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Episode Guide - Season Two
Episode Guide - Season Two

"Vengeance" (2)

Season: 2 Episode: 22
Production Number: 222
Original Airdate: May 19, 1999

Written By: Simon Porter
Directed By: Paul G. Volk

Season 2

1. "Fangs"
2. "F Is For Framed"
3. "Burning Sanctuary"
4. "Strip Show"
5. "Eyewitness"
6. "Little Saigon"
7. "John Doe"
8. "Widowmaker"
9. "Obsession"
10. "Call of the Wild"
11. "The Bigger They Are"
12. "Faces of Fear"
13. "The Monk"
14. "Ties That Bind"
15. "In Harm's Way"
16. "Bad Reputation"
17. "Danny the Eel"
18. "Cop Killer"
19. "Professor Benton"
20. "Legacy of A Buffalo Soldier"
21. "Armageddon (1)"
22. "Vengeance (2)"

After witnessing Nicole's murder at the order of Bobby Cole, Chase becomes a loose cannon. August pleads with his partner to follow legal avenues to catch Cole, and Captain Jensen suspends Chase after he destroyed important papers belonging to Cole. Jensen also tells him that the FBI suspects Nicole was working with Bobby Cole. Chase is livid, knowing this could never be true. Cole meets with Agent Shoenrock, who is revealed to be undercover, acting as an accomplice, and tells him of his plans to execute the Colombian drug minister at the drug summit. Chase visits a weapons dealer he knows and purchases some heavy duty weapons for his own personal use. After a huge battle in the streets involving semi-trucks, helicopters, and rocket launchers, Chase ends up on a pier with Cole, weapons drawn in a stand-off, each prepared to take the other down... for good.


Gary Hudson Bobby Cole
Larry Thomas Nelson
Michael White Agent Shoenrock
Miguel Najera Montoya
Blas Lorenzo ?
Kenneth Tigar Captain Jensen
Christian Conrad Jeron


  • Kendra does not appear in this episode.
  • Co-star Larry Thomas is perhaps better known as the Soup Nazi from Seinfeld.
  • With the cliffhanger ending, it's up to the viewer to speculate whether Chase lived or died, as the final shot of Chase and August on the pier could be taken either way. We don't know the producers' intentions at the time, but it seems Chase was destined to live, as Wolf Larson revealed that a third season was supposed to start production in the Fall of 2000 until plans fell through.


  • Vehicles destroyed: 9 (5 cars, 2 helicopers, 1 motorcycle, 1 truck)
  • Chases: 2 (1 car, 1 foot)
  • Explosions: 4

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