have been many predictions regarding cataclysms.There is
much history of cataclysms.There always have been, and
always will be cataclysms.
What is a cataclysm?
A cataclysm is an event which occurs infrequently and
which causes many humans to die.
In an ideal society, there are no cataclysms.
Let's look at how an individual would operate in an
ideal society.
The ideal society of course would be vegetarian. We
progress in stages. First we learn to make tools which
will kill animals, then we start to eat the animals,
then we start to domesticate the animals, then we start
to mass produce the animals, then we open fast food
outlets in every town in order to dispose of the dead
Somewhere down this path we recognise the presence of a
divine power, and we think it's a good idea to kill
animals to offer to him, or in some cases to even kill
each other in offering.
Then we learn that it is not such a good idea to do
this, but we continue to eat the dead meat.
Then we learn that eating dead meat is also not such a
good idea, and we cease eating meat. We know that our
digestive systems are similar to that of a monkey, and
we know that monkeys don't eat meat, or take medicine,
and as a species have survived longer than we have.
But unfortunately we have been educated by the people
who belong to the cartel which makes much money from
meat, fast food, medicine media, banking etc. So much of
our basic thinking is tarnished because of what we have
been taught about nutrition, biology, and money.
We absolutely know we are right about some things, when
in actual fact we could never be further from the truth.
The actual truth is that we are in a situation where
communication improvements have made it possible for
many people to learn from the way other people live, but
none of these lessons have been learned. We have always
had, and maybe always will have, one dominant power.
Since Babylon, we have had Greece, Rome, Britain and now
When we evolve, we are able to see that the lives of
most people are little more than a farce, where, in
Shakespeare's words "All the world's a stage, and all
the people therein merely players". Each actor is doing
precisely as directed by a group of people who make
money out of producing farces. The actors are being
operated as if they were puppets without a mind of their
The evolvement process is to develop an independent
mind, which is capable of conforming to the needs of an
understanding society.
So if one of the farces begins to be of too much
detriment to the path of evolvement, then the natural
instinct for survival of the species will soon kick in
and take over from the selfish individualistic basis on
which unevolved people live.
Of course if there are insufficient evolved people at
any one time on the planet, then there are insufficient
tutors, and the Divine power finds a way to reduce the
numbers of unevolved people, by creating a cataclysm.
But this sort of intervention by the Divine is rarely
required. More often than not, the cataclysm is af man's
own making.
By looking at history, and seeing how so many things
have accelerated out of all proportion in the last 100
years, we will see that our diets have almost completely
changed, and certainly changed faster than they have
ever before in history.
It is not possible to evolve a new digestive system in
only 100 years, so now things are at an extreme. When
things get too an extreme then a cataclysm happens. And
many people die, leaving only the ones with independent
minds alive, to start a new civilisation of more evolved
This is really what most of the cataclysmic predictions
are about.
So, what of the individual in the ideal society. He
would eat only fresh food untouched by any chemical or
unnatural process, and would not allow any "alien"
material to enter his body.
He would be a member of a family or commune, and would
accept his responsibly for his share of contribution to
the commune.
He would do nothing of detriment to the commune.
There would be many occasions when he would be ready,
willing and able to help others.
He would have complete freedom to do whatever he wished
within these guidelines.
This is fairly obvious to anyone and everyone. Man
cannot live alone and the species survive - he is a
communal creature. Individualistic behaviour which is of
detriment to society does not help our evolvement.
People perpetrating environmental destruction are
obviously not yet evolved.
The next cataclysm will almost certainly be man created,
and will be caused by one or a combination of the
following factors, relating to last 50 years, as
compared to any other 50 years in the long history of
The world's population has more than doubled in the last
50 years.
Man's diet has changed completely in 50 years.
The injection or ingestion of man made drugs has
increased in manifold proportions.
The air is polluted to a higher degree.
The temperature is increasing.
The weather and seasons are changing.
There are now 2 billion motor vehicles on the roads.
Man has become enamoured with his own tool making
capabilities. He made money as a tool, and is now
enamoured with that.
All of this has taken man's mind away from his reason
for being here - evolvement.
Our children are being born less intelligent each year,
which is a precise demonstration of the path we are on -
hence the need for a cataclysm, and hence all the
The world is going through the same sort of cycle which
caused what historians called The Black Plague, or even
what happened to Atlantis, the mystical advanced society
of thousands of years ago.
Man is trying to evolve, but is doing so very slowly.
The more he uses his mind, the more chance he has of
But evolvement can be accelerated by applying the mind
to evolvement - that is what we are here for - to
Some people manage to evolve at an early age, and some
never evolve.
The majority of the people on the planet have not yet
evolved - if they had, they would demonstrate a far
better care of their environment.
Evolved people do not do stupid things - they do not
foul their environment, - they do not annoy anyone, -
they do not eat an unhealthy diet - they become
participators rather than leaders.
The current crazy situation of most of the people
spending most of their lives chasing the infinite dollar
is unlikely to be the best path of evolvement.
Let's just suppose for a moment that there is a Divine
power which created us and which looks after our
welfare. Wouldn't it be rather selfish to think that we
as an individual are separately cared for in our own
special way. No, we are cared for as part of the ideal
society, whereby if we operate as we should, then no
harm ever comes to us.
Unfortunately, it is not possible for one person to
create an ideal society - it takes all of us. So if we
were able to, as a divine power surely is, we might be
able to see that a particular part of society is
dragging down the more ideal part of society,then it
would be desirable to generate some improvement.