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The Power Of Love

By: Aurora

Copyright Disclaimer: All characters that have appeared in the syndicated series Xena: Warrior Princess belongs to MCA/Universal and Renaissance Pictures. No copyright infringement was intended in the writing for this fan fiction.

Subtext: None--what, are you kidding me?

Violence: A little--what do you expect? This is XENA.

Sex: None--just 'cause there's no sex, doesn't mean there can't be kissing.

Rated G

Date Written: June 2000

E-mail: (Please send me feedback; I want to know what you think!)

Author's Note/Summery: This is my first story. Hope you like it! When Ares is changed by love, he does something for the dying Gabrielle and Eve that Xena never would have expected and it is then that she realizes her true feelings for him. This story takes place during and after "Motherhood."

The sky became dark and stormy the night Xena, Eve, and Gabrielle spent at Joxer's tavern. The rain began to fall from the sky as lightning crashed and struck the ground. The clouds billowed and the thunder could be heard for miles. It was one of the most devastating storms the three of them had ever seen.

Xena stood at the window, looking for any sign of the gods who were trying to kill her daughter. Eve went over to a nearby shelf and retrieved the scrolls that Gabrielle had written about her travels with Xena. She smiled as she walked over to where Gabrielle was standing.

"You preserved Xena for all the ages in these scrolls, Gabrielle. Thank you." She said gratefully as she walked past her and sat down at a table, beginning to read.

A smile crossed Xena's face as she watched her daughter. She knew that Eve was finally learning what it is like to BE good and to DO good. Xena smiled at Gabrielle and then turned once more to the window.

Flashes of lightning could be seen through the heavy rain. It lit up the sky and that's when she saw him. He stood in the rain, his hand rested on the glorious sword at his side as he stared at the window through his deep brown eyes. Dressed in his trademark black leather, he stood motionless, knowing that she had seen him.

Xena quickly reached for her sword and rushed to the front door. "Watch the back." She told Gabrielle as she left the house.

With chakram and sword in hand, she ran out into the storm knowing that he was there--somewhere. "Ares?!"

With an angry look on her face, she slowly walked around the outside of the tavern, watching and listening for any sign of him. Then she quickly turned around and there he was, standing directly in front of her. He stood with much pride as a small grin appeared on his face.

"Hello, Xena."

There was a long pause as the two of them looked at each other. She had her sword and her chakram pointed at him, ready for any move that he made.

Ares knew that Xena could kill him if she wanted, but for some reason, she hadn't. Was it possible for her to somehow still have feelings for him? After all that he had done to her, could she still care? Those thoughts raced through his mind, hoping that maybe they could be true. He had to know. He broke the silence when he began to speak.

"You're not going to kill me, are you?" He asked with much confidence in his voice.

"Why ever NOT?" She asked as she lifted her sword, pushing it against his throat.

Ares paused for a second and then began to answer.

"Because I love you. Yeah…I love you." He said in a caring and gentle way.

Xena could not believe what she had just heard. Ever since the day that her child was born, Ares had constantly tried to be with her. He told her that he cared but she never believed him, thinking that it was just another one of his games to win her back. He had never been able to say that he loved her, until now.

She stood there in wonderment, the anger on her face slowly fading. She did not know how to respond. Her heart told her that he was telling the truth and that he REALLY did care. But her head told her that he probably had some plan behind it.

Ares stood in front of her, awaiting a reply. It was the first time that he had said that he loved her directly to her face and he wasn't quite sure what the reaction would be. After all the pain that he'd caused her, how could he ever expect her to forgive him now?

They just stood there in silence, neither of them knowing just what to say. But then Xena felt something inside herself that told her that Eve was in trouble.

"Eve…" She whispered, dashing back into the tavern leaving Ares where he stood.

As she entered the tavern, she saw Gabrielle behind Eve, ready to stab Eve with one of her sais.

"Eve! Noooo!!" Xena screamed as Gabrielle lunged the sai into Eve's shoulder, causing her to thrust backwards in pain.

Xena didn't have time to think. She grabbed her chakram and threw it at Gabrielle, hitting her in the head. Blood rolled down Gabrielle's forehead as she fell to the ground.

Xena ran over to them. She lifted Gabrielle's head and found that she wasn't dead. Gabrielle lay unconscious on the floor as Xena went over to inspect her daughter's wound. Eve was not doing well either, the sai had gone awfully deep into her back and she was loosing a lot of blood.

Neither of them were dead but Xena knew that they didn't have much time. She began to wonder why Gabrielle would do what she had done. Xena was positive that Gabrielle would not kill her daughter in her right mind and that's when it hit her. The Furies had to have been behind all of it. That was Xena's only explanation.

As Xena tended to Eve's wound, there was a sudden flash of light and before her stood the gods. Athena, Artemis, Demios, and Hades had come to take revenge for the deaths of their fellow gods. Athena stepped forward and began to speak.

"You don't have to be hurt as well, Xena. Just GIVE us your daughter. It's true you can kill gods, but at 4 to 1, it's not great odds."

"Not for YOU." Xena snarled as the gods began to throw balls of fire and lightning at her.

Xena jumped out of the way and flipped a table on its side so that it would protect Eve and Gabrielle. Xena threw her chakram as it split in two and began to fly around the room. All the gods ducked out of the way of the flying disk. They knew that for the first time their lives were on the line.

Suddenly Aphrodite appeared next to the unconscious Gabrielle. Xena, seeing her, grabbed a dagger and pointed it at the goddess. Aphrodite flung her hands up in the air and a startled look appeared on her face.

"No! I just want to help."

Realizing that she was not out to harm them, Xena gave her an 'I'm watching you' kind of look and Aphrodite placed her hands over Gabrielle as they disappeared. They reappeared in the next room, safe from the other gods.

The gods were not willing to give up easily. They kept trying to kill Xena but in the process they lost Hades and Demios. The building was becoming engulfed in flames and Xena knew that she couldn't fight the gods and watch Eve at the same time. She went to the next room where she found Aphrodite with Gabrielle.

"Aphrodite?! Aphrodite, take care of her." Xena said as she put Eve in the room, knowing she would be safe there.

Aphrodite turned to Eve and gave her an angry look. Xena rushed out into the main room where she was suddenly shot in the leg by one of Artemis' arrows. She quickly pulled it out and threw it at them. Athena ducked as it landed in the wall behind her. Athena began to realize that she didn't have much hope of wining. She frantically began to throw balls of lightning toward Xena, who flipped out of the way.

Meanwhile, Ares appeared in the room with Eve. He slowly walked over to her, thinking about what Xena would do if he killed her daughter. He knew that he would never be able to win Xena's love if he killed the one thing she loved most but he knew that if he didn't, he would be the one to die. He slowly raised his sword, knowing that Eve MUST die.

Back in the main room, Athena and Artemis finally realized that they were fighting a loosing battle. They disappeared in a flash of light and Xena, knowing that they had given up for good, went to get her daughter and Gabrielle.

She walked into the room just as Ares was about to kill Eve. Xena threw her chakram at his sword, knocking it out of his hands. He quickly turned around with a very startled expression on his face and as he did so, the chakram grazed his arm. Holding his wounded arm, he looked at Xena in wonderment and then disappeared in a flash of blue light.

The tavern was completely engulfed in flames. Xena immediately took Eve and Gabrielle out into the storm as the house fell apart. She knew that she had to find a way to save them.

"Neither of you is going to leave me!" She said, her voice breaking. "Gabrielle…you're the purest thing in my life." She said. "And you're my great hope." She told Eve as she began to cry. "So I'm not going to let EITHER of you go!"

Suddenly there was a flash of yellow light and Aphrodite appeared. "It's so sad."

"Well, if you care so much, then why don't you cure her?"

Aphrodite was obviously very disappointed that she could do nothing to help. "Gods can only heal with Athena's blessing. That's not going to happen."

"Then take us to Olympus."


"I want to offer them a deal."

"And you'll KILL them if they don't except?"

Xena's voice began to break. "Please? Gabrielle doesn't have much time."

Aphrodite knew what she had to do. She did not want to lose her family but she didn't want to lose Gabrielle either.

"All right! I'll take you to Olympus."

They were transported to Olympus in a matter of seconds.

Xena turned to Aphrodite. "Where are they?"

"They're probably in the main room, just down the hall."

"Aphrodite, you'd better take off. Things could get ugly."

Aphrodite knelt down to touch Gabrielle's head. "Bye, little one."

"Thank you." Xena told Aphrodite as she disappeared.

Xena helped Eve up and grabbed Gabrielle's arm. She started to walk toward the main room when she was stopped by a flash of blue light, Ares appearing in front of her. She grabbed her crossbow and pointed it at him. He raised his hands and slowly walked toward her.

"Quite a load you got there. Just take it easy. I'm here to make you an offer." He paused and then continued. "We'll make you a god."

"What about Eve and Gabrielle?" Xena asked with slight skepticism in her voice.

"Gabrielle--we can negotiate. But Eve--she's our death warrant, she has to die." He said as Xena raised her crossbow and pointed it at Ares' chest.

"You know, um…this is the second time that you've become…Xena, Slayer of Gods…that we've faced off one on one, and you still haven't been able to pull the trigger."

He lowered her crossbow, standing face to face with her. Just as he did, Xena shot him in the leg with a crossbow bolt and using the chains she had gotten from Hephaestus, she wrapped them around Ares, holding him in place.

He was shocked at what she had done. "You SHOT me! I am the GOD OF WAR! Nobody shoots the GOD OF WAR!!"

Xena pushed him forward. "Move on!" She said as she continued into the main room, Ares as her hostage.

Athena was seated on the thrown and when she saw Xena come in with Ares, she gave him a very disappointed look. He stood against the wall as Xena set Eve and Gabrielle down and walked closer to Athena.

"I have a deal for you, Athena. You heal Eve and Gabrielle and I'll leave you alone."

"Xena wants to make a deal. I don't think that's going to be necessary." Athena replied as Artemis crept up behind Xena, ready to shot her with an arrow.

Xena suddenly turned around as Artemis shot an arrow at her. She caught it instantly and then Artemis shot another one, Xena catching it as well. Artemis turned toward Athena, fear building in her eyes. At that moment Xena threw the arrows back at Artemis, killing her when they went through her abdomen.

With Artemis gone, Athena began throwing balls of fire at Xena, desperately trying to kill her. Xena dodged them all and then they took out their swords and fought in hand-to-hand combat. They fought until finally Xena knocked Athena to the ground.

"Goddess of Wisdom, you've got two choices. Either you heal my friends and I leave you in peace or you DIE now!"

Angered by that remark, Athena took a dagger from her boot and slid it across Xena's leg, giving herself an opportunity to stand.

"I will NOT be dictated to by a mortal!" She said in anger as she picked up her sword and began to fight Xena once more.

Ares watched as his love and his sister fought. He knew that only one would survive. He could not bear to see Xena die so he began to struggle to free himself from the chains that bound him. He freed one arm and slowly began to drag himself toward Eve and Gabrielle.

Xena and Athena's swords clashed sending sparks of light into the air. Xena swung at Athena and knocked the sword out of her hand. Seeing an opening, Xena lunged her sword into Athena's stomach. Her eyes widened in shock and then an evil grin crawled across her face.

"I don't feel a thing, Xena. You've lost the power to kill gods."

She backed away as Xena turned to see both Eve and Gabrielle lying on the ground motionless.

Ares lay on his side and saw the pain in Xena's eyes, knowing that her best friend and her daughter were dead. He knew that there was only one thing for him to do. He pulled himself closer to Eve and Gabrielle, placing one hand on Gabrielle's head and the other in Eve's hand. A blue glow started to illuminate from his fingers, filling Gabrielle and Eve with a brilliant blue light.

Athena took her sword and knocked Xena down, Xena's sword falling to her side.

"It's a shame it had to come to this, Xena." She said, raising her sword above her head.

Xena knew that she had to try to kill Athena again otherwise she would die herself. With all her might she reached for her sword and ran it right through Athena's stomach. This time Athena's eyes widened in shock, the pain filling her eyes. She began to gasp as her sword dropped from her hands. Bewilderment filled her eyes as Xena pulled the sword out of her stomach. Xena sat back and Athena turned to Ares, who was standing up, releasing himself from the chains.

"You healed them without my blessing?! That's impossible!" Athena gasped.

"I gave up my immortality to save them."

Breathing heavily, she gasped at the sound of those words. "Why?!!"

"I'm sorry…but I got a thing for her." He said, looking down at Xena.

Ares turned back toward his sister as she fell to the ground. The whole place began to shake. Ares looked around wondering what wound happen next. The rumbling soon stopped and all became silent. Ares looked down at his beloved Xena. He knew what he had done was what his heart had told him to do. Hopefully, she would give him another chance because he truly did love her with all his heart.

Xena stood up and ran over to Eve and Gabrielle, tears of joy filling her eyes. She could not believe that they were alive. Xena soon remembered what Ares had done and she stood up, turning to the former God of War standing behind her. She could not believe what he had done. He had given up his immortality, his chance to live forever, just so he could save their lives. It did not make sense. That didn't sound like the Ares she knew. Ares never cared about anyone but himself. But maybe it was true what he had said to her during the storm. Had war been conquered by love?

Those thoughts ran through her mind for a long time. Ares had done something she never thought he would do. He had done some terrible things in the past, but had love really changed him? She stood there, looking into his eyes for answers. What she saw amazed her. For the first time she did not see hate and deception in his eyes. Instead his eyes were caring, sincere, and tender. Finally she was able to speak.

"Thank you." She said gratefully.

Ares nodded his head in response, never leaving the hold on her piercing blue eyes. He hoped that she would be able to forgive him for the things that he had done to her. He realized that she had changed him. Love HAD conquered his heart and it changed him completely. It wasn't just loosing his godhood, but he felt a great peace flow through his body when he saved Eve and Gabrielle. The pride, lust for power, greed, hate, and all other impurities of his heart were no longer there. Everything that had made him appear evil had disappeared. All that was left was love. He HAD changed and he hoped that Xena would understand and except that.

Xena took Gabrielle and Eve's hands, lifting them to their feet. "Are you two all right?" She asked, wiping her eyes.

"I'm fine, Mother." Eve replied. "If it weren't for Ares I wouldn't be here and neither would Gabrielle."

Gabrielle turned towards Ares in amazement. "Why would you do something like that, Ares? You have never shown any compassion for mortals. Why are we any different?"

Ares took a deep breath. "I did it because I love Xena with all my heart and soul. I could not imagine a day without her. I knew that if you and Eve died, she probably would have died of a broken heart. I just couldn't allow that to happen." He sighed. "I would rather live as a mortal with Xena, then spend an eternity without her."

He closed his eyes for a moment as a single tear ran down his cheek. He turned back to look at Xena.

"But I guess you wouldn't understand after all I've put you through."

With that he turned around and headed out of the room. Xena looked on as he walked away. She felt pity and compassion for him and she walked over to him, tapping him gently on the shoulder.

"Where do you think you're going? You're mortal now and there are many things that you need to know. Stay with me for a while and I'll help you learn the ways of mortality." She paused and smiled. "After all, you did save my best friend and my daughter. The least I could do is to have you travel with us for a while."

She looked at him in a tender way. She had begun to have some feelings for him back when she was in Amphipolis. She had begun to believe that he had changed, but then he went back to his manipulative ways and those feelings became hidden. Now, they were becoming known to her all over again.

He turned around to see her ice blue orbs staring back at him. He began to feel that she was understanding him at last.

"Thank you, Xena." He sighed.

Together with Gabrielle and Eve, they left Olympus and stayed in a small cave for the rest of the night. Xena built a small fire and went to the nearest lake to catch some fish for their dinner.

There was not much talk around the campfire that night. Gabrielle was still amazed about what had happened. Eve was at peace, knowing that the gods were not after her anymore. Xena did not know what to say to Ares and Ares didn't know what to say to Xena.

After they had eaten, they settled down for a long nights rest. Xena slept next to her daughter and Gabrielle. Ares did not want to anger Xena in any way, so he slept as far away as possible from Xena.

Ares awoke the next morning as the suns' rays beamed into the cave. The warm breeze brushed across Ares' face as he began to rise. He looked across the cave to see that Eve and Gabrielle were gone. Fearing that something had happened to them, he jumped to his feet, almost waking Xena. He looked around the cave for any sign that they had left and then by the fire he found a scroll. He opened it and read:


I thought that you and Ares would like some time to talk things out. After all, he did save our lives. Eve and I have gone to catch breakfast so don't worry we'll be fine. We left at first light and we'll be back in a few hours.

--Your Friend,

Ares could not believe what he had read--Gabrielle ACTUALLY trusting Xena and I alone? She's never trusted me. Maybe she was beginning to see that I had changed, he thought.

He turned to see that Xena was still asleep. She looked so lovely when she slept. Her long raven hair swept across her face so elegantly. He longed to touch her soft skin and kiss her sweet lips. He could not believe that he had ever let her go. Of course, it was HIS fault that she hated him; he knew that. But now, he had another chance and he promised himself that he would not screw it up like the first time. If he blew it the second time around, he might never get another chance and he would be heartbroken. He loved her SO MUCH.

Ares walked closer to his sleeping Warrior Princess and knelt down beside her. He leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on her cheek. She awoke with a jerk, finding Ares sitting next her. She reached for her sword and pointed it at Ares who jumped back in surprise.

"What are YOU doing here?!" She asked with much hate and anger in her voice.

He stood there looking at her with bewilderment written all over his face. What was she doing? Before he could say a word, Xena remembered what had happened the night before and she dropped her sword.

"I'm…I'm sorry, Ares." She said, kneeling to the ground. "I don't know what came over me. I'm not used to seeing you when I wake up in the morning."

"I always see you." He replied in a calm voice as he began to smile. "I watch you everyday…whether you know it or not."

She looked up in surprise as he sat beside her. They stared into each other's eyes for the longest time. She did not know how to respond until she looked around to find Eve and Gabrielle gone.

"Where's Eve and Gabrielle?"

"They've gone to catch breakfast and they'll be back in a few hours." He replied, rising to his feet.

Xena sighed as she got up and began to put her armor on. She put her sword in its scabbard and placed her chakram at her side. She then looked over at Ares who was stretching after a hard nights rest; his shoulders and back ached from sleeping on the ground all night. Xena could see the pain he was in, looking so helpless as a mortal.

"What's wrong?" She quietly asked.

"I have this terrible cramp in my back and I don't know how to get rid of it." He groaned. "I'd forgotten what it's like to be mortal. It's been so long since the last time I felt this way." He replied, sitting on a rock.

Xena walked over and knelt down behind him. "Take off your vest."

Ares turned and looked at her in wonderment. "Xena…?"

"Do you want me to help your back or not?"

"If you can." He replied as he took off his vest.

Xena began to massage his shoulders and back. He smiled as she did; her soft hands felt wonderful against his aching muscles.

Ares grinned. "For someone so good at cracking heads, your touch is surprisingly gentle."

"I have MANY skills." She replied as she too, began to smile.

His skin was soft to the touch and she could feel him melt as she caressed his back.

Ares closed his eyes as his back pain ceased. He never wanted it to end. He was with his princess at last and he never wanted her to leave.

Xena, too, felt the same way, but she knew that she shouldn't have feelings for him. This was Ares. He had caused her such great pain in the past, what with him always trying to win her back to lead his army and rule the world. How could she be sure that he had truly changed? Even though he had said he loved her does not mean that he had changed his ways. She tried to block those feelings from her heart.

Finally, she stood. "Better?"

"Much." He replied as he too stood, putting his vest back on. He turned to face her. "Xena…why are you being so nice to me? The only reaction I've ever gotten from you is the cold shoulder."

"I feel…that I owe you to some extent. You saved Eve and Gabrielle. The two most important people in my life are alive because of you, Ares and for that I am eternally grateful." Xena turned her head away from him. "But you're still Ares and I'm not sure if I can completely trust you."

He turned her head so she was looking at him.

"How can I make you trust me? Xena, I care for you a great deal. You mean the world to me. You always have and you always will." He took a deep breath, stroking her cheek with the back of his fingers. "Immortality means NOTHING if I can't be with you. I would gladly die protecting you and I know that if I had not given up my immortality, you, Gabrielle, and Eve would all be dead. I would have nothing to live for."

Ares sighed, placing a soft kiss on her forehead. She could see the longing and sincerity in his eyes. He caressed her neck and swept his fingers through her smooth hair. She closed her eyes as he touched her, loving every moment. She leaned against his chest; his strong warm body overloaded her senses. When she opened her eyes, she found him staring back at her.

"I DO love you, Xena." Ares whispered as he turned his head, joining his lips with hers in a tender kiss.

His heart beat faster as a flood of passion flowed through him. It was the first time that he had kissed her without any strings attached. There was no plan behind it; just love. He parted for a moment and looked into her peaceful eyes.

Xena did not know what to say. Her heart told her that she was doing the right thing but her head told her that it was wrong to get involved. He would only hurt her again. She'd had a few relationships in her time and all of them ended up in heartache. Now that Ares was mortal, something could happen to him as well. She did not want to take that risk.

But her heart won when she looked into Ares' loving eyes. She took her hands and entwined them around his neck. They closed their eyes and intertwined in a very passionate kiss. He placed his hands around her waist as he pulled her closer. She ran her fingers through his hair as a fire raged within her heart. Emotions ran wild within her. She never thought that she could ever feel this way about anyone, especially Ares.

Not breaking their kiss, Ares knelt to the ground and lay on his back as Xena lay on top of him. They seemed to be intertwined for an eternity until Xena broke the embrace and jumped to her feet. She walked to the wall of the cave and leaned against the cold stone, tears filling her eyes. She knew that she SHOULDN'T get involved. It was wrong. Her head knew better. Ares stood up and walked over to Xena, who was still silently crying.

"What's wrong, Xena?" He asked in a voice that said he cared.

"Nothing, it's just…I…I can't do this." She said as a sheen of tears ran down her face. "I can't afford to get involved, ESPECIALLY with you."

"I'm sorry." Ares took his hand and gently lifted her chin so that she was forced to look at him. "I promise I won't cause you any heartache."

"You already have." She placed her hand on his cheek. "I-I think I'm beginning to care for you and it's KILLING me." She sighed before continuing. "You're Ares, former God of War and I can't count the number of times that you have hurt me. You've manipulated me, deceived me, and played with my emotions so many times that I don't know WHAT to believe anymore."

Ares reached his hand out to wipe a tear from her cheek. "I regret everything that I have done." He said as a single tear fell from his eye. "If I could take back everything I've done to you, I would; GLADLY."

Xena paused for a moment, thinking of a response. "I'm sorry, Ares. I just can't."

With that she turned away from Ares and walked toward the entrance of the cave. Just then Gabrielle and Eve walked in.

"We have rabbit this morning!" Eve said joyfully.

Gabrielle turned to Xena and when she saw the tears in her eyes, a puzzled look overtook her face.

"Xena, what's the matter? Has Ares done something to you?!"

"No. No, it's nothing, Gabrielle. I just got something in my eye, that's all." Xena walked closer to Gabrielle, wiping her eyes. "Could I talk with you for a moment…privately?" She whispered.

"Well…I guess." Gabrielle replied.

Xena turned toward Ares and Eve. "Gabrielle and I are going to step outside for a minute. Why don't you two get started on breakfast?"

Xena and Gabrielle walked out of the cave into the sunshine. Gabrielle looked at Xena. "What is it, Xena?"

"Do you remember back in Amphipolis, when I said that I had felt something for Ares? Well…I'm beginning to think that it was true." Xena said, unsure of Gabrielle's reaction.

"What are you saying?" Gabrielle asked calmly. "I'm saying that I think that I need to spend some time alone to work things out. I know that this may come as a shock to you, but I believe that I can't deny these feelings I'm having any longer."

"Are you sure you can trust him? This is ARES we're talking about!"

"I know that this is probably hard for you to understand but I'm asking you as a friend just to give me a few days to figure things out. I thought that you and Eve could spend a few days with my mother in Amphipolis, if that's all right. Besides, my mother hasn't seen Eve since she was a baby and I thought that it would be a good time for them to get reacquainted."

Gabrielle paused before answering. "All right. I trust you, Xena. But keep a close eye on him. There's no telling what he'll do. After breakfast, Eve and I will take off for Amphipolis."

"Thanks. I'll meet you there in a few days." Xena said as she and Gabrielle went back into the cave.

After breakfast Gabrielle told Eve about their plans. She packed up her things onto her horse and then she and Eve road off, leaving Ares and Xena behind. Ares looked on as they left.

"Where are they going?" Ares asked.

"They're going to visit my mother in Amphipolis. We're going to meet up with them in a few days." Xena replied.

"Why aren't we going with them?" He asked, looking a little confused.

Xena looked at him as if she were embarrassed. "I, uh…wanted to spend some time alone so that we could talk about what happened earlier this morning."

"If I have angered you in any way by what happened, I'm sorry. I knew that I was going to fast." Ares said, moving to the far corner of the cave.

Xena walked over to him and sat on a rock. "No, no. That's not it at all. It's just…that these feelings that I'm having, well…I don't know. I keep telling myself that it's wrong to feel this way about you." She sighed, putting her head in her hands.

Ares sat down beside her. "Are you saying that you're beginning to LIKE me?"

"I'm saying that I need to think about it." She turned to look at him. "If you do love me, then why did you hurt me for so many years?"

Ares sighed. "I was selfish. I thought that you would not be able to live without me. I was full of pride and greed and hate. It was hard for me to realize that you meant more to me than just a warrior. At one time, I desired you because you were a warrior and I wanted you to conquer the world. But then you were changed…and I could not believe that my number one warrior was gone. So I did everything that I could to try and win you back, no matter the pain that I caused." Ares took a deep breath. "I really don't know WHY I hurt you. I was lost and confused, I didn't know what to do."

"Then when did you realize that you loved me as a person instead of a warrior?"

"Well, I really don't know. I guess…that after I had finally discovered that you would never come back to me, I found out that it was more than just your violence that drew me to you. I liked you more as the GOOD Xena than as the bad and that's when I realized that I truly loved you. But I think that I realized it the most when I found out that Eve was going to bring about the end of the gods. I knew that I would die and that's when you truly became the most important thing in my life." He sighed. "I've done terrible things to you, Xena. I don't ever expect you to forgive me."

Those words plunged into her heart like a dagger. They were so sincere. She knew that she could not deny her feeling any longer.

"Ares, I do believe that you have changed. Mortality has changed you. You're someone…I never thought you could be."

He crept closer to her. "It's not mortality that has changed me. It is YOU who has changed me, Xena. You unchained my heart and taught me that there is more to life than just hate and anger; there's love. You taught me that war CAN love and for that I'm grateful."

With that they embraced in a kiss more passionate than the first. There weren't any doubts in her heart this time. She knew exactly how she felt. She DID care about Ares.

They soon parted and rose to their feet.

"These feelings are new for me, Ares, you know that. I never guessed that I would fall for war."

"And as you know, I never thought that love would win over war. My heart was filled with hate and now it's filled with love, thanks to you."

Ares reached over and kissed her cheek. "I love you, Xena."

Xena closed her eyes at his soft touch.

"Ares, I think that we should get going so we can catch up with Gabrielle and Eve. Amphipolis is about a days journey from here."

Xena walked over to Argo II, rubbing her on the nose. She saddled her and packed her things into the saddlebag. She turned toward Ares, who was putting out the fire.

"Are you ready, Ares?" She questioned, mounting her horse.

"Yeah, let's go."

He walked over to Xena, who helped him mount and they were off. They traveled for most of the day until they decided to rest at a nearby lake. The sun was beginning to set over the horizon and the sky was filled with brilliant colors of red and yellow. It was a spectacular sight to behold. The water sparkled in the sun and a cool breeze blew through the forest.

Xena dismounted and helped Ares off. She could tell that he had never ridden a horse before, because she could see that he was sore from the long ride. Xena tied Argo II to a nearby tree and sat down on a rock. Ares sat down next to her, hoping that she would agree to what he was about to ask.

"You know, Xena, we could use a nice cool swim after the long day we've had." He said, smiling at her. Xena looked at him, slightly amused. "For once, Ares, you're right. It would be nice to take a dip in the water before we take off again. Amphipolis is a few hours away and we don't want to smell when we get there, do we?" Xena replied, grinning at Ares who grinned back.

"Great!" Ares chuckled.

Xena removed her armor and placed it on the bank, leaving only her leather undergarment on. She laid her chakram and sword against a tree and walked to the edge of the lake, diving into the cool water.

Ares watched her from the bank as he took off his vest. He laid it down next to her armor and placed his sword next to hers. He then turned back to see Xena swimming happily in the water. It was one of the few times that he had ever seen her enjoying herself. She was so beautiful. He truly believed that he was finally getting her back. Maybe she was even falling in love with him. He knew that they could make a great traveling team, along with Eve and Gabrielle. He would spend his life tying to make up for his past, just as she had done. Those thoughts went through his mind as he stepped into the lake.

Ares went over to Xena, who was swimming in the middle of the lake. He tapped her shoulder and she turned around in surprise.

"You startled me, Ares!" She said, splashing him with water as he splashed back.

They laughed and joked for the longest time and when their game had finished, Ares looked at Xena in awe.

"Xena…you're so beautiful." He whispered, kissing her neck.

Xena couldn't help herself. She lifted his head and pressed her lips to his. His warmth sent shivers down her spin. She was falling in love with war and she KNEW it. She had forgotten that they were still in the lake and when she parted from Ares' hold on her senses, she found herself shivering in the cold water.

"Ares, I think that it would be best if we got out of this lake. I'm freezing!"

"It is colder than I expected." He started to laugh. "But of course, I wouldn't know. Gods never get cold!"

Xena smiled at the remark, swimming back to the shore. Ares followed behind her. Once back on dry land, Xena took two towels out of Argo II's saddlebag, giving one to Ares. Once dry, Xena put her armor back on and grabbed her sword and her chakram. She turned to Ares who was putting his vest on. She smiled at the sight of him. She couldn't help but stare. He was magnificent. He looked stunning in black. She loved his close shaven beard, his nicely trimmed hair, and his strong body. Even in his mortal form, he was quite commanding and elegant. It was hard for her to admit, but she loved everything about him--his grace, his charm, his violence, and of late, his gentle and caring nature.

She could not believe that this was the same man who had used the furies to drive her insane, who'd sided with Dahak, threatened to kill her numerous times, and then turn her beloved daughter into a monster. He had COMPLETELY changed from who she had remembered him to be.

Once they'd dressed, the sun had already gone over the horizon and the sky was becoming dark.

"You know what, Ares? I think that we're going to have to continue our journey in the morning. It'll soon be too dark to travel."

"That sounds fine to me. I could use a long rest after almost all day in the saddle! I'll go collect some wood for a fire." Ares said, walking off into the forest.

Xena went over to the lake and caught two fish for their dinner. She laid them on a rock and went to Argo II's saddlebag to retrieve some bread and cheese. She took out two wooden plates and placed cheese and bread on both.

Soon Ares came back with a pile of wood and they cooked the fish.

"I guess it'll be a night under the stars, huh Ares?"

Ares just smiled at Xena who was passing some fish to him.

She smiled back.

They ate in silence for a long time until Xena heard a rustling in the bushes. Xena put her plate down and reached for her sword.

"What is it?" Ares asked as he too, grabbed his sword.

Just as Xena was about to answer, a dozen warriors appeared from the depths of the forest and surrounded Ares and Xena.

"It's been rumored that Ares is no longer immortal and I'M going to be the one who wastes the god of war!" A man that looked to be the leader said as he raised his sword and pointed it at Xena. "And if you get in my way, I'll kill you too."

The warriors charged at Xena and Ares. They fought side by side as the warriors attacked them with much force. Swords clashed and one by one Xena and Ares' attackers began to fall.

Xena quickly turned to Ares to see how he was doing, but when she did, a large net came down from the trees, entangling her. The leader walked over to her as she fought to break free from the net. He raised his sword high above his head and looked down at Xena.

"I WARNED you."

Ares turned to see Xena in trouble and he quickly knocked out his opponent and charged at the man who was going to kill his love.

Just as the man was about to kill Xena, Ares lunged his sword into the man's side. But just as he did so, the man turned around and with all his strength, plunged his sword into Ares' chest. They both fell to the ground as Xena gasped in surprise, frantically trying to free herself from the trap. Seeing their leader dead, the other warriors ran off into the woods, once again leaving Xena and Ares alone.

Xena hacked her way out of the net and ran over to Ares, who was lying on the ground, motionless. She began to gasp as she saw the wound. The sword had gone through just below his heart and he was losing a considerable amount of blood. He was hardly breathing. Tears filled Xena's eyes, holding Ares in her arms.

"You're NOT going to leave me! You can't!" She said, crying. "I know how I feel now. You mean the world to me and I DO forgive you. I'm giving you another chance!"

Ares slowly opened his eyes, a tear falling from his cheek. "I'm so sorry…for the way I've treated you…in the past. I will always…remember you, Xena." He whispered, gasping and coughing.

Holding his head in her hands, she bent over and gently kissed him. As weak as he was, she felt him kiss her back and when they parted, they looked into each other's eyes.

"I love you." Xena whispered, feeling his strength weakening.

With all his strength, Ares lifted his hand, resting it on Xena's cheek. "I will always love you." He said, becoming limp in her arms.

Xena looked into the lifeless form before her, tying to take in everything that had happened.

"No!!!" She screamed, shaking him, willing him to awake.

Xena cradled Ares gently, looking towards the night sky.

"Don't let him die! Where WERE you when I needed you most! You've tried to take EVERYONE I have ever loved. And now…you've taken the one person who I thought was my greatest enemy, but turned out to be my greatest love! Why?! Can't you see that he had changed?!"

Tears streaked down her face. She closed her eyes as she gently rocked him in her arms. Then suddenly a bright light shown on her face. Xena opened her eyes to see a beam of light shinning from the heavens onto Ares' chest. She gasped in amazement as his chest began to rise and fall with each breath he took. When he opened his eyes, he saw Xena staring at him with a love he never thought she'd give him.

The light soon faded and Xena looked down at Ares' chest.

"The wound is completely gone." She gasped.

Tears of joy filled her eyes as she helped Ares to his feet. They stood in silence, looking at each other in wonderment.

"I thought that I had lost you for good."

Ares began to wipe the tears from Xena's face. "NOTHING could take me away from you…" He paused and then continued. "…not even death."

Ares grabbed her waist and pulled he closer, joining his lips with hers in a loving kiss. They felt the love between them grow and Xena knew that her feelings for him were true. She DID love Ares. She always had. It just took death for her to realize it.

They soon parted, Xena running her hand along his face.

"I love you, Ares." She said in a tender loving voice.

"I love you too." Ares said, embracing her in a loving huge.

That night they slept together, wrapped up in the love that they shared--they knew that they would have a wonderful life together, along with Eve and Gabrielle. And they knew that they would always be connected. Even in death, they would be together--always.


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