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Top Ten Episodes That Show Ares Really Cares For Xena

10. "Eve"- Yes, he got completely angry with her for not giving him what he wanted but he tried to show her how it felt to be despised by the one you love (referring to Xena hating him and Eve hating her). I think that his words really got to her.

9. "Chakram"- It was obvious that Ares wanted to start over with Xena since she had lost her darkside. Even when she didn't give him the Chakram of Light, he still wanted to be with her and he didn't hate her for that.

8. "Seeds of Faith"- When Ares had the dagger of Helios held at Xena's throat, he still couldn't bring himself to kill her even if he said he would. He hadn't realized it yet, but he loved her even then.

7. "Livia"- When he first saw her after 25 years, I could tell that he had really missed her. And then when they met at the party, he had said that he'd mourned her for years and that if he knew that he'd have a second chance with her, he would have never gotten together with Livia. The best part, though, was when he tried to apologize to Xena for turning her daughter into a monster and when he said that no one meant more to him than Xena.

6. "God Fearing Child"- Well, this one, of course! It was the first time he tried to tell her how he felt; even though she didn't believe him one bit. It was the first time that he admitted to himself that he loved her.

5. "Eternal Bonds"- He tried to be completely honest with Xena when he had said that he wanted to help her and her child. My favorite part was the dream Xena had. To this day, I wish that the dream had been real because if it had, everything would be different between them. I believe that Ares had come to her in her dream because he believed it to be the only way to tell her how he truly felt. Another good part was when he had Eve in his hands, attempting to kill her but then realizing that he couldn't because of his love for Xena. He knew that if he killed her daughter, he would never win her trust.

4. "Amphipolis Under Siege"- The part that really showed how much he cared was when he saved the doll from Athena thinking it was Eve. He was truly willing to go against his own family just so he could win Xena's trust and maybe even love.

3. "Coming Home"- This is like my favorite episode of all time. It was the first time that Xena and Ares had a sensitive chat; one without the hate or the lust. It was beautiful. Ares showed how much he loved Xena even if she couldn't return that love. He said that no matter what, he would never give up on his love for her.

2. "Looking Death In The Eye"- When Ares tried to stop Xena from killing herself, it brought tears to my eyes. Truly, I thought that it was the most caring and loving thing I'd ever seen him do. But it got better when he took her body away. His speech to her sleeping body was magnificent. He completely opened up his heart, realizing that he could never give her the love that she needed. He knew that he treated her wrong and he would give anything to start over. He would always hold a place in his heart for Xena.

1. "Motherhood"- This episode, by far, shows Ares' deep feelings for Xena. First, he told her that he loved her, twice in fact. Second, he came to her trying to offer her immortality. He didn't care if she was mortal or god, he just wanted to be with her. And third and most important, he gave up his immortality for her. True, he was saving Gabrielle and Eve but it had been his fault that they had wounds in the first place. I believe that Ares felt guilty for being the cause of their wounds and he felt he had to make it up to Xena. He hoped that by giving up his immortality to save the ones she loves, he could win her trust and he'd have a second chance with her. After all, she had become the most important thing in his life; more even than living forever.

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