Evolutionary Progress
As a
personality scales the evolutionary heights of many
lifetimes, some places along the path have viewing points,
from where one is able to look backwards at the heights
already scaled, and one is also able to look forwards to
the peaks towering overhead.
There comes a point very early on the path where we
realise that there is no going back. Things will never be
the same again. The back door is closed. Changes have
taken place, and are taking place, everywhere except in
our memory.
This is why the memory can be such a dangerous tool;
because it remembers things how they used to be, which is
not of much benefit to a newly evolved situation.
At school, we are taught how things used to be as if they
are still the same scores of years later.
The only benefit in going to school is to find out how
others have been conditioned. By finding out how others
have been conditioned, we are able to find out how we
ourselves have been conditioned.
This was the aim of the Buddha's teaching - to discover
our own pre-conditioning, and to remove it.
At first, we feel that the preconditioning is "us" - as if
it is a part of our inner selves, but later we find that
our inner selves are far more subtle than the coarseness
of the conditioning of the material world.
We find that many of our habits and personal traits have
come about as a result of avoiding something, as opposed
to coming about by reasoned or intuited choice.
Prior to realising this, we cling to these traits as if we
were clinging to our arm, not realising that it is these
very habits and traits which are preventing our
evolutionary progress.
Never eating
We may come to the point
where we feel that any action we take to satisfy any of
our senses is wrong. This is most definitely not the
Whilst dwelling mindfully in a sphere of understanding,
we are still able to recognise whether an experience is
pleasurable or otherwise. There is no reason to avoid
pleasurable sensations, as long as we are aware that for
every pleasurable sensation, there must be an equivalent
unpleasurable one. Natures law dictates this.
However, when we are aware that we have to eat in order
to survive, then we become concerned about food. There
are those who say that food should be considered as
medicine only. I will not disagree with that concept,
but would add that if I am about to take medicine, then
I will make sure that it is the most efficacious for the
present illness.
If the present illness is created by a desire for
chocolate, then I will eat chocolate (if available),
but whilst eating it, I will examine why I need to eat
Reject Controlling
vibrations are different to yours and everyone else's.
Impulses are triggered in me which are not triggered in
others. And impulses are triggered in others which are not
triggered in me. I try to give to others the freedom which
I require for myself.
Whenever anyone limits my freedom, either accidentally or
intentionally, I immediately recognise the fact, and
reject the controlling vibrations.
City vibrations have now increased in strength to the
point where insanity is controlled only by force.
As the controlling vibrations increase, then each
individual closes down their receptivity in order to avoid
the insidious control.
But at the same time, they close out the positive
vibrations which might provide the spark of
awareness which allows them to break out.
I have become quite selfish with my time, as there never
seems to be enough of it to do all the things which arise.
I have already trimmed many things off my list, and I am
sure not going to sit around chewing the fat, with no
Travelling in
In the west we have been taught to
manipulate others in order to obtain satisfaction for
In the east we have been taught to manipulate ourselves
so that we do nothing to disturb the satisfaction of
When we in the West try to learn the ways of the east,
then we struggle because we apply western thinking. If
we are to succeed, we must first make space for eastern
thinking by disposing of erroneous western thinking. The
reason for the error is that those who have already
become proficient in manipulating others, have already
succeeded in manipulating our thinking.
We must first remove this manipulated, or controlled
thinking, before we can open our mind to a truly
different set of concepts.
for others.
Meditation, when performed
mindfully (and how can one meditate unmindfully),
provides more entertainment, more suited to our own
personal needs than any other man-made invention.
No other man can ever be aware of the full machinations
of our own mind. Some may be able to be aware of what we
are thinking now, but they would have no idea of why we
think that way, whereas we do have the capability of
working out why we think that way.
That is what meditation is all about. The result of a
successful meditation is that we work out a little more
of why we think the way we do, and by realising this
"little more", then we are able to decide whether this
particular piece of conditioning is desirable or
This is how we improve ourselves.
It just is
Western culture holds the view that
extreme feelings should be controlled, and
not displayed in public.
My culture holds that it is best to live in
a community where these feelings can be
expressed; where the rest of the community
are sufficiently loving and tolerant to allow
the expression to be used as a way of
freeing the expressor from his restricted state. In
return, the expressor learns tolerance and patience.
Tolerance is not, as I once believed,
forcing oneself to accept the actions of others, whilst
not approving of them. It is not the
acceptance of the action which is the crux of the
matter. The crux is the approval. By
spending our lives approving or disapproving of
everything we come across, we colour our
opinions to the the point of non-reality. Tolerance
is learning to not judge.
The line in the Dao Te Ching reads: "It's
not good; it's not bad; it just is".
This idea of things just being, without
being categorised, is foreign to most
This is why easterners appear to be more
tolerant than westerners - because they do
not create so many intolerable situations. Those
beings who are fully aware of their shortcomings are
able to avoid situations which highlight the shortcoming,
and thus to fail only rarely.
Those beings who have an erroneous or
inflated idea of their capabilities, consider
themselves to be better than others, and
therefore refuse to accept responsibility for
their own actions. They blame all errors on
someone or something else, and by convincing
themselves that they are not at fault, they
fail to learn.
One of the first things we learn once we
enter the path is that we are responsible
for everything that happens to us, whether
it be consciously, or subconsciously.
The vibrations generated by our
mind/body/spirit complex operate in the same
way as other vibrations. Like attracts like,
and therefore our particular set of vibrations act
as a magnet to those with similar vibrations, and
we become drawn together, with no conscious knowledge of
Who am I?
Part One
We should not
trouble our mind with concern for others. Their mind is
for use by them in concern for them, as our mind is for
use by us in concern for us.
When we are in the presence of others, then we must
observe and respect their needs, and we must be careful to
fulfil any promises which we may make.
However, as we are unable to completely guarantee our own
actions, due to the effects of outside forces, then we
should not make any promises lest we are unable to fulfil
them, thereby creating negative karma for ourselves.
No promise is far better than a broken promise.
Additionally, if we ponder the problems of others in
preference to pondering ourselves, then we are failing to
learn about ourselves.
No matter how much we learn about ourselves, I doubt that
we will ever know everything. Therefore, by pondering over
others, we are failing to use that time pondering
ourselves, and therefore we progress more slowly than
might otherwise be the case.
If we can once get some sort of sense of urgency instilled
into our inner being, without bringing along the usually
accompanying impatience, then we can begin to avoid the
interminable time wasting of the masses.
When in company, they talk in frivolous and non-beneficial
ways, and when alone, they fill their minds with mindless
non-progressive twaddle, hence the permanent travelling in
We have convinced ourselves of the need to relax, and we
have decided what relaxation consists of, and in most
cases it consists of switching off the mind. This is
another way of saying behaving in a mindless manner. It is
a crying shame that we have not been introduced at an
early age to the finest entertainment available, and free
In the search for meaning, the discovery of our true
selves, the following notes may be of assistance.
We will begin at the end, as they are both the same when
discussing infinity. We, you and me, and each entity which
considers itself to be separate, is an infinitely small
fragment of The One.
The One is the subject of which religion, politics and all
things is made. If a member of a large family states that
he has no brothers and sisters, then all of his brothers
and sisters know that he is deluded. Yet he does not know.
This is how it is with the world. We are denying our
integration with the rest of creation, and as a result
have considerable difficulty in understanding reality.
We are all a part of The One.
Unfortunately, because very few of our ancestors were
aware of this fact, then the world into which we
incarnated was already in turmoil. Our institutions had
been founded on fallacy, and were sure to crumble before
too long.
The actual process of birth, as conducted in a Western
hospital, is an incredibly traumatic thing.
The equipment of modern childbirth is more akin to the
equipment of a torture chamber than that of a loving
environment. We were even born in an unnatural way - what
chance do we really have of ever becoming in touch with
As if that's not all, we are given a series of
vaccinations against the imaginations of our ancestors,
with untold results on our future health. By the time we
exit the torture chamber and arrive "home", we are already
How's that for an entry into a new incarnation - its
almost enough to not want to bother much with another one,
so we solve that problem by reincarnating into the same
So, we arrive home, and gradually begin to sleep off
enough of the trauma to be able to see and hear. What do
we see? What do we hear? We are being programmed already
into the misconceptions of many generations. We hear so
much twaddle that we are fortunate to be unable to make
any meaning out of it. But we do make meaning out of the
vibrations it creates.
We very rapidly learn to differentiate between pleasant
sounds, and unpleasant sounds. We also become aware that
our trauma increases whenever we hear a loud noise. As we
are almost permanently surrounded by loud noise, then we
never lift our trauma, and suffer with it for the
remainder of the incarnation, never actually waking up at
It sounds patronising to suggest that we never wake up,
but this is because we all believe that we are awake, just
as we believe that we are separate, or have one life only.
Would a fully awake person not know that vaccination is of
many times more danger than it is of benefit? Would a
fully awake person not know that the biggest drug dealers
are the governments? Would a fully awake person not know
that there is a secret world government which has been
orchestrating events for several centuries? Would a fully
awake person not be aware that they are being conditioned
to be competitive, obedient and simple-minded?
We are given e-mail, when we could be using telepathy. We
are given Internet when we could be mentally on-line to
The Hall Of Records. We are given electronic music to make
sure that our minds are rarely clear, and we are given
alcohol, just to rub it all in well. What chance of being
No, not patronising - just truthful.When The Buddha was
asked if he was a god, he said "I am not a god". When he
was then asked what he was , he said:
"I am awake".
In this context, enlightenment and awakening can be
considered synonymous. You would not be offended if we
suggested that you were not yet enlightened, would you?
So, why be offended at a suggestion that you are sleeping?
Because of the trauma caused by the belief in separation.
How could I ever be wanting to say anything to hurt you,
when I know that you and I are one. I would be hurting
myself, and that is not a sensible thing to do, is it? So,
whenever you register that I might be trying to hurt you,
you are actually registering the root of one of your
childhood traumas. The first step is to be able to
overcome the embarrassment or anger, created by finding
out a little more about ourselves.
Most of us are so traumatised that we run in the opposite
direction as soon as we think we might discover something
nasty. We just do not want to know about our nasty side,
and we become very adept at hiding from it.
The only way to overcome this type of problem is in a
loving and understanding environment, hardly any of which
are known by us. How many of us truly felt able to discuss
any and all subjects with our parents, or teachers, or
This is how it is meant to be. It is meant to be up to us
to gather enough gumption to be able to climb out of the
morass of misunderstanding, and then to be able to look
back and feel the relief of escaping.
Our first reaction is to go back and get our friends, but
they do not want to listen. They have to do it themselves,
as we did, and all we can do is make ourselves available
if they request assistance.
We lie awake at night, almost weeping at the memories of
the incidents which had closed down our minds, and seeing
how the minds of our friends and colleagues have also been
How can we ever understand ourselves enough to think
straight when we are taught that disease comes from
invisible things floating around in the air. What
confounded rubbish will they be wanting us to believe
next. How much money is made by selling medicines and
hygiene products to people who do not know that all
disease originates in the mind?
There has been a solid body of true information, in oral
and written form, unchanged for at least twenty centuries,
and yet it is not readily available to the general public.
How can we ever understand?
The curricula at our schools and universities are
carefully chosen so as to avoid this body of truth, as if
it is too complicated for a normal human being to
understand. It is far simpler than trying to understand
the concoction of misinformation provided by governments
who knock down their own World Trade Centres, and then
shout "foul".
The media is owned by the same secret government, and
therefore is designed to portray the same "competitive,
obedient, simple-minded" message.
Much of the secret government control was started when the
Romans had problems with controlling the barbarians whose
lands they had conquered. They therefore devised a method
of creating fear amongst these fearless people, and this
method has perpetuated until this very day. We can tell
you now that there is no such thing as a devil, and if you
do not agree, then you are confirming that you are still
Look at nature in the real world - see how everything
co-operates with and assists each other in its quest for
light and consciousness. The only fear which exists is
created by man and his frightening machines.
So the fear of death becomes so strong that we do not talk
about the subject in polite circles.
If only polite circles were aware that they have already
lived several hundred incarnations as as a human being,
then they would have something very interesting to talk
about - alas, even polite circles are traumatised.
So, you take offence at the "simple-minded" term.
Why are we not all aware of and able to understand
Einstein's theory of relativity?
Because we are programmed to disbelieve this relativity,
and therefore the truth is not presented to the public.
This keeps us simple minded. It is not a statement that
there is something wrong with us. It is a statement of
fact, no matter how unsavoury. (The truth shall set you
free, but first it shall piss you off).
Are you aware that most of the food you eat has been in
contact with dangerous chemicals, and/or is genetically
modified to comply with another of our ancestor's
imaginings. How can we achieve our potential when we are
fed unnatural produce? Would a fully awake person allow
this to happen?
Enough of why we are the way we are - yes maybe much of
that has come from the outside - we are what we eat - we
are a product of our environment - all of that has been
true until today.
Now fortunately or otherwise, we have achieved the first
step in waking up. We have become aware that we are
The four steps of learning are:-
Unconscious Incompetence
Conscious Incompetence
Conscious Competence
Unconscious Competence
Having read the above you have already left step one, and
are standing on step two.
We dedicate our second part to reaching step three.
Part Two
Reaching Conscious Competence.
The result of reaching conscious competence is that we are
able to observe ourselves in detail, and to discover
exactly why we think, say, and behave the way we do. A
tall order maybe, and not to be achieved overnight.
Here we outline some practices which have helped us, some
now abandoned, and some avidly practiced daily.
We hope that one or two might vibrate with you, and that
we can help you to set your sights on step 3.
We have had the good fortune to spend several years
in a loving environment, with the time to learn and
practice. Most people do not have these facilities, and we
are attempting to distil our own experiences into a few
words so that assistance is available. We are aware that
each path is unique, personal yet shared, and that the way
along the path is fraught with the discovery of hundreds
of childhood and adult traumas.
We hope to provide navigation aids, which are useful to
We consider our "being" as a tripartite entity, which we
call mind body and soul. We have little knowledge of any
of the three.
The mind
The mind is our driving force.
We are able to generate positive or negative thoughts.
We are able to make choices, and to apply free will.
We are able to increase will power.
We are able to imagine and be creative.
Our mind is so capable of so many things that keeping it
under control is difficult.
This is why the greatest of our teachers all participate
in and recommend meditation. This calms the mind, and
enables us to take control of it. If we allow others to
manipulate our mind, then we are not controlling it to the
best effect.
In the process of waking up, we dispose of much of the
conditioning which we have allowed others to place there.
When we realise that the majority of citizens are not yet
awake, then we realise that we have been believing the
thoughts and words of short-sighted people.
Once we dispose of this short sighted narrow thinking,
then we have space for the broader thoughts of the
awakened mind. We become less petty, and less involved
with trivia. We are able to concentrate for longer periods
on things that we really enjoy. We are open to more
reality, and able to learn faster.
The body
The physical body, of flesh, blood, bone, hair, and water
is formed around seven main energy centres called Chakras.
These seven chakras appear in every sentient being, and
differentiations occur only in the range of openings
The human being is more able to open more chakras to a
greater aperture than any other sentient being. Simple
machines (e.g. a pendulum) can be used to locate and
analyse the chakras, in the hands of a trained and loving
person. Please do not doubt the truth of these words, as
incredible as it may seem to our conditioned reasoning
mind. Try it for yourself, there are hundreds of books on
the subject of chakras.
Having a knowledge of the existence of our chakras helps
us to better understand some of the things which have and
will happen to us. Would an awake parent be pleased with a
school which taught human biology, managing never to
mention the chakras? (Curriculum exclusion).
Here we see how we have "missed out" as a result of the
superstitions of our ancestors, and we feel the energy
arising in us. This energy may originate in anger, or
frustration, or impatience, or jealousy or just plain
The soul is more difficult to understand, and therefore
more difficult to explain.
I think of it as the glue which holds everything together.
When our body dies, we do not die.
The real "I" or"me" is far more than our body and mind.
The real I is immortal, and is the base from which each
incarnation is generated. The real I is what many refer to
as god, or at least a part of god.
God is the sum of all the "I"s of all things.
The realisation of the existence of the soul is the
starting point in waking up.
The truth shall set
you free
will pee you off
Don't take the second
bit too lightly.
The revelations which
come about as we learn the truth are so deep rooted
that coming to terms with them often involves tearing
out what feels like whole parts of ourselves.
If we are
pre-prepared, having reached this situation by
throwing away a little at a time, then we are already
familiar with the sensations of another removal of
waste matter.
Every time we remove
some of this rubbish, we really do lighten our load.
Not only do we dispose
of the cumbersome weight generated by the erroneous
negative thought, but we also benefit from the freedom
and lightness generated by the truthful positive
thought. A bit of the ego dies, and allows the true,
hidden self to be revealed. We remember that the ego
has been created by the conditioning around us,
positive and negative. The ego is not the real "us"
which was in us when we were born.
In order to find the
real us, we have to break through all of the
conditioning which we have wrapped ourselves in, in
order to protect ourselves from bumps and knocks along
the way. All of these things were useful in their
time, but if we fail to dispose of things when their
usefulness has passed, then we begin to carry too much
weight with us. In our mind's eye, we can
witness scenes like a person crawling down the road,
wearing Pampers, with a dummy in his(her) mouth, a
school bag on his(her) back, and a school tie around
his(her) neck, an American football helmet on his(her)
head, with a shirt to match, a bunch of red roses
sticking out of a sheath on his(her) belt, a
laptop in his(her) left hand, and a plastic toy gun in
his(her) right, wondering why he(she) is unable to be
We are aiming for a
sharp clear mind which is able to process data faster
than before, and therefore able to penetrate deeper
into the truth of any particular subject.
This can only happen
if the thought paths are free of irrelevant and
unhelpful debris, and we can only dispose of this
after we have disposed
of the little piece of ego which collected it in the
first place.
Our aim is to be able
to live "here and now", with no reference whatever to
incidents from the past.
These incidents have
no bearing on what is happening right now under our
noses. We are unable to understand the enormity of
what has been done to us because we are all so busy
hiding behind our colossal egos which have been
encouraged to grow by the powers that be.
If only we could draw
aside the heavy dark curtain which these bloated
opinions create, then we would understand the truth in
seconds. They say the ignorance is bliss, and it is
certain that any bliss currently being experienced by
the human race is through ignorance.
This now begins to
sound like one of those alarmist "The end of the world
is nigh" messages, and in some ways it is. But this
message goes further, by telling you that it is only
the end of the world as we have previously experienced
it. The "new" world will bring new experiences, and if
we have learned and practiced being open to accept new
sensations and experiences without fear or doubt,
then we are in for a most wonderful time.
If, however, we
attempt in any way to hang on to anything at all from
the "old" world, then we automatically attach
ourselves to the old world, and we die with it.
Best of luck in
your search for the truth.
Different reasons for
If there are
different reasons for incarnating, then these probably
relate to the further raising of consciousness,
or the balancing and opening of the chakras.
The people whom we seek are not going to be a part
of the usual crowd, although they probably will have been
at some time.
They are more likely to fit the term Wanderer, in that
they have rarely, if ever, felt as though they belong
where they are
- it is always as if they have not yet reached the point
that they are supposed to be at, so they are wandering
around hoping to discover their real identity.
We are here to try to help them to remember, like we too
are remembering, who, and what we really are.
The minute that we once step outside the veiled world,
then our compassion for those still entombed increases.
We see every minute of the day, everywhere, people
speaking and acting in exactly the ways we acted before we
How can we criticise - we know that we and they are parts
of the same whole.
We know that with a little assistance, they too can step
outside the veil. We also know that we must not attempt to
preach. If they ask, then we may answer, otherwise, we
must remain silent.
What determines our
personality today
The process of evolving the
mind has been studied by many, who all agree that the
conditioning received in earlier life is what determines
our personality today.
Each one of us has a desire to be a better person, and we
all do our best to improve whenever we have the
opportunity. Psychoanalysis is the method used by many in
today's frantic world, and this has the effect of
occasionally drawing out some old memory, and the relevant
conditioning, and has the effect of removing a blockage
allowing progress to be made.
Meditation also has the effect of removing blockages, but
has several significant benefits over and above
Firstly, it is free. Secondly, it can be done any time,
any where, without an appointment, meaning that it can be
done more often, like daily, or even several times per
day. Thirdly, it does not target one specific element of
conditioning from the past, but allows all conditioning to
eventually rise to the surface, and to escape and
If anyone is able to use their will power to get
themselves started on this path, then they will find that
not only does it get easier within just a few hours, but
that they progress measurably and quickly, until such time
that the enjoyment achieved is greater than any other form
of enjoyment.
Instead of wandering around the planet hoping to
experience some catalyst which will advance our lives, we
can stay just where we are, and begin to discover
I clearly remember when I was the managing director of a
software house, which I also owned, having a desire to
understand myself. I read books like "The Naked Ape" by
Desmond Morris, in an attempt to discover why I behaved in
the ways I did.
Now, some twenty or more years later, I discover a
technique which has bee around for OVER FIVE THOUSAND
YEARS, which appears to work for anyone and everyone who
has a strong enough desire to learn about themselves.
There are a few simple steps, which I will outline as
1 - Find a comfortable position with the spine straight,
in which you can sit without moving for several minutes.
2 - Concentrate on the breath entering and leaving the
nostrils, until such time as the concentration is steady.
3 - Begin to sense different parts of the body in a
systematic way, until such time that the different
sensations are noticed arising and passing in each part of
the body.
4 - Whenever a problem arises with sensing parts of the
body, then return to the sensation in the nostrils, and
work outwards from there.
5 - Repeat daily as often as possible until enlightenment
is achieved.
It seems as though this is just too good to be true.
It is very good, but it is also true. What is written
above is the central core of Buddhism. This is the inner
teaching of the Buddha, with all of the other stuff simply
being a way of avoiding foul-ups during
"sitting-and-sensing". If we are able to stick to the
routine, then we are sure to achieve enlightenment
We are all enlightened already, except for the fact that
there are scores of blockages preventing us from the
realisation of that truth. If we can remove the blockages,
then we are home and dry.
Go to Yellow