for sovereignty and freedom from big government intrusion will often outweigh one district’s need for vengeance against another transgressing district.

The Minister must illustrate the intricacies of all solutions he intends to employ to all conflicts between districts in his manifesto. His manifesto shall express the details of his intended resolutions to all violations of sovereignty and weapons standards as well. All intended treaties, international defense and the entire spectrum of actions the ministerial candidate foresees himself taking in the performance of his duty must be included in his manifesto.

The duties and responsibilities of our Minister of Sovereignty are many however our greatest domestic priority is environmental protection and therefore we assign 25% of our Confederation troops to the Minister of Sovereignty. Shall severe civil strife occur, the other ministers shall be required to render sufficient troops to the Minister of Sovereignty to resolve the conflict between districts (internal district conflict shall not be resolved by the Confederation unless that district’s majority requests it, or standard violations arise from it). The following details many of our requirements of our Minister of Sovereignty:

1] Salary. The Minister shall receive a salary that is not less than eight times that of our lowest paid Confederation soldier nor more than eight times that of the average citizen’s salary of the district in which the Minister will reside. He shall receive no benefit or gifts other than his salary.

2] Facility. The Minister shall receive 15% of the space of any and/or all of the government operations centers GOC. The Minister may use any facility in any district able to supply his operational needs.

3] Public address. The Minister shall address (TV or internet) the region quarterly for a minimum of 1-hour with 2-hours of questions from those we select by vote.

4] Enforcement of standards.

A] Extradition. The Minister of Sovereignty shall impose sanctions on districts that are holding cross-border criminals and wrongfully refuse to grant extradition requests from the offended district. It shall be within the discretion of the Minister to defend the decision of a district to refuse requests for extradition from offended districts. These shall be cases of individuals who the Minister judges to have furthered the interest of justice by committing acts that had ostensibly been a crime within the offended district but in actuality were heroic and just (destroying earth moving equipment, spiking trees, bombing mass destruction weapons plants etc.). The Minister shall, at his discretion, offer immunity from extradition to citizens sought by a district ruled by the will of the minority within that district. It would then be required that the Minister invades and restores majority rule in that district. The Minister may not conspire beforehand to contract private citizens to invade a district and punish violators of Confederation standards.

B] Drugs. No substance that does not violate environmental or weapons standards shall be controlled by the Confederation in any way. Districts reserve the sovereign right to regulate the use of any product by their citizens.

C] District weapons control. The Minister shall impose sanctions on district authorities that afford themselves an arms advantage over their average citizen.

D] Illegal aliens. The Minister may impose sanctions against district authorities that punish citizens for victimizing illegal aliens. Our Minister shall, in the name of love and honor, defend those of posterity against the horrors we inflict on them when we allow the cultural and environmental destruction caused by illegal invasion. The Minister shall heartily support the Constitutional right of all citizens to deprive illegal aliens of what aliens mistakenly refer to as their human rights. Our Minister of Sovereignty shall punish district authorities that presume to punish citizens for any punishment they inflict on an illegal aliens.

The Minister shall maintain a shoot-to-kill force to defend our international borders against invasion (illegal aliens) until the population levels on both sides meet standards. The minister must establish a means by which his border troops will not mistakenly shoot our citizens. The Minister of Communication shall assist our Minister of Sovereignty with citizen identification issues. The minister’s troops shall render valuables discovered on illegal aliens to the citizens of the district in which they are seized or killed.

Foreigners may not become one of our citizens by marriage to one of us. In rare cases the Minister may negotiate a citizen exchange with a foreign nation. Persons born in our region of an illegal alien mother shall be of illegal alien status.

The Minister shall determine the rewards and tax refunds due to international border districts whose citizens are preventing illegal alien invasions without Confederation assistance.

Congress shall monitor the minister’s level of success preventing invasion by illegal aliens. Exemplary success preventing invasion shall gain the Minister an award ceremony from Congress. If the levels of invasion are too high Congress shall censure the Minister; higher- their recall vote; higher- trial for treason.

5] Foreign Affairs. All executive power to determine our region’s foreign affairs shall be vested with the Minister of Sovereignty. The Minister shall make all determinations of which foreign nations shall be considered favored and which are enemies. Foreign nations shall earn enemy status from us by acting destructively toward the environment or their own people. The Minister may judge the leadership of a foreign nation as inherently bad without ever having received a direct offence from them. The Minister shall prohibit our travel to, and commerce with enemy nations. The Minister only shall have interaction with enemy foreign governments. The Minister shall have total discretion to restrict our travel or commerce with any foreign nation.

6] Affirmative Tasks and Goodwill to Districts. The Minister’s troops shall join those of the Minister of Environment in the performance of helpful deeds to benefit districts. To promote troop moral and regional goodwill his troops shall join the Minister of Environment’s troops in their entertainment campaign. Care must be taken to assure that the Confederation’s helpful deeds does not become welfare payments upon which a district’s economy depends.

7] Counterfeiting. The Minister shall develop a comprehensive training program to prevent counterfeiting. The Minister must make the cost of this crime prevention minimal without compromising the success of the program.

8] Sovereignty Court. It is our hope that this court will be seldom needed. The Minister shall have unlimited discretion determining who he shall choose as a sovereignty court judge. Tenure of judges shall last no longer than the term of their appointing Minister. No appeal other than regional popular vote shall be available beyond the court’s decision. The Minister shall be responsible for the justice of all his judge’s decisions and may reverse or change their decisions at will. The following are cases over which the court shall have authority.

A] Criminal cases that the Minister cannot persuade a district court to take. Districts may fear the vengeance of a defendant’s terrorist group. No district may have the heart to prosecute a former folk hero. Etc.

B] Prosecution of Treasonous or other serious felonies committed by any Confederation personnel other than ministers. The Minister of the Army’s courts shall have jurisdiction over all crimes soldiers commit and their officers shall discipline them for general bad conduct. In the case of a soldier committing a crime against a citizen the Minister of the Army may relinquish the soldier to the district authorities. The Minister of the Army may choose to surrender a treasonous soldier into the hands of the Minister of Sovereignty to be tried for treason or try the soldier himself depending on the type of crime committed. When the Minister of Sovereignty prosecutes a high-level ministerial staff member accused of a treasonous level of graft or abuse of authority he shall determine whether the official will receive summary judgment or a trial. Our good Minister of Sovereignty will often decide to bring all facts of high crimes into the full public light of a trial in order that we all may determine the degree to which we are in accordance with the minister’s wise and equable judgment.

C] District Disputes. The Minister may issue summary judgment on any district dispute however he may wish to avail all of us of all the facts with a televised trial covering an important dispute. Some of the claims to be brought before the Minister for a potential trial may be:

--Civil claims for loss suffered by acts committed by cross-border criminals.

--Flood damage suffered by a downstream district from the upstream district’s negligence.

--Territorial disputes over land rights and boundary line placement.

--Cross-border theft.

--Water rights.

--Patent infringement.

--Cross-border pollution.

The Minister must sternly govern the zeal of his prosecutors. The power to punish easily turns into a sadistic passion in man therefore our Minister may choose to prohibit career prosecutors in favor of a 6-month turnover of his court officers. Our Minister will bear the ultimate responsibility for all the decisions concerning his courts therefore he must not anger us by doing too much or too little. The prosecution of crimes so petty they should never have involved the Confederation will earn our disgust. Sloth and cowardice displayed by the absence of punishment of more destructive crimes will not only outrage us but also arise our suspicions of graft. It is therefore the job of the Minister to inspire our confidence in him by demonstrating substance not salesmanship. With enough pictorial and publicly televised evidence the Minister may save us the expense of a trial and summarily issue judgment in many cases.

The Minister may choose to televise his disciplining of his staff. Regardless of the level of his performance we shall best judge his sincerity by the tone of his voice when he faces real challenges. If we are dissatisfied with ministerial performance we can quickly install a new Minister. If we are outraged by the evil of the man we can democratically choose to have him killed. A popular vote that ends the Minister of Sovereignty’s term shall require the Minister of the Army to finalize his removal by the method we prescribe.



Conducting, counting, validating and averaging our votes that come in 24 hours per day and conducting our unending census is only half the minister’s duty. The Minister shall enforce all Free and Fair election standards. He must maintain our Internet voting system’s electronic security. The Minister shall require an enormous quantity of enthusiastic volunteers to assist the Confederation staff with the volume of work his Ministry must accomplish. Our Minister of Communication must be someone well suited to 18 hours per day of our televised scrutiny of him. The legitimacy of government depends entirely on the strength of his integrity. The pressure we are likely to impose on his staff will necessitate his conducting an ongoing campaign of rich, life affirming entertainment to inspire a joyously high morale.

The following is a list of the minister’s duties and responsibilities.

1] Enforcement of free and fair election standards.

2] Internet Ballots. The differing circumstances that shall allow the passage of all or part of the ballot measures put before us (particularly our citizen-submitted measures) are many. The rules governing the submission of ballot measures shall be stated following each category. The Minister shall make measures available to citizens to be voted on from the following sources:

a] The citizen submitted ballot. (A subcategory herein is the "uncounted" ballot). The Minister shall establish rules governing the number of ballot measures per citizen per year that may be submitted by citizens. All citizen submitted ballot measures that receive 25% or more votes shall be included on the official Minister of Communication ballot.

b] The official ballot of each of the other three Ministries. Each Minister shall establish any rules they choose to govern the ballot measures they submit under their name.

c] The official Congressional ballot. Each measure they submit shall have received a majority vote of Congress (each Congressmen using all their voting power to submit or reject the ballot measure).

d] Minister of Communication ballot. The Minister shall compose a ballot (100 item or less) similar to that of Congress that shall bear his official Ministry approval. To the Constitutionally required measures shall be added the measures the Minister wishes to submit. As with most measures a vote that comprises a majority of all citizens over 18yrs old choosing to pass the measure shall force its adoption. Unless obvious or stipulated within the measure the Minister must establish a duration of time that the adopted measure shall last before such measure shall be put up for a new vote. The following is a list of measures that shall be required to be on the minister’s ballot.

I] Ministerial recall. This multiple choice list shall appear in the following order for each Minister:

-- Execute {Minister is to be executed}.

-- Imprison

-- Deport

-- Replace {Name who would be your choice of replacement}.

-- Censure (state your objection).

II] Degree of domestic weapon lethality.

III] Budget percentage allotment.

IV] Ministerial Troop allotments.

V] Those measures that have obtained up to 25% vote previously.

VI] Statutory ratio of citizen to Confederation government personnel limitation.

3] As a candidate he must render a comprehensive manifesto.

4] Encourage the use of e-mail instead of letter mail.

5] Construct an invasive publicly monitored surveillance system, directed toward himself and his staff that shall leave no doubt in our minds that our census and 24hr voting system is above reproach.

6] Assure 100% accessibility to the internet voting system. Radio and telephone connections to the system in remote areas.

7} Conduct a scrupulously accurate CENSUS to be used for the following purposes:

a] For the Minister of Environment to determine district population standard violations.

b] For Minister of Sovereignty to discover and remove illegal aliens.

c] Validity of voting system. Minister must know exact number of citizens that reside in our region in order to know how many citizens shall equal 50% plus one. 50% plus one is the number of votes that constitute a majority that pass measures. The census shall aid the Minister identify voters in order to prevent vote fraud.

The census numbers shall be open to our constant observation.

8] Vote averaging. Hopefully the intent of measures included on the official ballots of the separate ministries and Congress shall be well defined however those ballot measures we citizens submit may express ardent, sincere intent but contain ambiguous language. Article 2, Section 3, Number 5, Suggests a broad array of voting choices from which Congressmen may select their choice of air space control over districts. Taking all those choices and arriving at a compromise that best expresses their "average will" shall require a virtuoso of abstract thought. Our Minister of Communication must possess this caliber of analytical capabilities in order to assess a commonality of will among the countless interrelated ballot measures that shall be submitted by citizens. We expect that many of our measures we submit shall have this degree of complexity that will require our Minister to be possessed of a concomitant degree of decisive acumen to finally, confidently arrive at a "vote average" that accurately represents the fulcrum of our balanced collective will.

9] The "uncounted" Ballot. The Minister shall relegate citizen submitted ballot measures that he considers frivolous, distasteful, incomprehensible, redundant (citizen’s submission counted as vote for the original measure) or impossible to implement to an "uncounted" ballot section on the internet voting system. The minister’s computer shall continue to count the votes that these measures receive. They will be included on the minister’s ballot if they receive 25% but they will stand alone and will not be calculated in the vote averaging process unless they relate closely to a "counted" measure that receives 50% of the votes.

10] Voting. Citizens may select a combination of measures on which they wish to have a daily recurring vote registered electronically until they either change or withdraw their choice. The Minister of Communication’s computers shall display to all citizens an up to the minute account of: the number of votes each measure has; and each measure’s vote obtaining history; and (with their security code) their own voting history and all information the Confederation shall hold on them personally.

11] Open government. The Minister shall maintain our mandatory public access to a comprehensive surveillance system of all our Confederation officer’s public business. Our technology shall not allow our ministers or Congressmen to have a place or time to conduct "behind the scenes" business. The Minister shall also maintain the system by which Congress and ministers communicate and conduct Confederation business.

12] District Communication. Since the Confederation shall be using our tax money to supply us all with access to the electronic voting system that same system shall be available to conduct our sovereign district voting needs as well as Confederation voting. The Minister shall monitor our district governments to be assured that our local voting is free, fair, democratic and free of fraud. The Minister shall give districts any communication assistance that they require to assure majority rule. The Minister must validate the district’s congressional elections and recalls (if district law has them).

13] Congressional Votes. The Minister shall validate accuracy of all Congressional votes.

14] Ministerial Elections. The Minister shall assure an equal amount and quality of free media time to all top 10 ministerial candidates during the last 2 months before the 15-day electing process begins.

15] Troops. The Minister shall have 25% of the Confederation’s troops trained to serve as his staff.

16] "Hackers". The Minister shall defend our entire communication system from criminal invasion whether it shall come from foreign and domestic sources.

17] National Identification. The Minister shall establish and manage our national identification system should we vote to approve one.

18] Confederation Communication equipment. The Minister shall impose sanctions on districts that destroy, or refuse to prosecute those who destroy communication equipment belonging to the Confederation (transmitters, poles, lines, receivers, and power stations). All potentially environmentally damaging equipment shall prevented from doing that harm.

19] Media. The Minister shall govern the free distribution of all broadcast frequencies (radio, TV, phone etc). Confederation shall retain 2% of the airways to establish government broadcast channels.





Our Minister of the Army shall be our high commander of the Confederation army. It shall be his duty to maintain discipline and inspire the absolute highest morale among our soldiers. Goodwill between our districts and the Confederation army shall be his responsibility.

We may choose, either at the time of election or when 70% of us shall choose to designate one of these empowerment levels, to vest any of 7 higher levels of power in our Minister of the Army. In times of severe civil strife or catastrophic invasion of our region by foreign aggression we shall have the option to vest in our Minister of the Army any of six ascending levels of power that he may wield over the other ministers. A desperate time may one day arise when we shall require one charismatic, inspiring, heroic leader vested with supreme power over our Confederation, nations and ministers. Should foreign aggressors profane our soil a fully empowered Minister of the Army would inspire our passionate eagerness to rip the hearts from our enemies and rescue ourselves from ever having to endure the foul, ignoble fate of foreign conquest and subjugation.

With highest honors and joyous gratitude we may choose to divest our heroic Minister of the Army of his high powers when peace is reestablished.

During our popular elections of our Minister of the Army the determination of the minister’s power status will occur using the following formula:

For a standing Minister of the Army the method by which voters may vest in him special powers are as follows:

Congress shall establish a means by which a new Minister chosen by recall vote or simple non-election majority vote shall obtain a higher power rating.

The following are the power increments which voters may choose to ascribe to their new candidate or to the standing Minister of the Army (these are the numbers you may put in the "alternative" space as well):

The temporary vesting of the middle levels of power with our Minister may be a solution to power clashes between the other ministers.

The first of the minister’s duties shall be to establish the first of what shall be 5 equally distributed GOCs (government operations centers) across our region (The Minister of the Army may deviate slightly from the equidistant distribution of the GOCs to suit his sense of strategic, environmental and military priorities such as borders, seaports, forests, rivers etc.). The object of the farm, schools, hospital, media center and manufacturers is to provide districts with the instruction necessary to make them self-sufficient and in compliance with all standards. Districts must not become reliant upon the Confederation for goods and services particularly medical services. The communication infrastructure should be governed by the Confederation not manufactured by it.

The financial goal of the GOCs shall be their own self-sufficiency and possibly the production of goods that shall supply the army thus reducing the tax burden of all districts. The host district shall determine the level of commerce they wish to have with the GOC. The following is a description of the size, form, function and purpose of the GOCs.

The GOCs shall serve the following main functions:

1] Army Base and training center.

2] Operations center to accommodate all ministries and 10 Congressmen.

3] Farm and Agricultural school.

4] Environmental functional models. Alternative power, sewage treatment, housing etc.

5] University.

6] Teaching Hospital and research center.

7] Media Center.

8] Entertainment, Arts and Sports center.

The size of each GOC shall be 4 square miles and shall be rich in water and soil resources. Three square miles shall be crops, pasture, forest, fishponds, wild habitat, sports fields etc. One square mile shall be comprised of various roads, gardens and indoor facilities. The sports fields of one GOC shall be extensive enough to accommodate most of our army in tents should the emergency need arise. Removable, one-story, modular housing of varying size and design for soldiers and their spouses shall be of sufficient numbers to house 20% of our army. At our present level of overpopulation troop accommodations may need to cover as much as 240 acres (120 of this 240acres shall be gardens) of the 640 acres of building compound of the GOC. At least 300 acres of the building compound shall be landscaping and gardens. This shall leave 280 acres of space on which to place buildings to accommodate the extensive purposes of the GOC. The entire GOC could be located within 4 square miles of existing housing tract whereby 3 square miles of buildings are converted into farmland and the remaining buildings converted to GOC compound.

The Minister of the Army shall entertain the free offers of architectural designs from any citizen. Ordinary and specially recruited soldiers will supply the various building skills. The following describes in greater detail the various GOC functions.

1] Army Base. Soldiers housed at the base shall comprise the majority of students taught in the GOC facilities. Standard military training shall be taught along with the specialized skills that a soldier must learn to begin service within one of the Ministries.

2] Government Facility. This facility must be capable of accommodating all ministers and staff sufficient to conduct all their governmental duties. The ministers will require adequate communication equipment to perform their duties. All requisite living comforts for the ministers, staff and their spouses must be supplied. Among the separate facilities requisite are libraries, courtrooms (Sovereignty court), computers (record keeping), security equipment etc.

3] Farm and Agricultural school. One of the objects of the GOC farm shall be our Confederation’s demonstration of agriculture at its environmental best. The teachings of the many heroic ranchers and growers (i.e. Masanobu Fukuoka), who are the earth’s good stewards, shall be taught. Some of the agricultural elements demonstrated shall be-

a- Manure trees among the crops.

b- fertilizer from digested plant and animal waste.

c- No-till planting of crops.

d- Minimum heavy soil compacting machine harvesting.

e- Horse cart or light rail crop transport.

f- Maximum predator and prey habitat surrounding farm.

g- No pesticides or chemical fertilizer used.

h- Develop seed bank of original native disease resistant seed strains for grains, . fruits, vegetables, forests, grasses etc..

i- Fish farms.

j- Apiary.

4] Environmental demonstrations.

The entire GOC shall demonstrate the highest adherence to the spirit of all Confederation standards especially environmental standards. The following are examples of some of the environmental practices to be demonstrated by the GOC personnel.

a-- Nonpolluting power. Wind, solar, water, heat exchangers, methane digesters, tidal flow, wave power etc. to be used for electricity, turning gears, internal combustion, cooking, heat etc.

b-- Passive sewage processing marshland.

c-- Marijuana for paper, cloth, fuel, ropes and plastic.

d-- Building material and techniques. Hay bail construction. Geodesic domes.

e-- Lighter than air vehicles for movement of crops and heavy material without creating a road.

5] University.

Refer to "Report to the Commissioners for the University of Virginia" Thomas Jefferson. August 4,1818.

The following are subjects for instruction and research-

-Science- Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Anthropology, Mathematics, Metallurgy, Mechanics, Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Ecology, Mineralogy.



Our Confederation shall make no special accommodation for or hindrance to religion.

In order to be instructional to districts and provide goods and services, mainly to the army, the GOC University shall have working shops conducting; blacksmithery auto repair, pottery, welding, bicycle making, greenhouse nursery, brewing, foundry, paper manufacturing, electronics manufacturing, plumbing hardware and pipe manufacture, shoe making, gunsmithing, food processing and packaging etc.

Much has been written on the Philosophy of education* therefore all ministers shall give input to our Minister of the Army to aid him with his establishment of the Universities.

*Writers to consider in the establishment of a University- Herbert Marcuse. Aristotle. Mortimer Adler.

6] Hospital and Medical Research.

Our hospital and medical school shall teach every soldier some first aid and some to be doctors. Our Minister shall endeavor to advance the cause of medical research as far as financial prudence will allow. The Minister of Sovereignty shall determine the degree to which districts shall be allowed to rely on Confederation expenditures to provide medical service to them.

7] Media Center.

Each GOC shall have the communication center required by the Minister of Communication. All citizens will be offered a means of assessing and/or accessing:

A] The accuracy and honesty of this the central electronic vote counting system.

B] The comprehensive electronic (internet) library.

C] Confederation records.

D] The televised government meetings and the televised campaign and election process etc.

8] Entertainment, Arts and Sports Center.

A culture rich with exciting ceremonies, rituals, traditions, pageantry, celebrations and entertainment unalterably infuses every heart with a reverential love for that culture and, most importantly, for their land. When every member of our own district confidently anticipates frequent high-energy community celebrations that joyously unite our culture, we then proudly and confidently look to the 25 square miles of land right beneath our feet to protect and mold into our own paradise. This the cultural wealth that inspires environmental preservation. The GOC’s festivals shall demonstrate how dramatically rich culture inspires joy and pride and how strongly this cultural wealth promotes environmental preservation. Confederation festivals on the GOC’s grounds shall inspire the joyful goodwill and fellowship of districts toward Confederation troops. Soldiers are encouraged to make vigorous use of all outdoor and indoor sporting facilities and develop competitive leagues that include army and citizen teams. The music, art and theater taught ought to be of the variety most popular with the most people although eclectic tastes may also be accommodated.

Our Confederation army shall invite all the citizens of the closest 30-40 districts (with the host district’s permission) to a massive "county fair/festival/concert/sporting event to be conducted on GOC grounds. The production of the army’s festivals will, hopefully, become popularized among homelands so that they will then invite portions of the Confederation army to participate in the festivals of their own creation. Your author envisions a mostly raucous, sometimes reverent county fair, carnival atmosphere. Among the events might be; massive group, tribal, hypnotically intoxicating, ritualized, somewhat competitive singing, drumming and dancing ceremonies, storytelling (legends, tall tales, prognostication, political and social satire), wide variety of sports, bands, rodeo, capture the flag (paintball?), haunted house (?) and any ingenious entertainment that may become popularized.



The following shall be the duties and responsibilities of the Minister of the Army-

-1] District custody of Soldiers. The Minister of the Army shall make sole determination of which authority shall have jurisdiction over a soldier accused of a crime by a district court. Districts that the Minister of the Army shall have determined to have imprisoned or punished a soldier unjustly may have the sanctions the Minister chooses imposed upon them up to and including S-2(8). Should this occur the Minister is required to make a minimum 15-minute televised address after which the Minister of Communication shall scrutinize the possible popular vote for the removal of the Minister of the Army.

-2] The Minister shall instill in his troops the highest character and sense of judgement.

a- Confidentiality. Our Minister of the Army shall embark on a campaign that demonstrates to all of us citizens that our Confederation soldiers strictly adhere to the regulations prohibiting all soldiers from ever divulging any information about any citizen to any district authority. Only the violation of Confederation standards shall be reported to Confederation officials. In rare cases ministers may reveal a citizen’s crimes to a district authority in order to avoid punishing the entire district for one citizen’s crime. The Minister shall publicly (Televised) announce this decision and await any censure that our popular vote may produce.

b- Searches. Only a S-3 invasion declared by a Minister shall warrant the use of body searches by soldiers. Soldiers shall make no search without stating just cause. All Congressmen shall monitor all searches made by Confederation soldiers in order to assess the possible need to recall a Minister.

c- Soldiers may return no verbal insult he may receive from a citizen.

d- Soldiers shall be perfectly self-restrained from offering any harm except in self-defense and at the same time perfectly prepared to fight, kill and die if ordered.

3] Democratic Military. The Minister of the Army shall promote the soldier’s use of democratic means to vote within their own companies on advancement and discipline.

4] Roads. The Minister shall endeavor to maintain mobility of troops without improving any road in any district unless approved by the Minister of Environment.

5] Sterilization. Our Minister shall require soldiers to abide by the regional average concerning sterilization. All districts are likely to independently adopt measures requiring differing quantities of their citizens to be sterilized. The Minister will "average" these quantities and require that number of his troops to be sterilized.

6] Alternating Duty. The Minister shall alternate the duty of soldiers approximately every 6 months from administrative to active fieldwork. Soldiers shall contribute democratic input to determine the frequency of rotation.

7] Soldier’s Payment. The Minister must render all back payment of all unpaid soldiers that arrive at any GOC. Soldiers shall have the right to refuse duty in a district that shall not maintain an account containing sufficient funds to pay their salary.

8] Morale. Our Minister of the Army must inspire the highest sense of honor among both citizens and troops to become or remain a soldier of our Confederation. He shall inspire by example of self-sacrifice on behalf of our noble environmental purpose. Our Minister shall unfetter from all restraint the overwhelming eagerness of our soldiers to heroically champion our cause of environmental preservation. The Minister shall order soldiers to undertake missions that require a broad latitude of personal discretion and physical hardships that shall distinguish them as environmental heroes. The Minister shall assign missions whereby a soldier can employ superior wit and guile to achieve honors due for heroic service. We seek a charismatic Minister of the Army who shall make of every soldier an emissary of goodwill, a man of gentle patience yet decisive action. He shall successfully train his soldiers to be men of humility who shall freely admit their mistakes yet are confident their next moment’s action shall be perfectly correct. A Soldier shall be a man confident that the hardship he endures ennobles him and bestows a greater good upon our beloved region.

9] Manifesto. As a candidate he shall render his manifesto that demonstrates, as much as writing can, that he has the requisite wisdom, knowledge and courage.

10] Combat. Should outnumbered soldiers come under attack by the majority forces of a district in which no S-3 orders are declared the instructions shall be to escape or defend but not attack. Escaping may necessitate attack however soldiers must force a means of acquiring orders from a superior under these circumstances. No soldier shall initiate any unordered attack (fistfight or military combat). Without a S-3 order from a Minister all soldiers shall desist from their duty and escape if their life or limb shall be threatened. They shall defend themselves only as a last resort. The Minister shall teach soldiers that humility is required in most all their dealings with citizens.

11] District Crime. The Minister shall, to the best of his ability, prevent his troops from providing free police services to districts. With the request of district authorities soldiers may: shoot that district’s invaders on sight; defend the victim they witness being attacked; or arrest persons in their district for the violation of Confederation standards. It is however preferred that district authorities perform their own civil police work..

12] Agency. No soldier shall be employed by any district, company or individual. A soldier may not be employed to impose any civil district penalty.

13] Personal assistance. Barring preexisting orders, Soldiers may use their own judgment if they wish to lend a fellow citizen a hand with a task or rescue them from danger.

14] Firearms. All soldiers have the right to wear a domestically approved firearm even in districts that forbid the practice. Soldiers will respect the Constitutional right of all citizens to carry domestically approved firearms.

15] Ecology. All soldiers shall be trained to recognize stresses to the ecosystems that are indicative of Confederation standard violations.

16] Medics. All soldiers shall be trained to perform first aid. One out of five shall have the skill to perform safe vasectomies.

The Minister of the Army must instill in his men the capacity to be warm, compassionate, gentle, reflective men whose will shall swiftly and decisively shift to heroic combat the moment orders are given.



Congress shall require four fifths of all Congressional votes in order to submit before us (all the region’s citizens) a proposal to amend our Constitution that shall then require the vote of two thirds of all citizens over 18 years of age to adopt the amendment to our Constitution.


Humanity has never before undertaken such a daunting task knowing that the real beneficiaries are likely to be those living in so distant a future. The pyramids were child’s play compared to our endeavor. Though our knowledge and tools are a hundred times greater than those of antiquity, the difficulty of our task surpasses any they ever undertook by a factor of thousands. Though our trials shall be many our pride shall be great as we witness the return of nature’s sustainable bounty to our land.

For generations we have lived lives of desperation, painfully longing on a biological level to take direct action that restores our honor. We lost our honor when our biology began to whisper to us the reality of our disgrace. The disgrace was simple. Can we stand up to those who inherit our land 150 years hence, point to its environmental condition that we bequeathed to them and receive the judgement they give us? We spent our lives in horror of what terrible shame to which posterity’s judgement would condemn us. In the most cowardly, disingenuous fashion we irresponsible children rationalized these whispers away and as being the symptoms of any other thing we could remedy with pills or trips or obsessive behaviors of all kinds. Finally we realize the solution is not personal example but collective action. Finally comes our salvation!

Our allegiance to our constitution restores honor!!

With our sword of molten courage we shall slay doubt and confidently seize environmental triumph after triumph until our ultimate purpose, that of the total restoration of our land back to the paradise into which nature had originally molded it, is made gloriously manifest.

Copyright 2000 Bill Kahn USA.


Article 1

Article 2

Article 3,4

Article 5,6

