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NESHL Proposals

Game Log:  Summer 2000 Recaps and random thoughts

Bob 2K's Weekly Journal Entries for the Fall 2000 Season

Coutney Carrier's Weekly Rants for the Fall 2000 Season

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NESHL Proposals

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Because of your strong effort Mr. Postizzi, I have taken the liberty of posting the Canadiens News Flash on the deserted intranets site:

I'll also have you know that I am dealing with my Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with great success by focusing more attention on my real true love, Jessica Simpson.  She doesn't get the attention she deserves.

Some Comments/Ideas/Suggestions/Rants

I'm thinking of having my own running diary for the upcoming hockey season.  Maybe we could encourage and inspire other teammates into doing the same.  I would love to hear what's going through Charlie's head during/after games.  It would also spice up the intranets web page.  Here is Lord Byron's journal, to give you an idea of what I'm talking about.  (Strikingly similar to this years game log which I failed to keep alive)

Also, I was inspired by the "sports guy" to invent a scoring system for our players.  It's easier for you to look at this guy's site at your leisure than to have me explain it.  He does his take on the Pats every week starting this season (Bucs game)  Great site, by the way.  Check out his articles in the archives.
I will also be happy to keep the stats for the team as long as we continue to get the scorers sheets at the end of the game, which was promised to us in the "What's included" section of the NESHL web page:
I have taken it upon myself to begin an arduous schedule of endurance and strength training sessions along with legal performance enhancement supplementations to help the goal of the team:  To bring home the championship trophy.  I hope others will follow in my footsteps.
Speaking of "bringing home the trophy", I could negotiate with the Halfway Cafe in receiving a sponsor for this season.  They might throw in up to $500 in cash for the league.  Let me know what you think on that front.  I wouldn't want our team to become too corporate, but it would be nice to have some backing and if you could just visualize for a moment the joy and elation stomping into the Halfway after we take the championship, and subsequent hookers after the game.
Furthermore, I know it was seen as humorous fodder for a bunch of drunks at the time, but a beer schedule could be appropriate for this season.  Either that, or making a trip to the Halfway for at least one beer a tradition (this could be a significant bargaining chip with the aforementioned restaurant negotiations.
If  you, myself, or someone else could continue with the News Flashes, Statistics, Journals, breaking stories, etc... we could have a mailing list for players and supporters.  Just imagine the potential on the comedy scale of Charlie's sister receiving a newsletter that informs her that her brother has been molesting dead horses, wearing double runner blades, is rumored to be waived from the team, using estrogen enhancers, etc...
While we're on the issue of Charlie's sister, it reminds me that I will become severely committed to bringing the video camera for all of this seasons games...If anyone would like to obtain a copy at any point in time they can do so by giving me $2 or a blank VHS video tape.  The tapes will be distributed back to the players/supporters in a timely fashion, pending graduate school course load severity.
I will speak with  and try to get Brendan Hegarty signed this week.
Chris Alexis update:  It was last reported by the AP press that Christopher Alexis did, in fact, die of gonorrhea, and is now rotting in hell.