If the Bridge is the Brain of a Starship then Main Engineering is the starships Heart. Located on Deck 35, Main Engineering has access to almost all systems aboard the ship, and manages repairs, power flow, and general maintenance of the Starship Enterprise.

Entering Engineering from the main entry door you see a large corridor which has a large console on the left and a small room at the far end of the corridor. The wall panel shows a schematic diagram of the USS Enterprise that is constantly updated by the ships computer. This panel displays the ships overall health in an easy to understand manner. Should there be an incident aboard (Such as damage) the location will change color to correspond with the severity of the situation. The set of consoles at the far end have been designed to monitor the Enterprise's primary computing systems and the status of the vessels shield grid.

Facing the Warp Core from the you will come across a large table that shows an overhead schematic of the Enterprise. This is the Master Situation Table. Like the Master Situation Display this console provides status reports about all systems aboard the Enterprise and identifies any hazards that may occur aboard the ship. If necessary all engineering functions can be controlled from the Master Situation Display and the Master Situation Tables. On both walls surrounding the MST are monitors for the Enterprise's propulsion systems.

As you proceed further the Chief Engineering Officers Office is located to your right and the Assistant Chief Engineer's Panel is located on your left. The Chief Engineer is responsible for all aspects of Engineering problems and several dedicated controls are located inside this room. From his console he can access any information that is needed about the ships status or any data that may be of necessity for the ships survival while on assignment. Status monitors in this section give detailed reports on the overall condition of the ship and the primary controls for the Enterprise's propulsion, Life Support, and weapons arrays are controlled from this area. The Chief Engineer is granted a large console on which to work, a diagnostic table with several equipment chests surrounding, and a replicator unit. The Assistant Chief Engineer's Station has minaturized versions of the same panels located in the chief engineers office.

Should the main engine room need to be isolated from the rest of the ship this compartment has been designed to be fully separated from the rest of the ship. In the event of a catastrophic emergency isolation doors lower to separate the two facilities and forcefields go up around the entire facility. When isolation protocol is engaged nothing can access the primary engine room without the approval of the Enterprise's Chief Engineer and Commanding Officer.
Should the main engine room need to be isolated from the rest of the ship this compartment has been designed to be fully separated from the rest of the ship. In the event of a catastrophic emergency isolation doors lower to separate the two facilities and forcefields go up around the entire facility. When isolation protocol is engaged nothing can access the primary engine room without the approval of the Enterprise's Chief Engineer and Commanding Officer.

The Main Engine Room can be accessed without having to travel through Main Engineering if absolutely necessary. Two large blast doors are located on each side of the Engineering compartment aboard the Enterprise on Deck 35 and there are additional blast doors located on Decks 33, 34, 36, and 37 that provide entry to the Engine Room. During emergency situations however these doors seal and the only entry to the Engine room is provided from the Main Engineering Room.
Once inside of the doors on deck 35 you come to an observation area where Engineers monitor the Enterprise's status. There is a floor-mounted situational display similar to the Master Systems Display found in the Main Engineering section of the room. This particular unit, often referred to as the ‘pool table’, provides the Chief Engineer another easy to use display that provides a broad view of the situation with just a glance, rather than having to return to his office.

In the center of the Engine Room is the Matter/Antimatter Assembly (M/ARA). This is where primary power for the Enterprise is generated and transmitted throughout the rest of the ship. This system is checked on a regular basis due to its importance to the ship. Access to the warp core is restricted and protected by forcefields generated on a separate system from the rest of the ship. When the forcefields go down extreme heat is generated throughout the Engine Room and direct contact with the core can be deadly. Matter flows from the upper injectors toward the Reaction Chamber and Antimatter flows from the lower assembly. When the two combine the resulting destruction provides the power necessary to produce the warp reaction necessary to power the ship. Said power is thus spread through the Power Transfer Lines into the rest of the ship.

If the warp core were to breach the only way to protect the ship is to eject the core into space. The Enterprise Class features 15 safeguards for such an incident. In the event of a breach the command to eject the core can be given by the Enterprise's Commanding Officer, Executive Officer, Chief Engineer, or Current Command Officer if necessary. Once this order is given the ship disables active matter and antimatter flow and seals off the power transfer conduits. A forcefield goes up that circles the openings for the core on each deck and microthrusters fire that push the core from its berth in the stardrive section. Once separated from the ship the core usually cools and can be recovered and repaired.

A second tier circles the second level of the Engine Room on deck 34. Two ladders on the opposite ends of the catwalk provide access to this section of the USS Enterprise's Engine Room. Controls for the Impulse Systems, along with the RCS thruster assemblies, are monitored from this area of the ship. In the event of a warp core ejection, the functions of this section are transferred to the lowest level. Damage Control Teams are readied on the third level of the Engine Room, as are the internal ship maintenance teams. Additionally this area provides engineering research space for the crews should they need it and cannot get to the support labs located on the same level (Deck 33).
Main Bridge
The Commanding Officer's Ready Room
Briefing Room
Executive Officer's Office
The Mess Hall
Admiral's Dining Lounge
Main Shuttlebay
Shuttlebay Control
Transporter Room
Admiral Teagarden's Quarters
Officer's Quarters
Enlisted Officers Quarters
Science Labs
Counselor's Office
Battle Bridge
Saucer Engineering
Twelve Forward
Auxiliary Mess Hall
Banquet Hall
Security Office
Tactical Cartography
Torpedo Bay
Computer Core Control
Deflector Control
This site is currently under construction. Please keep checking back, as it is constantly being worked on. Thanks!