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Canadiens Fall 2000 Schedule

Game Log:  Summer 2000 Recaps and random thoughts

Bob 2K's Weekly Journal Entries for the Fall 2000 Season

Coutney Carrier's Weekly Rants for the Fall 2000 Season

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Player Stats

Beer Schedule/Beer Grades

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Date       Time     Beer           Opponent      Result

18-Sep        10:30       ????????       TCI Beavers       L, 2-4     

25-Sep         9:10         Postizzi           YYZ                     L, 4-6

02-Oct         10:00       Diamandis      Wolfpack           W, 8-2

09-Oct           8:50        Tartaglia        Blackhawks      W, 4-2

16-Oct          10:10       Boudreau       Bulls                   W, 5-3

23-Oct           BYE         BYE                 BYE                      BYE

30-Oct             9:30       Kaplan           Blues                   W, 7-3

06-Nov           10:10       O'Connor     TCI Beavers        T, 5-5

13-Nov           10:10       Tomada          YYZ                       L, 2-3 

20-Nov           10:10       Vinny             Bulls                     L, 2-5

27-Nov             9:30        Carrier         Wolfpack             T, 6-6

04-Dec             9:30        Bosworth      TCI Beavers        W, 6-2

11-Dec           10:30        Alexis            Blues                    W, 8-4

18-Dec           10:00        Postizzi         Hansons               W, 8-1

10-Jan             9:30         Diamandis    Precision Auto    T, 4-4

15-Jan             9:30         Tomada            YYZ                     L, 2-5

22-Jan             BYE            BYE                BYE                     BYE

29-Jan             10:10          Tomada          Black Hawks    L,  3-5

07-Feb              10:10                                 GCE Flyers        W, 4-2

12-Feb              10:10                                 Red Wings         W, 4-3

19-Feb                9:20         Tomada           BlackHawks      W, 6-4

26-Feb               10:00        Carrier           Bulls                   L, 2-6

05-Mar               BYE          BYE                 BYE                      BYE

12-Mar              10:00        Kaplan            Blues                   W, 10-1

19-Mar                9:10        Boudreau        Beavers               L, 3-6

26-Mar                9:10        Bosworth         YYZ                     L, 2-3

02-Apr                 8:50        Postizzi           Wolfpack            T, 5-5

09-Apr                9:30         Diamandis       Blackhawks