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The Reckoning:

"My Warrior Princess living as my Warrior Queen."--Ares

"You above all should know what grief can drive people to do."--Xena

"Action and power draw you like a moth to a flame. It burns inside you. I burn inside you. You can feel me there, like a fever."--Ares

"You'll be the architect of a new world. My kind of world. Where force of arms keeps the peace and one great Warrior Queen rules."--Ares

Ties That Bind:

"This is your army, Xena. I had it created for you and it feels good , doesn't it? Leading an army into battle for the glory of Ares!"--Ares

"I did it all for you and I'll never let you go."--Ares

"I'd rather be dead than come back to you."--Xena

Intimate Stranger:

"Personally, I've always preferred an up front, face-to-face killing worthy of a warrior. Simply allowing someone to die doesn't soften it."--Ares

Ten Little Warlords:

"You may despise me, Xena, but a godhood is a sacred is trust. You'd love to live in a world without war, I know that, but without me, you're about to experience a world without peace for anyone, anywhere."--Ares

"You know, it's always come easy--the blood lust, the hate. This is the first time I've had to suffer the consequences."--Ares

"You changed, why not me? I never lied to you, Xena. Oh, deceived, manipulated--yeah, but a god need never lie."--Ares

"I think you might be surprised about the change you can inspire in a man...or a god."--Ares

The Furies:

"No, life isn't worth living. It's to be taken and beaten and wrestled and formed in your image. That's where the meaning lies, in what you can twist life into. For those who just endure life, yeah, it is a very nasty joke, but for those who form it with their will, the joke is on those who get in the way."--Ares

The Dirty Half Dozen:

What is it about me? You always seem to know when I'm around. I must have a certain presence around you.

You say presence, I say stench.

"You never let me get away with anything, you had the nerve to question me, and you never took what I said at face value."--Ares

The Deliverer:

"Whatever you might think about us, Xena, you know us. You might love us, you might hate us, but we are not evil."--Ares

Sacrifice Part II:

Ares...I know you're here 'cause my skin is crawling. Show yourself.

You're the only mortal I know who can do that.


"It's all about you and me, Xena. Not Kal, not even Zeus. Just the two of us. Bringing peace and order to the world through force and something you and I were destined to do...together."--Ares


All this just to see your new girlfriend fight.

No, watch my old girlfriend fight. I've missed it.

"Following you is not an opportunity, Ares. It's a curse."--Xena

Seeds of Faith:

"Ares at a village squabble? You must be bored."--Xena

"You martyr me to Eli's cause, Ares, and you make it twice as strong. It's the beginning of the end. Enjoy your reign while it lasts. The twilight's upon you."--Xena

God Fearing Child:

Xena, I want to protect your unborn child from the other gods.

Why would you want to do that?

Well I've had a falling out with dad and as you know, I've always had a thing for you.

For me and my friend. Look, you stalking me is not helping the trust factor any.

This is not your standard god obsession, okay? I'm having urges that I'm not real proud of.

I'm not going to become your little warrior queen, Ares. Besides, you expect me to believe you'd protect a child the fates say will destroy you?

They say it'll destroy all the gods. Now if I'm become mortal...I could live out my life...with you.

What are you saying?!

I have feelings for you, okay? I care about you, damn it. I see your face everywhere.

Stop it. You stop it. Your so desperate, your trying to convince me that you love me? Then say it...say it...say you love me. The time for you and me has come and gone.

"I love you, Xena."--Ares

Eternal Bonds:

"All I want is to end my life the way it really started, fighting side by side with you."--Ares

"A fight is a fight, no matter which side you're on."--Ares

Perhaps I've been a tad overzealous...but all I want is to have you back. To have things the way they were before. But that's all changed.

That's right, it's changed.

There is no going back. Eve has seen to that. I have a short span of time and then...I'm gone.

Well you'll forgive me if I don't wear mourning.

The question is: do you forgive me? I want to be with you Xena, and I will do whatever it takes make that prove make you trust me.

"I would sooner die in your arms...than live without you in mine."--Ares

I'm more than willing to fight beside a father to Eve...and to a child of our own.

So that's your game. Now that you fear you're checking, you want a child to carry on your line.

I know it's not real immortality, but it's better than nothing. Besides, mortals do it all the time, why not me?

Because your a conniving bastard, that's why not you.

Only because you can never believe me when I'm trying to be sincere.


I'm trying, okay? Every god on Mt. Olympus is targeting you. Even now, three temple armies are closing in. Now all I'm asking is your word we'll together, have a child, and I'll make all this will go away. I swear.

Amphipolis Under Siege:

"I'm willing to protect your child at no small amount of personal risk I might add."--Ares

"Of course, if I side with you against my sister then I become a pariah on Olympus. So, by helping you, my own fate is sealed."--Ares

"I'm offering my sword and the body that wields it."--Xena

"You help me save my daughter and you will be her father. Through her, we can live forever."--Xena

"I have desired you from the very first time I saw you in battle. And now, after all these years... After all the games, the cat and the mouse--will I, won't I? 'Ares, take me, I'm yours', well I'm sorry, it's too easy."--Ares

"Why do you continue to deny us? We had a deal. When we were fighting side by side it was like we were one."--Ares

"I felt something."-Xena

Looking Death In The Eye

"You're with her now. I handled you all wrong. I know that. She knew what you needed--unconditional and unselfish love. And I couldn't give that to you, but I appreciated you in ways she never could--your rage...your violence...your beauty. When you sacrificed yourself for others, you were hers. But when you kicked ass, you were mine. I love you, Xena."--Ares


"If you were mortal, I'd cut out your heart."--Xena

"For 25 years I thought Xena was dead and now she shows up not one day older. I had to kiss her, make sure she was real, not an impostor."--Ares

"No. No, see I mourned you. For years I mourned you."--Ares

"Nobody's the same as you, Xena. Not for me."--Ares

"You'd condemn to death a woman you claim to love?"--Xena


"The thought of being with you...or of having your child. That sickens me."--Xena

"How does it feel, Xena--knowing that the person you love despises you, trying to reach her but knowing, in the end, it'll either be her or you?"--Ares


"Because I love you. Yeah...I love you."--Ares

"You know, um...this is the second time that you've become...Xena, Slayer of Gods...that we've faced off one on one, and you still haven't been able to pull the trigger."--Ares

"I gave up my immortality to save them."--Ares

"I'm sorry...but I got a thing for her."--Ares

Coming Home:

"We owe him everything. He gave up his immortality for us. For the God of War, there's no greater sacrifice."--Xena

"I don't do mortal at all well. I'm more of a...oh, what is that word? A god!"--Ares

"Honey, sweetie, I love you, but you are suffocating me."--Ares

"You hate me. You have always hated me. I tried to give you Olympus, I tried to give you everything, but you stabbed me in the back!"--Ares

"You might be mortal, Ares, but you never be a man."--Xena

Who knows? Maybe as a mortal I can experience something I never could as a god.

Like what?

Like you.

You never give up, do you?

I guess I'm finally getting to you.

No, you always got to me, but you were bad for me, Ares. You still are.

ARES there even a chance we could be together one day? I don't know. in a thousand?

More like one in a billion.

So, you're saying there is a chance.

Old Ares Had A Farm:

"I've given a lot of thought as to how I am going to live the rest of my mortal life. A king, a priest...if the cult is sexy enough."--Ares

My grandmother used to sit in this chair. She'd rock and tell us stories of the Olympian gods.

Bet you never thought you'd grow up to kill most of them, did ya?
"When I was a god I couldn't have fixed this place."--Ares

"I try to touch tools of common labor as little as possible."--Ares

"Are you two insane? The life is incredibly dull. It's horribly uncomfortable and it's-it's hard."--Ares

"I'm just lying here, smelling my mortality, every muscle in my body aching."--Ares

It's amazing he's bonded with the dog.

Well, that dog worships him. That's a relationship Ares can understand.

"The Warrior Princess and the Battling Bard discussing the correct technique for milking a cow--absurd and yet at the same time...ridiculous."--Ares

"That's not a dog, it's a horse. We breed 'em small around here."--Ares

You can stay here as long as you want. No one will bother you here.

Thanks, Xena. But once I run out of chickens, I might just move on.

Well, you should drag it out. You know, you might find a kind of piece here you won't find afterwards. And who know's? Maybe I'll come visit you sometime.

Or...I could give this whole rural thing a good try.

The God You Know:

"You know, I have fantasized about this in a hundred different situations. I've gotta tell ya. I never got to this scenario."--Ares

You Are There:

"Aphrodite gave you back the power to love. Think about it, Xena. Think of the possibilities."--Ares

"You can't have love without hate, you can't have peace without violence and you certainly can't have forgiveness without anger."--Xena

"Do I think she did it because of how she feels about me? No. I'm mean, don't get me wrong, there're sparks, you can see that, right? Yeah. But no. She pretty much did it for the same reasons she always does--redeeming herself for her evil past 'Oh, I killed so many people' the pain the pain. But my offer was genuine, there is a place for her here. It's not what it used to be, though."--Ares

Path Of Vengeance:

"Those crazy Amazons, the ruthless Romans--both worshiping me for success in battle. Oh, what a blast. I am the God of War and that's what I do."--Ares

"Hey, can I help it that I played it like the malevolent genus I am?"--Ares

"Ares, the scorpion drowned."--Xena

It's what I do.

And I wouldn't have it any other way.

Soul Possession:

"Over the years, we've caused each other a lot of grief and I...think it's because I couldn't express my true feelings."--Ares

"The more you resist, the more inflamed my passion becomes."--Ares

"Becoming Mrs. God of War is only a small price to pay in finding her. You might even enjoy it. In fact, I know you will."--Ares

The truth is I just don't think we'd look right together on top of a wedding cake.

Just as long as you look right on top of me.

"I should be as close as possible to the one person in the world I meant to spend my life with as I give myself over to the one person in the world I would never choose."--Xena

You are absolutely breathtaking.

Yeah? Then how come you're still breathing?

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