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2 Floors Large Rooms 1/3 Library Small Personal Areas And Pool The Lake The Land The Lane The Landscape Of A Place Of Escape The Basements: Parking Shop And A Runway With A Catapult It Was More Than A House But What It Hide Is More Important

The house was to be built with money from the sells my person computer.

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The chance of anything good happening had gotten much worse. But I was just getting my head clear of what had happened and I was asked what I would have done if I had gotten stated on my computer design. I said I would stay in business till I was done and then let them force me out. Done with what my plane or rocket to leave. This was one of the way I said I would do it given this situation. Of the many ways I thought of I learned the most from this. Both the double doors on the first and second floor on the right go to a library the rooms are 50 feet by 75 feet. With a domed reading room above the two floors. There are many pictures on the pages. Where it goes into the parts of the house and the land.

The designing ideas started in 1974 and the nuts and bolts of the design were worked out in 1976. It was to be 150 feet x 75 feet with a pool area taking up another 150 feet x 75 feet. It includes all the things I could possible do. It even included a lake because I knew how to make a small lake. The house's purpose is really as much due to it functions as anything. The place that I hoped to build it was on the west coast, around San Francisco on a hill with the back or the pool side of the house looking out over the ocean. The main features of the house were worked on one of one at a time, some were not solved on the first try. I went on to work on some of the house's other design features. Later, the answer to these design problems where found among things required for the rest of the design. One of the features provided the solution to the problem of constructing the house.

It is easy to see that had I been able to proceed with construction of the house I would have needed an architect. The house has so many innovative ideas that in asking anyone to construct the house it would be best to have an architect of some reputation go over the design of the house and it's construction. The architect would know more about who was capable of constructing the house and the various subcontractors needed for finishing the house.

There are two floors above ground, a pool where the entire pool area could be covered or open, a basement that is both garage storage and shop. There n a small sub-basement at the front of the house for the heat, air conditioning, power, etc.. There was to be a screwjack elevator in the driveway to take the cars trucks and equipment to the basement and sub-basement of the house. The entry way is in the middle of the house with one staircase on each side. The room behind the entry way would be the living room or the smaller of the 2 great rooms. The was to have been 10 or more bedrooms just in case some body I knew wanted to come or I wanted to hold a party where none of the guess had to leave that night. A library would take up one side or wing of the house or about a 1/3 of the house. The dining room or the larger of the to 2 great room and kitchen on the first floor of the other side of the house. The second floor area on that side of the house would have been closets at the front end and weight room, and private area. There were to be 2 domes, one a library/study side and the other as the bedroom on the other side. The area below the bedroom dome would be a full bathroom and the area under the library or study dome a 1/2 bath and a small kitchen. The outside walls would conceal the domes from ground level around the house.

I wanted the whole house to be on built with prestressed concrete floors and walls. That way if there was an earthquake the house would be able to withstand as strong as earthquake as possible. I wanted the pool to coverable, the problem was I did not like the idea of roof being visible when it was not covering the pool. Then I was stuck with having to add a separate outside wall on two of the sides. These base of the outside walls could used to load the roof to so the roof of the cover would not have to be as heavy and walls as wide or as heavy. There would be roller on the bottom that and on the outside pushing against the base of outside wall. I then thought about adding a front wall to match. For the concrete to be prestressed wires or rods under tension must run horizontally thought the concrete while it is setting up, this outside wall serves two functions one of which I will not go into. This when it occurred to me that the additional walls could be used for holding the tension on the wires or bars during the construction of the main part of the house. There are then two very critical factors to be considered the amount of concrete to be poured and the amount of tension from the wires or bars on the outside wall.

The solution to these problems has a common answer in something I was lucky to see and here about its construction. That being a grain elevator. They are the sometimes a 140' structures that dot the plains. They start out with the forms on the ground. The forms are linked at the top with the form extending done on both that the inside and the outside walls of the individual silos that make up the structure. The concrete is poured in from all around the top and after it gets near the top. They start cranking the form up on the steel reinforcing that while stay within the concrete. There are two important things going on, the first is the top is wet while at the bottom it is dry but not cured. The second is the pressure down across this 15 foot plus of form is such that it forces the water out of the concrete. This speeds the drying of the concrete. The form is cranked up inches per hour.

Now I really cannot count on anyone taking the time to read all of this or to believe that this can happen in this way. This was done on something that was not a on demanded project and should not be used for anything that is really on demanded. I do believe that part this design have been considered by others before and after I did. For all it's grandeur it exists for the catapult and the plane in the sub-basement.

Bob L. Petersen

Bob L. Petersen

Bob Petersen

The design is mine, I did the work on it and of two people that knew of it, one married another and that to reminding me he was doing me a favor by talking to him. I could not even precieve him as being a friend I have seen neither in 28 years. He has had a chance to watch and listen another guy and a red head and watch another guy with a balding friend. I figure he might good "presonality level" for what I wanted to do. Last answer NO One would have to have a strong belief I oneself, but not at the expense of other. He does ask good questions though and that puts him above others, but not near me or this house. Hey, it's my place! He is at times just a mall rat from New Jersy. What say is true and he has friends I do not. No contact from him in 28 years. Has any right to this house except me.