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Tell Me That You Love Me

By: Jo

Disclaimer~ I do not own anybody or anyone that is in this story. I'm just having fun and putting the events the way I thought they need to be. Xena: Warrior Princess property of MCA, Universal Studios, and Renaissance Pictures.

Dedications~ This story is for Liz. A great bard and friend.

This story takes place during the episode God Fearing Child.

Part 1

As I walked through Tartarus I heard the wails of the doomed. My heart broke for my son. He choose this awful place just so he could remember me. The mother he never knew he had until it was too late. I had to get him to the Elysian Fields where he deserved to be. He doesn't need to be here. I held on to Solan’s hand and as we walked down a dark cave hall. There were candles on the walls to light the way casting eerie glows. My grip tightened when I felt his presence. "Please go away". I thought, "Just leave me alone".

Part Two

"I thought I might find you here." he said.

My hands flew up. The gods were trying to hurt my child my unborn baby. If they were going to do anything to my child they would have to go through me.

"That won't be necessary." Ares said in his sexy smooth voice. That even if I wanted to admit it or not sent shivers down my back. "In my uncles kingdom I have no powers."

"Oh good now I can really wipe the floor with you." I responded.

"You don't want to do that."

"You're right I'm into much of a hurry." I said as I grabbed Solans hand and walked past him. He followed me.

"Xena I want to protect your unborn child from the other gods."

"Why would you want to do that?"

"Well I've had a falling out with dad and as you know I've always had a thing for you."

That stopped me in my tracks. The last time I saw him he was trying to get my best friend to join him.

"For me and my friend."

He looked at me, that got to him. He actually looked guilty. Was he sorry for trying to use Gabrielle against me?

"Look" I said "You stalking me is not helping the trust factor any." I turned to walk away.But he was right there in front of me.

"This is not your standard god obsession..okay. I'm having urges I'm not real proud of."

This was just another trick to get me back. I'm not going to be that person that I was.

"I'm not going to become your little warrior queen Ares, besides you expect me to believe you'd protect a child the fates have said will destroy you?"

"They say... it'll desroy all the gods. Now if I'm going to be mortal...I out my life...with you."

What!? What did that mean.

"What are you talking about?"I asked

He smiled a little and looked at the ceiling.

"I have feelings for you okay..."

I didn't want to hear anything else.

"Oh stop it" i said as I started to walk again.

"I care about you dammit. I see your face everywhere."

"STOP IT!" I cut him off. "You stop it. You're so desperate you're trying to convince me you love me? Uh? Well go on..say it. Say it"

He looked like he wamted to say something but couldn't get it out.

"Say you love me." I dared him

He didn't say anything. I shook my head. I shouldn't have gotten my hope up.

"The time for you and me has been and gone."I turned away with tears starting to form in my eyes.

"Xena wait."

I turned around. What did he want now.

"I love you"

All of my anger melted away.

"Really" I asked


I smiled and he smiled back.

Part Three

"I..I have to tkae Solan to the Elysian fields"

"I'll come with you."

We hid behind a rock waiting for the right time to get Solan to the gap and into the other side.

Gabrielle pulled off the helmet and came into sight behind us. She knelt next to me.

"What is he doing here?"

I looked toward Ares who only rolled his eyes.

"He is here to help, give me the helmet Gabrielle."

I took the helmet and gave it to my son. Then it happened. I had a contraction. Ares put a comforting arm around me I held on to him tight until the pain went away.

"Mom are you alright?'

"I'm fine baby."

"Are you ready for this?"

"As ready as I'll ever be.

Solan put on the helmet. Ares and Gabrielle jumped out and started to fight. I took my son to the gate way and said my goodbye. Solan went off to play and I joined the fight.

I had another contraction. Ares picked me up and we headed for earth.

As I was giving birth Ares and Hercules teamed up against Zeus who eventually backed down.

When I gave the final push Ares was there holding my hand.

When I had Eve in my arms. I realized she would have a father after all.

I looked at Ares.

"I love you too." I said as our lips met.


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