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An Immortal Soul

By: Aurora

He played a character
That could live forever
The ways of death
Didn't concern him
But in real life
Everyone must leave the world

We all have allotted times
On this planet
And that time
Is sometimes shorter
That we expect

It is tragic
To loose someone you care about
Even if that person
Is someone you never met
The pain is unbearable
The heart can break

But you must remember
A person may leave
Before his time
And the grief may be hard
Knowing that he's really gone
But though he has passed
From this world
His immortal soul
Will live on

He has journeyed to a better place
And there he'll stay
For the rest of eternity

We may wish he were here
We may not want to believe
This is true
But unlike the world
In which his character lived
People can't live forever
And they can't have a second chance

So when you feel
You can't go on
And you feel the pain
Will never go away
Just remember
That thinking of him is enough
And his memory will live on
Because though the body
May be mortal
The soul
And the memory of the person
Who has passed
Will live on and on
As an immortal soul
And spirit

We'll miss you, Kevin Smith
May you rest in peace as your memory
Will live on in our hearts
And our thoughts

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