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updated 5/09/01

Welcome to my tribute to the talents of the music group Savage Garden: Darren Hayes and Daniel Jones. For years, before I had heard the music of Savage Garden, I never had "one" favorite group. Darren and Daniel, if you ever happen to come across my site (one can always dream!), I just want you to know that your music has inspired me in a way no one else has and that your wonderful music has allowed me to continue to appreciate life through the roughest times in my life. For that I will always be thankful to you. And to Daniel, you probably wouldn't remember, but I was the last girl you signed an autograph for at Radio City last year. I thanked you, and told you that the concert had been my graduation present. I really appreciated that you stopped for a second to do that (I know that some of the fans there were starting to get overly crazy and were jostling you a lot...I felt bad that happened, but I suppose that happens a lot to you and Darren now?) Anyways, I hope that you both have a wonderful 2001, and best of luck on your solo projects!