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The Judgment of Ares

By: Aurora

Copyright Disclaimer: All characters that have appeared in the syndicated series Xena: Warrior Princess belongs to MCA/Universal and Renaissance Pictures. No copyright infringement was intended in the writing for this fan fiction.

Subtext: None--what, are you kidding me?

Violence: None-yep, not this time. What a bummer.

Sex: None--just ‘cause there’s no sex, doesn’t mean there can’t be kissing.

Rated G

Date Written: February 1-7 2001

E-mail: (Please send me feedback; I want to know what you think!)

Author’s Note/Summery: When Ares is captured and taken to jail because of his crimes of the past; Xena must help prove that he has changed before it is too late. Takes place sometime during season six when he is still mortal.

CHAPTER I: Startling News

Xena, Gabrielle, and Eve sat in a tavern in the small town of Pella. The tavern was bustling with people talking and having a good time. The three of them were enjoying a meal until they heard a racket on the other side of the room. There was a large man looking to be a warrior sitting next to a few of other warriors, laughing hysterically.

“I can’t believe it! I never thought he would end up just like every other warrior on this earth--a criminal! It’s hilarious, eh boys?”

Xena stood up and walked over to them. Gabrielle and Eve followed.

“He’s no better that we are! Some war god!” The man blurted out before gulping down a mug of ale.

“May I ask who you are talking about?” Xena interrupted.

“Who wants to know?” He bellowed wiping the ale from his chin with his sleeve.

“I’m Xena.”

“Well, XENA, why would you care?”

“Just answer my question and there will be no trouble.”

“Maybe, I don’t feel like telling you.”

Xena was growing impatient with his annoying questions. She raised her fingers and with a split second jolt, she’d put the pinch on him.

“Now, I’ve just cut off the flow of blood to your brain so you’d better tell me what I want to know or you’ll be dead in 30 seconds.”

The warrior began to gag and cough.

“All right! Take it off and I’ll tell you what you want to know.”

Xena released it as he gasped, breathing heavily.

“He’s been taken to prison to be tried for his past crimes.”

“Who?” Gabrielle questioned.

“Ares…the God of War. Everyone knows he’s mortal and there are many people who want revenge against him.”

Xena’s eyes widened when she heard Ares’ name mentioned.

“Where was he taken?”

“I heard he was taken to Arcadia where his trial is to be held.”

Xena looked at Gabrielle and Eve beside her.

“Let’s go.” She told them before they left the tavern.

When they were outside, Eve grabbed Xena’s arm gently.

“What will you do, mother?”

“I don’t know, Eve. First we have to find out more about what has happened.”

Xena whistled and her obedient horse came galloping up. Xena quickly mounted and helped Gabrielle and Eve up. She clicked her tongue and Argo II trotted off, headed for Arcadia.

CHAPTER II: Finding Answers

When they arrived in Arcadia, they dismounted Argo II and walked into the town.

“Gabrielle, could you and Eve take Argo to a stable and then find us someplace to stay for the night. We’re probably going to he here for a while.”

“Sure thing.” She replied taking Argo II’s reins.

“Thanks. I’ll meet you back here in a little while. I’m going to see if I can find any information about Ares.”

Gabrielle nodded her head and Xena smiled as her friend and her daughter walked off. Xena looked around the town and headed for the courthouse. She walked in but when she entered, a guard stopped her. He looked at her waiting for her to speak.

“Excuse me. I’m looking for someone. Is there a man that goes by the name Ares in this town? I heard he’s been put in jail.”

“Yes, that is true. He is in the dungeon as we speak. His trial is held for tomorrow just after sunrise.”

“What has he been committed of?”

“Many things that he has done in the past--things that as a god he could get away with but as a mortal, they are one his head.”

“Can I speak with him?” Xena asked in a desperate tone.

He could see the pleading in her eyes.

“All right, but only for a moment. I’m not supposed to let people see the accused before the trial. This way.”

He gave her a hand gesture to follow him as he left the building. When they were outside, he turned the corner and walked behind the courthouse to a long stairway leading underground. The guard went down the stairs and Xena followed him down into the dark room.

There was very little light, only a few torches that were placed in the walls. The place was damp and cold, water dripped from the cracks in the ceiling and there were a few scattered rats scurrying along the cold stone floor amongst piles of hay.

On each side of the hall was a row of jail cells, each containing one person locked behind thick bars of iron. Xena looked at the people as she followed the guard to the end of the room. The people looked so sad. She knew that they had done something wrong to get themselves in a place like this but she still felt sorry for them.

When they reached the end of the hall, there was a thick iron door with bars above the keyhole allowing light to seep into the room. The guard took out a key and unlocked the door. It creaked as he opened it and then he turned to face Xena.

“You have only a short time to see him. Make the most of it.”

Xena stepped into the room as the guard gently closed the door behind her, leaving it slightly cracked so that it wouldn’t lock. Xena looked around the room. There were no torches on the walls of this cell. The only light came from the other rooms that managed to seep through the barred window in the door.

In the darkest corner of the room Ares sat on the cold stone flour, hanging his head. He obviously hadn’t realized that anyone had entered his prison. Thick chains secured to the walls held his feet and his hands were chained together by strong manacles. His sword was no longer in his possession but he was still dressed in his common black leather attire.

Xena quietly stepped forward and as she did so, he raised his head, finally realizing that someone had entered the room. He showed a level of surprise in his eyes but at the same time there was a tint of shame and regret. His face was covered with bruises and cuts. He seemed far from the powerful, strong figure she once knew.

Xena didn’t know what to say to him. They just stared at each other until Ares decided to break the silence.

“Xena…wh-what are you doing here?”

“I had heard that you had been arrested so I came to find some answers.”

Xena walked up to him and tenderly touched his face, inspecting the cuts and bruises.

“What happened?”

“I was just walking along a road toward one of my temples and suddenly I was attacked by a group of warriors who said they worked for the Arcadian government. They said that I was to be arrested because of my past crimes when I was a god. I tried to resist but the next thing I knew, I was here.”

“But what exactly were they accusing you of?”

“I’m not quite sure on the details but I’ll know tomorrow during the trial.”

“All right. Times up.” The guard said walking into the room.

Xena put her hand on his and glanced at him once more.

“I’ll do all I can to get you out of here, Ares. I promise.” She whispered before exiting the room.

* * * * * *

Xena left the dungeon and went to find Gabrielle and Eve. They were waiting for her right where they said they would be.

“What did you find out?” Eve asked.

“Ares is being held in jail. His trial is set for tomorrow after the sun rises. We need to act in his defense.”

“Well, I guess until tomorrow, there is nothing we can do.” Gabrielle said.

“Yeah.” Xena paused. “Gabrielle, are you all right with me helping Ares? I mean, after all he’s done--”

“Xena, we’re in his debt. I know that. He gave up his immortality to save us. I can understand your reason for wanting to help him.”

Maybe, I have other reasons, she thought to herself.

“Thank you. Now, how about we get something to eat?”

“Yeah and we’ve got just the place for us to stay.” Eve replied holding her mothers arm as she and Gabrielle led her to a nearby inn.

* * * * * *

After a filling dinner, Xena, Gabrielle, and Eve went to bed. While Xena lay awake in bed, she couldn’t stop thinking about Ares and how sad and helpless he looked. She didn’t like to admit it but in the state he was in all she wanted to do was comfort him. He was more mortal than he had ever been before and it caused her to feel things she knew she shouldn’t be feeling. There was a tenderness about him that made her see him in a whole new light.

For the first time, she missed his constant presence around her. When he was a god, she almost always felt him but now, as a mortal, he was no longer around. She missed him and it was very hard for her to accept what she was feeling. Gabrielle would probably understand if she told her about what she was feeling but Xena wasn’t ready to tell her because she didn’t quite understand it herself.

“What is wrong with me?” Xena quietly asked herself before drifting off to sleep.


The next morning after they’d had something to eat, Xena, Gabrielle, and Eve headed to the courthouse for the trial. When they entered, the judge was sitting on a large chair in the back of the room. The three of them walked up to him.

“Are you the judge that will be conducting the trial of Ares?” Xena asked.

“Yes. I am Judge Talamon.”

“I’m Xena, this is Gabrielle and Eve. If it’s all right, may we speak in Ares’ defense during the trial?”

“I guess. But why would you want to speak in his defense? He is an evil man and I doubt anything you could say would get him off the hook.”

“He is not evil!” Xena protested but when she realized that she had said it in such a forceful way, she was a little embarrassed. “I-I mean, he deserves a fair trial and that means that there needs to be someone on his side.”

“All right. Take a seat. The trial starts in a few minutes.”

The judge gestured for them to sit in the seats across from him where Ares would be placed during the trial. They sat down and Eve looked at her mother.

“What do you think you are going to say that would prove that he hasn’t done all the things they said he has? Mother, whatever he is being tried for it’s probably true.”

“I know, sweet heart but I can’t just stand by and let them accuse him of his past crimes. Don’t forget, you and I were evil and cruel in the past and yet, we were able to change. He has too and I have to help him.”

“Xena, is the fact that Ares saved our lives the only reason that you are helping him or is there something more? You’ve never defended Ares before and you USED to think that he was evil. Has something changed?” Gabrielle asked.

“I want to help him, that’s all. Nothing more.”

“Okay.” Gabrielle replied, still not sure that Xena was telling her the complete truth.

The three of them sat there as people gradually began to enter the room. When everyone was seated and the jury was present, Judge Talamon stood up and raised his hand.

“Silence.” He commanded as everyone quieted down almost instantly. “Bring out the accused!”

Suddenly, two guards came into the room holding onto Ares like he was no better than dirt. The crowd shouted and booed as he entered the room. They closed the door behind him and brought Ares up to the table where Xena, Eve, and Gabrielle were seated. Xena saw that his hands were still chained together as the guards forcefully pushed him into a chair.

Xena looked at him as he looked back.

“Xena, you’re here.”

“I said I would be here, didn’t I?”

“Well I thought… Thank you for keeping your word.”

She smiled before the pounding of the judges’ gavel interrupted their sweet moment.

“This trial is being held because of the charges against Ares, former God of War. The first case is against his cruel past when he murdered Eli, server of the Light. Let’s get this started.”

The judge raised his had and gestured from a woman to come forward. She was a young woman, probably in her twenty’s. She stood in front of the people and began to speak.

“Eli was the only light our town had. He gave us hope and joy. His teachings rang through our ears. He told us that one day we would be free from the gods and that we would no longer have to make sacrifices to them but that they would no longer rule our lives. We believed that, everyone believed it but then HE came along and took our hope away from us. Our beliefs were shattered when Eli fell to the ground, Ares standing behind him with the blood stained sword.” The woman began to cry. “Nothing can comparer to what he did and I will not die until I see the day that our teacher is avenged!”

Xena looked around the room as the crowd cheered and hollered. She glanced at Ares who looked very ashamed.

“Wait!” Xena shouted standing up and walking around the table to the middle of the room. “Ares was only acting out of fear. You know what fear can do to people. It can make them do and say things that they later regret.”

“But that can’t account for what Ares did. Fear or no fear, Eli is dead because of him.” The woman said.

“Yeah!” Cried a man from the crowd.

“Kill the murderer!” Shouted another man.

“People, haven’t you ever done anything that you later regretted? Well, that goes for Ares as well. I believe he regrets killing Eli.” Xena said, trying to reason with the people of the court.

“Still, that does not mean he gets off the hook.” The judge said.

“I know, but--”

“Quiet. Now, I think I have heard enough of this. On to the next case.”

Xena walked back to her seat and sat down. A man walked up to the front of the room.

“My village was about to go to war and we had made offerings to Ares every day. We hoped that he would help us win against our enemy. But we were wrong. On the day of the battle, I saw him helping the other side and that’s when I knew that he didn’t care about us. He’s never cared about any mortal. My entire family was slaughtered during that battle and my village was completely destroyed. Many of my friends and neighbors were killed. My heart is filled with vengeance for Ares and nothing will ease the pain I feel except to see him die.”

“He was just acting the way he was supposed to--as the God of WAR!” Xena shouted.

“Xena’s right.” Gabrielle stood up. “Ares can’t help how he acts. He was born that way; born the God of War. He was put on this earth to be war and that is what he intended to do.”

“But he enjoyed killing my family! I saw it in his eyes and in his evil grin.”

“You’re right.” Ares spoke up. “I’ve always enjoyed a good kill.”

“Ares, what are you doing?! I thought you wanted to be free?” Xena asked, shocked.

“Xena, there isn’t going to be any way out of this. Everything they’ve said is true and I have to accept it.”


“Wait!” Eve cried out as she stood. “Gabrielle is right. Ares IS different. He saved our lives and for that we are in his debt.”

“You have no proof, my dear and without proof we can not pardon him.”

The three of them did not know how to reply to his statement. The room was silent for a short time.

“All right. Have we come to a verdict?” The judge asked, looking over at the jury.

“We find him guilty of all charges.” One of the jury members told the judge.

“Then it’s settled. He is to be executed when the sand in this hour glass runs out.” The judge announced, turning an hourglass upside down.

“No, wait!” Xena pleaded. “I can prove that he has changed, that he isn’t the ruthless person he was in the past and that he has done a good deed. Just give me time. Please.”

“What more can you say? He’s guilty and you can’t change that.”

“Let me try.”

The judge looked at her with firm eyes.

“You have until the sand runs out.” The judge said as he stood up. “This session is now over. Take the accused back to the dungeon.”

The guards forced Ares to stand and then took him back to the prison. The people in the room began to leave until Xena, Gabrielle, and Eve were the only ones left.

“What proof can you get? Obviously, it can’t be words. No one believes you. You would have to find some way to show the people that he DID save our lives and that it caused a change in him.”

“I know, Gabrielle. And I think I know of just the person who might be able to help. Gabrielle, you and Eve stay here while I go find some proof.” Xena said quickly as she ran out of the courthouse.

“Where are you going?!” Gabrielle asked but Xena was already out of earshot.

* * * * * *

Xena mounted Argo II and left the city in a flash. Xena’s raven tresses blew violently in the wind as she pushed her horse on. She knew that she didn’t have much time before the sand ran out and Ares’ time was up. Finally, at the edge of the forest there was a large building that had pillars standing of each side of it. Xena jumped off of her horse and ran to the golden door, opening it. She stepped into the elegant looking room and walked up to the alter in the middle. The room was flooded with light that came in through the buildings many windows.

Xena set her sword and chakram on the alter and closed her eyes.

“Aphrodite, I need to speak to you. It’s urgent.”

Aphrodite materialized in a flash of golden sparkles.

“What’s up?” She asked cheerfully.

“Your brother Ares is in trouble.”

“Ares. Oh, yeah. He’s mortal now, right? Is he doing well?”

“Well, he WAS but he isn’t anymore. He is in Arcadia and he is to be executed for his past crimes.” Aphrodite’s expression grew worried. “I’ve tried to help him but it has been no use. That’s why I came for your help.”

“Ares is going to die? My brother--no.” Tears started to build in her eyes. “What can I do?”

“I need some way of proving that he HAS changed, that he really did save the lives of Gabrielle, Eve and I. If I can prove that, then maybe he’ll be released. Telling them isn’t enough. I know. I tried that. I have to SHOW them.”

“How can you show them?”

“I don’t know. You’re a god, isn’t there any way you could show something that happened in the past?”

“Um…wait! Maybe there IS something! Be back in a flash.” With that, she disappeared.

“Aphrodite!!” Xena shouted, having no idea what the goddess was doing.

Moments later, she appeared.

“Here this should help…I hope.”

Aphrodite handed Xena a mirror. It had a row of ruby’s lining the rim.

“How will this help?”

“It’s a magical mirror. It tells only the truth. Anything you are thinking about that happened in the past will appear in the mirrors surface and show it to you exactly as it happened. With it, you can prove that what Ares did is true and real.”

“So, if I look at it, anything I think about will appear in the mirror?”

“Correct, although, you can also ask it to show you the past. You don’t have to just think it.”

“Thank you, Aphrodite. You are a good friend. Without you, I don’t know how I would save Ares.”

“It was no trouble. I want to help my brother just as much as you do. Come on. I’ll take you there.”

Xena grabbed her sword and her chakram and went outside to her horse. She mounted as Aphrodite came out of the temple.

“To Arcadia we go.” Aphrodite said, snapping her fingers as she and Xena disappeared.

CHAPTER IV: A Second Change

Only moments later, Xena and Aphrodite appeared in the town square. Xena dismounted and saw Gabrielle and Eve run toward her.

“Xena! Xena, they are ready to execute Ares. You must hurry.” Gabrielle shouted.

“Come on, Aphrodite.” Xena told her as they headed for the gallows.

They turned the corner and found Ares standing on a platform with a noose around his neck. The crowd was shouting that justice was being fulfilled. Judge Talamon was standing next to the executioner. With a high-powered jump, Xena flung herself onto the gallows, landing beside Ares. He looked at her with surprise.

“I thought I told you that there was nothing more you can do for me. If you resist, they will imprison or even kill you. I couldn’t stand it if you died because of me. So, go.”

“Ares, I have proof.” Xena showed him the mirror. “It can show you anything from the past and it will help you.”

“What do you think you are doing?” The judge asked angrily.

“You said if I got proof, then you would consider letting him go. Well, here in my hand will show you the proof you want.”

She walked over to the judge and showed him the mirror.

“A mirror? This is going to help you?”

“Yes. It will show you anything from the past you wish to see. And it will tell the complete truth. Watch.”

Xena looked into it as it faced the judge and thought about the time when Ares saved Gabrielle and Eve’s lives from death…


He was lying over them with his hands on them while a blue glow illuminated from his fingers and into their bodies. When the light faded, he released the chains from his body and stood up, looking at his sister Athena who was about to kill Xena. Xena had stabbed her and she looked at her brother with fear and surprise in her eyes.

“You healed them without my blessing! That’s impossible!”

“I gave up my immortality to save them.”


“I’m sorry…but I got a thing for her.”


The mirror rippled and the image was gone.

“You see, judge. Ares gave up his immortality to save the lives of my daughter and my best friend. He could have chose to live forever by himself up on Olympus but he didn’t. Instead, he chose a life as a mortal so that he could hopefully have a chance with me because he loves me. Now, isn’t that a good deed? I was once evil and I changed after one good deed. Just because he was the God of War doesn’t mean that he can’t. Give him a second change because he deserves it. I got one and so should he.”

The judge sighed and looked out over the crowd who had been silent the whole time.

“Xena has proven her point. One good deed can change a person and the best thing to do would be to give him that second chance. Ares is free to go but if he goes back to his old ways, I will have no other choice but to execute him.”

“Don’t worry. He won’t ever be like that again.” Xena replied.

She walked over to Ares and unhooked the noose from his neck. Gabrielle, Eve and Aphrodite walked up onto the platform.

“Thank you, Xena.”

“Don’t thank me, thank your sister. If it wasn’t for her then I would have never gotten that proof.”

“Well, then thank you, Aphrodite.”

“No problem. Immortal or not, you are still my brother. I would do nothing less.”

“You have a second chance now, Ares. Make sure you use it wisely.” Eve told him.

“Yeah. But I don’t think you will have any problem with that. Not with Xena around.” Gabrielle added.

Ares looked back at Xena and held her hand gently.

“Xena, I know I have been harsh to you in the past but do you think you can find it in your heart to forgive me?”

“Ares, I…” She didn’t know what to say because her feelings were a tangled up inside her heart. A smile soon grew on her face. “Yes, I forgive you.”

“I love you, Xena. I always have.”

Ares leaned forward and ever so slightly pressed his lips to hers. She didn’t resist and so he saw that as an opportunity to just go for it. He gradually intensified the kiss as she too joined in. Gabrielle, Eve, and Aphrodite just watched as they saw, for the first time, a spark of love burn between them. Xena wrapped her arms around him as he did the same until she slowly parted from his tender grasp.

“I love you too, Ares.” She whispered before recapping his lips once more.


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