Untying Body Mind Spirit Vision





In the past, our confidence was spurred on by an ego which had a need to be proven right. That need has gone, and with it so has the spurring. Many bright ideas pass by and dwindle into darkness with no further attention. Why bother? Everything we used to believe in now has no meaning, and we stand in a void of empty loneliness. We cannot see the point in most of the activities which most of the people participate in. They are, if viewed from the point of view of world control, indeed, on the most part, useless eaters.

By the time we have come this far down the path, we have thrown off the burdens imposed on us by the dying society, and the society to come has not yet formed. There are no guidelines. There is no dummy's guide to where to go, where to stay, what to eat and what to say. It is all happening right here right now, in front of our very eyes, but we fail to notice it because we are engrossed in our customary ways of passing the time without actually having to think about very much at all. Our mind works, but not on matters important to evolution, or planetary existence, or the meaning of life. Only on meaningless trivia which we convince ourselves is either necessary or important, because we are afraid to crawl out from under the protective shell provided by our helpful governments.

Through all sorts of means, many of us have been persuaded that we are supposed to work for a living, so that is what we do. No other form of existence ever enters our mind.
Paying taxes for things which we never see is not seen as an unnecessary burden. Having secrets kept from us is accepted as normal. Drinking alcohol is not frowned upon. Mindless activities are replacing mindful ones. The planet is devolving.


Most of life seems to be a distraction, preventing us from getting where we are going, even though we may not know where that is. It is only after analysis of a 'typical-day-at-the-office' that we realise that we actually devote more time to interruptions than we do to getting on with what we believe to be important. This causes us to be frustrated with our own lack of performance, and results in many depressed hours.

When presented in this way, we can soon see that it is our approach to our activities which is wrong, and not the activities themselves. If only we could realise that what we do for ourselves is unimportant, and what we do for others is important, then we would realise that the interruptions are life. Then, suddenly, with no change except inside our minds, we discover that we have been spending most of our time living, and only our attachment to some false idea like working for a living is keeping us from spending all of our time living. End of depression, end of fruitless striving, end of stress, and welcome to the inimitable smile.

Human Mind
Rainbow Words
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