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X-hybrid: An X-plane Shuttle With A .7G Living Environment The X-plane Background Of The X-Hybrid Shuttle: The X-1 X-15 The 1G Living Spheres Large Open Volume And Surface Area These Designs For Living In Space Are Not Reagan's Star Wars
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X-hybrid SSUV: X-plane Shuttle & .7G Space Station.
The Solar System Utility Vehicle

The X-Hybrid

The design of the X-Hybrid SSUV Solar System Utility Vehicle is for a living and working in space as well as an X-plane for getting into space. This is not a full scale International Space Station or even a Skylab. There were though consideration to given to what the different areas should be used for, as far as open areas, personal areas and sleeping area with safety in mind. While providing something the International Space Station does not have .7 G artificial gravity. The space environment with the meteors and radiation were taken into account in the designing of the X-Hybrid. These would effect the living environment in space, because it would be at least 6 months before any shelter could be built. After that it could still be used on long trips or while work or exploring at a different location. This is why one of the reasons it is a hybrid and a SSUV Solar System Utility Vehicle. If desired it could be landed back on earth. The design though was made to be able to fix itself or to be able to build another X-Hybrid or a shelter.

The design of the X-Hybrid is simple enough that anyone could make a copy of it. That is if they were no stranger to the design or its equipment. To that end I want to build the first X-Hybrid myself. This will not be the last of the series I am right know working on another design only for working living and traveling in space. I will be using some different ideas for this one.
The Landing Gear Placement

X-Hybrid SSUV Solar System Utility Vehicle wheels are in a tricycle arrangement, with the front wheels at the front of the wings. This allows the front wheels to be at the at main support point for the front of the wings. The back wheels are stored vertically inside the vertical control surfaces. The vertical surfaces and the flaps on wings make this the area where the strength must be the highest. This combining of areas of high load, either for support of the wheel or the loads of the wings or the control surfaces. This design also leaves the bottom of the plane and wings as free of openings as possible. The front wheel well can be pressurized and it is the alternate way out of the plane in emergence.

Wing loading on Supersonic To Hypersonic Planes & SSUV
X-15 SR-71 Space Shuttle & Solar System Utility Vehicle

Weight Wing Area & Wing Loading X-15 Rocket Plane SR-71 Spyplane STS Space Shuttle SSUV Solar System Utility Vehicle
Weight Loaded 33000 lbs 140000 lbs 230000 lbs 80000 lbs
Weight Empty 14000 lbs 55000 lbs 230000 lbs 20000 lbs
Total Horizontal Area 452 sq ft 2080 sq ft 5200 sq ft 1865 sq ft
Wing Load Loaded 73 67 44 Takeoff No Wing Loading 43
Wing Load Empty 31 26 44 10.7

The Reason For The Low Wing Loading

This is the area that would be important if one was trying to land back on earth. The high area to weight ratio will allow for flying and slowing at much higher altitudes. The thinner the air the less heat generated per second. The chart shows the X-15, SR-71, Shuttle and the X-Hybrid. The X-hybrid will not be relying on the wings for primary deceleration only for the region just prior to true flight.

Bob L. Petersen

*The basic design is the same as the ones done before the was a choice of engine made. They are described in The Spaceflight Research List. This was prior to 1977. The design as pictured could be used for any of this. They included one design that would land upside down with a large cargo bay doors. This was so all the openings in the plane would all be on one side. This design used a nuclear engine I will nor will I recommend this method of powering a craft in space. Those where described before 08/20/02.

**The design of the X-43 Hyper-X based on research and ideas from the 1950s. It was one of the ideas posed in a book I had from the early 1960s. My research will take a different course till the only way it is recognizable is if I same it is. The reason is two fold one avoid heating and avoid having three different main engines. The engine is by what I had as a design goal a failure. But it works for what I need it for. You can not get any more honest than that.

Bob L. Petersen

Bob Petersen