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Episode Guide - Season Two
Episode Guide - Season Two

"The Monk"

Season: 2 Episode: 13
Production Number: 212
Original Airdate: May 6, 1999

Written By: Nick Stone
-----------------Martin H. Lawlor
-----------------Michael Robinson
Directed By: Cole McKay

Season 2

1. "Fangs"
2. "F Is For Framed"
3. "Burning Sanctuary"
4. "Strip Show"
5. "Eyewitness"
6. "Little Saigon"
7. "John Doe"
8. "Widowmaker"
9. "Obsession"
10. "Call of the Wild"
11. "The Bigger They Are"
12. "Faces of Fear"
13. "The Monk"
14. "Ties That Bind"
15. "In Harm's Way"
16. "Bad Reputation"
17. "Danny the Eel"
18. "Cop Killer"
19. "Professor Benton"
20. "Legacy of A Buffalo Soldier"
21. "Armageddon (1)"
22. "Vengeance (2)"

While August recuperates from his injuries from the previous episode, Chase and DEA agent Jack Lawson work together to rescue a mysterious accountant who has been working for Bobby Cole. The accountant, known simply as "the Monk," is brought into police custody after a daring rescue by Chase and Lawson. But fearing for his life, the Monk refuses to talk. An FBI agent, Shoenrock, has come to take the Monk into custody, but Chase believes that he'll be able to get the Monk to talk. But Chase and Lawson's plans are wrecked when the two discover that Shoenrock may not be who he claims to be.


William Sanderson The Monk
Gary Hudson Bobby Cole
Michael White Agent Shoenrock
Gordon Jennison Douglas
Michael McFall Agent Jack Lawson
Jessica Cushman Annie
Debbie James Dr. Samantha Morecroft
Kenneth Tigar Captain Jensen
Richard Haje Ralph


  • First appearance of Agent Shoenrock.
  • First appearance of Jack Lawson, although "The Bigger They Are" aired first.
  • Kendra does not appear in this episode.
  • It seems this episode may take place during the end of the previous episode, "Faces of Fear." At the end of that episode, August is on crutches and says that his doctor told him he should be able to return to duty in a few weeks, meaning he's been released from the hospital. But in this episode, August is still in the hospital recovering from his leg wound. So it's possible this episode takes place during the few days August would have spent in the hospital following being shot in the leg.


  • Vehicles destroyed: 4 (3 cars, 1 limo)
  • Chases: 3 (2 car, 1 foot)
  • Explosions: 3

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