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Everlasting Love

By: Aurora

She stood atop the hill, so proud and tall
He still could not believe he had loved her at all
She had always seem cause him such great pain
Knowing that she would never love him again

How could he ever hope to win her back?
After all the times he she didn't cut him any slack
He wished that he could have changed the past
To start anew and be with her at last

But his hopes dimmed with each passing word
Until the sound of her sweet voice was heard
Over the blowing wind, she called out his name
At the sound of her voice, he gladly came

He appeared in front of her and looked into her eyes
Knowing that there he would find no lies
They stared at each other as the moments past
Although knowing that it probably wouldn't last

But then together it flowed from their lips
The words "I love you" bounded from the tips
Together they embraced in a passionate kiss
Wishing that their past had never been missed

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