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Then What Is Between Us?

By: Aurora

We are the same
In so many ways
And yet somehow
You still can't see
The depth of my love for you

Though you may not believe
That I can feel this way
I do
And I always will
For eternity
Nothing will ever change that

We love the same things
You and I
I taught you the skills
Of a warrior

The thrill of victory
The agony of defeat
Are things we will always love
Though now
You seem to forget
That deep down
You are a warrior

And you always will be You may fight for good
But I'll always be there
In your heart
And in your soul
A part of you
No matter how much
You try to deny it

I've changed
Because of you
Just as you once changed
Because of me

You taught me
That love
Can be found
In unexpected places
And that war
Can be conquered by love

I know that now
But you still fail to see
The possibilities
The two of us could have

I know you care for me
I see it in your eyes
We are joined as one
In love and
In war

Nothing can ever destroy
The strand of fate
That bounds us together
In life
And in death

With all these things
That makes us whole
I have to ask
Then what is between us?

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