Dudley Gets A Letter
By Leora Cohen-Rosenberg
Disclaimer: Okay none of these characters are mine (obviously) so don’t
sue me and if you hate this, love this, or just think its okay tell me at
leoracr@optonline.net I do accept hate mail but no dirty words please.
Harry woke up. He had heard tapping on the window. It was Hedwig. He
opened up the window and let her in. She had a letter for not him but
for Dudley.
Harry was amazed. The Dursley’s had nothing to do with the wizarding
world. Not that they wanted to be part of it in the first place. Harry
had no idea what to do with it. It looked like an acceptance letter to
Hogwart’s but that couldn’t be. One because it was to late for Dudley to
start Hogwart’s and two he hasn’t shown any magical signs like Harry
But still what to do with it? Maybe he should get up early and stick it
in the muggle mail. Then it wouldn’t have to do with Harry at all well,
some how the Dursley’s would probably blame Harry for getting mail from
a wizard but it was better than handing it to one of the Durlsey’s, much
If it was an acceptance letter Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia would have
a fit. Or rather Uncle Vernon would go crazy and Aunt Petunia would
follow Dudley around and just cry non-stop.
It wasn’t even 3 am yet but Harry quietly tiptoed to the front door,
opened it and slipped the letter in the mailbox. Well that’s that! Harry
thought to himself. And so, Harry went back to sleep.
It was morning and Harry heard the yells of Aunt Petunia. He woke up for
the second time. Harry got dressed and went down stairs for breakfast.
He sat at the table and had his slice of grapefruit (which was much
smaller than Dudley’s). Afterward he was told to get the mail. Uh oh
here it comes Harry thought as he got the mail. He made sure to put the
letter in the middle so it would seem as if he was hiding something with
Harry gave the mail to Uncle Vernon then he left immediately for his
bedroom. A few minutes later Harry heard Uncle Vernon screaming for him
like mad. Harry came down his face flushed. Uncle Vernon’s face was
going scarlet then it turned brick red. “What is this dunderhead?”
Uncle Vernon showed him a letter written on parchment in green ink
addressed to Dudley. Harry didn’t know what to say. He had to say
something or else he would get double the wrath. Actually it would be
better to keep his mouth shut but… “It looks like an acceptance letter
to Hogwarts Uncle Vernon.,” said Harry.
That was it, Harry had done it. Aunt Petunia started crying. Uncle
Vernon yelled and Dudley started choking Harry.
A week later Harry had still been locked in the cupboard. He had been
locked there since the “incident”. Uncle Vernon had said that Harry
wasn’t going to Hogwarts this year and neither was Dudley. It seemed to
be that way because Harry had just 3 days to go until September 1st and
it didn’t look like he was going anywhere at all
For Now
Authors Note: See what happens in the sequel “Dudley Goes to Hogwarts”
the 2nd in the “Dudley” series.