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Episode Guide - Season Two
Episode Guide - Season Two

"F Is For Framed"

Season: 2 Episode: 2
Production Number: 202
Original Airdate: April 21, 1999

Written By: Bob Stiff
-----------------David Byron Lloyd
Directed By: Paul G. Volk

Season 2

1. "Fangs"
2. "F Is For Framed"
3. "Burning Sanctuary"
4. "Strip Show"
5. "Eyewitness"
6. "Little Saigon"
7. "John Doe"
8. "Widowmaker"
9. "Obsession"
10. "Call of the Wild"
11. "The Bigger They Are"
12. "Faces of Fear"
13. "The Monk"
14. "Ties That Bind"
15. "In Harm's Way"
16. "Bad Reputation"
17. "Danny the Eel"
18. "Cop Killer"
19. "Professor Benton"
20. "Legacy of A Buffalo Soldier"
21. "Armageddon (1)"
22. "Vengeance (2)"

Having just finished lunch in Chinatown, Chase and August are preparing to head back to the station when they see a drug deal go down. A chase ensues, and the detectives split up. When August finds Chase, he is lying in an alley, unconscious, with one of the men lying next to him dead. An eyewitness says she saw Chase kill the unarmed man found in the alley, but Chase can't remember what happened before he was knocked out. August feels certain his partner is innocent and sets out to uncover the truth while Chase is suspended.


Julie St. Clair Veronica Hamilton
Derek Basco Tommy Chin
Peggy Ahn Mary Kwan
Don Magwili Mah Chin Wah
Nick Kusenko Lt. Copeland
Deborah Lacey Grace
Emily Kuroda Mrs. Kwan
Jessica Cushman Annie Mason
Kenneth Tigar Captain Jensen
William Wong Mah's Thug
Donald Sager Bank Robber


  • Kendra does not appear in this episode.


  • Vehicles destroyed: 2 (1 car, 1 limo)
  • Chases: 3 (2 car, 1 foot)
  • Explosions: 2


  • Louis Febre is does not appear in the opening credits.
  • As August leaves Mah Chin Wah's office, the window on the oppsite wall of the outside room shows reflections of crew members just outside the office door.
  • When the thug leaps from the window, he puts a dent in the roof of the van. As he slides off the top and runs away, the dent is gone.
  • Early in the final chase, the limo's back window appears shattered.

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