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War's Deception

By: Aurora

Copyright Disclaimer: All characters that have appeared in the syndicated series Xena: Warrior Princess belongs to MCA/Universal and Renaissance Pictures. No copyright infringement was intended in the writing for this fan fiction.

Subtext: None--what, are you kidding me?.

Violence: A little--what do you expect? This is XENA..

Sex: None.

Rated G.

Date Written: April 1-6, 2001.

E-mail: (Please send me feedback; I want to know what you think!).

Author’s Note: When an unexpected war breaks out between the centaurs and the Amazons, Xena comes to stop it and find out the reasons for it before unnecessary killing gets out of hand. Takes place after “Been There, Done That.”.

A tall, dark, male figure could be seen in the darkness of the night. In a puff of smoke, he morphed into a mighty creature, one that was both human and horse combined in one body. He silently made his way to a small hut made of mud and sticks. Entering it, he saw the figure of a small horse-like boy leaning against the wall, fast asleep..

Like a ghost, the figure grabbed the little boy before he had time to notice what had happened and left the hut, galloping away, leaving no trace of evidence behind him, not even prints in the dirt..

In a village not far from the one in which the boy had been taken from, the dark figure appeared. But he was in disguise once again, having morphed himself into the shape of a strong warrior woman. He had become a fierce member of the tribe of woman warriors, men-haters, or so it was thought. He snuck into the village of the sleeping horse-people and with the stealthyness of a cat; he crept toward one of the sleeping guards. Quietly, he drew a bow and released an arrow, piercing the heart of his victim..

Screams of agony filled the air as the others began to awake. They saw the warrior woman standing in front of their fallen comrade and knew that they would get their revenge. However, before they had time to attack the murderer, the warrior figure slowly faded away into the night air, the sound of devilish laughter echoing through their ears..


The oceans waves crashed against the shore violently as the sounds of the battle rang through the cool morning air. Xena and Gabrielle were walking along the edge of a cliff near the water when they saw a battle raging in the distance..

“Xena, those are the…Amazons and--”.

“The centaurs.” Xena finished, surprised. “Let’s go.”.

With sword and staff in hand, they dashed onto the scene but by the time they got there, the battle had ended and the centaurs had retreated. On the beach lay half a dozen of the slain Amazons, bloody from the battle. Xena and Gabrielle walked amongst the bodies, saddened by what they saw..

“I thought the hate between the Amazons and the centaurs had ended. Why would they do this?” Gabrielle wondered..

“I don’t know.”.

Xena continued to survey the beach, helping any of the Amazons who had been injured in the fight. She found Ephiny sitting on the beach, trying to stand. Xena ran over to her and Gabrielle followed..

“Ephiny! You all right?”.

“Yeah, I think so.” She replied, getting to her feet..

“What happened?” Why did the centaurs attack you?” Gabrielle asked..

“I don’t know but they took him.”.

“Took who?” Xena asked curiously..

“Xenan. They took him from me.”.

“Why would they do that?” Gabrielle questioned..

“That’s what I don’t understand. There has been peace between our two nations for almost two years now.”.

“When did this happen?” Xena asked..

“Two moons ago. Xenan was asleep in his hut next to mine when I heard Chilapa and Salari yell that he was gone. I left my hut as quickly as I could, just in time to see one of the centaurs carry him off but he was too fast for me to catch up to him.”.

“Did you see who it was?”.

“It was too dark to tell but the light from the torches in the village did allow me to see that he had a patch over his left eye.”.

“That was Kaleipus!” Xena exclaimed..

“You know him?” Ephiny questioned..

“Well, yeah. He is taking care of my son, Solan. But I can’t believe he would do something like this. He is kind and caring; the closest thing my son could ever have to a father.”.

“Maybe it wasn’t him, Xena.” Gabrielle suggested..

“Maybe but I am going to find out.” Xena sighed, turning to Gabrielle. “Why don’t you help Ephiny take the wounded back to the village. I’m going to check out the centaur camp and see what I can find out. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”.

Gabrielle nodded her head. “Yeah.”.

Xena put her hand on Ephiny’s shoulder. “We’ll get him back. I promise.”.

“I know, Xena.”.

Xena raised her fingers to her lips and whistled. Argo came galloping across the sand toward them. Xena jumped up on her and galloped off in the direction of the forest on the edge of the beach. Gabrielle and Ephiny helped their injured sisters back to the village as Xena slowly disappeared in the distance..

Xena arrived at the centaur village in no time. She dismounted Argo and then let her wander off to graze in the grassy meadow surrounding the village. Xena stealthy walked toward the camp to investigate before entering their territory. There were two centaur archers standing near the entrance behind a makeshift wall of sticks..

Kaleipus was standing beside a large hut talking to one of the other centaurs. When finished, he trotted into the hut. Xena decided it was save to enter; after all, her son was there so she continued down toward the camp..

She arrived at the gates and the two centaur guards proceeded to let her in without any kind of protest. Once inside, she headed for Kaleipus’ hut. Kaleipus was standing above a long table looking over some maps when Xena stepped in..

“Hello, Kaleipus.”.

He turned around to see the Warrior Princess behind him. “Xena, of what do I owe this visit? Do you want to see Solan? I can take you to him.”.

“I haven’t come to see my son. I’ve come to talk to you about why you took Xenan away from Ephiny.” She sternly replied..

“What are you talking about? You mean Ephiny, the Amazon that was Phantes’ mate and their centaur son?” He asked, confused..

“Yes. I know you have him because Ephiny saw you take him two nights ago.”.

“I don’t know what you are talking about. I haven’t done anything with Xenan.”.

Xena wasn’t sure if he was telling her the truth although, he had never lied to her before either. “Ephiny knows what she saw and that it was you who took her son. She thinks that is why you attacked them this morning, that you wanted to destroy the peace with them.”.

“Attacking them this morning had nothing to do with her son. Two nights ago my only brother, Toran was killed by one of the Amazons. I don’t know who it was, it was too dark but I could defiantly tell that it was indeed an Amazon.”.

She looked at him in bewilderment. “None of the Amazons killed a centaur.”.

“I know what I saw!” He said in fury. “If you don’t believe me then that’s your problem. I will do whatever I can to avenge him and you had better not get in the way. You are my friend, Xena but don’t push your luck.”.

With an angry look from Kaleipus, Xena exited and headed back to the Amazon forest. She had no idea what was going on. The Amazons said that the centaurs took Xenan, which Kaleipus said that he hadn’t even seen Xenan and then Kaleipus said that an Amazon killed his brother, which Ephiny said nothing about..

Xena dismounted Argo once she reached the Amazon village. She entered the queen’s hut and found Ephiny sharpening her sword and Gabrielle standing next to her. .

When they saw Xena, Ephiny stopped what she was doing. “So, what did you find out?”.

“It’s more complicated than we had anticipated. I talked to Kaleipus. He says that he never took your son and I believe him because I have never known him to be dishonest with me before.”.

“So, you’re taking the word of a centaur over mine?!” Ephiny yelled..

“No. That’s not what I’m doing. I’m just trying to understand both sides point of view. And it gets worse.”.

“Worse how?” Gabrielle asked, walking up to her..

“Kaleipus believes that one of the Amazons…killed his brother, Toran and that is why they attacked you this morning. He will do anything for revenge.”.

“We didn’t do anything to them. I assure you.” Ephiny said, putting her sword in its’ scabbard. “All we want is peace with them.”.

“I know, Ephiny. That is why I have a feeling someone else is behind it all.”.

Gabrielle looked curiously at Xena. “Who?”.

“Don’t know yet but we’ll find out.”.

“I hope they haven’t harmed him.” Ephiny feared for her son’s life..

“We’ll get him back. If you show me where Xenan’s hut was, I may be able to find some clues that could solve this mystery.”.

“It’s the hut next to this one on the right.” Ephiny answered..

Gabrielle and Ephiny looked at each other as Xena left. Xena walked outside and turned right to a small hut. She looked around on the ground but there were no tracks, hoof or foot print. As she looked around, she began to feel the presence of a god she knew all to well..

She curled her lip in disgust and snarled. “Ares.”.

He appeared standing on a tree branch above her. “Well, how’s it going?” His voice was dripping with sarcasm..

“How’s it going yourself?” She retorted in an equally sarcastic way. She changed to a more serious tone. “Ares, why are you here? You MUST have a reason.”.

“In fact, I do. I here there is a missing centaur around and you have come to find him.” He drawled out. “Am I right?”.

“How did you know?”.

“Come now, Xena. I am a god, I know everything.”.

Ares jumped down from the branch and Xena gave him a suspicious glare. “No. No, you’re a part of this, a major part. I can feel it.”.

Ares leered. “I guess you’ll never know now will you?” He smirked, vanishing..

Xena stood there even after he’d disappeared before heading back to the hut. Ephiny and Gabrielle were waiting as she entered..

“Find anything?” Gabrielle questioned..

“No, but I think I know who is behind Xenan’s capture and Toran’s death.”.

“Who?” Ephiny asked, anxious to know..


“What makes you think that, Xena.” Gabrielle asked..

“Just call it a gut feeling, a sixth sense. If there is a bigger picture, you can bet Ares is part of it.”.

“So, what are we going to do?” Ephiny asked..

The first thing we have to do is stop a war from starting between the Amazons and the centaurs. If you thought this morning’s battle was bad, just wait until they all come after you. They’re a tough bunch to beat.” Xena looked at the Amazon Queen. “Ephiny, gather together the Amazons and prepare yourselves for a battle incase the centaurs decide to attack. I am going back to their camp and try to talk some sense into Kaleipus.”.

“Good idea, Xena.” Ephiny responded and then left the hut..

“What am I going to do?” Gabrielle asked..

“I think it would be best if you stayed here with the Amazons. You’ll be safe here.”.

Gabrielle gave her friend a disappointed look. “Xena, I’m not a little girl. I can take care of myself. You can stop telling me what to do.”.

“Gabrielle, there is no reason for you to come with me. You’ll be more help here. After all, you are an Amazon Princess. Act like one and make sure that they don’t do something they will later regret.”.

She huffed. “Fine.” She replied reluctantly walking out of the hut..

Xena left soon after Gabrielle, heading once more to for the centaur village. When she arrived, she saw the centaurs lining up prepared for battle. They were sharpening their swords and putting arrows in the quivers at their backs. Xena had to act fast. She had to try and convince Kaleipus that Ares was behind everything..

Xena ran down into the village and found Kaleipus at the front of the other centaurs. “Kaleipus!” She shouted..

He looked behind him to see Xena coming toward him. “Xena, there is nothing you can do to stop us. I am going to get my revenge and if that means a war then so be it.”.

“You’re making a mistake, Kaleipus. It wasn’t an Amazon who killed your brother, it was Ares.”.

“God of War Ares? That’s impossible. Why would he do that? Where’s the glory of it? No, Xena.” He said firmly. “It was an AMAZON who killed him.”.

“I’m telling you Ares IS behind it all. I’m not sure how but I plan on finding out. Remember, he’s a god. He could have transformed himself into that Amazon you saw.”.

“Right now, I can’t take your word on this one, Xena. I’m not backing down and you can’t stop me.”.

Xena was very frustrated at this point. She could see that there was no changing his mind. She left the village and walked into the field surrounding centaur territory..

“Ares!! Ares!” She screamed, the rage she felt showed in her eyes..

He materialized in front of her, a suave smile crossing his face. “Hey, Xena. Having a nice day?” Again, he said it with sarcasm in his voice..

“Cut the act. I know you are the cause of the problems around here. You took Xenan and you killed that centaur which is now going to cause a war between the centaurs and the Amazons that I have no power to stop.”.

He walked up to her. “Well, you got me, Xena.” He grinned slyly. .

She glared at him. “Ares, you have destroyed the peace between these two nations, a peace that took much effort to achieve. Innocents will die today, many of them my friends and it’s all because of you!” She stepped closer to him, looking into his eyes. “All I want to know is why.”.

Ares grinned again and held one of her hands to his lips, kissing it. Xena sneered and jerked it violently away from his grasp. “I did it because of you.” He answered. “Everything I do is because of YOU.” Ares lowered his voice into a seductive one. “Come back to me, Xena. If you do, then there will be no war. Xenan will be returned and I will bring back the centaur. If you don’t agree to the deal than you can just sit back and watch a senseless battle begin, one that you could have avoided had you returned to me.”.

“All this is to win me back?” She scoffed, rolling her eyes in repugnance. “You’re unbelievable. Nothing you do will EVER make me return to you. Ares, you don’t get it. How do you expect to win me back if you continue to do things that cause me pain? Hmm?” Her voice had a tint of hurt in it. “Ares, if you want me back, you will have to change yourself. Now, I know that you have a heart because when you were mortal, it showed. Please, stop this war before it gets out of hand. Please. You aren’t getting anywhere by doing it this way.”.

Ares didn’t reply. He hated to admit it but some of what she said made sense. There was silence between them until finally Ares disappeared. Xena breathed in deeply as he left, hoping that what she had said would change his mind. She headed back to the Amazon village. As she neared the forest, she could hear war cries coming from the Amazons. She found the Amazons and the centaurs in a standoff, ready for combat..

Xena hurried onto the scene, stopping in the middle of them. Gabrielle saw her and ran up. “Xena, I tried but I couldn’t stop them from going to war.”.

“Gabrielle, it’s okay.” Xena looked at the centaurs and then at the Amazons. “This war is unnecessary. Ares is involved; he is the cause of everything. You don’t have to do this.”.

“They have my son!” Ephiny shouted. “He is almost two years of age and he shouldn’t be without his mother. I will do whatever I have to do to release him from those villains!”.

“Look who’s talking?!” Kaleipus yelled. “You Amazons are the ones who killed my brother; murdered him in cold blood and then laughed about it!”.

Kaleipus and the other centaurs began to attack the Amazons who intern, charged at them with full force. Xena jumped out of the way, pulling Gabrielle aside..

“Wait!!” Shouted a voice from behind the centaur line..

Kaleipus stopped in his tracks causing all of the centaurs to stop their advance. “I know that voice...” He gasped. From behind them trotted a centaur. “Toran! I can’t believe it’s you.” Kaleipus galloped up to him and hugged his brother before looking at him. “But how?”.

“I don’t know. But I do know that we can’t go to war with the Amazons. They weren’t the ones who killed me. Someone else is responsible. We can’t destroy the peace we have worked so hard for.” Toran said..

“But they still have my son.” Ephiny said..

“Mommy?” Xenan asked as he galloped toward her from the depths of the forest..

Ephiny held out her arms as her little boy came toward her. She enfolded him in a loving hug as he cried in her arms. “I missed you, my darling.”.

“I missed you too, Mommy. I don’t want to leave you ever again. It was so scary.”.

“I bet it was, Xenan. But it’s over now and you’re safe.” Ephiny looked at the other Amazons behind her. “This battle is over. Back to the village.”.

The Amazons began to return to their village while the centaurs looked at each other. “Ephiny is right. We have no quarrel with the Amazons anymore.” Kaleipus told them, leaving the Amazon forest..

Xena watched as the centaurs and the Amazons retreated back to their homes. She couldn’t believe that Ares had actually changed his mind..

“Xena, how did you do it?” Gabrielle asked her, walking up..

“It wasn’t me.” She replied, looking at her friend..

“Then who?”.

Xena just smirked. “Someone who I thought never could do something good.”.

Gabrielle smiled and leaned her head against Xena’s shoulder for a moment. “You coming back with the Amazons?”.

“Yeah. Just give me a minute.”.

“Okay.” Gabrielle turned around and followed the Amazons back to the village..

Xena was left alone in the quiet forest. She then felt Ares’ presence before he appeared next to a tree. When she saw him, her eyes weren’t filled with hate as they had been before. This time they were shinning with thankfulness..

“I hope you’re happy.” He said..

“Yes, I am. I’m glad you did this.” She walked up to him and did something that he never would have expected--she kissed him on the cheek. “Thank you. I really mean that.”.

Ares didn’t know what to say, he was in shock from the way she had thanked him. He never would have thought she would have kissed him. He smiled back at her. “Like I said before, Xena. I do it all because of you.” With that, he dematerialized..

Xena continued to stare at the spot he had been in before she went back to the Amazon village..


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