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Game Log:  Summer 2000 Recaps and random thoughts

Bob 2K's Weekly Journal Entries for the Fall 2000 Season

Coutney Carrier's Weekly Rants for the Fall 2000 Season

NESHL Newswires

NESHL Proposals

Habs2k Schedule

NESHL Standings


Player Stats

Beer Schedule/Beer Grades

Links of the Week

Sign/View Guestbook

Meet The Aeros

Picture Archive


Welcome to the revamped (soon to be re-revamped) site of the biggest loser on the NESHL Aeros.  Who the hell cares so much about a men's league that plays one game a week against other over-the-hill hackers?  The same person that has a website dedicated to 90210 (sort-of), that's who!

A significant factor in maintaining this site is the Aeros winning games on a regular basis.  These type of things usually fall by the wayside if the team goes downhill.  So this page should be added incentive to each and every one of the members of the Aeros and their respective boyfriends.

New Updates:

The College Years (updated 12-18-2000)

Bob2K's Weekly Journal Entry (newest entry 12-11-2000)

Beer Schedule/Grades (newest entry 12-11-2000)

Carrier's Rant (newest entry 11-27-2000)

Player Stats (updated 12-11-2000)

NESHL Standings (updated 11-28-2000)

Player Profile Form (updated 11-28-2000)

Meet The Family (updated 11-16-2000)