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Active Jedi List

The current members of the Jedi Republic are shown here. Each Jedi's name is a hyperlink; you can click the link for current Metaverse statistics. A Jedi rank is also shown; you can find out more about Jedi ranks by clicking here.

The Jedi Republic is led by an elected Council. Since the beginning of the War of the Worlds, the Council has chosen to permit members of all alignments, reasoning that the Terrans threaten any who use the Force, Jedi and Sith alike. As a part of this decision, lightsaber colors for each Jedi are now standardized following the universal, alignment-based "happy face" system. Special exceptions are granted to those who have demonstrated ongoing and outstanding commitment to the Republic. Jedi Masters are eligible for custom lightsaber handles; Senior Advisors are eligible for custom blade colors.

Jedi Republic Council
Knights of the Jedi Republic
The Grand Fleet of the Republic
Honorary Jedi
Honorary Jedi
Honorary Jedi are members of other Empires - or unaffiliated Overlords - who have rendered great services or support to the Jedi Republic. As all Honorary Jedi are considered equal, they are listed here alphabetically by Empire name. Except for Frogboy, who as the Master of the Metaverse has the honor of getting the last word...
Obi Wan Kenobi (unaffiliated)
Once a pupil of the great Qui-Gon Jinn, Yoda's right hand and a skilled diplomat in his own right, Obi-Wan has left the Jedi on a quest for self-enlightenment.
Ray the Wanderer (Fellowship of the Ring)
The ageless and mighty wizard Ray is a Force unto himself in the Metaverse. Once dedicated to evil, he long ago turned to the path of light. He is recognized by all (except possibly koalas) as a kindly mentor and sage.
Gerakken (G.R.O.S.S.)
The Spymaster is a frequent visitor to all Empires. While the Jedi are on cautiously friendly terms with G.R.O.S.S., they have found that it is easier to keep an eye on Gerakken by making his visits official.
KitWarrior (G.R.O.S.S.)
Renowned for his uncompromising taste in liquor, his fury in battle, his matchless prose ("BURN... BURN... BURN...") and his dashing way with the ladies, Kit is a natural teacher for the Republic's young Sith.
Wild Wombat (G.R.O.S.S. - Southern Seas Franchise)
After returning from his self-imposed exile, the dread pirate Wombat has maintained close ties with the Jedi, who appreciate his Southerner's taste for good prose, fair play and fine alcohol. Not necessarily in that order.
CariElf (Stardockians)
When the game crashes, when submissions fail to work, or when we are being crushed by the oppression of PC glitches,  we can rely on CariElf, patron saint of all confused and weary souls in the Metaverse.
Frogboy (Arnor)
He is the one of whom the Prophecy speaks. The Chosen One. The One who will bring balance to the Metaverse. Frogboy's legendary powers exceed even those of the Force.

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