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Facts and Rumors

Click Here to go to the Harry Potter Land Movie News page.

Some are facts, some are rumors. No one really knows! There is so much information jetting around. Much of this information comes from [ ] Also, some comes from [ ] A lot comes from Emails I have gotten, some from T.V., and some is just common knowledge! All of the commentary is from me!

Book 5

Book 5 is rumored to be realeased on November 15, 2002 .:*Sniff*:. It's so far away! oh well. Harry will be 15 years old. The title will be Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Professor The fifth book, was said to be released on the 1st of July 2001, but we all know that can't be true now, as its much past that!

Character stuff

It is also rumoured that Fleur will become a Hogwarts teacher. Professor Lupin will make a return in this one! Another main character is supposed to die. It might be one of the Creeveys!

A character named Icicle? will appear in the fifth book. We will learn more about Lily Potter! Hermione will be made a Prefect! (surprise, surprise)

Book 6

Harry will be 16 years old.
The title will be Harry Potter and the Green Flame Torch when Harry finds a torch that gives off a green flame that will heal good and kill anything evil." Peter Pettigrew returns.
The term "green flame" came from a magic spell from the ancient Egyptian civilization. The "green flame" comes from Memphis, Egypt and it means, "I have not stolen food." Another note: The "magic spell" came from the Book of the Dead.

PlayMaker writes: "I have a friend at Scholastic and the 6th book summarization says that when Hermione is injured in the hospital wing, Ron and Harry go one-on-one with Voldemort."

The color of Harry's eyes will have something to do with the title.

Book 7

Harry Potter & the Fortress of Shadows? [unsure] *seems pretty scary!*

Harry will be 17 years old. He will be in his last year at Hogwarts and will come of age in the Wizarding World.

We are to know even more about Lily Potter. What, I don't even know.

Mircea reports: "I wrote a letter to J.K asking here some questions about future books she only answered 1 question which was will Lupin make a return. She said yes! J.K said she's pretty much sure she will put him in the 5th book but she definetly said he's gonna play a big role in the 7th book."

During an online chat at Scholastic, JK Rowling was asked: 'What makes some witches/wizards become ghosts after they die and some not?' She replied: "You don't really find that out until Book VII, but I can say that the happiest people do not become ghosts. As you might guess Moaning Myrtle!"

ThE iNfOrMeR: Mr.I Nelson has expressed to me that Harry and Draco will work together to stop an evil force in book 7. Gee, maybe Draco's not so bad after all . . . NAW!

A BIG revelation is made about Lily Potter JK Rowling says, "Magic can't bring dead people back to life," so we will not see a "live" Lily or James Potter. (sigh)

JK Rowling has said the last word of the last book will be scar! Now she says that it may change during the writing of Book 7! We shall see...

Hermione will be made a Head Girl!


Maryanne says: "I got info from an editor that Harry is going to be expelled. I don't know when but he also said Harry is going to find another school and gets let back in Hogwarts after stoping something."

"There is more to the Sorting Hat than what you have read about in the first three books," Rowling says. "Readers will find out what the Sorting Hat becomes as they get into future books."

Tom Riddle reports: "The twelfth use of Dragon's blood is oven cleaner!"

JK Rowling says: "In Hogwarts there's a magical quill which detects the birth of a magical child, and writes his or her name down in a large parchment book. Every year Professor McGonigal checks the book, and sends owls to the people who are turning eleven."

We will learn what Harry's parents did for a living before they were struck down by You-Know-Who! JKR says this is intregal to the plot!

Tom Riddle reports: "The fact that Harry has his mother's eyes will be very important in a future book. As is the fact that her wand was a nice wand for charm work."

The secret to Harry's riches will be revealed in an upcoming book

A reporter who interviewed Ms. Rowling let us know JK confided Harry will NOT be tempted to the Dark Side!

On 60 Minutes we learned the Ravenclaw Ghost is The Gray Lady... will we see her in a book soon? Samy met JKR at a book-signing and reported on the message board: "I asked who the Ravenclaw ghost is, and she said the Grey Lady, and you actually meet her in the first book, when Harry and Ron are waiting for the sorting, you just don't know it."

We will see a return of Mr. Weasley's flying car, Aragog the spider, Sirius Black, Dobby and Crookshanks! We probably will not see Lockhart. We will also see a return of the Dementors!

JK Rowling says Hermione will lighten up even more in future books! Yay!


I was walking through target yesterday... yes even cool guys like me go to target haha. They now have a lot of harry potter school supplies. Visit and search for harry potter to see many of those products.

You can now purchase a mountain of OFFICIAL Harry Potter items, including shirts, mugs, calenders, stationary, costumes, furniture, dolls, posters, bookmarks, glasses, and more!

Now, there are even harry potter trading cards, by wizards of the coast. Click herefor more info!

A Harry Potter beanie? It's true! Celebrity Bears has come out with a bear that is patterned right after Harry Potter! Of course, he is not called "Harry Potter" and is not endorsed by JK Rowling or her publishers in any way.

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This site is NOT affiliated with J.K. Rowling, Mary Grand Pre, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, or any other Official Harry Potter company. It is purely a fan site.

This page was last updated on November 22, 2001

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