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Missing Link

By: Aurora

Copyright Disclaimer: All characters that have appeared in the syndicated series Xena: Warrior Princess belongs to MCA/Universal and Renaissance Pictures. No copyright infringement was intended in the writing for this fan fiction.

Subtext: None--what, are you kidding me?.

Violence: A little--what do you expect? This is XENA..

Sex: None--just ‘cause there’s no sex, doesn’t mean there can’t be kissing..

Rated G.

Date Written: April 7-May 1, 2001.

E-mail: (Please send me feedback; I want to know what you think!).

Author’s Note/Summery: Valasca returns to wreak havoc on the Amazon Nation and Xena learns about a person from her family that she never knew about. Takes place after “Antony and Cleopatra.”.

* * Prologue * *

The lava bubbled and churned as it flowed through the deep mountain canyon. There was a gust of fire and smoke and in the midst of it, the lava parted. A bright white light illuminated from the center of the crack and from it emerged a woman. She was dressed in the traditional cloths of an Amazon, her eyes devoid of color. She ascended from the lava stream and then disappeared in a spinning of wind and lightning.

* * Chapter 1 * *

After the siege of Amphipolis, Xena and Gabrielle decided to visit the Amazons, having not seen them since the death of Ephiny. Eve was left with Xena’s mother so Cyrene could get to know her granddaughter better.

Xena and Gabrielle were both seated on the back of Argo. They had entered the forest of the Amazons and there was no one to be seen. “We should be careful, Gabrielle. It’s been a while since we’ve seen them. A lot of things may have changed and they may not recognize us.”

Gabrielle nodded and then Xena stopped and dismounted as Gabrielle followed her. “What is it?” Gabrielle wondered.


Just then, from out of the trees, a woman jumped down. Her hair was raven and her eyes where crystal blue. She resembled Xena in almost every way. She attacked Xena and Xena countered it, grabbing the woman’s shoulders and throwing her to the side, hitting the ground on her back. With lightning reflexes, Xena took out her sword and pointed it at the woman’s throat. Gabrielle glanced at the woman on the ground and then at Xena.

“Why did you attack me?” Xena asked, sternly.

“Xena!! Don’t!” A voice shouted from behind them. Xena and Gabrielle looked back to see Chilapa running toward them. “You can’t kill her!”

Xena stepped back from the woman on the ground. “I wasn’t going to kill her.” Xena extended her hand, helping the woman to her feet. “So, why did you attack me?”

“I-I’m sorry. If I had known you were friends with the Amazons, I wouldn’t have.” She apologized.

“It’s okay. But you need to learn to think before you act.” Xena gave her a faint glare.

The woman bent her head and looked at the ground before glancing up at them. There was silence for a long time until Chilapa decided to speak. “This is Lilana, my second in command.” Chilapa paused and then continued. “Xena…she’s…your sister.”

A look of sheer surprise crossed both Xena and Lilana’s faces. “My sister?” Xena gasped.

“I didn’t know you had a sister.” Gabrielle said as surprised as Xena and Lilana were.

“Neither did I.”

* * Chapter 2 * *

“How can she be my sister?” Xena was shocked by the unusual news.

“It’s true.” Chilapa replied, walking up to Lilana and resting her hand on her shoulder. “Lilana IS your sister.”

Xena was thoroughly bewildered. She walked up to Lilana and looked her in the eye. “How can you be my sister?”

“This is as strange to you as it is to me, Xena. I always thought that I had no family. The Amazons have been the only ones there for me.”

Xena looked at Chilapa. “How do you know?”

“Many years ago, a little girl only a day or so old was found in an Amazon village not far from here. The Amazons had no idea where she had come from so they took her in and raised her as one of their own.”

“But that doesn’t explain how you know she’s Xena’s sister.” Gabrielle mentioned.

“When we found her, she was wearing a necklace with a stone hanging from it. Engraved on one side was the name ‘Lilana’ and on the other was ‘Xena.’ You are the only ‘Xena’ I can think of so it has to have been you.” Chilapa looked at Lilana. “Show her.”

Lilana reached behind her neck and unfastened a brown leather cord with a stone hanging from it. She handed it to Xena. “I never knew what it meant and now I do.”

Xena ran her fingers over the stones smooth surface and memories long forgotten returned to her. Her facial expression showed the confusion and uncertainty she felt. “I remember; I have one of these too.” Xena walked over to Argo and inside her saddlebag she retrieved the exact same necklace. “Why would mother never tell me about you and why would she leave you with the Amazons?”

“Xena, I don’t know.” Chilapa said.

Xena handed Lilana’s necklace back to her and then put her own back in the saddlebag. “We’re going to have a talk with mother and get to the bottom of this. Come on.” She smiled at Lilana.

Lilana smiled back. “I always wanted a sister. I thought that my family didn’t want me.”

“I’m sure it’s not like that. Mother would not give you up unless she had a good reason.” Xena put her hand on Lilana’s shoulder and then looked over at Gabrielle. “Stay here, Gabrielle. We won’t be long.”

“Take as much time as you need. After all, family is more important than anything.” Gabrielle replied and then walked back with Chilapa to the Amazon village as Xena and Lilana headed for Amphipolis.

* * Chapter 3 * *

When they got to Amphipolis only about an hour later, Xena and Lilana went to Cyrene’s tavern. Cyrene was in the kitchen washing the dishes when they walked in.

“Hello, Mother.” Xena stated.

Cyrene turned around. “Xena!” She said, expressing her happiness to see her daughter. “Do you want to see Eve?” Cyrene continued to dry the plate she held in her hand.

“No. I’ve come to talk to you.”

“About what?”

Xena guided her sister further into the room. “Mother, this is Lilana…your daughter.”

As she said the words, Cyrene turned white and dropped the plate to the floor. But she didn’t say a word as tears came to her eyes.

Xena stepped forward. “Why did you never tell me I had a sister?”

Cyrene was in shock at the sight of her long lost daughter. She walked up to Lilana and hugged her with all the love that she had been harboring deep within her over the years. Lilana too began to cry tears of happiness, finally finding out that she had a mother.

Xena watched the mother-daughter reunion before speaking again. “Why did you abandon her? I can’t believe you would do something like that.”

Cyrene dried her eyes and looked at Lilana and then at Xena. “I’m sorry I put you through this, Lilana. I had to give you up. And Xena, I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you that you had a sister.”

Cyrene went over to one of the tables in the room and sat down. Xena and Lilana followed. “Why?” Xena asked.

“Right before you were born, Xena, I had Lilana.”

“We’re twins?” Xena said glancing at Lilana.

“Yes.” Cyrene replied. “I gave you both necklaces so that no matter where you were, you would always be connected. But after Lilana was born, I noticed a strange birthmark on the middle top of her right hand. It was in the shape of what seemed to be a dagger of sorts.”

Lilana lifted her hand to show Xena. “I always wondered what it was.”

Cyrene proceeded. “I had no idea what it meant. I knew that it wasn’t ordinary but that it probably meant some kind of prophecy or something. So, I went to see an oracle and she told me that it was a sign that she was destined to be a servant of Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt. She said that if I did not give her up to the Amazons, then she would most certainly be sacrificed to Ares. The Amazons were her only protection since Artemis was their patron god. I found out that the night you two were born, a war that my husband had been fighting had been lost and therefore, you were considered to be cursed because you had been born on the night of a defeat. The oracle said that Ares would want only Lilana sacrificed because she was the first one born and Xena was of no consequence. I knew that I had to give Lilana up, whether I liked it or not. I didn’t want Ares to kill you; I wouldn’t be able to bear that. So, that night, I left you in the Amazons village not far from here and that was the last time I saw you until now. I’m so sorry you thought that I abounded you but it was the only way I could save you.”

Lilana put her arm on her mother’s shoulder and smiled. “I forgive you. You were just trying to protect me and I am grateful for that.”

Xena didn’t say a word; she was too deep in thought. She couldn’t believe that Ares would have killed her sister. He had caused her mother so much pain when she had to give up her child. Xena knew what that felt like when she gave up Solan and she was going to have to have a talk with Ares.

“Xena?” Cyrene asked, realizing that Xena seemed like she wasn’t paying attention.

“What?” She responded.

“Oh, it’s just you seemed like you were off in your own world. Are you okay?”

“Yes, I’m fine. Mom, I think I’ll leave you alone for a while so you can catch up with the daughter you haven’t seen in years.”

Cyrene and Lilana smiled at Xena before she left the tavern. Once outside, Xena was building with anger as she went to Ares’ temple. She pulled the doors open violently and stomped into the room. “Ares!! Ares!” She screamed at the top of her lungs.

In a flash of shimmering blue light, he appeared sprawled out on the same couch where they had engaged in intimate intercourse during the siege of Amphipolis. His lips formed an arrogant smile. “Well, I didn’t think I’d see YOU here again.”

She glared at him. “Why did you want to kill my sister? Do you know how much pain you have caused my mother? Can you even begin to comprehend how it made her feel to have to give up her daughter so that she wouldn’t be sacrificed to YOU?!”

Ares stood up and walked over to Xena. “What are you talking about?”

“When my sister and I were born, my mother visited an oracle who said that because my sister, Lilana was the first born on the night of a battle’s defeat, then she was destined to be sacrificed to you because she was cursed.”

“That was a long time ago, Xena. You know how I was back then.”

“Yeah, I know how you were--no different than now.” Xena turned around and walked over to a far corner of the temple.

“Xena, you don’t mean that. Can you honestly tell me that you haven’t seen a difference in me since then?”

Xena turned around and gave him an eye that was as cold and icy as what she felt toward him at that moment. “Yes, you may seem a little different but you are still the God of War.”

“Exactly!” Ares threw his hands in the air in exasperation. “I was only acting how the God of War was supposed to act. I needed sacrifices.”

“What is it about my family? Hmm? You wanted my sister sacrificed to you; you wanted me sacrificed to you. I don’t get it. What is so special about my family that you always seem to want to kill them?”

“Now, hold on. It was not I who wanted you as a sacrifice. Your father was drunk. The things he was going to do did not come from me. I swear.” Ares walked closer to Xena. “I would never harm you. Even then, I knew that you were special.”

Xena sighed. “I don’t know if I can forgive you for tempting to take my sister away from my mother. It was Artemis who protected her AND the Amazons.” Xena turned at walked toward the door but before she left she looked at Ares one last time. “I bet that if that situation came along now, you would act in the very same way.”

Xena left the temple and headed back to the tavern.

When she got there, she and Lilana said their goodbye’s to their mother and then went back to the Amazons village.

* * Chapter 4 * *

As they neared the village they heard the sounds of screams coming from the Amazons. There was a bright light that lit up that part of the forest and there was a strong wind whipping through the trees. Xena and Lilana ran toward the village and when they got there, all the Amazons were behind cages with thick bars of metal. Gabrielle too was behind the bars and when Xena saw her, she quickly dashed over to her friend.

“What happened?”

Before Gabrielle had time to respond, there was a crash of lightning. “I happened!” Shouted a voice from behind them.

Xena spun around and saw Valasca appear from the middle of a tornado. “Valasca?!” Xena gasped, surprised. She drew her sword and pointed it at the goddess before her. “How did you free yourself from the lava? It should have held you for eternity.”

“I’m a goddess! Eventually, I’d get out.”

“You aren’t going to destroy the Amazon nation, Valasca. I’ll make sure of that.” Xena’s tone was dark, even though she really didn’t know how she was going to stop her.

Valasca’s lips formed a devilish smile as she cackled in amusement. “Oh, Xena! I am immortal! There is no way for you to stop me!” In her hand formed a bolt of lightning. “It’s time for you to meat your fate. You and ALL the Amazons!!”

“Wait!” Shouted Lilana as she ran over to Xena, standing in front of her.

When Valasca saw Lilana, she clearly went into shock for a moment. Her hand that held the bolt of lightning lowered and the lightning bolt disappeared.

Xena lowered her sword for a moment and touched Lilana’s shoulder with the tip of her finger. “Are you sure you know what you are doing?”

Lilana glanced at Xena. “Yes. Trust me.” Lilana looked back at Valasca. “Don’t do this, Valasca. I know you. When you did your heart become so cold?”

Valasca’s expression began to become one of vengeance and anger. “The moment you left me to die…Mother.”

Xena grabbed Lilana’s shoulder. “Mother?!”

“But I thought Valsaca’s mother was killed in the first war with the centaurs.” Chilapa spoke up.

Lilana looked at Chilapa. “That was a lie. I don’t know how that rumor got started but it isn’t true.” She looked again at Valasca. “I’m sorry Valasca. I will always regret giving you up. But the tribe I had been a part of did not like us Amazons being with a man and having a child out of season. They would probably have killed you. I had to abandon you, for your sake. I knew that if I left you near to where the other Amazons and the centaurs had been fighting then you would be taken in and cared for. It really did break my heart to let you go and I hope you can forgive me.”

“Well, I can’t forgive you. You will pay along with the entire Amazon nation!”

A bolt of lightning again formed in her hand. Before Xena had time to react, with a thrust of he arm, she shot the bolt at Lilana, sending her flying backwards.

Fear grew in Xena’s eyes as she saw her sister hit a tree. “Lilana!!” Xena ran over to her and cradled her sister in her arms, Valasca laughing in the distance. Lilana’s head had started bleeding from the blow it had taken when it had hit the tree. “Lilana? Hey, hang in there, okay? It’s not your time yet.”

Lilana opened her eyes. “Xena…” She groaned. “…tell Mother that I love her.”

“You can tell her yourself.” Xena replied.

Valasca watched as Xena held her wounded sister. A ball of glowing energy appeared in her hand. “Now it’s your turn to die, Xena.” She sneered quietly.

From within the cage, Gabrielle could see what Valasca was going to do. “Xena!” Gabrielle shouted but by the time she did, Valasca had released the ball of energy and hurled it toward Xena.

Xena looked back to see it come toward her. She reached for her sword to deflect it but then Ares appeared in front of her. It hit Ares and disintegrated.

Valasca’s eyes began to glow with hatred. “Fine, say goodbye to the Amazons!”

Valasca transformed herself into a spinning gust of wind, lightning flying in all directions. All the Amazons behind the bars ducked as the bolts shot into the cage. Some of the Amazons were hit and knocked unconscious. Xena stood up and ran passed Ares over to Valasca but before she reached her, there was a flash of bright green light and Artemis appeared. Dressed in an outfit of gold, holding a magnificent golden bow. She drew it back, pointing it at the spinning tornado that soon became the hateful Amazon once more.

“Valasca!” She cried out. “You have disgraced the name of the Amazons and now you will pay for your crimes against them!” She released the arrow and it spun toward Valasca. When it struck, it disintegrated to a pile of dust.

Valasca looked up at Artemis, her eyes glowing white. “Artemis, you’re a fool! Don’t you know you can’t kill me?”

“Aw, but my intention wasn’t to kill.” Artemis mocked.

Valasca cocked her head in wonderment. Then her body began to shake and she felt a strange tingly sensation. Valasca growled and snarled as she felt her body transform. Artemis, Ares, Xena, Gabrielle, and all the Amazons watched as Valasca’s body became deformed and eventually morphed into the shape of a helpless brown rabbit.

Artemis lowered her bow and looked down at Valasca, the tiny bunny before her. “Now, you will cause the Amazons no more harm. You are doomed to live forever as a creature of the forest.”

Valasca wiggled her nose and then hopped off into the forest. Artemis raised her hands and sent a serge of fire into the bars of the cage causing them to disappear. When the Amazons wee free, Gabrielle ran over to Xena. Chilapa and the other Amazons bowed down in front of the great goddess.

“We will always be in your service, Great Artemis. Thank you.” Chilapa stated.

Artemis smiled, nodded her head and then disappeared in a shimmer of radiant light. Xena put her sword back in its’ scabbard and hurried over to Lilana. She was motionless on the ground and when Xena went to check her pulse, there was none. Xena sniffed and hung her head in sadness.

“Why?” She whispered.

Gabrielle walked over to Xena and knelt down. “I’m sorry, Xena.”

“Me too. I will miss her.”


Xena sighed. “We’ll have to give her a proper Amazon funeral. I didn’t know her vary long but I know she deserves it.”

Xena wiped away the tears that had begun to form in her eyes and looked at Ares who was standing behind her a ways. Xena walked up to him and looked him in the eyes. She raised her hand and laid it on his cheek. He stood there expressionless as she began to speak.

“Thanks…for saving me.”

Ares raised his hand to hold hers. “What else could I do?” He looked over at Lilana on the ground and then back at Xena. “Sorry about your sister.”

Xena nodded and released her hand from his. “I’m not angry with you for what you were going to do to Lilana long ago. I understand that at the time, you thought it was right. I don’t blame you anymore.”

“Xena, I deserved the reaction you gave me.”

Sighing, Xena smiled. She couldn’t help but being taken in by his eyes. She gently touched her lips to his and deepened the kiss. Ares was surprised by her sudden change of heart but he didn’t care. He was doing what his heart desired and he wanted to make the most of it because he knew it wouldn’t last. Gabrielle looked on, a little uneasy by what her friend was doing. They finally parted and Xena brushed her hand across his cheek.

“Ares…Ares, I wasn’t honest with you before.”


“When we were…together during Athena’s attack, I-I did…feel something. I did enjoy being with you, Ares but our time to be together has passed. My life is different now, I’m not the warrior you want and I never will be.”

Xena turned around and walked back to Gabrielle who gave her a half-smile. Xena was stopped by Ares’ voice. “But it’s not the warrior part that I adore about you, Xena. It’s the fact that you fight for good. That part brings out your true spirit and I love…that.”

Xena glanced at Ares and gave him a sad smile. “You are my past and no matter how I feel about you, I can’t give into that. I can’t.”

“One day it will happen. I know it will.” Ares gave her a loving glance and then vanished.

Xena sighed and then went back to Gabrielle.

“You gonna be all right?” Gabrielle asked.

“Yeah…” Xena replied looking back where Ares had stood. “…I’ll be fine.”

That night, the Amazons preformed a funeral pyre for their fallen sister, Lilana. Cyrene was there and it pained her to see that another one of her children had died. Cyrene, Xena and Gabrielle watched as the flames rose from the fire, dissipating in the night air. Xena silently cried as she watched her sister turn to ashes. She was going to miss her greatly--the sister she didn’t know but knew so well.


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