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My search on how to go undetected in space and SETI
Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence SETI
Who you are effects who you might see as being out there

Or Search for other life in space based on my equipment.
I did not wanted not to be detected.

This thought came up after going over some of the equipment that I wanted to use for life in space. Some was so I could go undetected in space. The radios were the question that started this thought off. What I could get my hands on to buy and not attract attention was one of the choices. The choice was just a CB or small Ham radio. The low power out would make it hard to detect and some of the radio frequencies would not penetrate the earth's atmosphere. It would be possible to detect from space but that is not where the search is taking place from. The top of the line on my list of wants was a radio with a black body encoder. It would send a digit signal made up of possible. Frequencies that would be at least almost impossible to spot as not coming as a part of the radiation from a star. The source would be capable of 100 or better frequency and be a moving code. With only a three note know intro. Just the smallest pattern possible and that changeable. This would be impossible to detect. Yet could be used over vast distances.

Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence SETI

Those at SETI searching for life or better yet extraterrestrial intelligence were looking for something that at least did not care if it was seen. My design is based on what is possible and most important that of SETI, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence was using to detect intelligent life. Multiple band radios monitoring many frequencies. The top of the line on my list of wants was a radio with a black body encoder. It would send a digit signal made up of possible. The jumping was to avoid being more then just a click or a pop. This taken to the extreme would be just a photo of black body radiation with knowing what the next options where it would be impossible to tell it from just part of what would be random back ground or white noise. Frequencies that would be at least almost impossible to spot as not coming as a part of the radiation from a star. The source would be capable of 100 or better frequency and be a moving code. With only a three note know intro. Just the smallest pattern possible and that changeable. This would be impossible to detect. What SETI the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence has looked for is what does not care if it is detected or wants to be detected.

Life In Space Just Flying By
Are they searching for extraterrestrial intelligence how would you?

The plan was to pick a area where there were multiple choices to land. Then launch in that direction and review possible stars for enough material to continue the to build. I had planned this for when I was older and if I still wanted to be alone. I could pass my time doing something that you could not ask someone to do. This would preclude even wanting to find intelligent life. I would probably listen silently and pass on by. There would if one was passing close enough to where one could be perceived as being from one area. There would be a temptation to send in a signal to see what would happen. Since you would be moving off to the other side. The source that looked possible and then disappeared.

The ship to leave the solar system

Excuse the primitive pictures.

This requires so much knowledge and so many steps before it could be done, it is safe to talk of this now. I will explain this and then I will be doing something else. There is a very simple engine that I have designed just for this mission. It was to be a secret till I was ready to leave the solar system. Remember I was not or I did not want to be a threat in anyway. I did though and still do like my privacy. (People switch sides depending on how they think it might work out.) You should know that it is possible but maybe not on a grand scale. The engine is powered directly by the sun no mirrors or anything fancy. It was to look like I was just making another new sphere to live in and was about half done. This will allow one to use the suns gravity to accelerate the spheres and avoid the heat and the slowing effects by turning the half sphere or dome to the sun and furthering the acceleration. This is a power assisted gravity swing by. The main spheroid was to be filled with methane family hydro-carbons. The construction ring was to be living to quarters during the flight. The principle of operation is than the propane breaks down at 900 degrees f. The hydrogen portion of the propellant is then heated and by the carbon. The carbon also shield the inside of the half sphere from direct sun light. Well inside the planet Mercury. This is very do able. I am thinking, even with are limited knowledge of today. That I may spend the last years of my life looking over small brown stars close to us, for small "rocks". These would not be detectable but could be very livable places; they would be surrounded by something more like thin asteroid belts. Somewhere between our Sun and Planet and Saturn's rocks and dust. This was apart of an old page, number 14.

What if they pulled in to the asteroid belt and started making spaceships and totally ignoring that we are even here. No threats no want to sit down and talk or need to kill us. Just Make some more ships load them up with more metal and take off. This given my own ideas would be unlikely but it is one of the options of what could happen.

They do not even indicate that they have any interest in any part of Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. No fear no greetings people of earth no interest in any thing we have done.

It all depends on who gets leaves. We could find someone that does not want to know us. Someone that will what to see our history to compare with theory. Someone gathering up materials who does not care for any contact. There are a world of possible answers if there is one. Across our planet our a hundreds of place that little societies started. Most died and the people moved on to live else where. The great societies after the barbaric period survived till today just not as they were, all holding on to there signs of greatness. While other societies have moved the would far beyond what they could did.

Bob L. Petersen

A look at what life might be think or do based on the equipment I was working on. This is not Carl Sagan's point of view. This has nothing to do with their possible existence.

Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence SETI

Life in Space
Bob Petersen