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Located on Deck 1 of the Enterprise Class Starship USS Enterprise NCC-1701-G is the Commanding Officer's Ready Room. Located on the permitter of the starboard side of deck 1, this area provides the Commanding Officer with a workspace close to the main bridge.

When you enter the Commanding Officer's Ready Room you are greeted by a large curved desk which sports a computer terminal, two comfortable chairs, and a large bank of monitors. To your right is another door which leads to a small alcove. Inside this alcove are doors to the Admiral's Private Restroom, a closet, and a door to the external corridor. Two your left are stairs which go to a lounge area that is dominated by three large windows.

Like all other Starfleet vessels, the Captain's Ready Room aboard the USS Enterprise contains priceless and personal objects. Among the objects of the room is a Kurlan Naikos given to Admiral Teagarden by President Picard, a Model of the USS Enteprise NCC-1701-F and the Enterprise-G, and finally a large painting of the Starship USS Enterprise NCC-1701-G leaving the badlands during her first mission. Numeroud other plants, books, antiques, trinkets, and sculptures are also located in this room.

Should Admiral Teagarden need to remain close to the bridge for a long period of time the couch located in the lounge area has been designed to create a small bed. With this advantage the Admiral doesn't have to leave the area of the bridge for a long period unless he deems it necessary.

Main Bridge
Briefing Room
Executive Officer's Office
The Mess Hall
Admiral's Dining Lounge
Main Shuttlebay
Shuttlebay Control
Transporter Room
Admiral Teagarden's Quarters
Officer's Quarters
Enlisted Officers Quarters
Science Labs
Counselor's Office
Battle Bridge
Saucer Engineering
Twelve Forward
Auxiliary Mess Hall
Banquet Hall
Security Office
Tactical Cartography
Torpedo Bay
Computer Core Control
Main Engineering
Deflector Control

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