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Choose from any of the wonderful authors and their stories but due to some other stuff going on, I won't be able to update this page as much anymore so for a while, I won't be accepting any new stories as I don't have time to put them up.

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You Don't Know What Love Is

A different twist to the end of "Motherhood" and it's written from Xena's point of view.


The Power of Love

When Ares is changed by love, he does something for the dying Gabrielle and Eve that Xena never would have expected and it is then that she realizes her true feelings for him. This story takes place during and after "Motherhood." This is the first story that I wrote so I hope you like it.

A Change of Heart

After Ares gives up his immortality to save Eve and Gabrielle from certain death, he meets up with Xena and they find out that his mortality is causing Greece to suffer. Xena must find a way to return his godhood to him and in the process some new feelings are discovered. This story takes place directly after "Motherhood."

New Beginnings

When Ares is severly wounded by a posionious sword, Xena must get him the antidote before it is too late and then his feelings for her are tested when Eve runs into someone from her dark past. This story takes place after "Motherhood."

Allied With The Enemy

When the Olympians are captured and Hope is found alive, having given birth to all six Destroyers intent on making the world ready for Dahak's rein, Xena is force to ally with Ares along with Gabrielle and Hercules in order to stop her from completing her goal. This is the first story of a trilogy: Allied With The Enemy, Trapped By Evil, and Together Forever and it takes place directly after "Sacrifice Part II."

Trapped By Evil

After Xena and Ares team up to destroy Hope, Xena finally realizes how she feels about Ares but when she discovers that Dahak has Ares' body, stopping him may cost Xena her life. This is the second story in the trilogy. It is the sequel to Allied With The Enemy.

Together Forever

After Ares is released from Dahak's control, he decides to ask Xena something that could change her life forever. This is the last story in the trilogy. It is the sequel to Trapped By Evil.

In the Comfort of Ares

When Xena is mortally wounded in a fight against Casear's men, Ares helps to heal her and Xena discovers some new feelings for him. Takes place sometime during season three.

She Never Knew I Loved Her

After Gabrielle and Eve are presumed dead, the only thing left for Xena to do is kill herself but Ares comes to her and tries to stop her from making a big mistake. This story is written from Ares' point of view and it takes place during the last part of "Looking Death In the Eye."

Uncertian Feelings

After Xena and Ares go their separate ways, Xena begins to have dreams of Ares and she doesn't know how to deal with them but when Gabrielle has advise for her, she realizes something deep inside herself she hadn't known was there. Takes place after "Coming Home."

The Biggest Mistake of My Life

After Ares saves Xena from the icy waters, Xena decides to talk to him but she realizes that she is not being completely honest about her feelings. Takes place during the last scene of "Coming Home" and Xena tells it from her point of view.

A Love Never Recieved

When Xena journey's home to meet her mother, she discoveries a startling surprise and finds out the Ares has done something that Xena will never forgive him for. This story takes place before "Amphipolis Under Siege" but it is as if that episode never occurred.

Everlasting Love


Revenge of the Olympians

All the gods of Olympus are out to get Xena and Eve for fear of the prophecy that the fates foretold. Ares offers to help protect her and at first Xena doesn't believe him but when he proves himself, they side together and the other Olympians get a big surprise when they try to kill the child. Takes place after "God Fearing Child."

The Judgment of Ares

When Ares is captured and taken to jail because of his crimes of the past; Xena must help prove that he has changed before it is too late. Takes place sometime during season six when he is still mortal.

Lost Love


Heart's Love

This is sort of a musical but I didn't write the songs. Ares tells Xena that he loves her and a first she can't accept it but after she understands the true meanings of his words, she realizes that war can love. Takes place sometime after "God Fearing Child" before the end of season five.

Let the Truth Be Told

In the 21rst century, the cast and crew of "Xena: Warrior Princess" surprises Lucy and Kevin with a birthday party but little did the two realize that they would get more of a surprise on their birthday than just a party. This story is dedicated to Lucy Lawless and Kevin Smith for their outstanding accomplishments on the show. Happy birthday Lucy and Kevin!

Visions From the Past

Xena comes into contact with someone that causes her to relive scenes from her dark past. Takes place after "To Helicon and Back." Even though Xena is telling Gabrielle the story, the flashbacks are still in third person in order to make the story more understandable.

Courage of a Dog

When Gasgar and his army attack Ares, Horace must find Xena before it is too late. Takes place after "Dangerous Prey." This story explains why I think Horace isn't in the episode "You Are There" when the reporter visits the farm and the dog isn't around.

War's Deception

When an unexpected war breaks out between the centaurs and the Amazons, Xena comes to stop it and find out the reasons for it before unnecessary killing gets out of hand. Takes place after "Been There, Done That."

Then What Is Between Us?


The Shape of My Heart

This is a story written from Ares' point of view that explains his thoughts in the period of time between giving up his immortality and Xena thanking him in "Motherhood." This is a very short story.

Missing Link

Valasca returns to reek havoc on the Amazon Nation and Xena learns about a person from her family that she never knew about. Takes place after "Antony and Cleopatra."

Connected...But Forever Apart

When a Samurai warrior in Japan kills Gabrielle, Xena returns to her old, heartless ways as a murderer and vows to kill every last one of the Samurai no matter what it takes. Ares learns what has happened and goes against everything he once stood for to stop Xena from continuing on the path of bloodshed. This is just one of the ideas as to how I think the show should end.


This story is written as an alternate ending to "Motherhood." When Ares doesn't give up his immortality and Gabrielle and Eve die, Xena is so struck with such grief that she wants to end her life and Ares realizes that he has to do something to bring them back.

Immortal Understanding

This is a sort of 'what if' story, an alternate ending to "You Are There." When Xena decides to eat the golden apple and become immortal with Ares, it makes Gabrielle very angry and then when Odin captures her, Xena has to decide what is more important to her--immortality with Ares or Gabrielle's life.


An unexpected visit on Xena's birthday causes her to learn some things from her past that had been kept from her for years. Takes place sometime during season six, after "Path of Vengeance."

Somebody Else's Shoes

During a convention in the 21st century, an electrical short circuit sends the stars of Xena: Warrior Princess into the past and their character counterparts into the future.

You'll Always Be Here

Not Xena/Ares related. It's just a poem I wrote in honor of Kevin Smith.

An Immortal Soul

Another poem I wrote in honor of Kevin Smith.


Ares' Way

An alternate ending to "A friend in need part II" Ares saves Xena from a certain death.



This is a very short story, done in 3 scenes, set just at the close of Coming Home. What was Ares doing on that stump all by his lonesome? And what was going on in Xena's head after the Death Match 2000? This is primarily first person chop as I call it - sentence structure is not always grammatically correct 'cause these are their thoughts.



Xena meets with Ares some 30/40+ years after Cortese's raid (this takes place after the whole 25 year jump, plus the year in Norseland, and includes that whole infamous 10 years ago). It's the anniversary of her officially becoming a warrior, and Ares uses this opportunity to talk about some of the things he's done to her on the series.



A new character is introduced--Porius. He is Ares' mentor, and although never seen in any of the Xena episodes...him and Xena have been good friends ever since he helped her when she was taken prisoner and was to be killed, but he saved her. Porius is immortal, he's like waaaaaaaaaaaayyyy older than Ares. When Porius is taken ill, Xena and Ares are forced to work together to help him. Takes place sometime before season five.


Ares (For Kevin)



Black Roses

Xena finds out that she loves Ares and her family and friends at first do not like the idea.


I Need You

Thoughts of Ares causes Xena to see him again because she knows that she needs him. Takes place after Amphipolis Under Siege.

Unleash the Power...Of Our Destiny

After all her friends and family are killed by Casear's men, Xena finds comfort and trust in Ares.

Wish Of Mortality On A Cold Lonely Day

This story is written in celebration of Kevin's Smith's birthday. Ares makes a wish on his birthday.

Looking Death In The Eye

Ares' point of view during the last events of "Looking Death in the Eye".

In The Hands of War: Book I

Xena is wounded by a warlord and after hours of traveling down the road she comes to a dark temple dedicated to a War God that she is forced to ask help from.

In The Hands of War: Book II

This is the sequel to "In The Hands of War: Book I."


First Time In Competition

When Ares gets a new warrior woman to replace Xena, is that jealousy she's feeling?


Tell Me That You Love Me

When Ares comes to Xena while she is in Tartarus, Xena explains her feelings from her point of view. Takes place during God Fearing Child but ends a different way.

Love Lost

Takes place after God Fearing Child but before Eternal Bonds. This is how the author believes Ares ends up like he does in "The Xena Scrolls".


Here's Looking At You, Princess

Takes place in Season 6, some time after the episode "Paths of Vengeance," and is in fact intended as an alternative series finale.

The Last Prophecy

This "episode" takes place in Season 6, some time after "Old Ares Had a Farm." It represents an alternate plot development in which the events of "The God You Know" and "You Are There" have never taken place. Xena still has the power to kill gods, Ares is mortal, and Aphrodite is a goddess.

Her Biggest Fan

In 2001, the star of "Xena: Warrior Princess" gets a personal visit from the God of War -- and there are some surprises in store for both of them.

Secnod Chances

After Ares gives up his godhood for Xena, an unexpected development brings them together -- but can their love survive? Told from Gabrielle's POV; alternate storyline from just before the conclusion of "Coming Home."

A Twist of Fate

The story takes place sometime in Season 6 of Xena: Warrior Princess, after "Old Ares Had a Farm." The plot is loosely based on an actual Season 6 episode of X:WP* (for the title of the episode see the note at the end -- to mention it here would spoil the surprise in the opening section).


You Take My Breath Away

Ares and Xena's history together when she was his chosen and how the entire season 6 will end if I would write it.


Uncertain Heart

Ares' godhood is taken away from him and to regain it, he and Xena must retrieve Aphrodites stollen statue and in the process, Xena discovers some new feelings for him.

In Love With the Enemy

Xena and Ares long to be together but Ares feels that she deserves better than him. And when Iphicles asks her something that could change her life, she has to decide how much she and Ares are in love. This is the sequel to Uncertain Heart.

Of Love and War

Xena is immortal and she and Ares get married but Discord and Hera have an evil plan to destroy her.


What Do I Know About Loss?

This story is written by Ares as he explains the events that he and Xena were in during season five up through God Fearing Child.


Eulogy For A Princess





Challanging Love

Aphrodite has Zeus turn Ares mortal so he and Xena can bond--and it just might work.

Days After The Ides Of March

Xena and Ares fall in love after he saves her after she was crusified by Casear.


Zeus takes away Ares' godhood after the whole Dahak thing and to get it back, he must travel with Xena to find Gabrielle and kill Hope. In the process, some new feelings are discovered.


In the Spirit of True Love

When Ares' and Xena's relationship is not going well, they are visited by three spirits that were sent to show them how it used to be between them.

What's in the Heart

Ares and Xena realize their feelings. Aphrodite has a plan to get them together.


Compelling Associations

This story is about a young warlord named Xena who captures the God of War's attention.


Daddy Dearest

After Gabrielle and Xena are put in the Ice Cave, baby Eve is given to Ares.


Amphipolis Aftermath

Feeling guilty for regegecting Ares after he went against his sister to save her daughter, Xena decides to finish what she started.


Dark Revelations
(Because this story is so long, it is linked from another site and is currenlty not hosted here.)

Takes place after Sacrifice II - Xena is forced to form an alliance with Ares after an evil god returns with the help of his zealot followers.


Redemption In the Eyes of Love

Fed up with being consistently given the cold shoulder, Ares gives up his Olympian status to prove just how much the Warrior Princess means to him. A small war brews in Corinth, prompted by none other than the jealous Discord who wants Ares for herself.

Destiny of Power

Sequel to "Redemption in the Eyes of Love". A story in which a scorned Discord seeks retribution against Ares.

Broken Bonds

A rather long tale depicting a conflicted warring Xena. Takes place during the final year of her campaign to take all of Greece. Hungry for power and driven by her necessity for greed, will sparks of emapthy get in her way causing her to leave war and the personification of it behind?

Heart's Conquest



Vigil of a God

Ares keeps a 3000 year vigil over his Chosen after a crazed Zeus takes his anger out on Xena. To the God's aid is a modern family with a very special daughter.

A New Life

Starts a week and a half after events in "Vigil of a God". Xena, Ares, Gabrielle and Joxer get an abrupt introduction to the 20th Century and the world of mutants as well.


Gabrielle returns to Greece to tell their friends what happened in Japa.


Furure Mistakes, Past Solutions

After the Dahak thing, Xena has forgiven Ares for his treachery in favour of Hope but Olympus hasn't. Ares receives a nasty punishment, part of which includes Arius - Ares' evil twin brother from way back who had suffered from eternal damnation for most of his life. Now Arius is back with world destruction and brother killing on his mind, and the Ares is not strong enough to defeat him on his own so he sends Xena into his past to bring forward Ares' younger self to help him.

You And You Alone



The Arrows Of Love Mark Their Spot Part I

Xena and Ares get closer after he saves Gabrielle and a girl named Lauren.

The Arrows Of Love Mark Their Spot Part II

Xena and Gabrielle head to Thebes and find their old friend Hercules, but are more shocked to here Iolaus is dead. Then Iolaus jumps out of the tree claiming he was sent back but now he is controlled by the furies. Xena, Gabrielle, Hercules, and Ares must solve the problem but what happens when the furies choose the Warrior Princess as their new victim?

I Do Love You

First of all in this story the whole 25-year jump never happened and Gabby never cut her hair. The Gods want to kill Eve as usual but the God of War wants to prove his love and has to decide what to do, since Xena refuses to believe him.



Xena realizes that she loves Ares after he is killed by Discord and Aphrodite does something that the Goddess of Love should never do. Takes place at the end of season five.


A Different Way

Ares does something for Xena that she never would have expected when he gives her son life and the event brings Xena and Ares closer together.

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