            actualisation, Body, Mind, Spirit, Vision, Untying knots

Untying Body Mind Spirit Vision


Rainbow Words


1 Red Doh Adrenals 3Hz Survival


An elder said: Cut off from yourself rash confidence, and control your tongue, and your belly, and abstain from wine. And if anyone speak to you about any matter do not argue with him. But if he speaks rightly, say: Yes. If he speaks wrongly say to him: you know what you are saying. But do not argue with him about the things he has said. Then your mind will be at peace.

What we are trying to achieve is peace of mind. The way to do this is by avoiding unpeaceful things, no matter how much they might draw our interest. If something is unpeaceful, it will not help our peace of mind, and must be avoided. It is so easy to work hard for so long, and then eliminate the value of the work by one unpeaceful word or action. For most people, their daily routine is mostly unpeaceful, and they rarely have the good fortune to experience peace of mind. But when once attained, a peaceful mind is the most glorious experience one can have. Yet it is so fragile - so easy for the peace to be broken, and the old cycles set in motion again, keeping us from our goal.

When our mind is peaceful we are at last able to exercise our full range of choices, and our free will, being under peaceful conscious control, leads us towards the most suitable experiences. We know that we must avoid all action and thought which upsets the peace of mind.

The following are considered to upset the mind.

The following are to be avoided:-

Any unloving thought or action.
An excess of alcohol.
An angry experience.
A misunderstanding.
Over eating.
Loud noises.
Another person's discomfort.


In the city, people complain about uneven flagstones, and overhanging signs in walking places. In the country, obstacles are expected, or cleared by anyone who finds them cumbersome. If this was done in the city, then the courts would be involved.

In the country, everyone knows each other, and behaves accordingly.

In the country there is a deeper understanding of the laws of nature.

in the country, people are more friendly, and more understanding.

in the country, people are less excitable, and more satisfied with their lives.

Survival of the fittest might apply when there is insufficient for everyone. However, when there is sufficient, then everyone survives, without having to spend inordinate amounts of time and energy in finding food. Then, with time available, levels of cooperation begin to arise, which themselves save time and energy. Then, these levels arise beyond the levels of efficiency, such is the present trend towards globalisation. The volume of movement of raw materials and people that has become necessary as a result of globalisation has increased to the point where efficiency is deteriorating, and the system is collapsing. The saving grace will be to fall back on the old cottage industries, while the expertise is still available (just).

Next - Orange



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