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Episode Bloopers

Ties That Bind:

When Xena gets off her horse to confront the warlord, you can see her chakram rolling away. Then, magically, it is back on her hip. It's pretty funny when you see it. God Fearing Child:

When Ares comes to Xena while she is in Tartarus, he says that "In my brothers kingdom I have no power" referring to Hades. But actually, Hades was his uncle. Looks like TPTB (the powers that be) didn't do their research!

Eternal Bonds:

Right after Poseidon's men find Xena's trail, they follow it and as the camera angle moves, we get a shot of Ares' back. When he turns around so that he is facing the camera, his sword and earring are on the wrong side. Instead of being on his left like they are supposed to be, they are on his right. The picture appears to be backwards.

Looking Death In the Eye:

When Ares picks Xena's body up after she 'dies', her head is on his left and her feet are on his right. But then when he enters the ice cave, her position is exactly oppositefeet on his left and head on his right.

After he lays her body in the coffin, you can see the coffin lid leaning against the wall in the background. Then, after his speech to her is finished, he pulls the lid up over her. In one shot it was leaning against the wall and in the other it was at the foot of her coffin.


After Ares and Athena show up on the beach, realizing that Xena has the power to kill gods, she is holding her chakram on the edge and then in another shot she is holding with the middle part and then in another shot she is back to holding it on the edge.

At the end when Athena dies, she falls to the ground and her arms are extended out away from her body. Then, the camera turns to Ares and then back at Athena and when we see her again, her left arm is lying on the top of her chest and her right arm is lengthwise along her body.

Soul Possession:

Both times we see Xena and Joxer walking in the forest, (the first time, after they come from the tavern; the second time, after Xena leaves Ares after he asked her to marry him) the new chakram is on Xena's hip. Yes, the new chakram. It seems that the producers forgot that they had jumped into the past during that part of the episode. Either that, or they thought that we just wouldn't notice. Well they were wrong!

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