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My Search Of The Solar System For A Place To Live.

In Earth Orbit Moon Venus Mars Asteroid Belt Or Space

Possibility Of Living In Earth Orbit

The most of the orbital space of Earth is already occupied. Finding an Earth orbit to use for a place to live would have involved a lot of questions. People will tend to travel where it is easiest to get to Earth orbit. The idea staying in Earth orbit some lost it's appeal. Even the normal route to space low Earth orbit then timed boast leave orbit for the Moon, Mars, or beyond, I considered to be to risky. Not knowing the orbit of all the orbital earth satellites would make it to hard to find a safe course out. The best method to leave earth was to fly out directly. The view of Earth from this picture would seem good but the pull toward Earth might be to large also.

The Moon As A Place To Live

The Moon offers material and limited gravity that could be adjusted to for living. Orbiting the Moon but shuttling material up from the Moon could be possible. There are even minerals present that hard to obtain on earth. Sagan and O'Neil liked the Moon for those reasons. The type of ship I had would work for landing on the moon. The engine for space travel could be used reach the surface of the Moon. Here risk come into the picture. Any accident with part of the ship and there is not enough to survive on the Moon or orbit of something. Either the equipment needed or the life support for living. The idea of an accident that you survive only live for a couple of weeks thinking how you screwed up is not appealing. Better real careful and over real fast. The last to be avoided at all cost. Notice the dust here that is on his boots. Some of the asteroids are at least covered if not made up of particles that are in the same levels as in the sun minus the hydrogen helium etc. Will we even in the "Vacumm" of space be constantly dusting.

Venus hot clouds no chance of living there

There is really no way to live on Venus and no reason except to win a bet. The surface of Venus is either to cold or too hot and the atmosphere is very dense, but does not support combustion.

No Life On Mars? Can We Live On Mars?

Mars offers material and good gravity. The engine for space travel could be used reach the surface of Mars. Orbiting Mars but shuttling material up from the Moon could be possible. The plane would be capable of a traveling to Mars surface by gliding down to the surface. Then everything would be there for living and working with the whole ship on the surface of Mars. It would require a great deal of work to get off the surface of Mars with the whole ship thought. That would really at that point only be necessary if one was going to travel back and return to earth. Otherwise it would just require taking out and standing up vertically the engine for space travel. The plane could stay on Mars as a back up living shelter. The Martian minerals are all oxides. The Moons of Mars were what I looked at next for a place to live. The highly irregular shape of Demos suggests that it must be one great rock or solid mass to be so irregular in shape. Here again the surface of Mars is also covered in dust there is though a sky and clouds. It is at studying the possible make up of the Martian Moons that I will pick my next choice, the Asteroids.

Living And Working In The Asteroid Belt

The asteroids are listed a far possible makeup in the book The Space Environment(1969)see chart at bottom of page. By shape they are very similar to Demos on of Mar's two small Moons. This is a picture of the Asteroid Eros. I would be looking for a much smaler asteroid. something They can be basically 2 types of material, crust compounds or metals. Two small Moons or all the Asteroids in the Asteroid Belt to choose from. The Asteroid Belt with all the Asteroids then becomes the best choice. The ship could travel through the Asteroids till the right Asteroid is found. It is now know the Asteroid belt has sections which the asteroids are mainly crust compound and other sections where the asteroids are mainly metals. The ship can be used for shelter while the sphere is being constructed out of one of the asteroids. There was a second possible method if coming back to orbit around the earth. The whole Asteroid could be just barely boasted from it's orbit and the construction could happen while on the way back to earth. The ideal of leaving a mangled asteroid behind outside one's home after construction did not sound good. So I decided if possible the asteroid should be just big enough for construction of a home. The shape can be vary greatly to like teo asteroids stuck together.

The Asteroids of the Asteroid Belt and The Trojan Asteroid

The outer light blue circle is the orbit of Jupiter. The nest cirlce in is the orbit of Mars. The Asteroids are mainly between 200,000,000 million miles and 300,000,000 milion miles. The Trojan Asteroids are the ones pictured in Jupiters orbit 60 degree ahead of and 60 degrees behind it. Because they are not in the Asteroid belt proper they are called Trojans.

Living Space

Really Space is really where you will be living. But after the construction in the Asteroid Belt it would probably be best to move the new home out of the Asteroid Belt and into open space to live. Choosing a location in space to live that will likely not be a "high traffic area". For Me I know Space is the place for Me to live. For you I cannot say.

The orbits of the Planets

Planet Orbit Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto
Million Miles 36 67.2 93 141.6 483.6 886.7 1748 2794.4 3674.5

From the book the Space Environment (1969)

Iron Type Stone Type Stone Cont.
Common Name Symbol Percent ### Common Name Symbol Percent ### Common Name Symbol Percent
Iron Fe 90.66 Oxygen O 36.4 Carbon C .15
Nickel Ni 8.48 Iron Fe 23.4 Chromium Cr .03
Cobolt Co .59 Silicon Si 18.2 Manganese Mn .24
Phosphorus P .17 Magnesium Mg 13.8 Cobolt Co .17
Sulfar S .04 Sulfar S 1.8 Potassium K .17
Carbon C .03 Calcium Ca .02 Titanium Ti .11
Calcium Ca .02 Aluminum Al 1.5 Phosphorus P .11
Chromium Cr .01 Nickel Ni 1.5 Clorine Cl .08
Sodium Na .65 Copper Cu .01

The Chart Of Elements

The chart of elements that make up asteroids. The first columns is of the iron type asteroid and the second two columns are the elements that make up the stone type asteroids.

Bob L. Petersen

Bob Petersen