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Episode Guide - Season Two
Episode Guide - Season Two

"Ties That Bind"

Season: 2 Episode: 14
Production Number: 214
Original Airdate: May 7, 1999

Written By: Bob Stiff
-----------------David Byron Lloyd
Directed By: Kevin Mock

Season 2

1. "Fangs"
2. "F Is For Framed"
3. "Burning Sanctuary"
4. "Strip Show"
5. "Eyewitness"
6. "Little Saigon"
7. "John Doe"
8. "Widowmaker"
9. "Obsession"
10. "Call of the Wild"
11. "The Bigger They Are"
12. "Faces of Fear"
13. "The Monk"
14. "Ties That Bind"
15. "In Harm's Way"
16. "Bad Reputation"
17. "Danny the Eel"
18. "Cop Killer"
19. "Professor Benton"
20. "Legacy of A Buffalo Soldier"
21. "Armageddon (1)"
22. "Vengeance (2)"

A judge, a housewife, and an attorney are all killed by toy-like devices. While searching for the victims' possible connection, Chase and August discover that all three were involved in a court case years earlier in which a woman, working in a college laboratory, was killed in an explosion set off by a radical activist. At the conclusion of the trial, the killer was set free. Afterwards, the woman's husband, Carl Shipman, set out for his own revenge. After killing the man who killed his wife, Shipman was arrested and sent to prison for life. But Shipman wasn't finished with avenging his wife's death yet, and gave the orders for murders from prison.


Nicolas Coster Carl Shipman
Lisa Rotondi Paula Kominsky
Richard Moore Mark Schneider
Christopher Boyer Cragmeyer
Kenneth Tigar Captain Jensen
Jay Edward Anthony "Mad" Michael Portman


  • Kendra does not appear in this episode.


  • Vehicles destroyed: 9 (8 cars, 1 van)
  • Chases: 3 (all cars)
  • Explosions: 6


  • Captain Jensen says "Cragmeyer" instead of "Craigmeyer."
  • When the red Acura slams into the detectives' car and blows up, it suddenly changes into a red Fiero. (I don't think the sequence was taken from a previous PM Entertainment production, because Wolf Larson is in two shots of the cars exploding.)

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