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The Stardrive Section of the USS Enterprise NCC-1701-G is a well armed and powerful warship, however more time was spent developing its tactical array than its medical facilities. The Infirmary aboard the USS Enterprise's stardrive section is nothing more than a very basic field hospital, and not designed to handle a large number of cases.

For medical diagnosis and analysis a large medical workstation has been fitted against a wall in the small infirmary complex. The wall mounted station provided direct linkups to the computer medical records, crew records, and also a communications system for the rest of the ship. Access to communications aboard the Enterprise's Stardrive while separated requires a level 3 access code.

Three biobeds normally lined the walls of the Infirmary aboard the Enterprise's stardrive section, however this number could be increased to a maximum of six should it become necessary; an extremely limited surgical facility is also available. The primary biobed features several additional medical readouts as well, providing large amounts of medical data to the on call physician. A number of portable units are also kept inside the infirmary. Specialist equipment is stored inside the mobile carts and there are at least two cabinets located inside the infirmary that contain emergency medications.

Main Bridge
The Commanding Officer's Ready Room
Briefing Room
Executive Officer's Office
The Mess Hall
Admiral's Dining Lounge
Main Shuttlebay
Shuttlebay Control
Transporter Room
Admiral Teagarden's Quarters
Officer's Quarters
Enlisted Officers Quarters
Science Labs
Counselor's Office
Battle Bridge
Saucer Engineering
Twelve Forward
Auxiliary Mess Hall
Banquet Hall
Security Office
Tactical Cartography
Torpedo Bay
Computer Core Control
Main Engineering
Deflector Control

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