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X-hybrid: An X-plane Shuttle With A .7G Living Environment The X-plane Background Of The X-Hybrid Shuttle: The X-1 X-15 The 1G Living Spheres Large Open Volume And Surface Area These Designs For Living In Space Are Not Reagan's Star Wars
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2 Floors Large Rooms 1/3 Library Small Personal Areas And Pool The Lake The Land The Lane The Landscape Of A Place Of Escape The Basements: Parking Shop And A Runway With A Catapult It Was More Than A House But What It Hide Is More Important

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The Lake The Land The Lane
The Landscaping Of A Place Of Escape

The work on the landscaping here and the idea of using the basement for soil and plant growing experiment will be the source of my ideas for landscaping without heavy equipment and making soils. Different soils grow different plants and trees better.

 Picture of beach below cliff, hill over looking ocean  Picture from hill of cliff over looking the ocean.

The land was to be a large hill with cliff over looking the ocean. The hill should be at least as high as the surrounding hills and large enough in area to include the house and the lake and small knolls and ridges to enclose most of this area especially the area around the front of the house and the approach. These two pictures are of an area of cliffs I had originally thought of going to not by name but area North of San Francisco California. The first is of the "Ocean Beach" area below the cliff. The area is mostly too cold for use of a beach for most of the year. I was told the Southern part of California would have been a better choice as far as temperature. But if it is going to be the cold of the area North of San Francisco the ruggedness ocean beach area might be about right. The pool for lounging and swiming most of the time. I must state here as on other pages about the house. The different areas are to move the mind and the mood. Feel like something to make yourself guts up a little leave pool and go down the cliff to the beach.

From both pictures the thickness of the soil can be seen. The slope down toward back of the house would be good keeping the back of the house and the pool area from being easy some to just walking in the back. I really wanted to avoid any fences the use of the area not being at ground level would provide enough secuity. The land though does not have enough soil or clay for what I wanted without doing something to provide more. But the cliffs are very good. The other part of the back of the house or pool area being exposed was so the back of the back wall of the bleow the pool could be broken out so that the plane could be launch by catapult out over the ocean. The flames afterburners would be as 2/3 long as the cliff is high. The noise a definite roar. But this house was just on of the opening ideas of how to get into space. The planning th house and landscaping gave me ideas for landscaping in space without heavy equipment. This plan was not suppose to happen I had time and went to wrok on it. I will add more pictures later but for now I will continue with landscaping.

The lane is to be a road that is made to be taken slow or fast certain speeds over different portions of the road but if you know what I know it can be taken faster but not much faster then that. It will contain a collection of things I know so that one can drive as fast as possible when parts of the road should make it impossible to drive fast. The view of the lane ahead should be broken up by the terrain that the road goes over and around, starting before the road has reached the top of the hill. It would require a good car to drive it fast but any faster a car and the car not be driven in a control fashion on the course as it is setup. I did the calculations for the more involve parts of the lane. It could not be driven unless the driver had already driven or seen the lane and studied it. For me it would be driving near the edge of control but not out of control. The reason for this lane being like this is for day when I have had to control myself because somebody wants to see me go off on someone for what ever reason. I could let it out on the road but I had better not be out of control. This is the part of it that no one would guess it is not really to show off on it is to show myself how I must be even if I would want to go. There two people who know of the house and one knows me better and the answers should show it.

The steps to landscaping the hill are determined by what can be done with shape of the hill. Where the house and lake should go on the hill. Where the dirt stops and the clay starts. How much dirt and clay will come from the hole in which basement and the sub-basement will be. Where to build the road for the construction of the house and where to build the lane to the house and where to put what parts of the "speed traps" and etc. in. Do the calculations for the more involve parts of the lane as it will be on this hill, How to shape the features that breakup the view of the road. Take the part of the area of the lake down to the clay. Remove all the soil on the areas that are going to be built up start the build up of those areas with clay. Pile the dirt that has been removed to the side of the lake were it is was not scraped down to the clay. There is dirt and clay to available to finish the land. Now the construction of the house can begin and when the house is done it should look like it was fitted it to the hill.

I have operated this equipment for about an hour and done the maintenance to maintain the pump. The operation that I observed was in sand and the sand was not gathered for use or separate the sand from the gravel. The sand was let to run out on the ground in on spot it ran out across the ground to produce a very gradual slope. I know this can be done with sand dirt or clay mixture. The speed of the water can be used to vary how far what is being pumped will go before it settles. With the use many different release methods the shapes achieve could be varied with out much effort. For example one type would be a long hose with many small holes along it's length. The this would produce a ridge line without much movement of the hose. The mixture would be absorbed into the surface of the soil with out destroying existing grasses or trees. They would actual act as a filter or serve to slow the water down further. The ground could be shaped even while it still a good looking lawn.

I operated this equipment for about an hour and helped to repack the pump so that the pump would not leak. During that hour I did everything wrong I could do and was told what I was doing wrong. The size of the equipment I operated was a 8 inch belt driven centrifugal pump driven by a 35 horsepower diesel engine. The pump could have had a large engine but that is what he had. The diesel engine could be replace by an electric motor later when used in the basement.

Part of this knowledge comes from watch this equipment the other part comes from further back. Before the pavement and the curbs were put in the town I grew up the water from the lawn and the street ran in ditches along the street. The ditches would clog, some people parked there cars along the street and some even across the ditch. The tires left groves where the water would collected. On the way home from school after it had rained would be there play with. Release water that is blocked and watch it open the hole bigger and move the dirt then watch the dirt silt in at another spot. Clearing the ditch required watch ever part you had opened and the spaces in between. After a while one can start to see where new blockage will occur. If there was a whole bunch of water in a whole bunch of tire tracks on could release it from there and collect it in a dam and then break that dam. No one cared if you did this and in fact it helped keep the side of the streets from being just a muddy mess. One had to keep the leather on top and side of your shoes from getting wet or you would ruin you shoe. Why do mothers know this will happen. How much could you do with your heel and sole with out getting the leather wet or should I find a stick. Some of the things that make something "great" may not be great.

The lakes function is also a source of water need to depose of the dirt from the sub-basement. Because the lake's water being used to water the lawn means water level will always be varying. The equipment would be stored in the basement and could be brought out for use in enlarging the lake or making adjustments to the land. Having the equipment would not represent a problem someone wondering what I might be doing. Part dirt could be cleared out and the equipment taken back outside for use.

These are the four stages in the development of the Oblate Spheroid for living in space.
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They are fully covered in:
The 1G Living Spheres: Large Open Volume And Large Surface Area

If at one point a person was to take on trying to design and fill a Oblate Spheroid with a little world to live in, it would seem too large a task. This started with the house and it's landscape.

Later looking back at the at the dark area of the sub-basement that I planned to launch through; no soil, no light, a perfect place to learn how to bridge between this and the Oblate Spheroids in space... There other attempts to lay out how I could get built the plane, but in the house I learn skills and things before they were important. Learning landscping from landscaping a house that would never be.

As I described about how I this work made it possible for me to be able to see how it would be possible to make the Oblate Spheroids very liveable environments. I was stuck whether this page should have pictures. Pictures of something that did not exist and what would be good enough. What scale size should these pictures be. The page I had just worked on I put little pictures at the top. I did this because I did not like there not being a picture visible when the page came up. Most of what I am writing about is how this came to be I could design what I needed to live in space. I thought of my last attempt at drawing pictures like these would be, the pictures for the Oblate Spheroids. Without any great plan I had arrived at a perfect place to point out part of the reason. The point is there was no intent for that to seem important till after it had happen. One could write all day about setting out to do something great but that is not what works. It is just the balanced motion of the mind.

Bob L. Petersen

Bob L. Petersen

Bob Petersen

The Lake The Land The Lane
The Landscaping Of A Place Of Escape

The design is mine, I did the work on it and of two parties that knew of it, one married another and that to reminding me he was doing me a favor by talking to him. I could not even precieve him as being a friend I have seen neither in 28 years. What say is true and he has friends I do not. No contact from him in 28 years.