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Week 13: Jamie Herlihy

Grade: B+

In the ever-changing grading system of frothy cold beverages, a new component has been added.  Originality.  This should go without mentioning, but The Silver Bullet has been consumed in the locker room before and Courtney made an interesting comment in the locker room after the game that somewhat addressed the issue: "Variety in Beers, like variety in sexual preferences, is the spice of life."  Rogie couldn't have said it better himself.

Week 12: ??????

Grade: F-

Bo was supposed to bring talks looming.

Week 11: Courtney Carrier

Grade: B-

I know Courtney will be emotionally scarred for life after not receiving an A+ for a grade, but he can thank Rogie and Charlie taking Beers out of the locker room which negates the finishing all beers in the locker room rule.  Also, much to the chagrin of Mr. Carrier, everyone on the team preferred the Labatt's Blue over Molson Canadian.  Unfortunately, there were only 12 Labatt's Blue, so the whole variety pack thing blew up in Courtney's face.  It's probably Karma coming back to haunt him after he stopped writing his rants.  Maybe that's why he's been stinkin' up the joint in net as well.  Moving along...

Week 10: Vin Garino

Grade: A+

30 Rack of the wife-beaters.  You really can't go wrong here.  If you don't like Bud Cans then you really don't belong in America.  You might as well be Greek for heaven's sake!  And lord knows we don't have any of them on our team, what, with the GM's strict anti-Greek policy.  That being said, a much better team effort in the locker room after the game than the game itself.  Maybe we need to start "earning" the beers (and I don't mean hand-jobs, J.J.) 

Week 9: Scott Tomada

Grade: A-

A bold call by going with the Red Dog.  Apparently, Scott is the culprit who "Let The Dogs Out."  I hate this friggin' saying and I'll mention that Charlie was singing this before the game.  I also remember some loser outside of a bar in Boston saying, "Who Let the drunks out?"  Really wanted to beat this person over the head with a baseball bat.  I may have, but I blacked out so I really can't recall.  The major problem that we need to address right here is that the beer was not all finished in the locker room.  Many people take the beer with them for the ride home which is illegal, and there is no conformation that the beer is actually consumed.  Good day.

Week 8: Billy O'Connor

Grade: A+

A strong job by all for finishing the 30-Pack of Budweiser in about five hours???  It seems we have about four or five all-stars and the rest are lightweights.  Charlie did stick around a little longer and I know he wants some praise for that.  Just wanted to let everyone know that Charlie gets up at 5:30 in the morning, so you can send your sympathy cards to: "I don't give a rats ass, Pussyville, VA."  And Jamie's "Brick Heard 'Round The World" where he tossed and missed a half-full Wife-Beater in the general vicinity of the trash can will not be soon forgotten.  That Zamboni guy with five teeth and afro who hangs around until closing is creepy (in a good way).  

Week 7:  Bob Kaplan

Grade: A+

Milwaukee's Best.  I must be the greatest!  I must be the greatest!  I'm the king of the world!  I'm now awarding plusses or minuses for drinking all of the beer in the locker room (plus) or not finishing all of the beers (minus).  A sign of a good beer is when it is finished entirely.  And that we did my friends.

Week 6:  BYE WEEK

Grade: N/A


Week 5:  Rogie Boudreau

Grade: A

A Bud-Light 30-pack was just what the doctor ordered after the team's first victory against the dreaded Bulls.  I'm drinking Busch Light at the moment and thoroughly enjoying it.  Drinking to excess this evening should help me cope with the "Subway Series" and the impending doom to follow.  Just realized that this coming Monday is the bye week so I may put up a supplemental article at some point this week.  I like beer.  90210 is just tremendous.

Week 4:  J.J. Tartaglia

Grade: A-

Strong showing by J.J. coming up with a 30-pack of Bud Light (and an original:  "I dropped the ball...NO I DIDN'T!" joke).  It was nice incentive to have some cold Bud Lights marinating in the hockey bag of woe while breaking out a can of our own whoop-ass during the game.  I'm extremely impressed at the lack of "dank" beers of yet.  A reminder to Rogie that it is his turn next week to bring some beer and put the puck in the net.


Week 3:  Charlie Diamandis

Grade: B-

Wife-Beaters and the Silver Bullet:  Two strong candidates but not a winning combination.  These beers just don't like each other.  However, the duo helped the Canadiens break out of their slump and enjoy the first victory of the season.  I'll have to say that I am a Bud-Man if I had to choose between the two.  If anyone wants to challenge this selection, I have three words for you:  "HEY, BEER MAN."  Solid effort Charlie.


Week 2:  John Postizzi

Grade: A

You just can't go wrong when it comes to the "Champagne of Beers."  I'm still dumbfounded as to how we lost this game when these puppies are waiting in the wings.  A wise man once said:

It used to seem to me
That my life ran on too fast
And I had to take it slowly
Just to make the good parts last
But when you're born to run
It's so hard to just slow down
So don't be surprised to see me
Back in that bright part of town

I'll be back in the high life again
All the doors I closed one time will open up again
I'll be back in the high life again
All the eyes that watched me once will smile and take me in

And I'll drink and dance with one hand free
Let the world back into me
And on I'll be a sight to see
Back in the high life again

You used to be the best
To make life be life to me
And I hope that you're still out there
And you're like you used to be
We'll have ourselves a time
And we'll dance 'til the morning sun
And we'll let the good times come in
And we won't stop 'til we're done

We'll be back in the high life again
All the doors I closed one time will open up again
We'll be back in the high life again
All the eyes that watched us once will smile and take us in
And we'll drink and dance with one hand free
And have the world so easily
And oh we'll be a sight to see
Back in the high life again

We'll be back in the high life again
All the doors I closed one time will open up again
We'll be back in the high life again
All the eyes that watched us once will smile and take us in
And we'll drink and dance with one hand free
And have the world so easily
And oh we'll be a sight to see
Back in the high life again

Thank you, Mr. Postizzi.


Week 1:  Huh?

Grade: F-

What in THE hell happened here?  This game was lost before it even started.  In the future, if nobody brings beer, everyone must go to the bar after the game.  No exceptions.  Yeah...this rule will hold.