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Links Of the Week

Game Log:  Summer 2000 Recaps and random thoughts

Bob 2K's Weekly Journal Entries for the Fall 2000 Season

Coutney Carrier's Weekly Rants for the Fall 2000 Season

NESHL Newswires

NESHL Proposals

Habs2k Schedule

NESHL Standings


Player Stats

Beer Schedule/Beer Grades

Links of the Week

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(I basically robbed this from the Sports Guy...)

Links:  November 3, 2000

Are You Unbreakable? (11/3): Mildly entertaining web site on Bruce Willis' upcoming movie. (11/3)Some superb pictures in here! (11/3): I don't need to explain...Just click on it.  You know you want  to.

Links:  October 23, 2000

The Stinkymeat Project (10/23):  I was eating Beef Stew when I went to this page.  Yummy!

Links:  October 11, 2000 (10/11):  Go here to meet the Pirates of Butte, Idaho.  Yeah, that's right...The Butte Pirates.

Bob Kaplan's Web Site (10/11):  If you like this web site, well, you'll probably hate this one.

WK's Coach's Box (10/11):  Visit Wendell "Dr." Kim's website to get inside the head of the most entertaining/worst 3rd base coach of all time.  Check out the latest and greatest toilets Boston and the rest of the nation has to offer!

Ask Melissa Stark(10/11):  "What are the chances of a guy like you and a girl like me...I desperately want to make love to a school boy!"  I had to link to this site because nobody believes me that NFL teams can score a 1-point safety by running an extra point backwards into their own end zone. Cheerleaders(10/11):  Anything owned by Vince McMahon has to be ingenious...move over Harrington!  Absolutely tremendous.

Mullets Galore!(10/11):  This site has a collection of some of the best mullets EVER!

WelcomeToMyTrailerParkPage(10/11):  Self-explanatory.

Heinsohn's  Quotes(10/11):  An extensive list of Tommy Heinsohn's quotes from the 1999-00 season.