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Meaning Behind Handle
Aurora was the Greek Goddess of the Dawn, sister of Selene, Goddess of the Moon and Helios, God of the Sun.

Real Name


August 31, 1983 (click here to see the present that my fellow internet budies made!)

Eye Color

Hair Color

Favorite Color
Purple and light blue

Favorite Food
Chicken, pastas and cheesecake

Colorado, USA

Swimming, Writing fan fiction, listening to music, playing computer games, watching TV and chatting on X:WP sites

I collect anything and everything that pertains to Xena. I have all of the seasons on tape, every Xena soundtrack, posters, jewelry, a real chakram, sword, sais, and staff that I made myself. I have a lot of other little things too but there are too many to list.

Three black and white cats--Mamma Kitty, Patch and Jewel; Guinea Pig--Oreo; and Cockatiel--Birdy

Favorite TV Show
Xena: Warrior Princess is better than anything else but Hercules: The Legendary Journeys is good too. I also like to watch Boy Meets World.

Favorite Actors/Actresses
Kevin Smith and Lucy Lawless. Renee O'Connor, Kevin Sorbo, and Michael Hurst are second best to them.

Favorite Music Group/Singers
Savage Garden, A teens, Backstreet Boys and more.

Favorite X:WP Episodes (in order of favorite)
"Motherhood", "Coming Home", "Looking Death In the Eye", "Eternal Bonds", and "Amphipolis Under Siege." Mainly, any episodes with Ares in them are my favorites but I love all X:WP episodes except for "Married With Fish Sticks." That is the only one that I truly dislike.

Favorite Quotes From The Show

"All fear is the fear of loss and only through that fear, can we truly love."--Callisto in Seeds of Faith

"I would sooner die in your arms...than live without you in mine."--Ares in Eternal Bonds

"To conquer others is to have power. To conquer yourself is to know the way."--Lao Ma in The Debt I

"They say blood is thicker than water but blood runs hardest when love is involved."--Ares in Amphipolis Under Siege

"You (Ares) always got to me..."--Xena in Coming Home

"The entire world is driven by a will-blind and ruthless. In order to transcend the limitation of that world, you need to stop willing, stop desiring, stop hating."--Lao Ma in The Debt I

Favorite Quotes (not from the show)

All of these I love because they remind me of Xena and Ares

"A love that lasts the longest is the love that is never returned."--Somerset Maugham

"To love is one thing, to be loved is another thing, but to be loved by the one you love is everything."--Unknown

"Love is so easy to feel, so hard to explain. So easy to get, so hard to let go. So easy to spell, so hard to define...and yet everyone is still taking the risk of falling in love."--Unknown

"Love's pleasure lasts but a moment; the pain of love can last a lifetime."--Old French Song

"We love without reason and without reason we hate."--Jean-Francois Regnard

"I'm not supposed to love you, I'm not supposed to care. I'm not supposed to live my life wishing you were there. I'm not supposed to wonder where you are and what you do. I'm sorry - I can't help it, but I fell in love with you."--Unknown

Favorite Xena/Ares Song
The Shape of My Heart By: Backstreet Boys--it completely shows how sorry Ares is for treating Xena the way he had for so many years and how he wishes that he had another chance. It is so beautiful that it makes me cry sometimes.

Favorite Fan Fiction Stories
"Redemption in the Eyes of Love" by Something Royal, "In Love With The Enemy" by Larissa, "Unleash the Power...Of Our Destiny" by Illyandria, "A Different Way" by Teris Xenite "What Do I Know About Loss?" by Lasca, "Here's Looking At You, Princess" by LadyKate and "The Last Prophecy" by LadyKate.

Other Things About Me
I have been watching Xena: Warrior Princess since September of 1998. The first episode I ever saw was a rerun of Fins Femmies and Gems. I love the show so much. It has everything that makes a show good--action, drama, adventure, romance, comedy, and tragedy. It is the best show that I have ever seen and I will greatly miss it when it is gone.

I started writing fan fiction in June of 2000. Before then, I never even knew about fan fiction. That was when I first started reading fan fiction too. The real reason I started was because I was so deeply moved by what Ares had done for Xena at the end of Motherhood when he gave up his immortality. It was so beautiful. I had all these feelings about what was going to happen next between Xena and Ares and I just had to put them to paper. That is what led me to my first story "The Power of Love" and from that time, I have continued to write stories about Xena and Ares.

I love to write fan fiction because it is really the only way that I can express my feelings. It is the only way that I can control what happens on the show. Xena and Ares may never get together (they probably won't) but I can make all my dreams come true in my writing. Without fan fiction, I don't know what I would do.

But though I do enjoy fan fiction, my real passion in the Xenaverse is working on Shipper Season Seven, a virtural season of Xena that continues the show on from where it left off. I maintain the site and also write episodes. For me, writting (and even reading the episodes) just feels so real, something that fan fiction doesn't do for me because, in the episodes, the characters are so true to how they would be on the show and it really feels that even though the show has ended, SS7 makes it feel like it hasn't ended. The episodes feel so real for me and I love that.

A good fan fiction story is one that pretty much stays true to the characters and how they would act on the show. Now, that isn't always the case but I think that it is good to try and look deep into a character and discover how they would react in a situation. Having good grammar and spelling in the stories is also a good thing because then the reader isn't distracted by it. Stories with interesting and new plots are fun to read and stories that are quite long and have complicated plots are good too. Description is always good. As for the kind of stories I like to read, mainly I will only read X/A ones because those are the ones I like the most. They don't always have to be romantic but that is always a plus.

I love to study mythology, mainly Greek. But I also enjoy Celtic and Norse mythology too. I really started getting into it when I started watching X:WP and when I learned about it in ninth grade. Now I am completely obsessed with it and I have loads of information and books on the subject. I have always been dying to travel to Greece and New Zealand but unfortunately, I won't be going there anytime soon.

I truly became a X/A shipper in February 2000 when the episode "God Fearing Child" aired and Ares said the words "I love you, Xena." It was so beautiful because for the first time I realized that he truly did love her unlike in the past when it seemed like all he wanted was her as a warrior so she could rule the world with him. It opened up new feelings for me and from then on, I was obsessed with the Xena/Ares relationship and I wanted to see more episodes with the God of War and the Warrior Princess. Even now, after everything that they have been through together, I still believe that Xena does care for him even if she will never admit it. Their love/hate relationship on the show is what keeps me coming back to see more, the difficulty of it is what makes it so intriguing.

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