Article 2 |
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Reduction Schedule |
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Member Nations (which may consist of a single district) are responsible only to themselves for the conduct of civil order. Criminal justice shall be administered by Member Nations on their soil in any way chosen by their citizens. A vast range of civil self-determination shall remain the sacrosanct sovereign province under the sole authority of each separate Member Nation. The need for the intervention of our confederation into our lives or our districts shall be rare and of mild degree. Our Confederation shall maintain a potential for intervention to defend those subject to injustice. The millions that constitute Posterity cannot defend themselves and need the protection of our confederation. The weaker nations of our region should not be unaided when defending themselves from attacks made by larger, stronger nations when our confederation will champion their righteous cause. Those instances of injustice that may require our Confederation’s intervention are outlined by the five sovereignty exceptions in the preamble. The executive ministers are charged with administering justice when Member Nations violate the standards. The ministers shall seek to assign all criminal cases to one of the Member Nation’s judicial system. Only the rarest instance should necessitate the use of Confederation courts. To review our rational necessitating CONFEDERATION INTERVENTION defending victims who cannot or should not defend themselves against harm we reassert the five sovereignty exceptions:
Our future population CANNOT defend itself a district’s environmental wrongdoings.
-A district that wishes to secede from a sufficiently larger Member Nation that holds it under it’s authority- OUGHT NOT destroy itself in a losing struggle for freedom when the confederation will champion their righteous cause.
Any combination of the following three sanctions may be imposed by our confederation to correct the violation(s) of standards committed by a district. In most instances the executive minister shall offer a 15-day notification to allow time in which the district may correct the violation and punish their violators themselves before the minister would take the proposed action against the offending district. Many environmental violations may have resulted from years of the district’s abuse of their ecosystem and cannot be corrected in 15 days.
The ministers may impose any severity of sanction that he deems to be the most effective means of persuading the district to desist from further violations. The sanctions are as follows:
S-1) VOTE RESTRICTION. Any portion of the offending district’s Congressmen’s voting power in Congress may be subtracted from his current total.
S-2) BLOCKADE. Any degree of restriction of commerce or travel across the offending district’s border in either direction may be imposed upon an offending district.
S-3) INVASION. The Degree of severity of S-3s may range from the district surrendering the custody of one man to a few Confederation soldiers (i.e.- the district fails to honor an extradition treaty), to the confederation conducting a military invasion that results in the relocation of the worst citizen offenders and the horrors of subjugation under martial law. This severe form of S-3 sanction may be reserved for districts that commit the most massively destructive environmental violations. Cross-border crimes against persons and personal property (rape, murder, theft etc.) ought not necessitate any Confederation response unless requested by the offended district and the minister deems the action prudent.
Our Ministers will assign Confederation soldiers to each district mainly as census takers and inspectors. During their normal inspection duty soldiers can arm themselves with domestically approved weapons if they choose. In the rare instances of S-3 invasions soldiers shall be required to be armed and have the power to arrest. Soldiers shall not be subject to border restrictions except as dictated by their commanding Minister. Soldiers will have specific rules governing all use of police powers. Ministers shall govern their troops concerning the following actions: Personal searches; Searches of vehicles; Searches of citizen’s homes; Arrests (rare); Pursuit (rare); Self-defense; Seizure of property as evidence. Congress shall prescribe measures ministers ought to take to protect all our citizens from administrative abuse by our Confederation and personal abuse by soldiers. Should a minister violate these guidelines Congress may vote to recall that Minister.
Ministers shall determine a district’s need for Confederation protection from "invaders". Our Ministers will determine when persons, who enter a district, who are not a citizen of that district, shall be considered "invaders". Invaders may be persons crossing into a district that cause a violation of our confederation’s overpopulation standards. When invaders commit violations of standards (usually for profit) and the invaded district cannot or will not prosecute these invaders the Confederation shall provide invasion protection and actively arrest these invaders and direct an unrelated district to conduct vigorous prosecution of these persons. Districts reserve the first right to prosecute anyone (some rules concerning Confederation soldiers) for any reason they choose when that person is found on their land. The Minister of Sovereignty shall make determinations concerning disputed cases of extradition (excluding confederation soldiers). When a serious violation of a confederation standard is proved to have been committed by a district’s citizen or an invader and a Minister judges that the district has acted with insufficient force to prevent continued violation of standards, the Minister may impose sanctions on the district or remand the violator to another district for proper prosecution.
Each district’s democratic government reserves the right to make the sovereign determination of any human or civil rights to which their citizens are entitled to receive from that district’s government. Congress will endeavor to inspire all of us within the region to force the ministers, by our majority vote, to maintain a high standard of rights that our districts and we private citizens are entitled to receive from our Confederation. Congress shall establish regulations governing the actions of confederation soldiers and defending citizens and districts from confederation abuse. These are the tertiary rules that soldiers shall default to when neither the supreme law of our Constitution nor the penultimate instructions of their minister have clearly outlined the bounds of their authority. When a Minister imposes a S-3(6) (potential war by the Confederation against some or all of a district’s territory) or higher sanction on a district many rights may be suspended. Our instant voting system that enables us to reverse any Confederation decision and our constant vigilance is the only power we proclaim as necessary to provide us the protection we need against a potentially cruel, despotic minister. Our Ministers control the Confederation Army unless our vote directs the army’s obedience back into our own hands under the leadership of anyone we choose (revolution by vote, absent violence). Our popular vote of the majority (not plurality) of our region’s citizens has the Constitutional authority to order the death of any one we choose, including Ministers.
Recommendations on a degree of severity of sanction to match the degree of violation shall be herein made to the particular minister whose responsibility it is to impose sanctions and encourage compliance from violators with the particular type of standard. The recommendations shall be placed in the text of the stated standard. Severity shall be stated with the sanction number first, S-1, S-2, S-3, with the severity figure following, (‘10’ being the most severe down to ‘1’ as the least severe). They will appear as S-2(7) for example. In all cases the degree of sanction severity will be left to the discretion of the particular minister unless the rare instance of our majority vote directs a sanction against a district.
1.) POPULATION REDUCTION. (See Population reduction schedule).
Districts will be responsible for strict compliance with a biyearly schedule of population reduction. The ongoing intense scrutiny of the Confederation census agents shall report their estimated count of each district’s population to the Minister of Environment every six months. For the most severely overpopulated districts the ratio of natural deaths to births shall be high. We recommend a conscientious birth control program to accomplish the required population reduction rate. We regard the likely alternatives of a district conducting expulsions or executions as less than desirable. Districts that take these extreme measures to fulfill their constitutional population reduction obligation shall not offend us. When contrasted with the truly repugnant prospect of the environmental damage that shall occur with continued overpopulation, executions manifest cultural heroism. The prospect of our Confederation dictating to the district what measures to take, thus robbing a district of it’s sovereign right to self-determination is even more offensive to us. If the overpopulated district shall remorselessly commit the most egregious violation of producing a 2% or more quarterly population increase the Minister may choose to impose a S-3(10) sanction. This sanction may take the following form: Martial law imposed; citizens of the district possessing the most wealth and political power deported from the region. And/or couples and women producing the most children sterilized and relocated to districts that may deport or execute them. And/or relocation of a number of citizens (to other districts likely to execute them) that will fulfill 150% of its population reduction requirements up to that point in time. The more overpopulated the district the higher the rate of decrease Constitutionally required. Please refer to the Population reduction schedule that shows the recommended rate of population decline using severe birth control. Few 25sq.mile areas of the world have 3,000,000 people but the schedule will be applied to all overpopulated districts according to their pop. count over 3000 people (ignore figures after year 278). These standards are likely to make it difficult for districts to allow new residents other than by citizen exchange. Visitors remaining more than 6 months (more than 142 days out of 183) shall be counted as a resident. The goal we will [150 years aprox. for the most densely overpopulated districts] reach for Homeland center districts is a habitation of 122 persons per sq. mile and for Frontier districts is 5 persons per sq. mile.
I) Overpopulated Homeland Center district quarterly violations;
II) Frontier district violations;
a) 10-50% def. of pop. rdtn.----------------------- S-1(10)
b) 50-100% def of pop rdtn.--------------------- S-1(10) and S-2(5).
c) 1-5% pop increase --------------------------- S-1(10) and S-2(10).
d) 5% or more pop increase ----------- S-1(10) and S-2(10) and S-3(3 to10)
a.) Water pollution.
(The Minister of Environment should have sufficient knowledge of toxicology, civil engineering, zoology and all related sciences necessary to intelligently judge the destructive effect of all violations of all pollution standards.).
Sanctions. 3% reduction of water quality of 5 or more acre-feet of water (surface or ground) - S-1(1). 3-15% " " " " " "" " "" "- ------ S-1(5).
15-50% " " " " " " " ----------S-1(10).
Toxicity requiring 100yr. recovery period. " " " " " " " – S-1(10)& S-2(5).
" " " " " 500yr " " " " " " S-2(10) & S-3(1).
[Violations of this magnitude shall require our Minister of Environment to assign another
district’s court[other than the district in which the violation was committed] to prosecute the offender.]
Sanction applied may necessitate a S-3(5) depending on severity of violation.
b.) Water depletion.
Our treaties require preservation of all water resources. The daily amount of flowing surface water we allow ourselves to draw from any topography is based on the volume of water occurring at the lowest elevation in the drainage per day during the month of lowest water flow (usually September). From the entire drainage we take only as much water per day on any day of the year that is the equivalent of 15% the average September outflow at the lowest point of the drainage. We have, therefore, limited our districts to portions of this 15% of the surface water in order to preserve the environmental health and the highest ecosystem productivity and sustainability. Our ground water resources shall not be depleted. Ground water shall be allowed to return to their historic levels after which they shall not be extracted in amounts per day faster than they are replenished per day. The Minister of Environment shall issue a statutory limit on the maximum quantity of water allowed to be extracted [ground and surface] each separate 5 sq. mile area [section] of the entire region. The extraction of water that exceeds the allotment shall be regarded as theft committed by the district.
5-20% over allotted water amount extracted in 1-5 sections ----------------------- S-1(1)
20-50% " " " " " " " " " " " " ------------------------- S-1(5)
50-80% " " " " " " " " "--------------- S-1(10) & S2(1)
80-120% " " " " ‘" ------------- S-2(10) & S-3(1)
SANCTIONS-------S-3(5) in the worst cases.
A) Toxins introduced.
Most toxins that reach the soil come from the same sources as those that pollute the water. The Minister of Environment shall have the responsibility of establishing a comprehensive set of standards governing all toxic effects suffered by our soil. The Confederation shall not have the authority to arrest citizens for the ownership, sales or transport (other than of weapons of mass destruction) of any material or product for any reason. The Minister of Environment shall, however, inspect and impose sanctions against a district for the toxic effect of poisons used on the environment. The Minister of Environment shall enforce a region wide ban on those substances that he regards as weapons grade toxins, biological weapons, radioactive waste etc. Sanctions on districts.
1-20 acres of soil reduced 20% below it’s bio-diversity and productivity level--- S-1(1)
" " " "" " " " 40% " " " " " " " " " " --- S-1(5)
" " " " " 60% " " " " " " " " " --- S-1(10)
" " to an unusable toxic state requiring 1-5years to fully recover—S-1(10) & S-2(3)
" " " " " " ‘" " " 5-50 " " " -- S-1(10) & S-2(10)
" " " " " " " " " " 50 or more " " " " " – S-2(10) & S-3(5)
Minister of Environment may choose the district in which the worst citizen violators shall be prosecuted. If the severely violating district refuses to surrender its violators the whole district may, at the discretion of the Minister, be ceded to the authority of the neighboring districts. Worse, the Minister of Environment may issue a S-3(8) and expel 25% [or more] of the district’s population from the region.
B) Soil Disturbance.
1) AGRICULTURE. Agriculture will be required to maintain a minimum percentage of variety and mass of microorganisms in the soil. These amounts must equal or surpass the historic levels of the original soil. Tilling, compaction, fertilizing and other practices can ruin soil pH and destroy the life within it. Surface and ground water depletion or over irrigation can also turn land, once productive in it’s natural state, into a desert or weed patch. Regardless of the cause, our districts shall receive sanctions for soil degradation. The acronym that shall refer to soil health shall be OSP [optimum sustainable soil productivity for that habitat].
1-20 acres with OSP reduced by 5-20% ------------------------------- S-1(1)
" """ "" "" " " 20-30% ------------------------------ S-1(5).
" " " " " " " 40-60% ----------------------------- S-1(10).
" " " " " " " 60-80% --------------------- S-1(10) & S-2(3).
20-40 " " " " " 60-80% --------------------- S-1(10) & S-2(10).
40-100 " " " " " 60-80% ---------------------- S-2(10) & S-3(1).
100+ " " " " " 60-95% ---------------------- S-2(10) & S-3(5).
2). DEVELOPMENT. For Homeland Center districts 60% of their land shall be the portion in which farms buildings, homes, roads, industrial buildings and all "improvements" that prohibit the ability of healthy soil to regenerate while they remain (1000s of years for many foundations) shall be permitted. For Frontier districts 6% of their land is allowed to contain "improvements. The Minister of Environment shall establish a maximum quantity of acres on which "improvements" within the "improvement" portion of that particular district shall be permitted. Over development has left far to many of our districts without the close proximity of cropland, pastureland, and wild lands (wild lands support the wild plant and animal life essential for healthy agriculture) essential to enable the district to feed itself. It is our goal that all districts shall be 90%(or more) self-sufficient in consumable goods. The following are sanctions to be imposed for the failure to remove the required percentage of old "improvements" that the Minister has directed (improvement removal requirement IRR) and for the building of prohibited new "improvements". SANCTIONS:
10% less than the IRR------------------------------------------------------ S-1(3)
50% " " " " ----------------------------------------------------- S-1(5)
100% " " " " ----------------------------------------------------- S-1(6)
1% increase of developed land over their existing level ------------- S-1(10)
3% " "" " " " " " " ----- S-1(10) & S-2(3)
5% " " " " " -----S-1(10) & S-2(8)
8% " " " " " ------ S-2(10) & S-3(2)
10% " " " ------ S-2(10) & S-3(6)
4)AIR POLLUTION: The Minister of Environment shall maintain a region wide prohibition against the use or mining of fossil fuel. The Minister of Environment shall limit the fermentation of organic material that produces such a quantity of fuel that could cause pollution in a district. Hydrogen production shall be limited as well. The Minister shall impose sanctions on districts for producing air pollution, not for the air pollution that exists above it. The Minister shall quantify the collective toxic effect produced by all the separate sources of the district’s air pollutants and impose sanctions based on the degree of harm done.
SANCTIONS on districts:
5-15% over the allowed toxic output --------------------------------------- S-1(1)
15-30% " " " " " ----------------------------------------- S-1(5)
30-40% " "" "" " ------------------------------------------ S-1(10)
40-50% " " " " ----------------------------------------- S-2(1)
50-60% " " " " " "-------------------------------------------- S-2(5)
60-70% " " " " -------------------------------------------- S-2(10)
70-80% " " " " --------------------------------- S-2(10) & S-3(1)
80-90% " " " " ---------------------------------- S-2(10) & S-3(5)
90% or more " " " " ----------------------------------- S-3(10)
The Minister of Environment shall require all districts to maintain a minimum percentage of it’s land (including lakes, oceans (the distance from shore determined by the Minister) rivers etc.) in climax habitat condition (The standard requiring a minimum of all district’s land area be reserved in Climax Habitat condition shall be referred to as CHS). For Frontier districts the minimum shall be 94%of the district’s land area. For Homeland Center districts the minimum shall be 40%. Most districts are in violation of the CHS now. Therefore the Minister of Environment shall establish a yearly rate of removal of the existing development. Overdeveloped districts shall submit a map to the minister designating the portion of their land ( 40% for Homeland Center(HC) districts, 94% for Frontier districts ) they intend to restore to climax condition.
The boundary line enclosing the CHS land within HC districts shall begin a quarter of a mile from all degradations of the habitat. Primary among these degradations are roads but shall also include such elements as cement (building foundations), stucco, asphalt (parking lots), toxic waste, trash (plastic, rubber, metal etc.) and must be eliminated from within CHS land as well. Anything that the Minister of Environment may consider an impediment to the full recovery to the land’s historic level of prime ecological health must be eliminated from CHS land. The minister shall not accept long narrow tendrils of bad land as adequate to the CHS standard. The minimum size of one Parcel of CHS land shall be 3 sq. miles within Homeland Center districts and 100sq. miles within Frontier districts. CHS land quality, collectively, must be judged to be a match to that of the rest of the district’s average quality. Districts will be responsible for replacing non-native plant and animal species in CHS land with the historic native species. Agriculture and ranching shall be prohibited on CHS land. No road or motorized vehicle shall be permitted on CHS land. The Minister of Environment shall judge whether small temporary improvements may be installed on CHS land (birdhouses and feeders, one 500sq. foot tented area per 3sq. mile CHS section for a ranger’s quarters, watering stations for wild life etc.)
SANCTIONS on districts for failure to fulfill required quota of asphalt, cement and "improvement" removal from designated CHS land;
10% less restoration than required by quota -------- S-1(1)
50% less restoration than required by quota --------- S-2(1)
100% failure (nothing done) ----------------------- S-3(1)
Degradation (housing, roads, culverts, improvements built) advanced -------- S-3(10).
A ) Resource Extraction.
1] Hunting.
The culling of animals shall be permitted with precise limitations. If predators and natural die off fail to limit the numbers of a species to historically sustainable levels the district may allow culling back to the correct level. Grazing and browsing species must be culled sufficiently to prevent the departure of plant species and degradation of the ecosystem. The Minister of Environment may declare year-round open season on noxious non-native species of animals. Indiscriminant trapping or poisoning is forbidden. The Minister of Environment shall assign special Confederation anti-poaching rangers with shoot to kill orders to protect endangered species.
10% per year over limit kills of any species ------------------------------ S-1(1).
50% " " " " " " " ---------------------S-1(10) & S-2(1).
100% " " " " " " " --------------------- S-1(10) & S-2(7).
The district’s open promotion of the hunting of endangered species ------- S-2(10) & S-3(8).
3- Fishing.
The Minister of Environment shall apply standards and sanctions similar to that of hunting for the protection of fresh and salt-water species and habitats.
4- Logging and Plant extraction.
The Minister of Environment must establish separate standards regulating the harvesting of plant material in order to preserve the ecological integrity of each separate section of CHS land. The Minister must know precisely how every separate ecosystem in the entire region looks, smells, tastes and feels when it has reached climax condition in order to impose regulations of the properly high degree of severity necessary to achieve climax forest conditions. Immature trees (timber) naturally occurring in a density likely to cause the death of a portion of the group may be carefully selected for harvest to promote the health of the remaining trees. The cutting of old growth healthy trees is forbidden. Motor vehicles are forbidden in CHS land for any reason and especially forbidden for logging. No more than 15% of a forest’s yearly deadfall may be harvested. The minister shall forbid the harvesting of any plant in any CHS section that he considers to be a threatened species.
Sanctions preserving plant species shall match that of hunting sanctions.
5- Mineral extraction.
Mining is prohibited on CHS land. No disturbance of the soil (the ground) may be done that degrades the ecosystem. The Minister of Environment shall make the determination of what activities constitute destructive "mining" as oppose to the incidental primitive camping uses CHS land. Disturbance of streambeds for any reason is forbidden. The Minister shall provide any and all security necessary to a defend a district’s CHS land from violators raiding it from another district. The violation of any standard by a citizen of one district while on the another district’s land shall be subject to arrest by Confederation officials. The Minister in authority over that particular violation shall surrender the prisoner to the violated district’s system of justice for punishment. If the violator is not, in the Minister’s opinion, punished sufficiently the Minister shall impose the appropriate sanction on the overly lenient district or remand the violator to a district more likely to defend the environment from his destructive actions. The Minister shall quantify a scale of potential damage done to CHS land by mining and impose sanctions on districts accordingly.
10% more damage resulting from "mining" than allowed limit -------------- S-1(1).
50% " " " " " " " " ---------- S-1(10) & S-2(10).
100% " " " " " --------- S-2(10) & S-3(10).
b) MOTOR VEHICLES.-- Motorized vehicles are prohibited on or above CHS land. Motors of all kinds are prohibited on CHS land. The park Ranger may utilize motors for discrete nondestructive tasks. A district’s failure to protect a CHS section from damage caused by motorized vehicles or motors shall require a prompt and vigorous defense of the section by the Minister. The minister may prohibit entry onto CHS land if he considers the threat of damage to be severe. Sanctions may range as high as S-3(5).
Frontier districts shall maintain 94% of their land in climax condition as CHS sections and this is possible while supporting a population of nomadic aboriginal people within it. The Minister of Environment shall determine what small exceptions to the CHS standards he intends to make to accommodate this population that must not exceed one person per sq. mile on CHS land within Frontier districts. Frontier districts will be forced to severely limit the existence of roads within their districts in order to provide 575sq. miles of roadless CHS land with minimum sector size of 100 sq. miles. Each person who shall live within any CHS sector remains there by the grace of the Minister of Environment. The Minister of Environment shall designate no less than 15% of the land area of each Frontier district as an emergency dehabitation zone. These sensitive areas shall be vacated and restoration begun within 4 years of the ratification of our Constitution. The Minister shall choose these areas irrespective of the density of the existing population. The people of the Frontier district may select the persons who may apply to the Minister to live on the district’s CHS land. Each of these prospective Frontier CHS residents will be required to pass any tests the Minister shall deem necessary. These residents must also be required to successfully complete Confederation army training and accept an army commission as a forest ranger. All CHS residents, being Confederation soldiers, will be subject to both district law and Confederation army law as well. All CHS residents must demonstrate to the Minister their ability and overwhelming ambition to preserve the environment and limit Frontier population. With this training and motivation the soldiers living on Frontier CHS land will conduct extremely careful nondestructive agriculture, hunting, fishing, trail building, game tending, temporary lodge building and perfect environmental preservation. The Minister shall establish differing levels of limitations to the police power of Frontier CHS rangers. Districts that abuse the CHS land shall have rangers who shall be instructed by the Minister to refuse access entirely.
The Minister of Sovereignty shall make a determination of the need for Confederation intervention to prevent cross-border crimes. Each individual district shall determine the degree to which it will restrict (beyond Confederation restrictions) the incoming traffic of commerce and people. Districts retain the sovereign right to impose any impost or duty on any goods entering their territory. Repeated or serious violation of a district’s or the Confederation’s border restrictions may cause the Minister to install Confederation soldiers to defend the district’s borders regardless of the district’s requests. The Minister shall allow Confederation soldiers largely unrestricted police power to arrest invaders of a district. When a serious invasion is discovered to have originated from a particular district the Minister shall make a determination of an appropriate sanction to impose on that offending district. If an offending district persists in serious cross-border hostilities the Minister may declare a S-3(8) and impose martial law on that district until he considers the threat to have been neutralized. If the Minister shall have received proof that person(s) residing in one district to have committed a serious crime in another district the Minister shall force (by request of the offended district) the extradition of that person(s) to face prosecution.
We citizens must maintain constant vigilance scrupulously monitoring the Confederation’s potentially unjust treatment of districts other than our own. We implore all who will come after us to conceptualize beforehand the degree of injustice that a Minister could inflict on a distant district before we unify and vote to remove or kill that Minister. If our entire Confederation leadership needs to be crushed and restocked with new leaders we pray that our electronic voting system is intact and our Minister of Communication is loyal to our right of majority rule. If our majority vote fails to disestablish government we will then realize the prudence of having secured the preponderance of weaponry with us, ………………WE THE PEOPLE.
1) Direct Victimizing cross-border Crime.
The Confederation shall maintain a contingent of soldiers within all districts therefore no cross-border criminal shall be immune from prosecution by seeking asylum within a sympathetic sovereign district. The Minister of Sovereignty shall adjudicate all contended extradition (excluding solders). Of prime consideration shall be the Minister’s certainty of the guilt of the man to be extradited. As with all Confederation proceedings, extradition hearings shall be public record on the Internet. When the Minister judges that a contended extradition should be granted he shall "recommend" to the contending district that they concede to the surrender of the man to the offended district. If the "recommendation" is denied by the offending district the Minister shall proceed with the imposition of the appropriate sanctions on the entire district until the extradition is granted. Great care must be taken by all parties to abandon personality from this process and scrupulously, objectively pursue justice. The term "cross-border crime" presumes that the person has crossed a district’s border, committed a crime and then is discovered in another district (possibly the district from which he came or any other). Congress shall make uniform rules that establish exactly what shall constitute the sufficient degree of diligence required of the Confederation’s search for cross-border criminals. Our Minister of Sovereignty shall be responsible to all of us to fulfil this standard of diligence. If he fails we have our swift remedy.
Certain criminal acts punished by a sovereign district’s government may cause a Minister to impose a "APR" (Adequate Punishment Required) indication on the case if the criminal is determined to have committed severe or repeated destructive violations of Confederation standards.
A Minister may assign an APR case to another district for sufficient punishment. APR requirements are designed to intensify respect for all district borders in the hearts of criminals without robbing districts of their sovereign right to defend their citizens from unjust big government policing.
The following is a list of the most commonly anticipated cross-border crimes that directly victimize and may necessitate the Minister of Sovereignty to either force extradition of the criminal(s) or impose sanctions on the district harboring them:
a) Theft.
Bank robbery. Cattle rustling. Burglary. Personal Robbery. Gold mining (APR) (any mining unauthorized by the district). Logging (APR) (any unauthorized plant extraction). Poaching (APR). Vehicle theft. Theft of property totaling 3 times the average monthly pay of a Confederation soldier.
b) Kidnapping.
The Minister of Sovereignty shall impose immediate sanctions on a district he believes is not acting with sufficient diligence to rescue a hostage taken from another district.
c) Destruction of Property. --Arson (APR). Vandalism. Bombings (APR).
d) Murder. Also, murder done by invaders during a hostile military style attacks shall necessitate the immediate imposition of a S-2(10) sanction on the offending district by the Minister of Sovereignty. Terrorist mayhem (APR)(poisoning the water supply, bombings, land mines etc.). Murder of Confederation officials (APR).
e) Rape.
f) Cross-Border Projectiles. APR.
Airborne objects launched across district borders shall earn the offending district the sanctions necessary to convince them to surrender the criminals to the offended district. Motives may range from vandalism to intentional murder. The Minister shall distinguish child’s play from crime in these cases. Methods may include standard weapons shooting bullets to elastic launchers to model planes bearing explosives. A violation that takes the form of a military attack shall necessitate the imposition of an immediate S-3(6).
2) Indirect cross-border crime. (Crimes with a less immediate victim).
a)SMUGGLING.(APR). Districts may prohibit the importation of any product (anything) they choose. (The Confederation shall establish region wide prohibition of importation of certain "products"APR. {nuclear weapons, pollutants, ddt. Unauthorized war weapons, defoliants, etc.} ). The Confederation shall remand all members (including investors) of a smuggling ring to the offended district for prosecution. The smuggling in of illegal residents shall result in severe district sanctions if the district does not prosecute and expel the violators. Districts are free to independently outlaw any drug from their district and require the Confederation to prevent their importation into their district. The Confederation shall make no restrictions on any drug. Destructive chemicals that are likely to significantly pollute air, water or soil shall be subject to the scrutiny of the Minister of Environment.
b) Counterfeiting.
Each district shall retain the sovereign right to print their district’s separate currency. Counterfeiters caught with counterfeit currency of a district other than the one in which they are found shall be held for extradition to the offended district. Investors and transporters shall be rendered into the offended district’s custody along with those knowingly passing the bills.
c) The Exportation of Pollution.
The pollution of one district by another shall necessitate the imposition of sanctions on the offending district by both the Minister of Environment and the Minister of Sovereignty. The Ministers shall make all determinations of what shall constitute the criminal pollution of one district by another. Among the variety of violations that may require sanctions are:
1] Water Pollution. APR.
The severity of sanctions for polluting shall be tripled on a district for polluting not only themselves but their neighbors as well. Sanctions will intensify until the offending district desists from polluting and surrenders to the offended district those responsible for this far ranging pollution. Our Confederation shall not provide civil lawsuit solutions to this cross-border damage, only criminal prosecution.
2] Air Pollution. APR.
Air pollution emanating from a district that manifests an intense measurable localized poisoning of the neighboring district’s soil, air, livestock or water shall necessitate intense sanctions until they both desist from polluting and surrender their criminal polluters to the offended district(s).
3] Transporting of waste across a District border.
(Same as Air and Water sanctions)
. 4] Sound.
Noise pollution that carries across a district’s border shall necessitate the imposition of sanctions sufficient to force the offenders to desist and surrender the violators to the offended district’s prosecution.
5] Smell.
(Noxious smells same as Sound)
1) Water Theft. APR.
In addition to the sanctions imposed by the Minister of Environment on districts for water depletion the Minister of Sovereignty may require the surrender the main person(s) responsible for the theft to the offended district for criminal prosecution.
2) Cross-Border Bribery. APR.[Also see free and fair election standards].
Criminals who seek gain by bribing a Confederation official can inflict enormous damage on a district’s citizens and their environment. The Minister of Sovereignty shall surrender these criminal officials and their bribing benefactors to the offended district(s) for prosecution. When bribery of a Minister by a foreign nation is discovered the victim can be the entire region and our Confederation generally.
When no specific district can claim individual loss by the bribery the offence is announced by the Minister of Communication (internet) for regional popular vote. If less than 50% of the region’s citizens have voted on the issue then Congress may try the offending official with the vote of two other ministers.
3) Communication. APR.
The Minister of Communication shall distribute all broadcast frequencies equally among all districts at no charge. The illegal use or interference with another district’s frequency shall incur sanctions sufficient to cause the offending district to desist from the illegal use. These violators may be extradited. The Minister shall determine the most equitable, environmentally sound means of distributing "landlines" across districts in order to establish universal communication. The destruction of landlines within a district shall incur the appropriate sanctions until the inter-district lines are restored. Criminal use of telephonic or internet communication by district citizens shall incur sanctions until the violators are extradited.
4) Air traffic. All districts shall reserve the right to defend 100% of their air space over their district from invasion. The Minister of Environment shall maintain a region wide maximum limit of 20 tons of aircraft in flight over the region at one time, lighter than air vehicles excluded. The Confederation shall reserve the right to conduct a weekly airborne 20-minute daytime inspection over all districts (inspections likely to involve the use of 400 lbs. drone planes with video cameras).
The Minister of Sovereignty shall determine a means by which a consensus concerning the degree of air traffic restriction may be reached by the entire region. Should a district seek to prohibit all high altitude flights over them the expense of this enforcement would be prohibitive for them alone to bear. The Minister therefore shall either conduct a vote or a sample poll or confer with all Congressmen to judge which combination of air traffic restrictions he shall employ. The Minister of Communication may assist the Minister of Sovereignty to employ a formula by which all the Congressmen’s votes can be "averaged".
The following is a partial list of potential restrictions:
A] Total Regional Aircraft Ban. TX.* War weapons stationed to shoot down violators of our airspace. (*TX- yearly regional vote conducted to determine the TAX we are willing to pay to enforce this policy).
B] Foreign flight duty- domestic ban. Foreign flights that do not pay are destroyed and domestic banned. TX.
C] Foreign Ban- Domestic Duty. Foreign flight ban. Districts collectively decide whether to allow all domestic flights, to levy duties or to prohibit all domestic flight. TX.
D] Foreign and Domestic Duty. TX.
E] Foreign duty- Unrestricted Domestic. TX.
F] Foreign Ban- Unrestricted Domestic. TX.
G] Unrestricted Foreign- Ban Domestic.
H]- Unrestricted Foreign- Domestic Duty.
I]- No flight regulations.
The Minister may decide if a geographical combination of districts may sell their rights to the use of their sovereign airspace upon the consent of the neighboring districts. Foreign nations shall be given notice of the Confederation intent to defend our airspace if we choose that option.
The Minister of Sovereignty shall provide all international border defense that he shall determine is necessary. Districts that share a border with a foreign nation shall be given all the assistance necessary to repel illegal entry into the region. Districts with foreign borders that repel invaders so successfully that Confederation soldiers are unneeded shall receive region wide honors and a tax break in the form of fewer Confederation soldiers to support.
The Minister shall provide a force sufficient to seize foreign smugglers as well. The Minister shall monitor the district’s prosecution of foreign violators to be assured that penalties are sufficient to dissuade future violations of the region’s sovereignty. APR.
The Minister of Sovereignty shall promote the use of deadly force against invasion (1 or more persons) by illegal aliens. Illegal aliens shall have no protection under Confederation or district law. The Minister shall establish sanctions against districts that knowingly harbor illegal aliens. Districts shall not invade onto foreign territory. Only the Minister of Sovereignty may commit our region to war with foreign nations.
Districts are prohibited from granting; legal immigration to any foreign national; or visitors passes; or tourist visas; or any passage across our international borders.
The Minister of Sovereignty shall defend the right of all districts to establish their own laws concerning the possession of weapons for personal protection. The Confederation shall not infringe the right of any citizen to own a domestically approved weapon. The Minister shall restrict the level of "lethality" of all weapons permitted to be owned by all citizens including all government personnel (including all district police and Confederation police {soldiers}). Our present highest level of weapon lethality permissible (domestically approved) shall be a 32 caliber semi-automatic pistol. We wish to limit lethality down to the level sufficient to protect your grandmother from two attackers. It is our hope that one day we will collectively vote to lower the lethality level even further. We forbid our Confederation to possess a domestic military capability superior to that of us private citizens collectively. We the governed intend that we shall outnumber our governors by at least 30 to 1 and that no one of them shall have the ability to arm themselves with anything that shall give them any advantage over any one of us. We the citizens shall rightfully retain the overwhelming preponderance of the military power to quickly and easily rid ourselves of our Confederation government whenever the majority of us shall choose.
It is our hope that our instant, constant and uncontestable voting system shall provide us with the ability to quickly reform and remake government efficiently enough to preclude our need to resort to violent revolution. However if voting shall not have manifested our majority will we shall not shirk our responsibility to unburden ourselves of our oppressive government. It is our hope that the citizens of our beloved region shall, with their hearts filled with moral righteousness, be emboldened to violently resist tyranny now and forever. We shall know tyranny has descended upon us when we the majority find ourselves outgunned by the minority that comprise our government. If our Confederation shall one day come to you to take your weapon in order to provide themselves (a minority by numbers) with the military advantage over you the citizen majority, meet them with gun in hand and fight ferociously for your enslavement BEGINS THAT DAY.
Congress shall devise a means by which both the Confederation and Member Nation’s governments shall be irrevocably prohibited and physically prevented from the use of the superior war weaponry except against a foreign nation’s attack. At the end of a war against a foreign nation the army shall be forced to quickly return the superior weapons to storage. Congress shall devise a means by which we all shall be assured that superior weapons are inaccessible to our domestic government (Confederation, Member Nations) and us the citizens except in the prosecution of a foreign war.
By majority vote Congress shall assign the Minister of their choice to conduct disarmament treaties with foreign nations. As with all of our government, majority popular vote can supercede this choice. It is our goal to persuade all people of all nations that the only national defense needed is a citizenry adequately armed to defend themselves against a personal attack.
District’s police refuse to return weapons to there
Disarmed majority of citizens who have voted to regain them ------ S-3(5)- Confederation . . soldiers immediately arrest district police.
--District police refuse to surrender their armory of
Prohibited overly lethal weapons. ------- S-3(1) Confederation soldiers arrest the district’s police.
--District police have disarmed the citizens against
their majority will and are now robbing and extorting.---S-3(5)Confederation soldiers arrest . district police to be judged and punished by their victims.
--Confederation soldiers caught with illegal weapons---------------------soldiers subject to arrest by district
police or Minister of the Army.
--Confederation sanctions against districts whose citizens possess illegal weapons.
25% of district’s citizens owning illegal weapons* ----------------------------------- S-1(3)
50% " " " " " --------------------------------------S-1(7)
75% " " " " " ----------------------------------- S-1(10)
100% " " " "" " -------------------- S-1(10) & S-2(5).
*Weapons of double the domestically permitted level of lethality.
District seeks Confederation help arresting severe weapons violating minority within their district------------------------
Minister of Sovereignty sends as many Confederation soldiers as the district’s police wish to deputize for the mission. Arrests made under district authority not Confederation authority.
Poaching large quantities of wild game with automatic weapons---Minister of Environment&Sovereignty. conduct immediate S-3(1) to arrest violators.APR.
UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE Minister of Communication
And the Minister of Sovereignty
Neither the Confederation nor district government nor any party may use voter registration
Or voting records to: collect tax or debt; find whereabouts in order to arrest or discover any citizen for any reason; commercial purposes (sales, advertising, recruiting etc.); army recruiting; or any purpose that importunes our citizens. The following are sanctions for the proper protection of majority rule:
District police using voter registration --- Possible S-2(10) until district desists.
Corporations’ commercial use of records—Congress establishes penalty to be administered by the Minister of Communication.
Confederation abuse of voting registration—We start voting to recall ministers.
The Confederation shall conduct open elections of ministers. The Confederation will not conduct separate primary elections to determine a political party’s preferred candidate. The Minister of Communication will announce (internet) the top 30 list of candidates per office after the primary in which all citizens are eligible.
The Minister of Communication shall count all the votes cast (internet) in the "primary" that is the 2 months of voting 4 months prior to the election in order to determine which 10 candidates per ministerial office are the leaders and therefore entitled to free equal media access.
The Minister of Communication could possibly adopt the following voting format:
Citizens may choose their candidates for each office in descending order of preference, first choice down to third with points being awarded to each; 3 points for your first choice 2 points for your second choice 1 point for your third choice and the candidate with the most points wins.
The Minister of Communication shall publish (internet) a compendium governing campaign financing and the means by which we citizens shall be assured we are receiving a true accounting of the real source of the ministerial candidates’ finances.
The Confederation shall assure the region’s citizen’s ease of access to voting without cost or exclusion for any reason.
District imposition of poll tax - S-3(1) soldiers shall arrest district official for theft to be tried by - His victims.
The following rules apply to the corruption of local district as well as Confederation elections. District government officers or anyone who shall have;
1] Conspired to falsify the vote count; or
2] Cause undo hardship on any citizen’s access to the poll; or
3] Violated a voters right to anonymity; or
4] Posed threats (extortion) against person or property to direct a citizen’s voting choice; or
5] Destroyed, vandalized or falsified voting records; or
6] Prevented citizens from voting; or
7] Corrupted the voting process in any significant way-----
-----Shall be subject to severe Confederation sanctions.
The Minister of Communication shall submit to Congress a comprehensive compendium of standards for free and fair elections and the sanctions he intends to impose for the specific violations. Congress may use its recall power against the Minister if they choose to abridge or reject his compendium of standards.
All citizens over 18 shall have the irrevocable right to vote. Irrevocable by imprisonment, insanity or any condition regardless of how odious to our sensibilities.
All citizens over 18 shall be eligible to be a candidate for the office of Confederation Minister at no cost.
The Minister of Communication shall conduct secondary monitoring of district elections. Districts are likely to have their own sovereign monitoring system to assure the integrity of their elections however the Confederation shall provide separate monitoring in the event that district citizens suspect a fraudulent vote count by their "leaders".
The Minister shall devise a means to open the vote counting process to electronic (internet) monitoring by the public without sacrificing voter anonymity.
The Minister of Communication will conduct the census specifically for the purpose of maintaining the integrity of the voting process. Issues that require a majority of all citizen’s votes in order to pass, necessitate a scrupulous account of exactly what number must be surpassed to be a majority vote. In this context the "majority" refers to one vote more than half of all citizens over 18 living in the entire region.
The voting process will be conducted 24 hours per day all year every year (internet). The citizen we choose to be our Minister of Communication must be unquestionably honorable, incorruptible and able to choose a staff of equal stature. The Minister will retain a large highly trained staff in order to accomplish his two most daunting tasks; Vote Averaging and the pronouncement of his decision of what the majority-will Commands the Confederation government to do.
Vote averaging.]
Citizens may make any requests of the Confederation they choose as often as they desire all year long. The Minister shall not require a formal majority vote by which the majority of citizens submit an identical, specifically worded clear command directing the Confederation to take a specific action. Instead, the Minister shall categorize all communication from citizens by the issue addressed in their message. For each issue he shall have the responsibility of dividing and counting all "messages" from citizens into either the broadly generalized "pro" or "con" category.
When an issue is of little interest to citizens and gains no more than a minority "voting opinion" both pro and con the Minister shall disregard the vote. However, when an issue gains a majority vote, pro or con, the Minister must interpret what the general "will" of the people is and issue that "will" as a COMMAND to the Confederation government. This is vote averaging. A simple example of this could take the following form:
25% of citizens wish to have the Minister of the Army killed
15% of citizens wish to have the Minister of the Army jailed for life
15% of citizens wish to have the Minister of the Army deported
45% of citizens are passionate supporters of the Minister of the Army
--The 45% "pro" (supporting the Minister) side of the issue is discarded.
--The "Vote averaging" possible solution---
--The 55% "con" (Condemning the Minister) side wins and is "Averaged" and----------
---The Minister of the Army is jailed for 6 yrs then deported.
This example isn’t necessarily realistic because the percentages equal 100%. It is unlikely that every citizen over 18 in the entire region would voice their opinion on one issue. It is proper, however, that only the majority is "averaged".
The majority shall rule the minority in any way they see fit. We acknowledge no inherent, intrinsic human right except as determined by the local majority. The minority will receive whatever treatment the majority shall will. Justice, goodness and an overwhelming respect for the responsibility of citizenship shall be dynamically inspired when we act with absolute confidence in the wisdom of our majority. The moment to moment freedom to direct our government will force us to act inspired by the better angels of our nature lest we all suffer.
This is why we vest nearly all the power of government with the ministers. We can remove them instantly and replace them with some one who will manifest our majority will even more precisely. Our dynamic instant citizens’ democracy constantly renews the true spirit of justice within us. If we were to vest power and control over to our congressional representatives we become slaves to the rule of a committee that is bound to gravitate to the lowest common denominator of incompetence. Ultimately our injustice to others (POSTERITY) turns around to punish us in return. Therefore enlightened self-interest will make impassioned humanitarians out of all of us.
--UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE Minister of Sovereignty and the Minister of Environment.--
Our Confederation may come to the aid of a district and help them secede from their neighboring districts that have become governors over them. Each individual district is entitled to nationhood; to coin their own money, restrict traffic (to all but the few soldiers who inspect), preserve all their wealth for themselves (miniscule Confederation tax) and conduct all their civic affairs without interference. We zealously defend the right of districts to secede not only to provide citizens the opportunity to free themselves from possible oppression but also to promote environmental preservation. We are confident that when our districts maintain the highest possible level of sovereignty for themselves posterity is lovingly served. The more district sovereignty the more self-sufficiency and thus the less need for transportation. Our past arrogant, destructive over-use of transportation has devastated our region. We do not wish to be customers for products from all over the world that come at the cost of 1000s of years of human suffering from the environmental harm that a massively destructive distribution system inflicts. With quick sure sovereignty comes quick self-sufficiency and thus our honorable environmental purpose is served.
Some districts are likely to slowly bargain away their freedom, finding themselves paying too much to outsiders for health care, power, or sewage treatment etc. A district finding that they wish to end a relationship with anyone outside their borders shall be empowered to do just that by the Confederation. No contracts (other than upholding the spirit of this Constitution) that the citizens of a district may have made with any outsider shall be binding or enforceable across district borders. By majority will a district may reclaim its sovereignty and reject all claims by outsiders to any property, real or personal that exists within that seceding district. If an outsider with a civil claim approaches the sovereign courts of a district that district shall be free to ignore it completely. Good will and the wish to continue to do business shall be the best remedy available to dissatisfied buyers or sellers across sovereign district borders. A district can take their sovereignty and bargain it away but the Confederation guarantees that it shall be instantly recoverable.
We regard our Confederation as just, freedom loving and worthy of governing only if those governed freely choose it to govern them. All districts, therefore, shall be free to end their membership with assurances that they pose no future liability to the region. Our respect for the principal that all nations must have freedom is great. We direct our Minister of Sovereignty to carefully judge whether the independence of a Member Nation seeking secession from our Confederation poses a threat of inflicting harm on our region.
A district with an enormous wealth of natural resources leaving our Confederation shall be no loss to us. A district whose geographic position could stop long established transportation routes leaving our Confederation must be no loss to us. We the people regard the losing of our honor by tyrannically forcing an honorable district to surrender its freedom as a personally repugnant, humiliating defamation upon our souls that we will not breach. If we extort wealth or benefit from any district we invite the whole world to eagerly embrace this principle we now embrace and rip our land apart stealing, pillaging, impoverishing and humiliating us all. The Minister of Sovereignty must balance our reverential love of freedom with our need for security in order to determine what answer to give to a district requesting secession from the Confederation.
A district may only secede from the Confederation to become part of a foreign nation if that nation is considered by all ministers to be upholding all the standards we enforce as well or better than we presently do.
No land area smaller than 25 sq. miles may secede.
The geographical shape of a land area that proposes secession should not have a general perimeter more than 8 times the longer than the length of it’s average diameter.
No district may secede from the Confederation in order to join an enemy foreign nation or a nation the ministers consider to be a liability to any neighboring nation.
The Frontier districts may not be made smaller than 603 sq. miles. The collective sq. mileage of a Homeland Center shall not be allowed to increase beyond 615 sq. miles. Secessions of land that alter district boundaries by majority request of their citizens shall not violate these fore mentioned rules.
The secession process may draw new district boundary lines when the majority of citizens within the area choose secession but all CHS standards must be observed.
The Minister of Environment must be confident that the people of the prospective seceding district can and will conduct a schedule of population reduction, border control standards and environmental improvement superior to that of their former record.
The Minister of Environment must be satisfied that the district will, by seceding, increase it’s progress toward 90% self-sufficiency in consumable goods without damaging the environment.
The Minister of Communication shall verify the vote of the territory seceding to assure that the majority chooses secession.
Unhappily some new Member Nations will fail. Too little water. Bad crops. Greedy leaders. Power failures. Bad weather. Bad luck. Neighboring districts may offer some help or not. The Confederation shall be prohibited from offering collateral benefit to any district other than the fulfilling of its Constitutional obligations. The purpose of the non-intervention of the Confederation to render assistance to struggling districts is twofold; minimizing taxes and the deliberate depopulation down to a level the land will naturally support. Less productive land ought not to be forced to support a permanent population. With weak soil, inconsistent water supply and other problems, the temporary propping up of a failing habitation shall most likely lead to a greater tragedy down the line not only for that district but also for the neighboring districts that need the wild habitat around them. The Confederation, therefore, shall appraise the prospective seceding district of how their district’s land will be reapportioned to the neighboring districts if their district fails. Refugee citizens fleeing the destitute condition of a failed district may face the unsympathetic border restrictions of the neighboring districts. The Confederation will honor all district’s sovereign right to control their border. Occasionally we must witness the full horror of overpopulation to rededicate ourselves to population control.
Districts that demonstrate exemplary accomplishments of environmental preservation shall be encouraged by the Confederation to send emissaries to other districts as teachers and motivators.
Member Nations (which may consist of a single district) are responsible only to themselves for the conduct of civil order. Criminal justice shall be administered by Member Nations on their soil in any way chosen by their citizens. A vast range of civil self-determination shall remain the sacrosanct sovereign province under the sole authority of each separate Member Nation. The need for the intervention of our confederation into our lives or our districts shall be rare and of mild degree. Our Confederation shall maintain a potential for intervention to defend those subject to injustice. The millions that constitute Posterity cannot defend themselves and need the protection of our confederation. The weaker nations of our region should not be unaided when defending themselves from attacks made by larger, stronger nations when our confederation will champion their righteous cause. Those instances of injustice that may require our Confederation’s intervention are outlined by the five sovereignty exceptions in the preamble. The executive ministers are charged with administering justice when Member Nations violate the standards. The ministers shall seek to assign all criminal cases to one of the Member Nation’s judicial system. Only the rarest instance should necessitate the use of Confederation courts. To review our rational necessitating CONFEDERATION INTERVENTION defending victims who cannot or should not defend themselves against harm we reassert the five sovereignty exceptions:
Our future population CANNOT defend itself a district’s environmental wrongdoings.
-A district that wishes to secede from a sufficiently larger Member Nation that holds it under it’s authority- OUGHT NOT destroy itself in a losing struggle for freedom when the confederation will champion their righteous cause.
Any combination of the following three sanctions may be imposed by our confederation to correct the violation(s) of standards committed by a district. In most instances the executive minister shall offer a 15-day notification to allow time in which the district may correct the violation and punish their violators themselves before the minister would take the proposed action against the offending district. Many environmental violations may have resulted from years of the district’s abuse of their ecosystem and cannot be corrected in 15 days.
The ministers may impose any severity of sanction that he deems to be the most effective means of persuading the district to desist from further violations. The sanctions are as follows:
S-1) VOTE RESTRICTION. Any portion of the offending district’s Congressmen’s voting power in Congress may be subtracted from his current total.
S-2) BLOCKADE. Any degree of restriction of commerce or travel across the offending district’s border in either direction may be imposed upon an offending district.
S-3) INVASION. The Degree of severity of S-3s may range from the district surrendering the custody of one man to a few Confederation soldiers (i.e.- the district fails to honor an extradition treaty), to the confederation conducting a military invasion that results in the relocation of the worst citizen offenders and the horrors of subjugation under martial law. This severe form of S-3 sanction may be reserved for districts that commit the most massively destructive environmental violations. Cross-border crimes against persons and personal property (rape, murder, theft etc.) ought not necessitate any Confederation response unless requested by the offended district and the minister deems the action prudent.
Our Ministers will assign Confederation soldiers to each district mainly as census takers and inspectors. During their normal inspection duty soldiers can arm themselves with domestically approved weapons if they choose. In the rare instances of S-3 invasions soldiers shall be required to be armed and have the power to arrest. Soldiers shall not be subject to border restrictions except as dictated by their commanding Minister. Soldiers will have specific rules governing all use of police powers. Ministers shall govern their troops concerning the following actions: Personal searches; Searches of vehicles; Searches of citizen’s homes; Arrests (rare); Pursuit (rare); Self-defense; Seizure of property as evidence. Congress shall prescribe measures ministers ought to take to protect all our citizens from administrative abuse by our Confederation and personal abuse by soldiers. Should a minister violate these guidelines Congress may vote to recall that Minister.
Ministers shall determine a district’s need for Confederation protection from "invaders". Our Ministers will determine when persons, who enter a district, who are not a citizen of that district, shall be considered "invaders". Invaders may be persons crossing into a district that cause a violation of our confederation’s overpopulation standards. When invaders commit violations of standards (usually for profit) and the invaded district cannot or will not prosecute these invaders the Confederation shall provide invasion protection and actively arrest these invaders and direct an unrelated district to conduct vigorous prosecution of these persons. Districts reserve the first right to prosecute anyone (some rules concerning Confederation soldiers) for any reason they choose when that person is found on their land. The Minister of Sovereignty shall make determinations concerning disputed cases of extradition (excluding confederation soldiers). When a serious violation of a confederation standard is proved to have been committed by a district’s citizen or an invader and a Minister judges that the district has acted with insufficient force to prevent continued violation of standards, the Minister may impose sanctions on the district or remand the violator to another district for proper prosecution.
Each district’s democratic government reserves the right to make the sovereign determination of any human or civil rights to which their citizens are entitled to receive from that district’s government. Congress will endeavor to inspire all of us within the region to force the ministers, by our majority vote, to maintain a high standard of rights that our districts and we private citizens are entitled to receive from our Confederation. Congress shall establish regulations governing the actions of confederation soldiers and defending citizens and districts from confederation abuse. These are the tertiary rules that soldiers shall default to when neither the supreme law of our Constitution nor the penultimate instructions of their minister have clearly outlined the bounds of their authority. When a Minister imposes a S-3(6) (potential war by the Confederation against some or all of a district’s territory) or higher sanction on a district many rights may be suspended. Our instant voting system that enables us to reverse any Confederation decision and our constant vigilance is the only power we proclaim as necessary to provide us the protection we need against a potentially cruel, despotic minister. Our Ministers control the Confederation Army unless our vote directs the army’s obedience back into our own hands under the leadership of anyone we choose (revolution by vote, absent violence). Our popular vote of the majority (not plurality) of our region’s citizens has the Constitutional authority to order the death of any one we choose, including Ministers.
Recommendations on a degree of severity of sanction to match the degree of violation shall be herein made to the particular minister whose responsibility it is to impose sanctions and encourage compliance from violators with the particular type of standard. The recommendations shall be placed in the text of the stated standard. Severity shall be stated with the sanction number first, S-1, S-2, S-3, with the severity figure following, (‘10’ being the most severe down to ‘1’ as the least severe). They will appear as S-2(7) for example. In all cases the degree of sanction severity will be left to the discretion of the particular minister unless the rare instance of our majority vote directs a sanction against a district.
1.) POPULATION REDUCTION. (See Population reduction schedule).
Districts will be responsible for strict compliance with a biyearly schedule of population reduction. The ongoing intense scrutiny of the Confederation census agents shall report their estimated count of each district’s population to the Minister of Environment every six months. For the most severely overpopulated districts the ratio of natural deaths to births shall be high. We recommend a conscientious birth control program to accomplish the required population reduction rate. We regard the likely alternatives of a district conducting expulsions or executions as less than desirable. Districts that take these extreme measures to fulfill their constitutional population reduction obligation shall not offend us. When contrasted with the truly repugnant prospect of the environmental damage that shall occur with continued overpopulation, executions manifest cultural heroism. The prospect of our Confederation dictating to the district what measures to take, thus robbing a district of it’s sovereign right to self-determination is even more offensive to us. If the overpopulated district shall remorselessly commit the most egregious violation of producing a 2% or more quarterly population increase the Minister may choose to impose a S-3(10) sanction. This sanction may take the following form: Martial law imposed; citizens of the district possessing the most wealth and political power deported from the region. And/or couples and women producing the most children sterilized and relocated to districts that may deport or execute them. And/or relocation of a number of citizens (to other districts likely to execute them) that will fulfill 150% of its population reduction requirements up to that point in time. The more overpopulated the district the higher the rate of decrease Constitutionally required. Please refer to the Population reduction schedule that shows the recommended rate of population decline using severe birth control. Few 25sq.mile areas of the world have 3,000,000 people but the schedule will be applied to all overpopulated districts according to their pop. count over 3000 people (ignore figures after year 278). These standards are likely to make it difficult for districts to allow new residents other than by citizen exchange. Visitors remaining more than 6 months (more than 142 days out of 183) shall be counted as a resident. The goal we will [150 years aprox. for the most densely overpopulated districts] reach for Homeland center districts is a habitation of 122 persons per sq. mile and for Frontier districts is 5 persons per sq. mile.
I) Overpopulated Homeland Center district quarterly violations;
II) Frontier district violations;
a) 10-50% def. of pop. rdtn.----------------------- S-1(10)
b) 50-100% def of pop rdtn.--------------------- S-1(10) and S-2(5).
c) 1-5% pop increase --------------------------- S-1(10) and S-2(10).
d) 5% or more pop increase ----------- S-1(10) and S-2(10) and S-3(3 to10)
a.) Water pollution.
(The Minister of Environment should have sufficient knowledge of toxicology, civil engineering, zoology and all related sciences necessary to intelligently judge the destructive effect of all violations of all pollution standards.).
Sanctions. 3% reduction of water quality of 5 or more acre-feet of water (surface or ground) - S-1(1). 3-15% " " " " " "" " "" "- ------ S-1(5).
15-50% " " " " " " " ----------S-1(10).
Toxicity requiring 100yr. recovery period. " " " " " " " – S-1(10)& S-2(5).
" " " " " 500yr " " " " " " S-2(10) & S-3(1).
[Violations of this magnitude shall require our Minister of Environment to assign another
district’s court[other than the district in which the violation was committed] to prosecute the offender.]
Sanction applied may necessitate a S-3(5) depending on severity of violation.
b.) Water depletion.
Our treaties require preservation of all water resources. The daily amount of flowing surface water we allow ourselves to draw from any topography is based on the volume of water occurring at the lowest elevation in the drainage per day during the month of lowest water flow (usually September). From the entire drainage we take only as much water per day on any day of the year that is the equivalent of 15% the average September outflow at the lowest point of the drainage. We have, therefore, limited our districts to portions of this 15% of the surface water in order to preserve the environmental health and the highest ecosystem productivity and sustainability. Our ground water resources shall not be depleted. Ground water shall be allowed to return to their historic levels after which they shall not be extracted in amounts per day faster than they are replenished per day. The Minister of Environment shall issue a statutory limit on the maximum quantity of water allowed to be extracted [ground and surface] each separate 5 sq. mile area [section] of the entire region. The extraction of water that exceeds the allotment shall be regarded as theft committed by the district.
5-20% over allotted water amount extracted in 1-5 sections ----------------------- S-1(1)
20-50% " " " " " " " " " " " " ------------------------- S-1(5)
50-80% " " " " " " " " "--------------- S-1(10) & S2(1)
80-120% " " " " ‘" ------------- S-2(10) & S-3(1)
SANCTIONS-------S-3(5) in the worst cases.
A) Toxins introduced.
Most toxins that reach the soil come from the same sources as those that pollute the water. The Minister of Environment shall have the responsibility of establishing a comprehensive set of standards governing all toxic effects suffered by our soil. The Confederation shall not have the authority to arrest citizens for the ownership, sales or transport (other than of weapons of mass destruction) of any material or product for any reason. The Minister of Environment shall, however, inspect and impose sanctions against a district for the toxic effect of poisons used on the environment. The Minister of Environment shall enforce a region wide ban on those substances that he regards as weapons grade toxins, biological weapons, radioactive waste etc. Sanctions on districts.
1-20 acres of soil reduced 20% below it’s bio-diversity and productivity level--- S-1(1)
" " " "" " " " 40% " " " " " " " " " " --- S-1(5)
" " " " " 60% " " " " " " " " " --- S-1(10)
" " to an unusable toxic state requiring 1-5years to fully recover—S-1(10) & S-2(3)
" " " " " " ‘" " " 5-50 " " " -- S-1(10) & S-2(10)
" " " " " " " " " " 50 or more " " " " " – S-2(10) & S-3(5)
Minister of Environment may choose the district in which the worst citizen violators shall be prosecuted. If the severely violating district refuses to surrender its violators the whole district may, at the discretion of the Minister, be ceded to the authority of the neighboring districts. Worse, the Minister of Environment may issue a S-3(8) and expel 25% [or more] of the district’s population from the region.
B) Soil Disturbance.
1) AGRICULTURE. Agriculture will be required to maintain a minimum percentage of variety and mass of microorganisms in the soil. These amounts must equal or surpass the historic levels of the original soil. Tilling, compaction, fertilizing and other practices can ruin soil pH and destroy the life within it. Surface and ground water depletion or over irrigation can also turn land, once productive in it’s natural state, into a desert or weed patch. Regardless of the cause, our districts shall receive sanctions for soil degradation. The acronym that shall refer to soil health shall be OSP [optimum sustainable soil productivity for that habitat].
1-20 acres with OSP reduced by 5-20% ------------------------------- S-1(1)
" """ "" "" " " 20-30% ------------------------------ S-1(5).
" " " " " " " 40-60% ----------------------------- S-1(10).
" " " " " " " 60-80% --------------------- S-1(10) & S-2(3).
20-40 " " " " " 60-80% --------------------- S-1(10) & S-2(10).
40-100 " " " " " 60-80% ---------------------- S-2(10) & S-3(1).
100+ " " " " " 60-95% ---------------------- S-2(10) & S-3(5).
2). DEVELOPMENT. For Homeland Center districts 60% of their land shall be the portion in which farms buildings, homes, roads, industrial buildings and all "improvements" that prohibit the ability of healthy soil to regenerate while they remain (1000s of years for many foundations) shall be permitted. For Frontier districts 6% of their land is allowed to contain "improvements. The Minister of Environment shall establish a maximum quantity of acres on which "improvements" within the "improvement" portion of that particular district shall be permitted. Over development has left far to many of our districts without the close proximity of cropland, pastureland, and wild lands (wild lands support the wild plant and animal life essential for healthy agriculture) essential to enable the district to feed itself. It is our goal that all districts shall be 90%(or more) self-sufficient in consumable goods. The following are sanctions to be imposed for the failure to remove the required percentage of old "improvements" that the Minister has directed (improvement removal requirement IRR) and for the building of prohibited new "improvements". SANCTIONS:
10% less than the IRR------------------------------------------------------ S-1(3)
50% " " " " ----------------------------------------------------- S-1(5)
100% " " " " ----------------------------------------------------- S-1(6)
1% increase of developed land over their existing level ------------- S-1(10)
3% " "" " " " " " " ----- S-1(10) & S-2(3)
5% " " " " " -----S-1(10) & S-2(8)
8% " " " " " ------ S-2(10) & S-3(2)
10% " " " ------ S-2(10) & S-3(6)
4)AIR POLLUTION: The Minister of Environment shall maintain a region wide prohibition against the use or mining of fossil fuel. The Minister of Environment shall limit the fermentation of organic material that produces such a quantity of fuel that could cause pollution in a district. Hydrogen production shall be limited as well. The Minister shall impose sanctions on districts for producing air pollution, not for the air pollution that exists above it. The Minister shall quantify the collective toxic effect produced by all the separate sources of the district’s air pollutants and impose sanctions based on the degree of harm done.
SANCTIONS on districts:
5-15% over the allowed toxic output --------------------------------------- S-1(1)
15-30% " " " " " ----------------------------------------- S-1(5)
30-40% " "" "" " ------------------------------------------ S-1(10)
40-50% " " " " ----------------------------------------- S-2(1)
50-60% " " " " " "-------------------------------------------- S-2(5)
60-70% " " " " -------------------------------------------- S-2(10)
70-80% " " " " --------------------------------- S-2(10) & S-3(1)
80-90% " " " " ---------------------------------- S-2(10) & S-3(5)
90% or more " " " " ----------------------------------- S-3(10)
The Minister of Environment shall require all districts to maintain a minimum percentage of it’s land (including lakes, oceans (the distance from shore determined by the Minister) rivers etc.) in climax habitat condition (The standard requiring a minimum of all district’s land area be reserved in Climax Habitat condition shall be referred to as CHS). For Frontier districts the minimum shall be 94%of the district’s land area. For Homeland Center districts the minimum shall be 40%. Most districts are in violation of the CHS now. Therefore the Minister of Environment shall establish a yearly rate of removal of the existing development. Overdeveloped districts shall submit a map to the minister designating the portion of their land ( 40% for Homeland Center(HC) districts, 94% for Frontier districts ) they intend to restore to climax condition.
The boundary line enclosing the CHS land within HC districts shall begin a quarter of a mile from all degradations of the habitat. Primary among these degradations are roads but shall also include such elements as cement (building foundations), stucco, asphalt (parking lots), toxic waste, trash (plastic, rubber, metal etc.) and must be eliminated from within CHS land as well. Anything that the Minister of Environment may consider an impediment to the full recovery to the land’s historic level of prime ecological health must be eliminated from CHS land. The minister shall not accept long narrow tendrils of bad land as adequate to the CHS standard. The minimum size of one Parcel of CHS land shall be 3 sq. miles within Homeland Center districts and 100sq. miles within Frontier districts. CHS land quality, collectively, must be judged to be a match to that of the rest of the district’s average quality. Districts will be responsible for replacing non-native plant and animal species in CHS land with the historic native species. Agriculture and ranching shall be prohibited on CHS land. No road or motorized vehicle shall be permitted on CHS land. The Minister of Environment shall judge whether small temporary improvements may be installed on CHS land (birdhouses and feeders, one 500sq. foot tented area per 3sq. mile CHS section for a ranger’s quarters, watering stations for wild life etc.)
SANCTIONS on districts for failure to fulfill required quota of asphalt, cement and "improvement" removal from designated CHS land;
10% less restoration than required by quota -------- S-1(1)
50% less restoration than required by quota --------- S-2(1)
100% failure (nothing done) ----------------------- S-3(1)
Degradation (housing, roads, culverts, improvements built) advanced -------- S-3(10).
A ) Resource Extraction.
1] Hunting.
The culling of animals shall be permitted with precise limitations. If predators and natural die off fail to limit the numbers of a species to historically sustainable levels the district may allow culling back to the correct level. Grazing and browsing species must be culled sufficiently to prevent the departure of plant species and degradation of the ecosystem. The Minister of Environment may declare year-round open season on noxious non-native species of animals. Indiscriminant trapping or poisoning is forbidden. The Minister of Environment shall assign special Confederation anti-poaching rangers with shoot to kill orders to protect endangered species.
10% per year over limit kills of any species ------------------------------ S-1(1).
50% " " " " " " " ---------------------S-1(10) & S-2(1).
100% " " " " " " " --------------------- S-1(10) & S-2(7).
The district’s open promotion of the hunting of endangered species ------- S-2(10) & S-3(8).
3- Fishing.
The Minister of Environment shall apply standards and sanctions similar to that of hunting for the protection of fresh and salt-water species and habitats.
4- Logging and Plant extraction.
The Minister of Environment must establish separate standards regulating the harvesting of plant material in order to preserve the ecological integrity of each separate section of CHS land. The Minister must know precisely how every separate ecosystem in the entire region looks, smells, tastes and feels when it has reached climax condition in order to impose regulations of the properly high degree of severity necessary to achieve climax forest conditions. Immature trees (timber) naturally occurring in a density likely to cause the death of a portion of the group may be carefully selected for harvest to promote the health of the remaining trees. The cutting of old growth healthy trees is forbidden. Motor vehicles are forbidden in CHS land for any reason and especially forbidden for logging. No more than 15% of a forest’s yearly deadfall may be harvested. The minister shall forbid the harvesting of any plant in any CHS section that he considers to be a threatened species.
Sanctions preserving plant species shall match that of hunting sanctions.
5- Mineral extraction.
Mining is prohibited on CHS land. No disturbance of the soil (the ground) may be done that degrades the ecosystem. The Minister of Environment shall make the determination of what activities constitute destructive "mining" as oppose to the incidental primitive camping uses CHS land. Disturbance of streambeds for any reason is forbidden. The Minister shall provide any and all security necessary to a defend a district’s CHS land from violators raiding it from another district. The violation of any standard by a citizen of one district while on the another district’s land shall be subject to arrest by Confederation officials. The Minister in authority over that particular violation shall surrender the prisoner to the violated district’s system of justice for punishment. If the violator is not, in the Minister’s opinion, punished sufficiently the Minister shall impose the appropriate sanction on the overly lenient district or remand the violator to a district more likely to defend the environment from his destructive actions. The Minister shall quantify a scale of potential damage done to CHS land by mining and impose sanctions on districts accordingly.
10% more damage resulting from "mining" than allowed limit -------------- S-1(1).
50% " " " " " " " " ---------- S-1(10) & S-2(10).
100% " " " " " --------- S-2(10) & S-3(10).
b) MOTOR VEHICLES.-- Motorized vehicles are prohibited on or above CHS land. Motors of all kinds are prohibited on CHS land. The park Ranger may utilize motors for discrete nondestructive tasks. A district’s failure to protect a CHS section from damage caused by motorized vehicles or motors shall require a prompt and vigorous defense of the section by the Minister. The minister may prohibit entry onto CHS land if he considers the threat of damage to be severe. Sanctions may range as high as S-3(5).
Frontier districts shall maintain 94% of their land in climax condition as CHS sections and this is possible while supporting a population of nomadic aboriginal people within it. The Minister of Environment shall determine what small exceptions to the CHS standards he intends to make to accommodate this population that must not exceed one person per sq. mile on CHS land within Frontier districts. Frontier districts will be forced to severely limit the existence of roads within their districts in order to provide 575sq. miles of roadless CHS land with minimum sector size of 100 sq. miles. Each person who shall live within any CHS sector remains there by the grace of the Minister of Environment. The Minister of Environment shall designate no less than 15% of the land area of each Frontier district as an emergency dehabitation zone. These sensitive areas shall be vacated and restoration begun within 4 years of the ratification of our Constitution. The Minister shall choose these areas irrespective of the density of the existing population. The people of the Frontier district may select the persons who may apply to the Minister to live on the district’s CHS land. Each of these prospective Frontier CHS residents will be required to pass any tests the Minister shall deem necessary. These residents must also be required to successfully complete Confederation army training and accept an army commission as a forest ranger. All CHS residents, being Confederation soldiers, will be subject to both district law and Confederation army law as well. All CHS residents must demonstrate to the Minister their ability and overwhelming ambition to preserve the environment and limit Frontier population. With this training and motivation the soldiers living on Frontier CHS land will conduct extremely careful nondestructive agriculture, hunting, fishing, trail building, game tending, temporary lodge building and perfect environmental preservation. The Minister shall establish differing levels of limitations to the police power of Frontier CHS rangers. Districts that abuse the CHS land shall have rangers who shall be instructed by the Minister to refuse access entirely.
The Minister of Sovereignty shall make a determination of the need for Confederation intervention to prevent cross-border crimes. Each individual district shall determine the degree to which it will restrict (beyond Confederation restrictions) the incoming traffic of commerce and people. Districts retain the sovereign right to impose any impost or duty on any goods entering their territory. Repeated or serious violation of a district’s or the Confederation’s border restrictions may cause the Minister to install Confederation soldiers to defend the district’s borders regardless of the district’s requests. The Minister shall allow Confederation soldiers largely unrestricted police power to arrest invaders of a district. When a serious invasion is discovered to have originated from a particular district the Minister shall make a determination of an appropriate sanction to impose on that offending district. If an offending district persists in serious cross-border hostilities the Minister may declare a S-3(8) and impose martial law on that district until he considers the threat to have been neutralized. If the Minister shall have received proof that person(s) residing in one district to have committed a serious crime in another district the Minister shall force (by request of the offended district) the extradition of that person(s) to face prosecution.
We citizens must maintain constant vigilance scrupulously monitoring the Confederation’s potentially unjust treatment of districts other than our own. We implore all who will come after us to conceptualize beforehand the degree of injustice that a Minister could inflict on a distant district before we unify and vote to remove or kill that Minister. If our entire Confederation leadership needs to be crushed and restocked with new leaders we pray that our electronic voting system is intact and our Minister of Communication is loyal to our right of majority rule. If our majority vote fails to disestablish government we will then realize the prudence of having secured the preponderance of weaponry with us, ………………WE THE PEOPLE.
1) Direct Victimizing cross-border Crime.
The Confederation shall maintain a contingent of soldiers within all districts therefore no cross-border criminal shall be immune from prosecution by seeking asylum within a sympathetic sovereign district. The Minister of Sovereignty shall adjudicate all contended extradition (excluding solders). Of prime consideration shall be the Minister’s certainty of the guilt of the man to be extradited. As with all Confederation proceedings, extradition hearings shall be public record on the Internet. When the Minister judges that a contended extradition should be granted he shall "recommend" to the contending district that they concede to the surrender of the man to the offended district. If the "recommendation" is denied by the offending district the Minister shall proceed with the imposition of the appropriate sanctions on the entire district until the extradition is granted. Great care must be taken by all parties to abandon personality from this process and scrupulously, objectively pursue justice. The term "cross-border crime" presumes that the person has crossed a district’s border, committed a crime and then is discovered in another district (possibly the district from which he came or any other). Congress shall make uniform rules that establish exactly what shall constitute the sufficient degree of diligence required of the Confederation’s search for cross-border criminals. Our Minister of Sovereignty shall be responsible to all of us to fulfil this standard of diligence. If he fails we have our swift remedy.
Certain criminal acts punished by a sovereign district’s government may cause a Minister to impose a "APR" (Adequate Punishment Required) indication on the case if the criminal is determined to have committed severe or repeated destructive violations of Confederation standards.
A Minister may assign an APR case to another district for sufficient punishment. APR requirements are designed to intensify respect for all district borders in the hearts of criminals without robbing districts of their sovereign right to defend their citizens from unjust big government policing.
The following is a list of the most commonly anticipated cross-border crimes that directly victimize and may necessitate the Minister of Sovereignty to either force extradition of the criminal(s) or impose sanctions on the district harboring them:
a) Theft.
Bank robbery. Cattle rustling. Burglary. Personal Robbery. Gold mining (APR) (any mining unauthorized by the district). Logging (APR) (any unauthorized plant extraction). Poaching (APR). Vehicle theft. Theft of property totaling 3 times the average monthly pay of a Confederation soldier.
b) Kidnapping.
The Minister of Sovereignty shall impose immediate sanctions on a district he believes is not acting with sufficient diligence to rescue a hostage taken from another district.
c) Destruction of Property. --Arson (APR). Vandalism. Bombings (APR).
d) Murder. Also, murder done by invaders during a hostile military style attacks shall necessitate the immediate imposition of a S-2(10) sanction on the offending district by the Minister of Sovereignty. Terrorist mayhem (APR)(poisoning the water supply, bombings, land mines etc.). Murder of Confederation officials (APR).
e) Rape.
f) Cross-Border Projectiles. APR.
Airborne objects launched across district borders shall earn the offending district the sanctions necessary to convince them to surrender the criminals to the offended district. Motives may range from vandalism to intentional murder. The Minister shall distinguish child’s play from crime in these cases. Methods may include standard weapons shooting bullets to elastic launchers to model planes bearing explosives. A violation that takes the form of a military attack shall necessitate the imposition of an immediate S-3(6).
2) Indirect cross-border crime. (Crimes with a less immediate victim).
a)SMUGGLING.(APR). Districts may prohibit the importation of any product (anything) they choose. (The Confederation shall establish region wide prohibition of importation of certain "products"APR. {nuclear weapons, pollutants, ddt. Unauthorized war weapons, defoliants, etc.} ). The Confederation shall remand all members (including investors) of a smuggling ring to the offended district for prosecution. The smuggling in of illegal residents shall result in severe district sanctions if the district does not prosecute and expel the violators. Districts are free to independently outlaw any drug from their district and require the Confederation to prevent their importation into their district. The Confederation shall make no restrictions on any drug. Destructive chemicals that are likely to significantly pollute air, water or soil shall be subject to the scrutiny of the Minister of Environment.
b) Counterfeiting.
Each district shall retain the sovereign right to print their district’s separate currency. Counterfeiters caught with counterfeit currency of a district other than the one in which they are found shall be held for extradition to the offended district. Investors and transporters shall be rendered into the offended district’s custody along with those knowingly passing the bills.
c) The Exportation of Pollution.
The pollution of one district by another shall necessitate the imposition of sanctions on the offending district by both the Minister of Environment and the Minister of Sovereignty. The Ministers shall make all determinations of what shall constitute the criminal pollution of one district by another. Among the variety of violations that may require sanctions are:
1] Water Pollution. APR.
The severity of sanctions for polluting shall be tripled on a district for polluting not only themselves but their neighbors as well. Sanctions will intensify until the offending district desists from polluting and surrenders to the offended district those responsible for this far ranging pollution. Our Confederation shall not provide civil lawsuit solutions to this cross-border damage, only criminal prosecution.
2] Air Pollution. APR.
Air pollution emanating from a district that manifests an intense measurable localized poisoning of the neighboring district’s soil, air, livestock or water shall necessitate intense sanctions until they both desist from polluting and surrender their criminal polluters to the offended district(s).
3] Transporting of waste across a District border.
(Same as Air and Water sanctions)
. 4] Sound.
Noise pollution that carries across a district’s border shall necessitate the imposition of sanctions sufficient to force the offenders to desist and surrender the violators to the offended district’s prosecution.
5] Smell.
(Noxious smells same as Sound)
1) Water Theft. APR.
In addition to the sanctions imposed by the Minister of Environment on districts for water depletion the Minister of Sovereignty may require the surrender the main person(s) responsible for the theft to the offended district for criminal prosecution.
2) Cross-Border Bribery. APR.[Also see free and fair election standards].
Criminals who seek gain by bribing a Confederation official can inflict enormous damage on a district’s citizens and their environment. The Minister of Sovereignty shall surrender these criminal officials and their bribing benefactors to the offended district(s) for prosecution. When bribery of a Minister by a foreign nation is discovered the victim can be the entire region and our Confederation generally.
When no specific district can claim individual loss by the bribery the offence is announced by the Minister of Communication (internet) for regional popular vote. If less than 50% of the region’s citizens have voted on the issue then Congress may try the offending official with the vote of two other ministers.
3) Communication. APR.
The Minister of Communication shall distribute all broadcast frequencies equally among all districts at no charge. The illegal use or interference with another district’s frequency shall incur sanctions sufficient to cause the offending district to desist from the illegal use. These violators may be extradited. The Minister shall determine the most equitable, environmentally sound means of distributing "landlines" across districts in order to establish universal communication. The destruction of landlines within a district shall incur the appropriate sanctions until the inter-district lines are restored. Criminal use of telephonic or internet communication by district citizens shall incur sanctions until the violators are extradited.
4) Air traffic. All districts shall reserve the right to defend 100% of their air space over their district from invasion. The Minister of Environment shall maintain a region wide maximum limit of 20 tons of aircraft in flight over the region at one time, lighter than air vehicles excluded. The Confederation shall reserve the right to conduct a weekly airborne 20-minute daytime inspection over all districts (inspections likely to involve the use of 400 lbs. drone planes with video cameras).
The Minister of Sovereignty shall determine a means by which a consensus concerning the degree of air traffic restriction may be reached by the entire region. Should a district seek to prohibit all high altitude flights over them the expense of this enforcement would be prohibitive for them alone to bear. The Minister therefore shall either conduct a vote or a sample poll or confer with all Congressmen to judge which combination of air traffic restrictions he shall employ. The Minister of Communication may assist the Minister of Sovereignty to employ a formula by which all the Congressmen’s votes can be "averaged".
The following is a partial list of potential restrictions:
A] Total Regional Aircraft Ban. TX.* War weapons stationed to shoot down violators of our airspace. (*TX- yearly regional vote conducted to determine the TAX we are willing to pay to enforce this policy).
B] Foreign flight duty- domestic ban. Foreign flights that do not pay are destroyed and domestic banned. TX.
C] Foreign Ban- Domestic Duty. Foreign flight ban. Districts collectively decide whether to allow all domestic flights, to levy duties or to prohibit all domestic flight. TX.
D] Foreign and Domestic Duty. TX.
E] Foreign duty- Unrestricted Domestic. TX.
F] Foreign Ban- Unrestricted Domestic. TX.
G] Unrestricted Foreign- Ban Domestic.
H]- Unrestricted Foreign- Domestic Duty.
I]- No flight regulations.
The Minister may decide if a geographical combination of districts may sell their rights to the use of their sovereign airspace upon the consent of the neighboring districts. Foreign nations shall be given notice of the Confederation intent to defend our airspace if we choose that option.
The Minister of Sovereignty shall provide all international border defense that he shall determine is necessary. Districts that share a border with a foreign nation shall be given all the assistance necessary to repel illegal entry into the region. Districts with foreign borders that repel invaders so successfully that Confederation soldiers are unneeded shall receive region wide honors and a tax break in the form of fewer Confederation soldiers to support.
The Minister shall provide a force sufficient to seize foreign smugglers as well. The Minister shall monitor the district’s prosecution of foreign violators to be assured that penalties are sufficient to dissuade future violations of the region’s sovereignty. APR.
The Minister of Sovereignty shall promote the use of deadly force against invasion (1 or more persons) by illegal aliens. Illegal aliens shall have no protection under Confederation or district law. The Minister shall establish sanctions against districts that knowingly harbor illegal aliens. Districts shall not invade onto foreign territory. Only the Minister of Sovereignty may commit our region to war with foreign nations.
Districts are prohibited from granting; legal immigration to any foreign national; or visitors passes; or tourist visas; or any passage across our international borders.
The Minister of Sovereignty shall defend the right of all districts to establish their own laws concerning the possession of weapons for personal protection. The Confederation shall not infringe the right of any citizen to own a domestically approved weapon. The Minister shall restrict the level of "lethality" of all weapons permitted to be owned by all citizens including all government personnel (including all district police and Confederation police {soldiers}). Our present highest level of weapon lethality permissible (domestically approved) shall be a 32 caliber semi-automatic pistol. We wish to limit lethality down to the level sufficient to protect your grandmother from two attackers. It is our hope that one day we will collectively vote to lower the lethality level even further. We forbid our Confederation to possess a domestic military capability superior to that of us private citizens collectively. We the governed intend that we shall outnumber our governors by at least 30 to 1 and that no one of them shall have the ability to arm themselves with anything that shall give them any advantage over any one of us. We the citizens shall rightfully retain the overwhelming preponderance of the military power to quickly and easily rid ourselves of our Confederation government whenever the majority of us shall choose.
It is our hope that our instant, constant and uncontestable voting system shall provide us with the ability to quickly reform and remake government efficiently enough to preclude our need to resort to violent revolution. However if voting shall not have manifested our majority will we shall not shirk our responsibility to unburden ourselves of our oppressive government. It is our hope that the citizens of our beloved region shall, with their hearts filled with moral righteousness, be emboldened to violently resist tyranny now and forever. We shall know tyranny has descended upon us when we the majority find ourselves outgunned by the minority that comprise our government. If our Confederation shall one day come to you to take your weapon in order to provide themselves (a minority by numbers) with the military advantage over you the citizen majority, meet them with gun in hand and fight ferociously for your enslavement BEGINS THAT DAY.
Congress shall devise a means by which both the Confederation and Member Nation’s governments shall be irrevocably prohibited and physically prevented from the use of the superior war weaponry except against a foreign nation’s attack. At the end of a war against a foreign nation the army shall be forced to quickly return the superior weapons to storage. Congress shall devise a means by which we all shall be assured that superior weapons are inaccessible to our domestic government (Confederation, Member Nations) and us the citizens except in the prosecution of a foreign war.
By majority vote Congress shall assign the Minister of their choice to conduct disarmament treaties with foreign nations. As with all of our government, majority popular vote can supercede this choice. It is our goal to persuade all people of all nations that the only national defense needed is a citizenry adequately armed to defend themselves against a personal attack.
District’s police refuse to return weapons to there
Disarmed majority of citizens who have voted to regain them ------ S-3(5)- Confederation . . soldiers immediately arrest district police.
--District police refuse to surrender their armory of
Prohibited overly lethal weapons. ------- S-3(1) Confederation soldiers arrest the district’s police.
--District police have disarmed the citizens against
their majority will and are now robbing and extorting.---S-3(5)Confederation soldiers arrest . district police to be judged and punished by their victims.
--Confederation soldiers caught with illegal weapons---------------------soldiers subject to arrest by district
police or Minister of the Army.
--Confederation sanctions against districts whose citizens possess illegal weapons.
25% of district’s citizens owning illegal weapons* ----------------------------------- S-1(3)
50% " " " " " --------------------------------------S-1(7)
75% " " " " " ----------------------------------- S-1(10)
100% " " " "" " -------------------- S-1(10) & S-2(5).
*Weapons of double the domestically permitted level of lethality.
District seeks Confederation help arresting severe weapons violating minority within their district------------------------
Minister of Sovereignty sends as many Confederation soldiers as the district’s police wish to deputize for the mission. Arrests made under district authority not Confederation authority.
Poaching large quantities of wild game with automatic weapons---Minister of Environment&Sovereignty. conduct immediate S-3(1) to arrest violators.APR.
UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE Minister of Communication
And the Minister of Sovereignty
Neither the Confederation nor district government nor any party may use voter registration
Or voting records to: collect tax or debt; find whereabouts in order to arrest or discover any citizen for any reason; commercial purposes (sales, advertising, recruiting etc.); army recruiting; or any purpose that importunes our citizens. The following are sanctions for the proper protection of majority rule:
District police using voter registration --- Possible S-2(10) until district desists.
Corporations’ commercial use of records—Congress establishes penalty to be administered by the Minister of Communication.
Confederation abuse of voting registration—We start voting to recall ministers.
The Confederation shall conduct open elections of ministers. The Confederation will not conduct separate primary elections to determine a political party’s preferred candidate. The Minister of Communication will announce (internet) the top 30 list of candidates per office after the primary in which all citizens are eligible.
The Minister of Communication shall count all the votes cast (internet) in the "primary" that is the 2 months of voting 4 months prior to the election in order to determine which 10 candidates per ministerial office are the leaders and therefore entitled to free equal media access.
The Minister of Communication could possibly adopt the following voting format:
Citizens may choose their candidates for each office in descending order of preference, first choice down to third with points being awarded to each; 3 points for your first choice 2 points for your second choice 1 point for your third choice and the candidate with the most points wins.
The Minister of Communication shall publish (internet) a compendium governing campaign financing and the means by which we citizens shall be assured we are receiving a true accounting of the real source of the ministerial candidates’ finances.
The Confederation shall assure the region’s citizen’s ease of access to voting without cost or exclusion for any reason.
District imposition of poll tax - S-3(1) soldiers shall arrest district official for theft to be tried by - His victims.
The following rules apply to the corruption of local district as well as Confederation elections. District government officers or anyone who shall have;
1] Conspired to falsify the vote count; or
2] Cause undo hardship on any citizen’s access to the poll; or
3] Violated a voters right to anonymity; or
4] Posed threats (extortion) against person or property to direct a citizen’s voting choice; or
5] Destroyed, vandalized or falsified voting records; or
6] Prevented citizens from voting; or
7] Corrupted the voting process in any significant way-----
-----Shall be subject to severe Confederation sanctions.
The Minister of Communication shall submit to Congress a comprehensive compendium of standards for free and fair elections and the sanctions he intends to impose for the specific violations. Congress may use its recall power against the Minister if they choose to abridge or reject his compendium of standards.
All citizens over 18 shall have the irrevocable right to vote. Irrevocable by imprisonment, insanity or any condition regardless of how odious to our sensibilities.
All citizens over 18 shall be eligible to be a candidate for the office of Confederation Minister at no cost.
The Minister of Communication shall conduct secondary monitoring of district elections. Districts are likely to have their own sovereign monitoring system to assure the integrity of their elections however the Confederation shall provide separate monitoring in the event that district citizens suspect a fraudulent vote count by their "leaders".
The Minister shall devise a means to open the vote counting process to electronic (internet) monitoring by the public without sacrificing voter anonymity.
The Minister of Communication will conduct the census specifically for the purpose of maintaining the integrity of the voting process. Issues that require a majority of all citizen’s votes in order to pass, necessitate a scrupulous account of exactly what number must be surpassed to be a majority vote. In this context the "majority" refers to one vote more than half of all citizens over 18 living in the entire region.
The voting process will be conducted 24 hours per day all year every year (internet). The citizen we choose to be our Minister of Communication must be unquestionably honorable, incorruptible and able to choose a staff of equal stature. The Minister will retain a large highly trained staff in order to accomplish his two most daunting tasks; Vote Averaging and the pronouncement of his decision of what the majority-will Commands the Confederation government to do.
Vote averaging.]
Citizens may make any requests of the Confederation they choose as often as they desire all year long. The Minister shall not require a formal majority vote by which the majority of citizens submit an identical, specifically worded clear command directing the Confederation to take a specific action. Instead, the Minister shall categorize all communication from citizens by the issue addressed in their message. For each issue he shall have the responsibility of dividing and counting all "messages" from citizens into either the broadly generalized "pro" or "con" category.
When an issue is of little interest to citizens and gains no more than a minority "voting opinion" both pro and con the Minister shall disregard the vote. However, when an issue gains a majority vote, pro or con, the Minister must interpret what the general "will" of the people is and issue that "will" as a COMMAND to the Confederation government. This is vote averaging. A simple example of this could take the following form:
25% of citizens wish to have the Minister of the Army killed
15% of citizens wish to have the Minister of the Army jailed for life
15% of citizens wish to have the Minister of the Army deported
45% of citizens are passionate supporters of the Minister of the Army
--The 45% "pro" (supporting the Minister) side of the issue is discarded.
--The "Vote averaging" possible solution---
--The 55% "con" (Condemning the Minister) side wins and is "Averaged" and----------
---The Minister of the Army is jailed for 6 yrs then deported.
This example isn’t necessarily realistic because the percentages equal 100%. It is unlikely that every citizen over 18 in the entire region would voice their opinion on one issue. It is proper, however, that only the majority is "averaged".
The majority shall rule the minority in any way they see fit. We acknowledge no inherent, intrinsic human right except as determined by the local majority. The minority will receive whatever treatment the majority shall will. Justice, goodness and an overwhelming respect for the responsibility of citizenship shall be dynamically inspired when we act with absolute confidence in the wisdom of our majority. The moment to moment freedom to direct our government will force us to act inspired by the better angels of our nature lest we all suffer.
This is why we vest nearly all the power of government with the ministers. We can remove them instantly and replace them with some one who will manifest our majority will even more precisely. Our dynamic instant citizens’ democracy constantly renews the true spirit of justice within us. If we were to vest power and control over to our congressional representatives we become slaves to the rule of a committee that is bound to gravitate to the lowest common denominator of incompetence. Ultimately our injustice to others (POSTERITY) turns around to punish us in return. Therefore enlightened self-interest will make impassioned humanitarians out of all of us.
--UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE Minister of Sovereignty and the Minister of Environment.--
Our Confederation may come to the aid of a district and help them secede from their neighboring districts that have become governors over them. Each individual district is entitled to nationhood; to coin their own money, restrict traffic (to all but the few soldiers who inspect), preserve all their wealth for themselves (miniscule Confederation tax) and conduct all their civic affairs without interference. We zealously defend the right of districts to secede not only to provide citizens the opportunity to free themselves from possible oppression but also to promote environmental preservation. We are confident that when our districts maintain the highest possible level of sovereignty for themselves posterity is lovingly served. The more district sovereignty the more self-sufficiency and thus the less need for transportation. Our past arrogant, destructive over-use of transportation has devastated our region. We do not wish to be customers for products from all over the world that come at the cost of 1000s of years of human suffering from the environmental harm that a massively destructive distribution system inflicts. With quick sure sovereignty comes quick self-sufficiency and thus our honorable environmental purpose is served.
Some districts are likely to slowly bargain away their freedom, finding themselves paying too much to outsiders for health care, power, or sewage treatment etc. A district finding that they wish to end a relationship with anyone outside their borders shall be empowered to do just that by the Confederation. No contracts (other than upholding the spirit of this Constitution) that the citizens of a district may have made with any outsider shall be binding or enforceable across district borders. By majority will a district may reclaim its sovereignty and reject all claims by outsiders to any property, real or personal that exists within that seceding district. If an outsider with a civil claim approaches the sovereign courts of a district that district shall be free to ignore it completely. Good will and the wish to continue to do business shall be the best remedy available to dissatisfied buyers or sellers across sovereign district borders. A district can take their sovereignty and bargain it away but the Confederation guarantees that it shall be instantly recoverable.
We regard our Confederation as just, freedom loving and worthy of governing only if those governed freely choose it to govern them. All districts, therefore, shall be free to end their membership with assurances that they pose no future liability to the region. Our respect for the principal that all nations must have freedom is great. We direct our Minister of Sovereignty to carefully judge whether the independence of a Member Nation seeking secession from our Confederation poses a threat of inflicting harm on our region.
A district with an enormous wealth of natural resources leaving our Confederation shall be no loss to us. A district whose geographic position could stop long established transportation routes leaving our Confederation must be no loss to us. We the people regard the losing of our honor by tyrannically forcing an honorable district to surrender its freedom as a personally repugnant, humiliating defamation upon our souls that we will not breach. If we extort wealth or benefit from any district we invite the whole world to eagerly embrace this principle we now embrace and rip our land apart stealing, pillaging, impoverishing and humiliating us all. The Minister of Sovereignty must balance our reverential love of freedom with our need for security in order to determine what answer to give to a district requesting secession from the Confederation.
A district may only secede from the Confederation to become part of a foreign nation if that nation is considered by all ministers to be upholding all the standards we enforce as well or better than we presently do.
No land area smaller than 25 sq. miles may secede.
The geographical shape of a land area that proposes secession should not have a general perimeter more than 8 times the longer than the length of it’s average diameter.
No district may secede from the Confederation in order to join an enemy foreign nation or a nation the ministers consider to be a liability to any neighboring nation.
The Frontier districts may not be made smaller than 603 sq. miles. The collective sq. mileage of a Homeland Center shall not be allowed to increase beyond 615 sq. miles. Secessions of land that alter district boundaries by majority request of their citizens shall not violate these fore mentioned rules.
The secession process may draw new district boundary lines when the majority of citizens within the area choose secession but all CHS standards must be observed.
The Minister of Environment must be confident that the people of the prospective seceding district can and will conduct a schedule of population reduction, border control standards and environmental improvement superior to that of their former record.
The Minister of Environment must be satisfied that the district will, by seceding, increase it’s progress toward 90% self-sufficiency in consumable goods without damaging the environment.
The Minister of Communication shall verify the vote of the territory seceding to assure that the majority chooses secession.
Unhappily some new Member Nations will fail. Too little water. Bad crops. Greedy leaders. Power failures. Bad weather. Bad luck. Neighboring districts may offer some help or not. The Confederation shall be prohibited from offering collateral benefit to any district other than the fulfilling of its Constitutional obligations. The purpose of the non-intervention of the Confederation to render assistance to struggling districts is twofold; minimizing taxes and the deliberate depopulation down to a level the land will naturally support. Less productive land ought not to be forced to support a permanent population. With weak soil, inconsistent water supply and other problems, the temporary propping up of a failing habitation shall most likely lead to a greater tragedy down the line not only for that district but also for the neighboring districts that need the wild habitat around them. The Confederation, therefore, shall appraise the prospective seceding district of how their district’s land will be reapportioned to the neighboring districts if their district fails. Refugee citizens fleeing the destitute condition of a failed district may face the unsympathetic border restrictions of the neighboring districts. The Confederation will honor all district’s sovereign right to control their border. Occasionally we must witness the full horror of overpopulation to rededicate ourselves to population control.
Districts that demonstrate exemplary accomplishments of environmental preservation shall be encouraged by the Confederation to send emissaries to other districts as teachers and motivators.
Member Nations (which may consist of a single district) are responsible only to themselves for the conduct of civil order. Criminal justice shall be administered by Member Nations on their soil in any way chosen by their citizens. A vast range of civil self-determination shall remain the sacrosanct sovereign province under the sole authority of each separate Member Nation. The need for the intervention of our confederation into our lives or our districts shall be rare and of mild degree. Our Confederation shall maintain a potential for intervention to defend those subject to injustice. The millions that constitute Posterity cannot defend themselves and need the protection of our confederation. The weaker nations of our region should not be unaided when defending themselves from attacks made by larger, stronger nations when our confederation will champion their righteous cause. Those instances of injustice that may require our Confederation’s intervention are outlined by the five sovereignty exceptions in the preamble. The executive ministers are charged with administering justice when Member Nations violate the standards. The ministers shall seek to assign all criminal cases to one of the Member Nation’s judicial system. Only the rarest instance should necessitate the use of Confederation courts. To review our rational necessitating CONFEDERATION INTERVENTION defending victims who cannot or should not defend themselves against harm we reassert the five sovereignty exceptions:
Our future population CANNOT defend itself a district’s environmental wrongdoings.
-A district that wishes to secede from a sufficiently larger Member Nation that holds it under it’s authority- OUGHT NOT destroy itself in a losing struggle for freedom when the confederation will champion their righteous cause.
Any combination of the following three sanctions may be imposed by our confederation to correct the violation(s) of standards committed by a district. In most instances the executive minister shall offer a 15-day notification to allow time in which the district may correct the violation and punish their violators themselves before the minister would take the proposed action against the offending district. Many environmental violations may have resulted from years of the district’s abuse of their ecosystem and cannot be corrected in 15 days.
The ministers may impose any severity of sanction that he deems to be the most effective means of persuading the district to desist from further violations. The sanctions are as follows:
S-1) VOTE RESTRICTION. Any portion of the offending district’s Congressmen’s voting power in Congress may be subtracted from his current total.
S-2) BLOCKADE. Any degree of restriction of commerce or travel across the offending district’s border in either direction may be imposed upon an offending district.
S-3) INVASION. The Degree of severity of S-3s may range from the district surrendering the custody of one man to a few Confederation soldiers (i.e.- the district fails to honor an extradition treaty), to the confederation conducting a military invasion that results in the relocation of the worst citizen offenders and the horrors of subjugation under martial law. This severe form of S-3 sanction may be reserved for districts that commit the most massively destructive environmental violations. Cross-border crimes against persons and personal property (rape, murder, theft etc.) ought not necessitate any Confederation response unless requested by the offended district and the minister deems the action prudent.
Our Ministers will assign Confederation soldiers to each district mainly as census takers and inspectors. During their normal inspection duty soldiers can arm themselves with domestically approved weapons if they choose. In the rare instances of S-3 invasions soldiers shall be required to be armed and have the power to arrest. Soldiers shall not be subject to border restrictions except as dictated by their commanding Minister. Soldiers will have specific rules governing all use of police powers. Ministers shall govern their troops concerning the following actions: Personal searches; Searches of vehicles; Searches of citizen’s homes; Arrests (rare); Pursuit (rare); Self-defense; Seizure of property as evidence. Congress shall prescribe measures ministers ought to take to protect all our citizens from administrative abuse by our Confederation and personal abuse by soldiers. Should a minister violate these guidelines Congress may vote to recall that Minister.
Ministers shall determine a district’s need for Confederation protection from "invaders". Our Ministers will determine when persons, who enter a district, who are not a citizen of that district, shall be considered "invaders". Invaders may be persons crossing into a district that cause a violation of our confederation’s overpopulation standards. When invaders commit violations of standards (usually for profit) and the invaded district cannot or will not prosecute these invaders the Confederation shall provide invasion protection and actively arrest these invaders and direct an unrelated district to conduct vigorous prosecution of these persons. Districts reserve the first right to prosecute anyone (some rules concerning Confederation soldiers) for any reason they choose when that person is found on their land. The Minister of Sovereignty shall make determinations concerning disputed cases of extradition (excluding confederation soldiers). When a serious violation of a confederation standard is proved to have been committed by a district’s citizen or an invader and a Minister judges that the district has acted with insufficient force to prevent continued violation of standards, the Minister may impose sanctions on the district or remand the violator to another district for proper prosecution.
Each district’s democratic government reserves the right to make the sovereign determination of any human or civil rights to which their citizens are entitled to receive from that district’s government. Congress will endeavor to inspire all of us within the region to force the ministers, by our majority vote, to maintain a high standard of rights that our districts and we private citizens are entitled to receive from our Confederation. Congress shall establish regulations governing the actions of confederation soldiers and defending citizens and districts from confederation abuse. These are the tertiary rules that soldiers shall default to when neither the supreme law of our Constitution nor the penultimate instructions of their minister have clearly outlined the bounds of their authority. When a Minister imposes a S-3(6) (potential war by the Confederation against some or all of a district’s territory) or higher sanction on a district many rights may be suspended. Our instant voting system that enables us to reverse any Confederation decision and our constant vigilance is the only power we proclaim as necessary to provide us the protection we need against a potentially cruel, despotic minister. Our Ministers control the Confederation Army unless our vote directs the army’s obedience back into our own hands under the leadership of anyone we choose (revolution by vote, absent violence). Our popular vote of the majority (not plurality) of our region’s citizens has the Constitutional authority to order the death of any one we choose, including Ministers.
Recommendations on a degree of severity of sanction to match the degree of violation shall be herein made to the particular minister whose responsibility it is to impose sanctions and encourage compliance from violators with the particular type of standard. The recommendations shall be placed in the text of the stated standard. Severity shall be stated with the sanction number first, S-1, S-2, S-3, with the severity figure following, (‘10’ being the most severe down to ‘1’ as the least severe). They will appear as S-2(7) for example. In all cases the degree of sanction severity will be left to the discretion of the particular minister unless the rare instance of our majority vote directs a sanction against a district.
1.) POPULATION REDUCTION. (See Population reduction schedule).
Districts will be responsible for strict compliance with a biyearly schedule of population reduction. The ongoing intense scrutiny of the Confederation census agents shall report their estimated count of each district’s population to the Minister of Environment every six months. For the most severely overpopulated districts the ratio of natural deaths to births shall be high. We recommend a conscientious birth control program to accomplish the required population reduction rate. We regard the likely alternatives of a district conducting expulsions or executions as less than desirable. Districts that take these extreme measures to fulfill their constitutional population reduction obligation shall not offend us. When contrasted with the truly repugnant prospect of the environmental damage that shall occur with continued overpopulation, executions manifest cultural heroism. The prospect of our Confederation dictating to the district what measures to take, thus robbing a district of it’s sovereign right to self-determination is even more offensive to us. If the overpopulated district shall remorselessly commit the most egregious violation of producing a 2% or more quarterly population increase the Minister may choose to impose a S-3(10) sanction. This sanction may take the following form: Martial law imposed; citizens of the district possessing the most wealth and political power deported from the region. And/or couples and women producing the most children sterilized and relocated to districts that may deport or execute them. And/or relocation of a number of citizens (to other districts likely to execute them) that will fulfill 150% of its population reduction requirements up to that point in time. The more overpopulated the district the higher the rate of decrease Constitutionally required. Please refer to the Population reduction schedule that shows the recommended rate of population decline using severe birth control. Few 25sq.mile areas of the world have 3,000,000 people but the schedule will be applied to all overpopulated districts according to their pop. count over 3000 people (ignore figures after year 278). These standards are likely to make it difficult for districts to allow new residents other than by citizen exchange. Visitors remaining more than 6 months (more than 142 days out of 183) shall be counted as a resident. The goal we will [150 years aprox. for the most densely overpopulated districts] reach for Homeland center districts is a habitation of 122 persons per sq. mile and for Frontier districts is 5 persons per sq. mile.
I) Overpopulated Homeland Center district quarterly violations;
II) Frontier district violations;
a) 10-50% def. of pop. rdtn.----------------------- S-1(10)
b) 50-100% def of pop rdtn.--------------------- S-1(10) and S-2(5).
c) 1-5% pop increase --------------------------- S-1(10) and S-2(10).
d) 5% or more pop increase ----------- S-1(10) and S-2(10) and S-3(3 to10)
a.) Water pollution.
(The Minister of Environment should have sufficient knowledge of toxicology, civil engineering, zoology and all related sciences necessary to intelligently judge the destructive effect of all violations of all pollution standards.).
Sanctions. 3% reduction of water quality of 5 or more acre-feet of water (surface or ground) - S-1(1). 3-15% " " " " " "" " "" "- ------ S-1(5).
15-50% " " " " " " " ----------S-1(10).
Toxicity requiring 100yr. recovery period. " " " " " " " – S-1(10)& S-2(5).
" " " " " 500yr " " " " " " S-2(10) & S-3(1).
[Violations of this magnitude shall require our Minister of Environment to assign another
district’s court[other than the district in which the violation was committed] to prosecute the offender.]
Sanction applied may necessitate a S-3(5) depending on severity of violation.
b.) Water depletion.
Our treaties require preservation of all water resources. The daily amount of flowing surface water we allow ourselves to draw from any topography is based on the volume of water occurring at the lowest elevation in the drainage per day during the month of lowest water flow (usually September). From the entire drainage we take only as much water per day on any day of the year that is the equivalent of 15% the average September outflow at the lowest point of the drainage. We have, therefore, limited our districts to portions of this 15% of the surface water in order to preserve the environmental health and the highest ecosystem productivity and sustainability. Our ground water resources shall not be depleted. Ground water shall be allowed to return to their historic levels after which they shall not be extracted in amounts per day faster than they are replenished per day. The Minister of Environment shall issue a statutory limit on the maximum quantity of water allowed to be extracted [ground and surface] each separate 5 sq. mile area [section] of the entire region. The extraction of water that exceeds the allotment shall be regarded as theft committed by the district.
5-20% over allotted water amount extracted in 1-5 sections ----------------------- S-1(1)
20-50% " " " " " " " " " " " " ------------------------- S-1(5)
50-80% " " " " " " " " "--------------- S-1(10) & S2(1)
80-120% " " " " ‘" ------------- S-2(10) & S-3(1)
SANCTIONS-------S-3(5) in the worst cases.
A) Toxins introduced.
Most toxins that reach the soil come from the same sources as those that pollute the water. The Minister of Environment shall have the responsibility of establishing a comprehensive set of standards governing all toxic effects suffered by our soil. The Confederation shall not have the authority to arrest citizens for the ownership, sales or transport (other than of weapons of mass destruction) of any material or product for any reason. The Minister of Environment shall, however, inspect and impose sanctions against a district for the toxic effect of poisons used on the environment. The Minister of Environment shall enforce a region wide ban on those substances that he regards as weapons grade toxins, biological weapons, radioactive waste etc. Sanctions on districts.
1-20 acres of soil reduced 20% below it’s bio-diversity and productivity level--- S-1(1)
" " " "" " " " 40% " " " " " " " " " " --- S-1(5)
" " " " " 60% " " " " " " " " " --- S-1(10)
" " to an unusable toxic state requiring 1-5years to fully recover—S-1(10) & S-2(3)
" " " " " " ‘" " " 5-50 " " " -- S-1(10) & S-2(10)
" " " " " " " " " " 50 or more " " " " " – S-2(10) & S-3(5)
Minister of Environment may choose the district in which the worst citizen violators shall be prosecuted. If the severely violating district refuses to surrender its violators the whole district may, at the discretion of the Minister, be ceded to the authority of the neighboring districts. Worse, the Minister of Environment may issue a S-3(8) and expel 25% [or more] of the district’s population from the region.
B) Soil Disturbance.
1) AGRICULTURE. Agriculture will be required to maintain a minimum percentage of variety and mass of microorganisms in the soil. These amounts must equal or surpass the historic levels of the original soil. Tilling, compaction, fertilizing and other practices can ruin soil pH and destroy the life within it. Surface and ground water depletion or over irrigation can also turn land, once productive in it’s natural state, into a desert or weed patch. Regardless of the cause, our districts shall receive sanctions for soil degradation. The acronym that shall refer to soil health shall be OSP [optimum sustainable soil productivity for that habitat].
1-20 acres with OSP reduced by 5-20% ------------------------------- S-1(1)
" """ "" "" " " 20-30% ------------------------------ S-1(5).
" " " " " " " 40-60% ----------------------------- S-1(10).
" " " " " " " 60-80% --------------------- S-1(10) & S-2(3).
20-40 " " " " " 60-80% --------------------- S-1(10) & S-2(10).
40-100 " " " " " 60-80% ---------------------- S-2(10) & S-3(1).
100+ " " " " " 60-95% ---------------------- S-2(10) & S-3(5).
2). DEVELOPMENT. For Homeland Center districts 60% of their land shall be the portion in which farms buildings, homes, roads, industrial buildings and all "improvements" that prohibit the ability of healthy soil to regenerate while they remain (1000s of years for many foundations) shall be permitted. For Frontier districts 6% of their land is allowed to contain "improvements. The Minister of Environment shall establish a maximum quantity of acres on which "improvements" within the "improvement" portion of that particular district shall be permitted. Over development has left far to many of our districts without the close proximity of cropland, pastureland, and wild lands (wild lands support the wild plant and animal life essential for healthy agriculture) essential to enable the district to feed itself. It is our goal that all districts shall be 90%(or more) self-sufficient in consumable goods. The following are sanctions to be imposed for the failure to remove the required percentage of old "improvements" that the Minister has directed (improvement removal requirement IRR) and for the building of prohibited new "improvements". SANCTIONS:
10% less than the IRR------------------------------------------------------ S-1(3)
50% " " " " ----------------------------------------------------- S-1(5)
100% " " " " ----------------------------------------------------- S-1(6)
1% increase of developed land over their existing level ------------- S-1(10)
3% " "" " " " " " " ----- S-1(10) & S-2(3)
5% " " " " " -----S-1(10) & S-2(8)
8% " " " " " ------ S-2(10) & S-3(2)
10% " " " ------ S-2(10) & S-3(6)
4)AIR POLLUTION: The Minister of Environment shall maintain a region wide prohibition against the use or mining of fossil fuel. The Minister of Environment shall limit the fermentation of organic material that produces such a quantity of fuel that could cause pollution in a district. Hydrogen production shall be limited as well. The Minister shall impose sanctions on districts for producing air pollution, not for the air pollution that exists above it. The Minister shall quantify the collective toxic effect produced by all the separate sources of the district’s air pollutants and impose sanctions based on the degree of harm done.
SANCTIONS on districts:
5-15% over the allowed toxic output --------------------------------------- S-1(1)
15-30% " " " " " ----------------------------------------- S-1(5)
30-40% " "" "" " ------------------------------------------ S-1(10)
40-50% " " " " ----------------------------------------- S-2(1)
50-60% " " " " " "-------------------------------------------- S-2(5)
60-70% " " " " -------------------------------------------- S-2(10)
70-80% " " " " --------------------------------- S-2(10) & S-3(1)
80-90% " " " " ---------------------------------- S-2(10) & S-3(5)
90% or more " " " " ----------------------------------- S-3(10)
The Minister of Environment shall require all districts to maintain a minimum percentage of it’s land (including lakes, oceans (the distance from shore determined by the Minister) rivers etc.) in climax habitat condition (The standard requiring a minimum of all district’s land area be reserved in Climax Habitat condition shall be referred to as CHS). For Frontier districts the minimum shall be 94%of the district’s land area. For Homeland Center districts the minimum shall be 40%. Most districts are in violation of the CHS now. Therefore the Minister of Environment shall establish a yearly rate of removal of the existing development. Overdeveloped districts shall submit a map to the minister designating the portion of their land ( 40% for Homeland Center(HC) districts, 94% for Frontier districts ) they intend to restore to climax condition.
The boundary line enclosing the CHS land within HC districts shall begin a quarter of a mile from all degradations of the habitat. Primary among these degradations are roads but shall also include such elements as cement (building foundations), stucco, asphalt (parking lots), toxic waste, trash (plastic, rubber, metal etc.) and must be eliminated from within CHS land as well. Anything that the Minister of Environment may consider an impediment to the full recovery to the land’s historic level of prime ecological health must be eliminated from CHS land. The minister shall not accept long narrow tendrils of bad land as adequate to the CHS standard. The minimum size of one Parcel of CHS land shall be 3 sq. miles within Homeland Center districts and 100sq. miles within Frontier districts. CHS land quality, collectively, must be judged to be a match to that of the rest of the district’s average quality. Districts will be responsible for replacing non-native plant and animal species in CHS land with the historic native species. Agriculture and ranching shall be prohibited on CHS land. No road or motorized vehicle shall be permitted on CHS land. The Minister of Environment shall judge whether small temporary improvements may be installed on CHS land (birdhouses and feeders, one 500sq. foot tented area per 3sq. mile CHS section for a ranger’s quarters, watering stations for wild life etc.)
SANCTIONS on districts for failure to fulfill required quota of asphalt, cement and "improvement" removal from designated CHS land;
10% less restoration than required by quota -------- S-1(1)
50% less restoration than required by quota --------- S-2(1)
100% failure (nothing done) ----------------------- S-3(1)
Degradation (housing, roads, culverts, improvements built) advanced -------- S-3(10).
A ) Resource Extraction.
1] Hunting.
The culling of animals shall be permitted with precise limitations. If predators and natural die off fail to limit the numbers of a species to historically sustainable levels the district may allow culling back to the correct level. Grazing and browsing species must be culled sufficiently to prevent the departure of plant species and degradation of the ecosystem. The Minister of Environment may declare year-round open season on noxious non-native species of animals. Indiscriminant trapping or poisoning is forbidden. The Minister of Environment shall assign special Confederation anti-poaching rangers with shoot to kill orders to protect endangered species.
10% per year over limit kills of any species ------------------------------ S-1(1).
50% " " " " " " " ---------------------S-1(10) & S-2(1).
100% " " " " " " " --------------------- S-1(10) & S-2(7).
The district’s open promotion of the hunting of endangered species ------- S-2(10) & S-3(8).
3- Fishing.
The Minister of Environment shall apply standards and sanctions similar to that of hunting for the protection of fresh and salt-water species and habitats.
4- Logging and Plant extraction.
The Minister of Environment must establish separate standards regulating the harvesting of plant material in order to preserve the ecological integrity of each separate section of CHS land. The Minister must know precisely how every separate ecosystem in the entire region looks, smells, tastes and feels when it has reached climax condition in order to impose regulations of the properly high degree of severity necessary to achieve climax forest conditions. Immature trees (timber) naturally occurring in a density likely to cause the death of a portion of the group may be carefully selected for harvest to promote the health of the remaining trees. The cutting of old growth healthy trees is forbidden. Motor vehicles are forbidden in CHS land for any reason and especially forbidden for logging. No more than 15% of a forest’s yearly deadfall may be harvested. The minister shall forbid the harvesting of any plant in any CHS section that he considers to be a threatened species.
Sanctions preserving plant species shall match that of hunting sanctions.
5- Mineral extraction.
Mining is prohibited on CHS land. No disturbance of the soil (the ground) may be done that degrades the ecosystem. The Minister of Environment shall make the determination of what activities constitute destructive "mining" as oppose to the incidental primitive camping uses CHS land. Disturbance of streambeds for any reason is forbidden. The Minister shall provide any and all security necessary to a defend a district’s CHS land from violators raiding it from another district. The violation of any standard by a citizen of one district while on the another district’s land shall be subject to arrest by Confederation officials. The Minister in authority over that particular violation shall surrender the prisoner to the violated district’s system of justice for punishment. If the violator is not, in the Minister’s opinion, punished sufficiently the Minister shall impose the appropriate sanction on the overly lenient district or remand the violator to a district more likely to defend the environment from his destructive actions. The Minister shall quantify a scale of potential damage done to CHS land by mining and impose sanctions on districts accordingly.
10% more damage resulting from "mining" than allowed limit -------------- S-1(1).
50% " " " " " " " " ---------- S-1(10) & S-2(10).
100% " " " " " --------- S-2(10) & S-3(10).
b) MOTOR VEHICLES.-- Motorized vehicles are prohibited on or above CHS land. Motors of all kinds are prohibited on CHS land. The park Ranger may utilize motors for discrete nondestructive tasks. A district’s failure to protect a CHS section from damage caused by motorized vehicles or motors shall require a prompt and vigorous defense of the section by the Minister. The minister may prohibit entry onto CHS land if he considers the threat of damage to be severe. Sanctions may range as high as S-3(5).
Frontier districts shall maintain 94% of their land in climax condition as CHS sections and this is possible while supporting a population of nomadic aboriginal people within it. The Minister of Environment shall determine what small exceptions to the CHS standards he intends to make to accommodate this population that must not exceed one person per sq. mile on CHS land within Frontier districts. Frontier districts will be forced to severely limit the existence of roads within their districts in order to provide 575sq. miles of roadless CHS land with minimum sector size of 100 sq. miles. Each person who shall live within any CHS sector remains there by the grace of the Minister of Environment. The Minister of Environment shall designate no less than 15% of the land area of each Frontier district as an emergency dehabitation zone. These sensitive areas shall be vacated and restoration begun within 4 years of the ratification of our Constitution. The Minister shall choose these areas irrespective of the density of the existing population. The people of the Frontier district may select the persons who may apply to the Minister to live on the district’s CHS land. Each of these prospective Frontier CHS residents will be required to pass any tests the Minister shall deem necessary. These residents must also be required to successfully complete Confederation army training and accept an army commission as a forest ranger. All CHS residents, being Confederation soldiers, will be subject to both district law and Confederation army law as well. All CHS residents must demonstrate to the Minister their ability and overwhelming ambition to preserve the environment and limit Frontier population. With this training and motivation the soldiers living on Frontier CHS land will conduct extremely careful nondestructive agriculture, hunting, fishing, trail building, game tending, temporary lodge building and perfect environmental preservation. The Minister shall establish differing levels of limitations to the police power of Frontier CHS rangers. Districts that abuse the CHS land shall have rangers who shall be instructed by the Minister to refuse access entirely.
The Minister of Sovereignty shall make a determination of the need for Confederation intervention to prevent cross-border crimes. Each individual district shall determine the degree to which it will restrict (beyond Confederation restrictions) the incoming traffic of commerce and people. Districts retain the sovereign right to impose any impost or duty on any goods entering their territory. Repeated or serious violation of a district’s or the Confederation’s border restrictions may cause the Minister to install Confederation soldiers to defend the district’s borders regardless of the district’s requests. The Minister shall allow Confederation soldiers largely unrestricted police power to arrest invaders of a district. When a serious invasion is discovered to have originated from a particular district the Minister shall make a determination of an appropriate sanction to impose on that offending district. If an offending district persists in serious cross-border hostilities the Minister may declare a S-3(8) and impose martial law on that district until he considers the threat to have been neutralized. If the Minister shall have received proof that person(s) residing in one district to have committed a serious crime in another district the Minister shall force (by request of the offended district) the extradition of that person(s) to face prosecution.
We citizens must maintain constant vigilance scrupulously monitoring the Confederation’s potentially unjust treatment of districts other than our own. We implore all who will come after us to conceptualize beforehand the degree of injustice that a Minister could inflict on a distant district before we unify and vote to remove or kill that Minister. If our entire Confederation leadership needs to be crushed and restocked with new leaders we pray that our electronic voting system is intact and our Minister of Communication is loyal to our right of majority rule. If our majority vote fails to disestablish government we will then realize the prudence of having secured the preponderance of weaponry with us, ………………WE THE PEOPLE.
1) Direct Victimizing cross-border Crime.
The Confederation shall maintain a contingent of soldiers within all districts therefore no cross-border criminal shall be immune from prosecution by seeking asylum within a sympathetic sovereign district. The Minister of Sovereignty shall adjudicate all contended extradition (excluding solders). Of prime consideration shall be the Minister’s certainty of the guilt of the man to be extradited. As with all Confederation proceedings, extradition hearings shall be public record on the Internet. When the Minister judges that a contended extradition should be granted he shall "recommend" to the contending district that they concede to the surrender of the man to the offended district. If the "recommendation" is denied by the offending district the Minister shall proceed with the imposition of the appropriate sanctions on the entire district until the extradition is granted. Great care must be taken by all parties to abandon personality from this process and scrupulously, objectively pursue justice. The term "cross-border crime" presumes that the person has crossed a district’s border, committed a crime and then is discovered in another district (possibly the district from which he came or any other). Congress shall make uniform rules that establish exactly what shall constitute the sufficient degree of diligence required of the Confederation’s search for cross-border criminals. Our Minister of Sovereignty shall be responsible to all of us to fulfil this standard of diligence. If he fails we have our swift remedy.
Certain criminal acts punished by a sovereign district’s government may cause a Minister to impose a "APR" (Adequate Punishment Required) indication on the case if the criminal is determined to have committed severe or repeated destructive violations of Confederation standards.
A Minister may assign an APR case to another district for sufficient punishment. APR requirements are designed to intensify respect for all district borders in the hearts of criminals without robbing districts of their sovereign right to defend their citizens from unjust big government policing.
The following is a list of the most commonly anticipated cross-border crimes that directly victimize and may necessitate the Minister of Sovereignty to either force extradition of the criminal(s) or impose sanctions on the district harboring them:
a) Theft.
Bank robbery. Cattle rustling. Burglary. Personal Robbery. Gold mining (APR) (any mining unauthorized by the district). Logging (APR) (any unauthorized plant extraction). Poaching (APR). Vehicle theft. Theft of property totaling 3 times the average monthly pay of a Confederation soldier.
b) Kidnapping.
The Minister of Sovereignty shall impose immediate sanctions on a district he believes is not acting with sufficient diligence to rescue a hostage taken from another district.
c) Destruction of Property. --Arson (APR). Vandalism. Bombings (APR).
d) Murder. Also, murder done by invaders during a hostile military style attacks shall necessitate the immediate imposition of a S-2(10) sanction on the offending district by the Minister of Sovereignty. Terrorist mayhem (APR)(poisoning the water supply, bombings, land mines etc.). Murder of Confederation officials (APR).
e) Rape.
f) Cross-Border Projectiles. APR.
Airborne objects launched across district borders shall earn the offending district the sanctions necessary to convince them to surrender the criminals to the offended district. Motives may range from vandalism to intentional murder. The Minister shall distinguish child’s play from crime in these cases. Methods may include standard weapons shooting bullets to elastic launchers to model planes bearing explosives. A violation that takes the form of a military attack shall necessitate the imposition of an immediate S-3(6).
2) Indirect cross-border crime. (Crimes with a less immediate victim).
a)SMUGGLING.(APR). Districts may prohibit the importation of any product (anything) they choose. (The Confederation shall establish region wide prohibition of importation of certain "products"APR. {nuclear weapons, pollutants, ddt. Unauthorized war weapons, defoliants, etc.} ). The Confederation shall remand all members (including investors) of a smuggling ring to the offended district for prosecution. The smuggling in of illegal residents shall result in severe district sanctions if the district does not prosecute and expel the violators. Districts are free to independently outlaw any drug from their district and require the Confederation to prevent their importation into their district. The Confederation shall make no restrictions on any drug. Destructive chemicals that are likely to significantly pollute air, water or soil shall be subject to the scrutiny of the Minister of Environment.
b) Counterfeiting.
Each district shall retain the sovereign right to print their district’s separate currency. Counterfeiters caught with counterfeit currency of a district other than the one in which they are found shall be held for extradition to the offended district. Investors and transporters shall be rendered into the offended district’s custody along with those knowingly passing the bills.
c) The Exportation of Pollution.
The pollution of one district by another shall necessitate the imposition of sanctions on the offending district by both the Minister of Environment and the Minister of Sovereignty. The Ministers shall make all determinations of what shall constitute the criminal pollution of one district by another. Among the variety of violations that may require sanctions are:
1] Water Pollution. APR.
The severity of sanctions for polluting shall be tripled on a district for polluting not only themselves but their neighbors as well. Sanctions will intensify until the offending district desists from polluting and surrenders to the offended district those responsible for this far ranging pollution. Our Confederation shall not provide civil lawsuit solutions to this cross-border damage, only criminal prosecution.
2] Air Pollution. APR.
Air pollution emanating from a district that manifests an intense measurable localized poisoning of the neighboring district’s soil, air, livestock or water shall necessitate intense sanctions until they both desist from polluting and surrender their criminal polluters to the offended district(s).
3] Transporting of waste across a District border.
(Same as Air and Water sanctions)
. 4] Sound.
Noise pollution that carries across a district’s border shall necessitate the imposition of sanctions sufficient to force the offenders to desist and surrender the violators to the offended district’s prosecution.
5] Smell.
(Noxious smells same as Sound)
1) Water Theft. APR.
In addition to the sanctions imposed by the Minister of Environment on districts for water depletion the Minister of Sovereignty may require the surrender the main person(s) responsible for the theft to the offended district for criminal prosecution.
2) Cross-Border Bribery. APR.[Also see free and fair election standards].
Criminals who seek gain by bribing a Confederation official can inflict enormous damage on a district’s citizens and their environment. The Minister of Sovereignty shall surrender these criminal officials and their bribing benefactors to the offended district(s) for prosecution. When bribery of a Minister by a foreign nation is discovered the victim can be the entire region and our Confederation generally.
When no specific district can claim individual loss by the bribery the offence is announced by the Minister of Communication (internet) for regional popular vote. If less than 50% of the region’s citizens have voted on the issue then Congress may try the offending official with the vote of two other ministers.
3) Communication. APR.
The Minister of Communication shall distribute all broadcast frequencies equally among all districts at no charge. The illegal use or interference with another district’s frequency shall incur sanctions sufficient to cause the offending district to desist from the illegal use. These violators may be extradited. The Minister shall determine the most equitable, environmentally sound means of distributing "landlines" across districts in order to establish universal communication. The destruction of landlines within a district shall incur the appropriate sanctions until the inter-district lines are restored. Criminal use of telephonic or internet communication by district citizens shall incur sanctions until the violators are extradited.
4) Air traffic. All districts shall reserve the right to defend 100% of their air space over their district from invasion. The Minister of Environment shall maintain a region wide maximum limit of 20 tons of aircraft in flight over the region at one time, lighter than air vehicles excluded. The Confederation shall reserve the right to conduct a weekly airborne 20-minute daytime inspection over all districts (inspections likely to involve the use of 400 lbs. drone planes with video cameras).
The Minister of Sovereignty shall determine a means by which a consensus concerning the degree of air traffic restriction may be reached by the entire region. Should a district seek to prohibit all high altitude flights over them the expense of this enforcement would be prohibitive for them alone to bear. The Minister therefore shall either conduct a vote or a sample poll or confer with all Congressmen to judge which combination of air traffic restrictions he shall employ. The Minister of Communication may assist the Minister of Sovereignty to employ a formula by which all the Congressmen’s votes can be "averaged".
The following is a partial list of potential restrictions:
A] Total Regional Aircraft Ban. TX.* War weapons stationed to shoot down violators of our airspace. (*TX- yearly regional vote conducted to determine the TAX we are willing to pay to enforce this policy).
B] Foreign flight duty- domestic ban. Foreign flights that do not pay are destroyed and domestic banned. TX.
C] Foreign Ban- Domestic Duty. Foreign flight ban. Districts collectively decide whether to allow all domestic flights, to levy duties or to prohibit all domestic flight. TX.
D] Foreign and Domestic Duty. TX.
E] Foreign duty- Unrestricted Domestic. TX.
F] Foreign Ban- Unrestricted Domestic. TX.
G] Unrestricted Foreign- Ban Domestic.
H]- Unrestricted Foreign- Domestic Duty.
I]- No flight regulations.
The Minister may decide if a geographical combination of districts may sell their rights to the use of their sovereign airspace upon the consent of the neighboring districts. Foreign nations shall be given notice of the Confederation intent to defend our airspace if we choose that option.
The Minister of Sovereignty shall provide all international border defense that he shall determine is necessary. Districts that share a border with a foreign nation shall be given all the assistance necessary to repel illegal entry into the region. Districts with foreign borders that repel invaders so successfully that Confederation soldiers are unneeded shall receive region wide honors and a tax break in the form of fewer Confederation soldiers to support.
The Minister shall provide a force sufficient to seize foreign smugglers as well. The Minister shall monitor the district’s prosecution of foreign violators to be assured that penalties are sufficient to dissuade future violations of the region’s sovereignty. APR.
The Minister of Sovereignty shall promote the use of deadly force against invasion (1 or more persons) by illegal aliens. Illegal aliens shall have no protection under Confederation or district law. The Minister shall establish sanctions against districts that knowingly harbor illegal aliens. Districts shall not invade onto foreign territory. Only the Minister of Sovereignty may commit our region to war with foreign nations.
Districts are prohibited from granting; legal immigration to any foreign national; or visitors passes; or tourist visas; or any passage across our international borders.
The Minister of Sovereignty shall defend the right of all districts to establish their own laws concerning the possession of weapons for personal protection. The Confederation shall not infringe the right of any citizen to own a domestically approved weapon. The Minister shall restrict the level of "lethality" of all weapons permitted to be owned by all citizens including all government personnel (including all district police and Confederation police {soldiers}). Our present highest level of weapon lethality permissible (domestically approved) shall be a 32 caliber semi-automatic pistol. We wish to limit lethality down to the level sufficient to protect your grandmother from two attackers. It is our hope that one day we will collectively vote to lower the lethality level even further. We forbid our Confederation to possess a domestic military capability superior to that of us private citizens collectively. We the governed intend that we shall outnumber our governors by at least 30 to 1 and that no one of them shall have the ability to arm themselves with anything that shall give them any advantage over any one of us. We the citizens shall rightfully retain the overwhelming preponderance of the military power to quickly and easily rid ourselves of our Confederation government whenever the majority of us shall choose.
It is our hope that our instant, constant and uncontestable voting system shall provide us with the ability to quickly reform and remake government efficiently enough to preclude our need to resort to violent revolution. However if voting shall not have manifested our majority will we shall not shirk our responsibility to unburden ourselves of our oppressive government. It is our hope that the citizens of our beloved region shall, with their hearts filled with moral righteousness, be emboldened to violently resist tyranny now and forever. We shall know tyranny has descended upon us when we the majority find ourselves outgunned by the minority that comprise our government. If our Confederation shall one day come to you to take your weapon in order to provide themselves (a minority by numbers) with the military advantage over you the citizen majority, meet them with gun in hand and fight ferociously for your enslavement BEGINS THAT DAY.
Congress shall devise a means by which both the Confederation and Member Nation’s governments shall be irrevocably prohibited and physically prevented from the use of the superior war weaponry except against a foreign nation’s attack. At the end of a war against a foreign nation the army shall be forced to quickly return the superior weapons to storage. Congress shall devise a means by which we all shall be assured that superior weapons are inaccessible to our domestic government (Confederation, Member Nations) and us the citizens except in the prosecution of a foreign war.
By majority vote Congress shall assign the Minister of their choice to conduct disarmament treaties with foreign nations. As with all of our government, majority popular vote can supercede this choice. It is our goal to persuade all people of all nations that the only national defense needed is a citizenry adequately armed to defend themselves against a personal attack.
District’s police refuse to return weapons to there
Disarmed majority of citizens who have voted to regain them ------ S-3(5)- Confederation . . soldiers immediately arrest district police.
--District police refuse to surrender their armory of
Prohibited overly lethal weapons. ------- S-3(1) Confederation soldiers arrest the district’s police.
--District police have disarmed the citizens against
their majority will and are now robbing and extorting.---S-3(5)Confederation soldiers arrest . district police to be judged and punished by their victims.
--Confederation soldiers caught with illegal weapons---------------------soldiers subject to arrest by district
police or Minister of the Army.
--Confederation sanctions against districts whose citizens possess illegal weapons.
25% of district’s citizens owning illegal weapons* ----------------------------------- S-1(3)
50% " " " " " --------------------------------------S-1(7)
75% " " " " " ----------------------------------- S-1(10)
100% " " " "" " -------------------- S-1(10) & S-2(5).
*Weapons of double the domestically permitted level of lethality.
District seeks Confederation help arresting severe weapons violating minority within their district------------------------
Minister of Sovereignty sends as many Confederation soldiers as the district’s police wish to deputize for the mission. Arrests made under district authority not Confederation authority.
Poaching large quantities of wild game with automatic weapons---Minister of Environment&Sovereignty. conduct immediate S-3(1) to arrest violators.APR.
UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE Minister of Communication
And the Minister of Sovereignty
Neither the Confederation nor district government nor any party may use voter registration
Or voting records to: collect tax or debt; find whereabouts in order to arrest or discover any citizen for any reason; commercial purposes (sales, advertising, recruiting etc.); army recruiting; or any purpose that importunes our citizens. The following are sanctions for the proper protection of majority rule:
District police using voter registration --- Possible S-2(10) until district desists.
Corporations’ commercial use of records—Congress establishes penalty to be administered by the Minister of Communication.
Confederation abuse of voting registration—We start voting to recall ministers.
The Confederation shall conduct open elections of ministers. The Confederation will not conduct separate primary elections to determine a political party’s preferred candidate. The Minister of Communication will announce (internet) the top 30 list of candidates per office after the primary in which all citizens are eligible.
The Minister of Communication shall count all the votes cast (internet) in the "primary" that is the 2 months of voting 4 months prior to the election in order to determine which 10 candidates per ministerial office are the leaders and therefore entitled to free equal media access.
The Minister of Communication could possibly adopt the following voting format:
Citizens may choose their candidates for each office in descending order of preference, first choice down to third with points being awarded to each; 3 points for your first choice 2 points for your second choice 1 point for your third choice and the candidate with the most points wins.
The Minister of Communication shall publish (internet) a compendium governing campaign financing and the means by which we citizens shall be assured we are receiving a true accounting of the real source of the ministerial candidates’ finances.
The Confederation shall assure the region’s citizen’s ease of access to voting without cost or exclusion for any reason.
District imposition of poll tax - S-3(1) soldiers shall arrest district official for theft to be tried by - His victims.
The following rules apply to the corruption of local district as well as Confederation elections. District government officers or anyone who shall have;
1] Conspired to falsify the vote count; or
2] Cause undo hardship on any citizen’s access to the poll; or
3] Violated a voters right to anonymity; or
4] Posed threats (extortion) against person or property to direct a citizen’s voting choice; or
5] Destroyed, vandalized or falsified voting records; or
6] Prevented citizens from voting; or
7] Corrupted the voting process in any significant way-----
-----Shall be subject to severe Confederation sanctions.
The Minister of Communication shall submit to Congress a comprehensive compendium of standards for free and fair elections and the sanctions he intends to impose for the specific violations. Congress may use its recall power against the Minister if they choose to abridge or reject his compendium of standards.
All citizens over 18 shall have the irrevocable right to vote. Irrevocable by imprisonment, insanity or any condition regardless of how odious to our sensibilities.
All citizens over 18 shall be eligible to be a candidate for the office of Confederation Minister at no cost.
The Minister of Communication shall conduct secondary monitoring of district elections. Districts are likely to have their own sovereign monitoring system to assure the integrity of their elections however the Confederation shall provide separate monitoring in the event that district citizens suspect a fraudulent vote count by their "leaders".
The Minister shall devise a means to open the vote counting process to electronic (internet) monitoring by the public without sacrificing voter anonymity.
The Minister of Communication will conduct the census specifically for the purpose of maintaining the integrity of the voting process. Issues that require a majority of all citizen’s votes in order to pass, necessitate a scrupulous account of exactly what number must be surpassed to be a majority vote. In this context the "majority" refers to one vote more than half of all citizens over 18 living in the entire region.
The voting process will be conducted 24 hours per day all year every year (internet). The citizen we choose to be our Minister of Communication must be unquestionably honorable, incorruptible and able to choose a staff of equal stature. The Minister will retain a large highly trained staff in order to accomplish his two most daunting tasks; Vote Averaging and the pronouncement of his decision of what the majority-will Commands the Confederation government to do.
Vote averaging.]
Citizens may make any requests of the Confederation they choose as often as they desire all year long. The Minister shall not require a formal majority vote by which the majority of citizens submit an identical, specifically worded clear command directing the Confederation to take a specific action. Instead, the Minister shall categorize all communication from citizens by the issue addressed in their message. For each issue he shall have the responsibility of dividing and counting all "messages" from citizens into either the broadly generalized "pro" or "con" category.
When an issue is of little interest to citizens and gains no more than a minority "voting opinion" both pro and con the Minister shall disregard the vote. However, when an issue gains a majority vote, pro or con, the Minister must interpret what the general "will" of the people is and issue that "will" as a COMMAND to the Confederation government. This is vote averaging. A simple example of this could take the following form:
25% of citizens wish to have the Minister of the Army killed
15% of citizens wish to have the Minister of the Army jailed for life
15% of citizens wish to have the Minister of the Army deported
45% of citizens are passionate supporters of the Minister of the Army
--The 45% "pro" (supporting the Minister) side of the issue is discarded.
--The "Vote averaging" possible solution---
--The 55% "con" (Condemning the Minister) side wins and is "Averaged" and----------
---The Minister of the Army is jailed for 6 yrs then deported.
This example isn’t necessarily realistic because the percentages equal 100%. It is unlikely that every citizen over 18 in the entire region would voice their opinion on one issue. It is proper, however, that only the majority is "averaged".
The majority shall rule the minority in any way they see fit. We acknowledge no inherent, intrinsic human right except as determined by the local majority. The minority will receive whatever treatment the majority shall will. Justice, goodness and an overwhelming respect for the responsibility of citizenship shall be dynamically inspired when we act with absolute confidence in the wisdom of our majority. The moment to moment freedom to direct our government will force us to act inspired by the better angels of our nature lest we all suffer.
This is why we vest nearly all the power of government with the ministers. We can remove them instantly and replace them with some one who will manifest our majority will even more precisely. Our dynamic instant citizens’ democracy constantly renews the true spirit of justice within us. If we were to vest power and control over to our congressional representatives we become slaves to the rule of a committee that is bound to gravitate to the lowest common denominator of incompetence. Ultimately our injustice to others (POSTERITY) turns around to punish us in return. Therefore enlightened self-interest will make impassioned humanitarians out of all of us.
--UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE Minister of Sovereignty and the Minister of Environment.--
Our Confederation may come to the aid of a district and help them secede from their neighboring districts that have become governors over them. Each individual district is entitled to nationhood; to coin their own money, restrict traffic (to all but the few soldiers who inspect), preserve all their wealth for themselves (miniscule Confederation tax) and conduct all their civic affairs without interference. We zealously defend the right of districts to secede not only to provide citizens the opportunity to free themselves from possible oppression but also to promote environmental preservation. We are confident that when our districts maintain the highest possible level of sovereignty for themselves posterity is lovingly served. The more district sovereignty the more self-sufficiency and thus the less need for transportation. Our past arrogant, destructive over-use of transportation has devastated our region. We do not wish to be customers for products from all over the world that come at the cost of 1000s of years of human suffering from the environmental harm that a massively destructive distribution system inflicts. With quick sure sovereignty comes quick self-sufficiency and thus our honorable environmental purpose is served.
Some districts are likely to slowly bargain away their freedom, finding themselves paying too much to outsiders for health care, power, or sewage treatment etc. A district finding that they wish to end a relationship with anyone outside their borders shall be empowered to do just that by the Confederation. No contracts (other than upholding the spirit of this Constitution) that the citizens of a district may have made with any outsider shall be binding or enforceable across district borders. By majority will a district may reclaim its sovereignty and reject all claims by outsiders to any property, real or personal that exists within that seceding district. If an outsider with a civil claim approaches the sovereign courts of a district that district shall be free to ignore it completely. Good will and the wish to continue to do business shall be the best remedy available to dissatisfied buyers or sellers across sovereign district borders. A district can take their sovereignty and bargain it away but the Confederation guarantees that it shall be instantly recoverable.
We regard our Confederation as just, freedom loving and worthy of governing only if those governed freely choose it to govern them. All districts, therefore, shall be free to end their membership with assurances that they pose no future liability to the region. Our respect for the principal that all nations must have freedom is great. We direct our Minister of Sovereignty to carefully judge whether the independence of a Member Nation seeking secession from our Confederation poses a threat of inflicting harm on our region.
A district with an enormous wealth of natural resources leaving our Confederation shall be no loss to us. A district whose geographic position could stop long established transportation routes leaving our Confederation must be no loss to us. We the people regard the losing of our honor by tyrannically forcing an honorable district to surrender its freedom as a personally repugnant, humiliating defamation upon our souls that we will not breach. If we extort wealth or benefit from any district we invite the whole world to eagerly embrace this principle we now embrace and rip our land apart stealing, pillaging, impoverishing and humiliating us all. The Minister of Sovereignty must balance our reverential love of freedom with our need for security in order to determine what answer to give to a district requesting secession from the Confederation.
A district may only secede from the Confederation to become part of a foreign nation if that nation is considered by all ministers to be upholding all the standards we enforce as well or better than we presently do.
No land area smaller than 25 sq. miles may secede.
The geographical shape of a land area that proposes secession should not have a general perimeter more than 8 times the longer than the length of it’s average diameter.
No district may secede from the Confederation in order to join an enemy foreign nation or a nation the ministers consider to be a liability to any neighboring nation.
The Frontier districts may not be made smaller than 603 sq. miles. The collective sq. mileage of a Homeland Center shall not be allowed to increase beyond 615 sq. miles. Secessions of land that alter district boundaries by majority request of their citizens shall not violate these fore mentioned rules.
The secession process may draw new district boundary lines when the majority of citizens within the area choose secession but all CHS standards must be observed.
The Minister of Environment must be confident that the people of the prospective seceding district can and will conduct a schedule of population reduction, border control standards and environmental improvement superior to that of their former record.
The Minister of Environment must be satisfied that the district will, by seceding, increase it’s progress toward 90% self-sufficiency in consumable goods without damaging the environment.
The Minister of Communication shall verify the vote of the territory seceding to assure that the majority chooses secession.
Unhappily some new Member Nations will fail. Too little water. Bad crops. Greedy leaders. Power failures. Bad weather. Bad luck. Neighboring districts may offer some help or not. The Confederation shall be prohibited from offering collateral benefit to any district other than the fulfilling of its Constitutional obligations. The purpose of the non-intervention of the Confederation to render assistance to struggling districts is twofold; minimizing taxes and the deliberate depopulation down to a level the land will naturally support. Less productive land ought not to be forced to support a permanent population. With weak soil, inconsistent water supply and other problems, the temporary propping up of a failing habitation shall most likely lead to a greater tragedy down the line not only for that district but also for the neighboring districts that need the wild habitat around them. The Confederation, therefore, shall appraise the prospective seceding district of how their district’s land will be reapportioned to the neighboring districts if their district fails. Refugee citizens fleeing the destitute condition of a failed district may face the unsympathetic border restrictions of the neighboring districts. The Confederation will honor all district’s sovereign right to control their border. Occasionally we must witness the full horror of overpopulation to rededicate ourselves to population control.
Districts that demonstrate exemplary accomplishments of environmental preservation shall be encouraged by the Confederation to send emissaries to other districts as teachers and motivators.
Member Nations (which may consist of a single district) are responsible only to themselves for the conduct of civil order. Criminal justice shall be administered by Member Nations on their soil in any way chosen by their citizens. A vast range of civil self-determination shall remain the sacrosanct sovereign province under the sole authority of each separate Member Nation. The need for the intervention of our confederation into our lives or our districts shall be rare and of mild degree. Our Confederation shall maintain a potential for intervention to defend those subject to injustice. The millions that constitute Posterity cannot defend themselves and need the protection of our confederation. The weaker nations of our region should not be unaided when defending themselves from attacks made by larger, stronger nations when our confederation will champion their righteous cause. Those instances of injustice that may require our Confederation’s intervention are outlined by the five sovereignty exceptions in the preamble. The executive ministers are charged with administering justice when Member Nations violate the standards. The ministers shall seek to assign all criminal cases to one of the Member Nation’s judicial system. Only the rarest instance should necessitate the use of Confederation courts. To review our rational necessitating CONFEDERATION INTERVENTION defending victims who cannot or should not defend themselves against harm we reassert the five sovereignty exceptions:
Our future population CANNOT defend itself a district’s environmental wrongdoings.
-A district that wishes to secede from a sufficiently larger Member Nation that holds it under it’s authority- OUGHT NOT destroy itself in a losing struggle for freedom when the confederation will champion their righteous cause.
Any combination of the following three sanctions may be imposed by our confederation to correct the violation(s) of standards committed by a district. In most instances the executive minister shall offer a 15-day notification to allow time in which the district may correct the violation and punish their violators themselves before the minister would take the proposed action against the offending district. Many environmental violations may have resulted from years of the district’s abuse of their ecosystem and cannot be corrected in 15 days.
The ministers may impose any severity of sanction that he deems to be the most effective means of persuading the district to desist from further violations. The sanctions are as follows:
S-1) VOTE RESTRICTION. Any portion of the offending district’s Congressmen’s voting power in Congress may be subtracted from his current total.
S-2) BLOCKADE. Any degree of restriction of commerce or travel across the offending district’s border in either direction may be imposed upon an offending district.
S-3) INVASION. The Degree of severity of S-3s may range from the district surrendering the custody of one man to a few Confederation soldiers (i.e.- the district fails to honor an extradition treaty), to the confederation conducting a military invasion that results in the relocation of the worst citizen offenders and the horrors of subjugation under martial law. This severe form of S-3 sanction may be reserved for districts that commit the most massively destructive environmental violations. Cross-border crimes against persons and personal property (rape, murder, theft etc.) ought not necessitate any Confederation response unless requested by the offended district and the minister deems the action prudent.
Our Ministers will assign Confederation soldiers to each district mainly as census takers and inspectors. During their normal inspection duty soldiers can arm themselves with domestically approved weapons if they choose. In the rare instances of S-3 invasions soldiers shall be required to be armed and have the power to arrest. Soldiers shall not be subject to border restrictions except as dictated by their commanding Minister. Soldiers will have specific rules governing all use of police powers. Ministers shall govern their troops concerning the following actions: Personal searches; Searches of vehicles; Searches of citizen’s homes; Arrests (rare); Pursuit (rare); Self-defense; Seizure of property as evidence. Congress shall prescribe measures ministers ought to take to protect all our citizens from administrative abuse by our Confederation and personal abuse by soldiers. Should a minister violate these guidelines Congress may vote to recall that Minister.
Ministers shall determine a district’s need for Confederation protection from "invaders". Our Ministers will determine when persons, who enter a district, who are not a citizen of that district, shall be considered "invaders". Invaders may be persons crossing into a district that cause a violation of our confederation’s overpopulation standards. When invaders commit violations of standards (usually for profit) and the invaded district cannot or will not prosecute these invaders the Confederation shall provide invasion protection and actively arrest these invaders and direct an unrelated district to conduct vigorous prosecution of these persons. Districts reserve the first right to prosecute anyone (some rules concerning Confederation soldiers) for any reason they choose when that person is found on their land. The Minister of Sovereignty shall make determinations concerning disputed cases of extradition (excluding confederation soldiers). When a serious violation of a confederation standard is proved to have been committed by a district’s citizen or an invader and a Minister judges that the district has acted with insufficient force to prevent continued violation of standards, the Minister may impose sanctions on the district or remand the violator to another district for proper prosecution.
Each district’s democratic government reserves the right to make the sovereign determination of any human or civil rights to which their citizens are entitled to receive from that district’s government. Congress will endeavor to inspire all of us within the region to force the ministers, by our majority vote, to maintain a high standard of rights that our districts and we private citizens are entitled to receive from our Confederation. Congress shall establish regulations governing the actions of confederation soldiers and defending citizens and districts from confederation abuse. These are the tertiary rules that soldiers shall default to when neither the supreme law of our Constitution nor the penultimate instructions of their minister have clearly outlined the bounds of their authority. When a Minister imposes a S-3(6) (potential war by the Confederation against some or all of a district’s territory) or higher sanction on a district many rights may be suspended. Our instant voting system that enables us to reverse any Confederation decision and our constant vigilance is the only power we proclaim as necessary to provide us the protection we need against a potentially cruel, despotic minister. Our Ministers control the Confederation Army unless our vote directs the army’s obedience back into our own hands under the leadership of anyone we choose (revolution by vote, absent violence). Our popular vote of the majority (not plurality) of our region’s citizens has the Constitutional authority to order the death of any one we choose, including Ministers.
Recommendations on a degree of severity of sanction to match the degree of violation shall be herein made to the particular minister whose responsibility it is to impose sanctions and encourage compliance from violators with the particular type of standard. The recommendations shall be placed in the text of the stated standard. Severity shall be stated with the sanction number first, S-1, S-2, S-3, with the severity figure following, (‘10’ being the most severe down to ‘1’ as the least severe). They will appear as S-2(7) for example. In all cases the degree of sanction severity will be left to the discretion of the particular minister unless the rare instance of our majority vote directs a sanction against a district.
1.) POPULATION REDUCTION. (See Population reduction schedule).
Districts will be responsible for strict compliance with a biyearly schedule of population reduction. The ongoing intense scrutiny of the Confederation census agents shall report their estimated count of each district’s population to the Minister of Environment every six months. For the most severely overpopulated districts the ratio of natural deaths to births shall be high. We recommend a conscientious birth control program to accomplish the required population reduction rate. We regard the likely alternatives of a district conducting expulsions or executions as less than desirable. Districts that take these extreme measures to fulfill their constitutional population reduction obligation shall not offend us. When contrasted with the truly repugnant prospect of the environmental damage that shall occur with continued overpopulation, executions manifest cultural heroism. The prospect of our Confederation dictating to the district what measures to take, thus robbing a district of it’s sovereign right to self-determination is even more offensive to us. If the overpopulated district shall remorselessly commit the most egregious violation of producing a 2% or more quarterly population increase the Minister may choose to impose a S-3(10) sanction. This sanction may take the following form: Martial law imposed; citizens of the district possessing the most wealth and political power deported from the region. And/or couples and women producing the most children sterilized and relocated to districts that may deport or execute them. And/or relocation of a number of citizens (to other districts likely to execute them) that will fulfill 150% of its population reduction requirements up to that point in time. The more overpopulated the district the higher the rate of decrease Constitutionally required. Please refer to the Population reduction schedule that shows the recommended rate of population decline using severe birth control. Few 25sq.mile areas of the world have 3,000,000 people but the schedule will be applied to all overpopulated districts according to their pop. count over 3000 people (ignore figures after year 278). These standards are likely to make it difficult for districts to allow new residents other than by citizen exchange. Visitors remaining more than 6 months (more than 142 days out of 183) shall be counted as a resident. The goal we will [150 years aprox. for the most densely overpopulated districts] reach for Homeland center districts is a habitation of 122 persons per sq. mile and for Frontier districts is 5 persons per sq. mile.
I) Overpopulated Homeland Center district quarterly violations;
II) Frontier district violations;
a) 10-50% def. of pop. rdtn.----------------------- S-1(10)
b) 50-100% def of pop rdtn.--------------------- S-1(10) and S-2(5).
c) 1-5% pop increase --------------------------- S-1(10) and S-2(10).
d) 5% or more pop increase ----------- S-1(10) and S-2(10) and S-3(3 to10)
a.) Water pollution.
(The Minister of Environment should have sufficient knowledge of toxicology, civil engineering, zoology and all related sciences necessary to intelligently judge the destructive effect of all violations of all pollution standards.).
Sanctions. 3% reduction of water quality of 5 or more acre-feet of water (surface or ground) - S-1(1). 3-15% " " " " " "" " "" "- ------ S-1(5).
15-50% " " " " " " " ----------S-1(10).
Toxicity requiring 100yr. recovery period. " " " " " " " – S-1(10)& S-2(5).
" " " " " 500yr " " " " " " S-2(10) & S-3(1).
[Violations of this magnitude shall require our Minister of Environment to assign another
district’s court[other than the district in which the violation was committed] to prosecute the offender.]
Sanction applied may necessitate a S-3(5) depending on severity of violation.
b.) Water depletion.
Our treaties require preservation of all water resources. The daily amount of flowing surface water we allow ourselves to draw from any topography is based on the volume of water occurring at the lowest elevation in the drainage per day during the month of lowest water flow (usually September). From the entire drainage we take only as much water per day on any day of the year that is the equivalent of 15% the average September outflow at the lowest point of the drainage. We have, therefore, limited our districts to portions of this 15% of the surface water in order to preserve the environmental health and the highest ecosystem productivity and sustainability. Our ground water resources shall not be depleted. Ground water shall be allowed to return to their historic levels after which they shall not be extracted in amounts per day faster than they are replenished per day. The Minister of Environment shall issue a statutory limit on the maximum quantity of water allowed to be extracted [ground and surface] each separate 5 sq. mile area [section] of the entire region. The extraction of water that exceeds the allotment shall be regarded as theft committed by the district.
5-20% over allotted water amount extracted in 1-5 sections ----------------------- S-1(1)
20-50% " " " " " " " " " " " " ------------------------- S-1(5)
50-80% " " " " " " " " "--------------- S-1(10) & S2(1)
80-120% " " " " ‘" ------------- S-2(10) & S-3(1)
SANCTIONS-------S-3(5) in the worst cases.
A) Toxins introduced.
Most toxins that reach the soil come from the same sources as those that pollute the water. The Minister of Environment shall have the responsibility of establishing a comprehensive set of standards governing all toxic effects suffered by our soil. The Confederation shall not have the authority to arrest citizens for the ownership, sales or transport (other than of weapons of mass destruction) of any material or product for any reason. The Minister of Environment shall, however, inspect and impose sanctions against a district for the toxic effect of poisons used on the environment. The Minister of Environment shall enforce a region wide ban on those substances that he regards as weapons grade toxins, biological weapons, radioactive waste etc. Sanctions on districts.
1-20 acres of soil reduced 20% below it’s bio-diversity and productivity level--- S-1(1)
" " " "" " " " 40% " " " " " " " " " " --- S-1(5)
" " " " " 60% " " " " " " " " " --- S-1(10)
" " to an unusable toxic state requiring 1-5years to fully recover—S-1(10) & S-2(3)
" " " " " " ‘" " " 5-50 " " " -- S-1(10) & S-2(10)
" " " " " " " " " " 50 or more " " " " " – S-2(10) & S-3(5)
Minister of Environment may choose the district in which the worst citizen violators shall be prosecuted. If the severely violating district refuses to surrender its violators the whole district may, at the discretion of the Minister, be ceded to the authority of the neighboring districts. Worse, the Minister of Environment may issue a S-3(8) and expel 25% [or more] of the district’s population from the region.
B) Soil Disturbance.
1) AGRICULTURE. Agriculture will be required to maintain a minimum percentage of variety and mass of microorganisms in the soil. These amounts must equal or surpass the historic levels of the original soil. Tilling, compaction, fertilizing and other practices can ruin soil pH and destroy the life within it. Surface and ground water depletion or over irrigation can also turn land, once productive in it’s natural state, into a desert or weed patch. Regardless of the cause, our districts shall receive sanctions for soil degradation. The acronym that shall refer to soil health shall be OSP [optimum sustainable soil productivity for that habitat].
1-20 acres with OSP reduced by 5-20% ------------------------------- S-1(1)
" """ "" "" " " 20-30% ------------------------------ S-1(5).
" " " " " " " 40-60% ----------------------------- S-1(10).
" " " " " " " 60-80% --------------------- S-1(10) & S-2(3).
20-40 " " " " " 60-80% --------------------- S-1(10) & S-2(10).
40-100 " " " " " 60-80% ---------------------- S-2(10) & S-3(1).
100+ " " " " " 60-95% ---------------------- S-2(10) & S-3(5).
2). DEVELOPMENT. For Homeland Center districts 60% of their land shall be the portion in which farms buildings, homes, roads, industrial buildings and all "improvements" that prohibit the ability of healthy soil to regenerate while they remain (1000s of years for many foundations) shall be permitted. For Frontier districts 6% of their land is allowed to contain "improvements. The Minister of Environment shall establish a maximum quantity of acres on which "improvements" within the "improvement" portion of that particular district shall be permitted. Over development has left far to many of our districts without the close proximity of cropland, pastureland, and wild lands (wild lands support the wild plant and animal life essential for healthy agriculture) essential to enable the district to feed itself. It is our goal that all districts shall be 90%(or more) self-sufficient in consumable goods. The following are sanctions to be imposed for the failure to remove the required percentage of old "improvements" that the Minister has directed (improvement removal requirement IRR) and for the building of prohibited new "improvements". SANCTIONS:
10% less than the IRR------------------------------------------------------ S-1(3)
50% " " " " ----------------------------------------------------- S-1(5)
100% " " " " ----------------------------------------------------- S-1(6)
1% increase of developed land over their existing level ------------- S-1(10)
3% " "" " " " " " " ----- S-1(10) & S-2(3)
5% " " " " " -----S-1(10) & S-2(8)
8% " " " " " ------ S-2(10) & S-3(2)
10% " " " ------ S-2(10) & S-3(6)
4)AIR POLLUTION: The Minister of Environment shall maintain a region wide prohibition against the use or mining of fossil fuel. The Minister of Environment shall limit the fermentation of organic material that produces such a quantity of fuel that could cause pollution in a district. Hydrogen production shall be limited as well. The Minister shall impose sanctions on districts for producing air pollution, not for the air pollution that exists above it. The Minister shall quantify the collective toxic effect produced by all the separate sources of the district’s air pollutants and impose sanctions based on the degree of harm done.
SANCTIONS on districts:
5-15% over the allowed toxic output --------------------------------------- S-1(1)
15-30% " " " " " ----------------------------------------- S-1(5)
30-40% " "" "" " ------------------------------------------ S-1(10)
40-50% " " " " ----------------------------------------- S-2(1)
50-60% " " " " " "-------------------------------------------- S-2(5)
60-70% " " " " -------------------------------------------- S-2(10)
70-80% " " " " --------------------------------- S-2(10) & S-3(1)
80-90% " " " " ---------------------------------- S-2(10) & S-3(5)
90% or more " " " " ----------------------------------- S-3(10)
The Minister of Environment shall require all districts to maintain a minimum percentage of it’s land (including lakes, oceans (the distance from shore determined by the Minister) rivers etc.) in climax habitat condition (The standard requiring a minimum of all district’s land area be reserved in Climax Habitat condition shall be referred to as CHS). For Frontier districts the minimum shall be 94%of the district’s land area. For Homeland Center districts the minimum shall be 40%. Most districts are in violation of the CHS now. Therefore the Minister of Environment shall establish a yearly rate of removal of the existing development. Overdeveloped districts shall submit a map to the minister designating the portion of their land ( 40% for Homeland Center(HC) districts, 94% for Frontier districts ) they intend to restore to climax condition.
The boundary line enclosing the CHS land within HC districts shall begin a quarter of a mile from all degradations of the habitat. Primary among these degradations are roads but shall also include such elements as cement (building foundations), stucco, asphalt (parking lots), toxic waste, trash (plastic, rubber, metal etc.) and must be eliminated from within CHS land as well. Anything that the Minister of Environment may consider an impediment to the full recovery to the land’s historic level of prime ecological health must be eliminated from CHS land. The minister shall not accept long narrow tendrils of bad land as adequate to the CHS standard. The minimum size of one Parcel of CHS land shall be 3 sq. miles within Homeland Center districts and 100sq. miles within Frontier districts. CHS land quality, collectively, must be judged to be a match to that of the rest of the district’s average quality. Districts will be responsible for replacing non-native plant and animal species in CHS land with the historic native species. Agriculture and ranching shall be prohibited on CHS land. No road or motorized vehicle shall be permitted on CHS land. The Minister of Environment shall judge whether small temporary improvements may be installed on CHS land (birdhouses and feeders, one 500sq. foot tented area per 3sq. mile CHS section for a ranger’s quarters, watering stations for wild life etc.)
SANCTIONS on districts for failure to fulfill required quota of asphalt, cement and "improvement" removal from designated CHS land;
10% less restoration than required by quota -------- S-1(1)
50% less restoration than required by quota --------- S-2(1)
100% failure (nothing done) ----------------------- S-3(1)
Degradation (housing, roads, culverts, improvements built) advanced -------- S-3(10).
A ) Resource Extraction.
1] Hunting.
The culling of animals shall be permitted with precise limitations. If predators and natural die off fail to limit the numbers of a species to historically sustainable levels the district may allow culling back to the correct level. Grazing and browsing species must be culled sufficiently to prevent the departure of plant species and degradation of the ecosystem. The Minister of Environment may declare year-round open season on noxious non-native species of animals. Indiscriminant trapping or poisoning is forbidden. The Minister of Environment shall assign special Confederation anti-poaching rangers with shoot to kill orders to protect endangered species.
10% per year over limit kills of any species ------------------------------ S-1(1).
50% " " " " " " " ---------------------S-1(10) & S-2(1).
100% " " " " " " " --------------------- S-1(10) & S-2(7).
The district’s open promotion of the hunting of endangered species ------- S-2(10) & S-3(8).
3- Fishing.
The Minister of Environment shall apply standards and sanctions similar to that of hunting for the protection of fresh and salt-water species and habitats.
4- Logging and Plant extraction.
The Minister of Environment must establish separate standards regulating the harvesting of plant material in order to preserve the ecological integrity of each separate section of CHS land. The Minister must know precisely how every separate ecosystem in the entire region looks, smells, tastes and feels when it has reached climax condition in order to impose regulations of the properly high degree of severity necessary to achieve climax forest conditions. Immature trees (timber) naturally occurring in a density likely to cause the death of a portion of the group may be carefully selected for harvest to promote the health of the remaining trees. The cutting of old growth healthy trees is forbidden. Motor vehicles are forbidden in CHS land for any reason and especially forbidden for logging. No more than 15% of a forest’s yearly deadfall may be harvested. The minister shall forbid the harvesting of any plant in any CHS section that he considers to be a threatened species.
Sanctions preserving plant species shall match that of hunting sanctions.
5- Mineral extraction.
Mining is prohibited on CHS land. No disturbance of the soil (the ground) may be done that degrades the ecosystem. The Minister of Environment shall make the determination of what activities constitute destructive "mining" as oppose to the incidental primitive camping uses CHS land. Disturbance of streambeds for any reason is forbidden. The Minister shall provide any and all security necessary to a defend a district’s CHS land from violators raiding it from another district. The violation of any standard by a citizen of one district while on the another district’s land shall be subject to arrest by Confederation officials. The Minister in authority over that particular violation shall surrender the prisoner to the violated district’s system of justice for punishment. If the violator is not, in the Minister’s opinion, punished sufficiently the Minister shall impose the appropriate sanction on the overly lenient district or remand the violator to a district more likely to defend the environment from his destructive actions. The Minister shall quantify a scale of potential damage done to CHS land by mining and impose sanctions on districts accordingly.
10% more damage resulting from "mining" than allowed limit -------------- S-1(1).
50% " " " " " " " " ---------- S-1(10) & S-2(10).
100% " " " " " --------- S-2(10) & S-3(10).
b) MOTOR VEHICLES.-- Motorized vehicles are prohibited on or above CHS land. Motors of all kinds are prohibited on CHS land. The park Ranger may utilize motors for discrete nondestructive tasks. A district’s failure to protect a CHS section from damage caused by motorized vehicles or motors shall require a prompt and vigorous defense of the section by the Minister. The minister may prohibit entry onto CHS land if he considers the threat of damage to be severe. Sanctions may range as high as S-3(5).
Frontier districts shall maintain 94% of their land in climax condition as CHS sections and this is possible while supporting a population of nomadic aboriginal people within it. The Minister of Environment shall determine what small exceptions to the CHS standards he intends to make to accommodate this population that must not exceed one person per sq. mile on CHS land within Frontier districts. Frontier districts will be forced to severely limit the existence of roads within their districts in order to provide 575sq. miles of roadless CHS land with minimum sector size of 100 sq. miles. Each person who shall live within any CHS sector remains there by the grace of the Minister of Environment. The Minister of Environment shall designate no less than 15% of the land area of each Frontier district as an emergency dehabitation zone. These sensitive areas shall be vacated and restoration begun within 4 years of the ratification of our Constitution. The Minister shall choose these areas irrespective of the density of the existing population. The people of the Frontier district may select the persons who may apply to the Minister to live on the district’s CHS land. Each of these prospective Frontier CHS residents will be required to pass any tests the Minister shall deem necessary. These residents must also be required to successfully complete Confederation army training and accept an army commission as a forest ranger. All CHS residents, being Confederation soldiers, will be subject to both district law and Confederation army law as well. All CHS residents must demonstrate to the Minister their ability and overwhelming ambition to preserve the environment and limit Frontier population. With this training and motivation the soldiers living on Frontier CHS land will conduct extremely careful nondestructive agriculture, hunting, fishing, trail building, game tending, temporary lodge building and perfect environmental preservation. The Minister shall establish differing levels of limitations to the police power of Frontier CHS rangers. Districts that abuse the CHS land shall have rangers who shall be instructed by the Minister to refuse access entirely.
The Minister of Sovereignty shall make a determination of the need for Confederation intervention to prevent cross-border crimes. Each individual district shall determine the degree to which it will restrict (beyond Confederation restrictions) the incoming traffic of commerce and people. Districts retain the sovereign right to impose any impost or duty on any goods entering their territory. Repeated or serious violation of a district’s or the Confederation’s border restrictions may cause the Minister to install Confederation soldiers to defend the district’s borders regardless of the district’s requests. The Minister shall allow Confederation soldiers largely unrestricted police power to arrest invaders of a district. When a serious invasion is discovered to have originated from a particular district the Minister shall make a determination of an appropriate sanction to impose on that offending district. If an offending district persists in serious cross-border hostilities the Minister may declare a S-3(8) and impose martial law on that district until he considers the threat to have been neutralized. If the Minister shall have received proof that person(s) residing in one district to have committed a serious crime in another district the Minister shall force (by request of the offended district) the extradition of that person(s) to face prosecution.
We citizens must maintain constant vigilance scrupulously monitoring the Confederation’s potentially unjust treatment of districts other than our own. We implore all who will come after us to conceptualize beforehand the degree of injustice that a Minister could inflict on a distant district before we unify and vote to remove or kill that Minister. If our entire Confederation leadership needs to be crushed and restocked with new leaders we pray that our electronic voting system is intact and our Minister of Communication is loyal to our right of majority rule. If our majority vote fails to disestablish government we will then realize the prudence of having secured the preponderance of weaponry with us, ………………WE THE PEOPLE.
1) Direct Victimizing cross-border Crime.
The Confederation shall maintain a contingent of soldiers within all districts therefore no cross-border criminal shall be immune from prosecution by seeking asylum within a sympathetic sovereign district. The Minister of Sovereignty shall adjudicate all contended extradition (excluding solders). Of prime consideration shall be the Minister’s certainty of the guilt of the man to be extradited. As with all Confederation proceedings, extradition hearings shall be public record on the Internet. When the Minister judges that a contended extradition should be granted he shall "recommend" to the contending district that they concede to the surrender of the man to the offended district. If the "recommendation" is denied by the offending district the Minister shall proceed with the imposition of the appropriate sanctions on the entire district until the extradition is granted. Great care must be taken by all parties to abandon personality from this process and scrupulously, objectively pursue justice. The term "cross-border crime" presumes that the person has crossed a district’s border, committed a crime and then is discovered in another district (possibly the district from which he came or any other). Congress shall make uniform rules that establish exactly what shall constitute the sufficient degree of diligence required of the Confederation’s search for cross-border criminals. Our Minister of Sovereignty shall be responsible to all of us to fulfil this standard of diligence. If he fails we have our swift remedy.
Certain criminal acts punished by a sovereign district’s government may cause a Minister to impose a "APR" (Adequate Punishment Required) indication on the case if the criminal is determined to have committed severe or repeated destructive violations of Confederation standards.
A Minister may assign an APR case to another district for sufficient punishment. APR requirements are designed to intensify respect for all district borders in the hearts of criminals without robbing districts of their sovereign right to defend their citizens from unjust big government policing.
The following is a list of the most commonly anticipated cross-border crimes that directly victimize and may necessitate the Minister of Sovereignty to either force extradition of the criminal(s) or impose sanctions on the district harboring them:
a) Theft.
Bank robbery. Cattle rustling. Burglary. Personal Robbery. Gold mining (APR) (any mining unauthorized by the district). Logging (APR) (any unauthorized plant extraction). Poaching (APR). Vehicle theft. Theft of property totaling 3 times the average monthly pay of a Confederation soldier.
b) Kidnapping.
The Minister of Sovereignty shall impose immediate sanctions on a district he believes is not acting with sufficient diligence to rescue a hostage taken from another district.
c) Destruction of Property. --Arson (APR). Vandalism. Bombings (APR).
d) Murder. Also, murder done by invaders during a hostile military style attacks shall necessitate the immediate imposition of a S-2(10) sanction on the offending district by the Minister of Sovereignty. Terrorist mayhem (APR)(poisoning the water supply, bombings, land mines etc.). Murder of Confederation officials (APR).
e) Rape.
f) Cross-Border Projectiles. APR.
Airborne objects launched across district borders shall earn the offending district the sanctions necessary to convince them to surrender the criminals to the offended district. Motives may range from vandalism to intentional murder. The Minister shall distinguish child’s play from crime in these cases. Methods may include standard weapons shooting bullets to elastic launchers to model planes bearing explosives. A violation that takes the form of a military attack shall necessitate the imposition of an immediate S-3(6).
2) Indirect cross-border crime. (Crimes with a less immediate victim).
a)SMUGGLING.(APR). Districts may prohibit the importation of any product (anything) they choose. (The Confederation shall establish region wide prohibition of importation of certain "products"APR. {nuclear weapons, pollutants, ddt. Unauthorized war weapons, defoliants, etc.} ). The Confederation shall remand all members (including investors) of a smuggling ring to the offended district for prosecution. The smuggling in of illegal residents shall result in severe district sanctions if the district does not prosecute and expel the violators. Districts are free to independently outlaw any drug from their district and require the Confederation to prevent their importation into their district. The Confederation shall make no restrictions on any drug. Destructive chemicals that are likely to significantly pollute air, water or soil shall be subject to the scrutiny of the Minister of Environment.
b) Counterfeiting.
Each district shall retain the sovereign right to print their district’s separate currency. Counterfeiters caught with counterfeit currency of a district other than the one in which they are found shall be held for extradition to the offended district. Investors and transporters shall be rendered into the offended district’s custody along with those knowingly passing the bills.
c) The Exportation of Pollution.
The pollution of one district by another shall necessitate the imposition of sanctions on the offending district by both the Minister of Environment and the Minister of Sovereignty. The Ministers shall make all determinations of what shall constitute the criminal pollution of one district by another. Among the variety of violations that may require sanctions are:
1] Water Pollution. APR.
The severity of sanctions for polluting shall be tripled on a district for polluting not only themselves but their neighbors as well. Sanctions will intensify until the offending district desists from polluting and surrenders to the offended district those responsible for this far ranging pollution. Our Confederation shall not provide civil lawsuit solutions to this cross-border damage, only criminal prosecution.
2] Air Pollution. APR.
Air pollution emanating from a district that manifests an intense measurable localized poisoning of the neighboring district’s soil, air, livestock or water shall necessitate intense sanctions until they both desist from polluting and surrender their criminal polluters to the offended district(s).
3] Transporting of waste across a District border.
(Same as Air and Water sanctions)
. 4] Sound.
Noise pollution that carries across a district’s border shall necessitate the imposition of sanctions sufficient to force the offenders to desist and surrender the violators to the offended district’s prosecution.
5] Smell.
(Noxious smells same as Sound)
1) Water Theft. APR.
In addition to the sanctions imposed by the Minister of Environment on districts for water depletion the Minister of Sovereignty may require the surrender the main person(s) responsible for the theft to the offended district for criminal prosecution.
2) Cross-Border Bribery. APR.[Also see free and fair election standards].
Criminals who seek gain by bribing a Confederation official can inflict enormous damage on a district’s citizens and their environment. The Minister of Sovereignty shall surrender these criminal officials and their bribing benefactors to the offended district(s) for prosecution. When bribery of a Minister by a foreign nation is discovered the victim can be the entire region and our Confederation generally.
When no specific district can claim individual loss by the bribery the offence is announced by the Minister of Communication (internet) for regional popular vote. If less than 50% of the region’s citizens have voted on the issue then Congress may try the offending official with the vote of two other ministers.
3) Communication. APR.
The Minister of Communication shall distribute all broadcast frequencies equally among all districts at no charge. The illegal use or interference with another district’s frequency shall incur sanctions sufficient to cause the offending district to desist from the illegal use. These violators may be extradited. The Minister shall determine the most equitable, environmentally sound means of distributing "landlines" across districts in order to establish universal communication. The destruction of landlines within a district shall incur the appropriate sanctions until the inter-district lines are restored. Criminal use of telephonic or internet communication by district citizens shall incur sanctions until the violators are extradited.
4) Air traffic. All districts shall reserve the right to defend 100% of their air space over their district from invasion. The Minister of Environment shall maintain a region wide maximum limit of 20 tons of aircraft in flight over the region at one time, lighter than air vehicles excluded. The Confederation shall reserve the right to conduct a weekly airborne 20-minute daytime inspection over all districts (inspections likely to involve the use of 400 lbs. drone planes with video cameras).
The Minister of Sovereignty shall determine a means by which a consensus concerning the degree of air traffic restriction may be reached by the entire region. Should a district seek to prohibit all high altitude flights over them the expense of this enforcement would be prohibitive for them alone to bear. The Minister therefore shall either conduct a vote or a sample poll or confer with all Congressmen to judge which combination of air traffic restrictions he shall employ. The Minister of Communication may assist the Minister of Sovereignty to employ a formula by which all the Congressmen’s votes can be "averaged".
The following is a partial list of potential restrictions:
A] Total Regional Aircraft Ban. TX.* War weapons stationed to shoot down violators of our airspace. (*TX- yearly regional vote conducted to determine the TAX we are willing to pay to enforce this policy).
B] Foreign flight duty- domestic ban. Foreign flights that do not pay are destroyed and domestic banned. TX.
C] Foreign Ban- Domestic Duty. Foreign flight ban. Districts collectively decide whether to allow all domestic flights, to levy duties or to prohibit all domestic flight. TX.
D] Foreign and Domestic Duty. TX.
E] Foreign duty- Unrestricted Domestic. TX.
F] Foreign Ban- Unrestricted Domestic. TX.
G] Unrestricted Foreign- Ban Domestic.
H]- Unrestricted Foreign- Domestic Duty.
I]- No flight regulations.
The Minister may decide if a geographical combination of districts may sell their rights to the use of their sovereign airspace upon the consent of the neighboring districts. Foreign nations shall be given notice of the Confederation intent to defend our airspace if we choose that option.
The Minister of Sovereignty shall provide all international border defense that he shall determine is necessary. Districts that share a border with a foreign nation shall be given all the assistance necessary to repel illegal entry into the region. Districts with foreign borders that repel invaders so successfully that Confederation soldiers are unneeded shall receive region wide honors and a tax break in the form of fewer Confederation soldiers to support.
The Minister shall provide a force sufficient to seize foreign smugglers as well. The Minister shall monitor the district’s prosecution of foreign violators to be assured that penalties are sufficient to dissuade future violations of the region’s sovereignty. APR.
The Minister of Sovereignty shall promote the use of deadly force against invasion (1 or more persons) by illegal aliens. Illegal aliens shall have no protection under Confederation or district law. The Minister shall establish sanctions against districts that knowingly harbor illegal aliens. Districts shall not invade onto foreign territory. Only the Minister of Sovereignty may commit our region to war with foreign nations.
Districts are prohibited from granting; legal immigration to any foreign national; or visitors passes; or tourist visas; or any passage across our international borders.
The Minister of Sovereignty shall defend the right of all districts to establish their own laws concerning the possession of weapons for personal protection. The Confederation shall not infringe the right of any citizen to own a domestically approved weapon. The Minister shall restrict the level of "lethality" of all weapons permitted to be owned by all citizens including all government personnel (including all district police and Confederation police {soldiers}). Our present highest level of weapon lethality permissible (domestically approved) shall be a 32 caliber semi-automatic pistol. We wish to limit lethality down to the level sufficient to protect your grandmother from two attackers. It is our hope that one day we will collectively vote to lower the lethality level even further. We forbid our Confederation to possess a domestic military capability superior to that of us private citizens collectively. We the governed intend that we shall outnumber our governors by at least 30 to 1 and that no one of them shall have the ability to arm themselves with anything that shall give them any advantage over any one of us. We the citizens shall rightfully retain the overwhelming preponderance of the military power to quickly and easily rid ourselves of our Confederation government whenever the majority of us shall choose.
It is our hope that our instant, constant and uncontestable voting system shall provide us with the ability to quickly reform and remake government efficiently enough to preclude our need to resort to violent revolution. However if voting shall not have manifested our majority will we shall not shirk our responsibility to unburden ourselves of our oppressive government. It is our hope that the citizens of our beloved region shall, with their hearts filled with moral righteousness, be emboldened to violently resist tyranny now and forever. We shall know tyranny has descended upon us when we the majority find ourselves outgunned by the minority that comprise our government. If our Confederation shall one day come to you to take your weapon in order to provide themselves (a minority by numbers) with the military advantage over you the citizen majority, meet them with gun in hand and fight ferociously for your enslavement BEGINS THAT DAY.
Congress shall devise a means by which both the Confederation and Member Nation’s governments shall be irrevocably prohibited and physically prevented from the use of the superior war weaponry except against a foreign nation’s attack. At the end of a war against a foreign nation the army shall be forced to quickly return the superior weapons to storage. Congress shall devise a means by which we all shall be assured that superior weapons are inaccessible to our domestic government (Confederation, Member Nations) and us the citizens except in the prosecution of a foreign war.
By majority vote Congress shall assign the Minister of their choice to conduct disarmament treaties with foreign nations. As with all of our government, majority popular vote can supercede this choice. It is our goal to persuade all people of all nations that the only national defense needed is a citizenry adequately armed to defend themselves against a personal attack.
District’s police refuse to return weapons to there
Disarmed majority of citizens who have voted to regain them ------ S-3(5)- Confederation . . soldiers immediately arrest district police.
--District police refuse to surrender their armory of
Prohibited overly lethal weapons. ------- S-3(1) Confederation soldiers arrest the district’s police.
--District police have disarmed the citizens against
their majority will and are now robbing and extorting.---S-3(5)Confederation soldiers arrest . district police to be judged and punished by their victims.
--Confederation soldiers caught with illegal weapons---------------------soldiers subject to arrest by district
police or Minister of the Army.
--Confederation sanctions against districts whose citizens possess illegal weapons.
25% of district’s citizens owning illegal weapons* ----------------------------------- S-1(3)
50% " " " " " --------------------------------------S-1(7)
75% " " " " " ----------------------------------- S-1(10)
100% " " " "" " -------------------- S-1(10) & S-2(5).
*Weapons of double the domestically permitted level of lethality.
District seeks Confederation help arresting severe weapons violating minority within their district------------------------
Minister of Sovereignty sends as many Confederation soldiers as the district’s police wish to deputize for the mission. Arrests made under district authority not Confederation authority.
Poaching large quantities of wild game with automatic weapons---Minister of Environment&Sovereignty. conduct immediate S-3(1) to arrest violators.APR.
UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE Minister of Communication
And the Minister of Sovereignty
Neither the Confederation nor district government nor any party may use voter registration
Or voting records to: collect tax or debt; find whereabouts in order to arrest or discover any citizen for any reason; commercial purposes (sales, advertising, recruiting etc.); army recruiting; or any purpose that importunes our citizens. The following are sanctions for the proper protection of majority rule:
District police using voter registration --- Possible S-2(10) until district desists.
Corporations’ commercial use of records—Congress establishes penalty to be administered by the Minister of Communication.
Confederation abuse of voting registration—We start voting to recall ministers.
The Confederation shall conduct open elections of ministers. The Confederation will not conduct separate primary elections to determine a political party’s preferred candidate. The Minister of Communication will announce (internet) the top 30 list of candidates per office after the primary in which all citizens are eligible.
The Minister of Communication shall count all the votes cast (internet) in the "primary" that is the 2 months of voting 4 months prior to the election in order to determine which 10 candidates per ministerial office are the leaders and therefore entitled to free equal media access.
The Minister of Communication could possibly adopt the following voting format:
Citizens may choose their candidates for each office in descending order of preference, first choice down to third with points being awarded to each; 3 points for your first choice 2 points for your second choice 1 point for your third choice and the candidate with the most points wins.
The Minister of Communication shall publish (internet) a compendium governing campaign financing and the means by which we citizens shall be assured we are receiving a true accounting of the real source of the ministerial candidates’ finances.
The Confederation shall assure the region’s citizen’s ease of access to voting without cost or exclusion for any reason.
District imposition of poll tax - S-3(1) soldiers shall arrest district official for theft to be tried by - His victims.
The following rules apply to the corruption of local district as well as Confederation elections. District government officers or anyone who shall have;
1] Conspired to falsify the vote count; or
2] Cause undo hardship on any citizen’s access to the poll; or
3] Violated a voters right to anonymity; or
4] Posed threats (extortion) against person or property to direct a citizen’s voting choice; or
5] Destroyed, vandalized or falsified voting records; or
6] Prevented citizens from voting; or
7] Corrupted the voting process in any significant way-----
-----Shall be subject to severe Confederation sanctions.
The Minister of Communication shall submit to Congress a comprehensive compendium of standards for free and fair elections and the sanctions he intends to impose for the specific violations. Congress may use its recall power against the Minister if they choose to abridge or reject his compendium of standards.
All citizens over 18 shall have the irrevocable right to vote. Irrevocable by imprisonment, insanity or any condition regardless of how odious to our sensibilities.
All citizens over 18 shall be eligible to be a candidate for the office of Confederation Minister at no cost.
The Minister of Communication shall conduct secondary monitoring of district elections. Districts are likely to have their own sovereign monitoring system to assure the integrity of their elections however the Confederation shall provide separate monitoring in the event that district citizens suspect a fraudulent vote count by their "leaders".
The Minister shall devise a means to open the vote counting process to electronic (internet) monitoring by the public without sacrificing voter anonymity.
The Minister of Communication will conduct the census specifically for the purpose of maintaining the integrity of the voting process. Issues that require a majority of all citizen’s votes in order to pass, necessitate a scrupulous account of exactly what number must be surpassed to be a majority vote. In this context the "majority" refers to one vote more than half of all citizens over 18 living in the entire region.
The voting process will be conducted 24 hours per day all year every year (internet). The citizen we choose to be our Minister of Communication must be unquestionably honorable, incorruptible and able to choose a staff of equal stature. The Minister will retain a large highly trained staff in order to accomplish his two most daunting tasks; Vote Averaging and the pronouncement of his decision of what the majority-will Commands the Confederation government to do.
Vote averaging.]
Citizens may make any requests of the Confederation they choose as often as they desire all year long. The Minister shall not require a formal majority vote by which the majority of citizens submit an identical, specifically worded clear command directing the Confederation to take a specific action. Instead, the Minister shall categorize all communication from citizens by the issue addressed in their message. For each issue he shall have the responsibility of dividing and counting all "messages" from citizens into either the broadly generalized "pro" or "con" category.
When an issue is of little interest to citizens and gains no more than a minority "voting opinion" both pro and con the Minister shall disregard the vote. However, when an issue gains a majority vote, pro or con, the Minister must interpret what the general "will" of the people is and issue that "will" as a COMMAND to the Confederation government. This is vote averaging. A simple example of this could take the following form:
25% of citizens wish to have the Minister of the Army killed
15% of citizens wish to have the Minister of the Army jailed for life
15% of citizens wish to have the Minister of the Army deported
45% of citizens are passionate supporters of the Minister of the Army
--The 45% "pro" (supporting the Minister) side of the issue is discarded.
--The "Vote averaging" possible solution---
--The 55% "con" (Condemning the Minister) side wins and is "Averaged" and----------
---The Minister of the Army is jailed for 6 yrs then deported.
This example isn’t necessarily realistic because the percentages equal 100%. It is unlikely that every citizen over 18 in the entire region would voice their opinion on one issue. It is proper, however, that only the majority is "averaged".
The majority shall rule the minority in any way they see fit. We acknowledge no inherent, intrinsic human right except as determined by the local majority. The minority will receive whatever treatment the majority shall will. Justice, goodness and an overwhelming respect for the responsibility of citizenship shall be dynamically inspired when we act with absolute confidence in the wisdom of our majority. The moment to moment freedom to direct our government will force us to act inspired by the better angels of our nature lest we all suffer.
This is why we vest nearly all the power of government with the ministers. We can remove them instantly and replace them with some one who will manifest our majority will even more precisely. Our dynamic instant citizens’ democracy constantly renews the true spirit of justice within us. If we were to vest power and control over to our congressional representatives we become slaves to the rule of a committee that is bound to gravitate to the lowest common denominator of incompetence. Ultimately our injustice to others (POSTERITY) turns around to punish us in return. Therefore enlightened self-interest will make impassioned humanitarians out of all of us.
--UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE Minister of Sovereignty and the Minister of Environment.--
Our Confederation may come to the aid of a district and help them secede from their neighboring districts that have become governors over them. Each individual district is entitled to nationhood; to coin their own money, restrict traffic (to all but the few soldiers who inspect), preserve all their wealth for themselves (miniscule Confederation tax) and conduct all their civic affairs without interference. We zealously defend the right of districts to secede not only to provide citizens the opportunity to free themselves from possible oppression but also to promote environmental preservation. We are confident that when our districts maintain the highest possible level of sovereignty for themselves posterity is lovingly served. The more district sovereignty the more self-sufficiency and thus the less need for transportation. Our past arrogant, destructive over-use of transportation has devastated our region. We do not wish to be customers for products from all over the world that come at the cost of 1000s of years of human suffering from the environmental harm that a massively destructive distribution system inflicts. With quick sure sovereignty comes quick self-sufficiency and thus our honorable environmental purpose is served.
Some districts are likely to slowly bargain away their freedom, finding themselves paying too much to outsiders for health care, power, or sewage treatment etc. A district finding that they wish to end a relationship with anyone outside their borders shall be empowered to do just that by the Confederation. No contracts (other than upholding the spirit of this Constitution) that the citizens of a district may have made with any outsider shall be binding or enforceable across district borders. By majority will a district may reclaim its sovereignty and reject all claims by outsiders to any property, real or personal that exists within that seceding district. If an outsider with a civil claim approaches the sovereign courts of a district that district shall be free to ignore it completely. Good will and the wish to continue to do business shall be the best remedy available to dissatisfied buyers or sellers across sovereign district borders. A district can take their sovereignty and bargain it away but the Confederation guarantees that it shall be instantly recoverable.
We regard our Confederation as just, freedom loving and worthy of governing only if those governed freely choose it to govern them. All districts, therefore, shall be free to end their membership with assurances that they pose no future liability to the region. Our respect for the principal that all nations must have freedom is great. We direct our Minister of Sovereignty to carefully judge whether the independence of a Member Nation seeking secession from our Confederation poses a threat of inflicting harm on our region.
A district with an enormous wealth of natural resources leaving our Confederation shall be no loss to us. A district whose geographic position could stop long established transportation routes leaving our Confederation must be no loss to us. We the people regard the losing of our honor by tyrannically forcing an honorable district to surrender its freedom as a personally repugnant, humiliating defamation upon our souls that we will not breach. If we extort wealth or benefit from any district we invite the whole world to eagerly embrace this principle we now embrace and rip our land apart stealing, pillaging, impoverishing and humiliating us all. The Minister of Sovereignty must balance our reverential love of freedom with our need for security in order to determine what answer to give to a district requesting secession from the Confederation.
A district may only secede from the Confederation to become part of a foreign nation if that nation is considered by all ministers to be upholding all the standards we enforce as well or better than we presently do.
No land area smaller than 25 sq. miles may secede.
The geographical shape of a land area that proposes secession should not have a general perimeter more than 8 times the longer than the length of it’s average diameter.
No district may secede from the Confederation in order to join an enemy foreign nation or a nation the ministers consider to be a liability to any neighboring nation.
The Frontier districts may not be made smaller than 603 sq. miles. The collective sq. mileage of a Homeland Center shall not be allowed to increase beyond 615 sq. miles. Secessions of land that alter district boundaries by majority request of their citizens shall not violate these fore mentioned rules.
The secession process may draw new district boundary lines when the majority of citizens within the area choose secession but all CHS standards must be observed.
The Minister of Environment must be confident that the people of the prospective seceding district can and will conduct a schedule of population reduction, border control standards and environmental improvement superior to that of their former record.
The Minister of Environment must be satisfied that the district will, by seceding, increase it’s progress toward 90% self-sufficiency in consumable goods without damaging the environment.
The Minister of Communication shall verify the vote of the territory seceding to assure that the majority chooses secession.
Unhappily some new Member Nations will fail. Too little water. Bad crops. Greedy leaders. Power failures. Bad weather. Bad luck. Neighboring districts may offer some help or not. The Confederation shall be prohibited from offering collateral benefit to any district other than the fulfilling of its Constitutional obligations. The purpose of the non-intervention of the Confederation to render assistance to struggling districts is twofold; minimizing taxes and the deliberate depopulation down to a level the land will naturally support. Less productive land ought not to be forced to support a permanent population. With weak soil, inconsistent water supply and other problems, the temporary propping up of a failing habitation shall most likely lead to a greater tragedy down the line not only for that district but also for the neighboring districts that need the wild habitat around them. The Confederation, therefore, shall appraise the prospective seceding district of how their district’s land will be reapportioned to the neighboring districts if their district fails. Refugee citizens fleeing the destitute condition of a failed district may face the unsympathetic border restrictions of the neighboring districts. The Confederation will honor all district’s sovereign right to control their border. Occasionally we must witness the full horror of overpopulation to rededicate ourselves to population control.
Districts that demonstrate exemplary accomplishments of environmental preservation shall be encouraged by the Confederation to send emissaries to other districts as teachers and motivators.
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