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In extreme situations the Enterprise Class Starship has been designed to separate into two fully autonomous vessels. As a result of the ability to separate, the stardrive section was fitted with its own command center. This area is known as the battle bridge and is located at the top of the Stardrive section on Deck 12.

The Battle Bridge of the Enterprise class starship follows the tried and tested layout familiar on Starfleet vessels for well over the last 200 years. All stations center around the Captains Chair which is located in the center of the Battle Bridge. The command position faces the viewscreen and follows the single chair style reminiscent of vessels of the 23rd Century and the Battle Bridge on previous Federation Vessels.

Located directly in front of the commanding officers station is a lowered section that contains a horseshoe shaped console that is separated into two equal stations. Located on the right from the upper level is the Battle Bridge's Flight Control/Operations panel. The panel to the left is set to control the Battle Sections Weapons and Security functions. Additionally all internal functions for the battle section can be controlled by two people from this location on the battle bridge.

To the left of the battle bridge command station is the Communications station and to the right is a systems monitor console. The console located behind the Captain and to the left has been designed to serve as the Battle Sections Executive Officer's station. Primarily this station is used to monitor all internal systems and provides control of the stardrives offensive and defensive systems. Parallel to this station is the Engineering Sections Science station.

The battle bridge is normally only tasked with control over the stardrive module however it can be used to command the entire ship if the Main Bridge is damaged or disabled. Like the Main Bridge, the battle bridge is supported by an adjacent Ready Room and Conference Room.

Main Bridge
The Commanding Officer's Ready Room
Briefing Room
Executive Officer's Office
The Mess Hall
Admiral's Dining Lounge
Main Shuttlebay
Shuttlebay Control
Transporter Room
Admiral Teagarden's Quarters
Officer's Quarters
Enlisted Officers Quarters
Science Labs
Counselor's Office
Saucer Engineering
Twelve Forward
Auxiliary Mess Hall
Banquet Hall
Security Office
Tactical Cartography
Torpedo Bay
Computer Core Control
Main Engineering
Deflector Control

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