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Episode Guide - Season Two
Episode Guide - Season Two

"Professor Benton"

Season: 2 Episode: 19
Production Number: 219
Original Airdate: May 14, 1999

Written By: Nick Stone
-----------------William Lawlor
Directed By: Harris Done

Season 2

1. "Fangs"
2. "F Is For Framed"
3. "Burning Sanctuary"
4. "Strip Show"
5. "Eyewitness"
6. "Little Saigon"
7. "John Doe"
8. "Widowmaker"
9. "Obsession"
10. "Call of the Wild"
11. "The Bigger They Are"
12. "Faces of Fear"
13. "The Monk"
14. "Ties That Bind"
15. "In Harm's Way"
16. "Bad Reputation"
17. "Danny the Eel"
18. "Cop Killer"
19. "Professor Benton"
20. "Legacy of A Buffalo Soldier"
21. "Armageddon (1)"
22. "Vengeance (2)"

Professor Larry Benton, a former teacher of Augusts', is brutally killed outside a jewelry store by thief Willie Mathers. August is devastated upon his arrival at the crime scene, having just had lunch with Benton moments ealier. August vows to catch Mathers, but is shocked when Benton's twin brother shows up from.


Conrad Janis Prof. Larry Benton / Gary Benton
Sandra Ferguson Det. Nicole Stockman
Michael McFall Det. Jack Lawson
Debbie James Dr. Samantha Morecroft
Robert Factor Willie Mathers
Kenneth Tigar Captain Jensen
Harley Zumbrum Pimp
Dean Nicholas Taylor Manchester


  • Last appearance of Dr. Samantha Morecroft and Det. Jack Lawson.

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