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Love Lost

By: Jo

The Characters in this story do not belong to me. They belong to MCA, Universal Studios, and Renaissance Studios.

This story is dedicated to everyone at the AresXenaShippers board.

This is an Ares/Xena story. It takes place after God Fearing Child but before Eternal Bonds. This is how I believe Ares ends up like he does in The Xena Scrolls. So expect spoilers for this episode.


Chapter one

Xena held her child in her arms as she sang a lullaby. Gabrielle was making breakfast when she looked up to Xena and Eve. She smiled at the scene in front of her. It has been so long since Xena looked truly happy.

"Xena," Gab asked. "Do you think Eve will really bring on the Twilight?"

"I don't Know." Xena responded suddenly looking sad.

"Well it will be good to get rid of Ares but I think I will miss Aphrodite"

"Yeah I suppose."

"You SUPPOSE! Xena think of the world without war. It would be peaceful. It would be perfect bliss."

"No. Gabrielle it would be perfect chaos. I know you don't like Ares very much and I don't care for him myself. But war keeps things in order. If war were to die everything and everyone would be lost. There would be more crime and death. Without war there would be no peace. Wither we like it or not we need war. We need Ares."

"You get a good feeling when you hear someone sticking up for you like that."

Xena jumped up and grabbed her sword.

"You’re not touching this child Ares."

"I don't want to hurt her Xena."

"Right. Even if she means your death?"

"We have been through this before and from the sound of it you don't want me to die." Xena snorted.

"Oh. I would be perfectly fine with your death. We just need someone to take your place."

"Yeah. Yeah. Just thought I'd give you another chance."

"I don't want one, I didn't even want the first one."

"You can always change you mind." With that the god left.

"What was that about?"

"Nothing Gabrielle. Don't worry about it. Would you watch Eve for me?"

"Sure," she said taking the babe, "where are you going?"

"Just to take Argo for a ride."

"Be careful Xena."

"I will. Bye."


Chapter Two

Xena mounted Argo and went down the road. She rode intill she came to a pasture. There Argo was allowed to graze. Xena sat under a tree and thought about the events of the past few weeks.

Zeus was dead. She had had a daughter who the fates say will kill the gods of Olympus. She had seen her son again and had taken him to the Elysian Fields. Ares.... Ares had come to her and said he wanted to protect Eve. That he cared for her. That he loved her. Although she didn't want to admit she loved him too.

Xena shook her head. She did NOT care for Ares. What was she thinking. She whistled for Argo and went back to the clearing where camp was set up.


As she neared the clearing she heard Gabrielle frantically call for her. She sounded scared. Xena urged Argo on. When she came to the clearing she flipped off the horse with her sword drawn. There was no one there except Gab and a......... toddler.

"Xena...shes growing like Hope did."

Xena knelt next to her daughter. The little girl smiled at her. She had black hair and blue eyes like her mother.

"Hello Eve." Xena said gently.

"Hi Mommie!! Look at the flowers aren't they pretty?"

"There very pretty baby."

Xena gave Eve some nutbread Gabrielle had made earlier.

"Xena what are we going to do?"

"I don't know?"

"She's beautiful."

"She is isn't she?"

Gabrielle nodded her head as the friends started to pack.

Chapter Three

The friends walked toward Amphipolis. Xena wanted to show her mother her new grandchild. Although she didn't have an idea on how she was to explain how big Eve was. She didn't even know herself.

On the way they stopped to spend the night. As they started to set up camp it began to rain.

The trio headed for the nearest shelter. This shelter happened to be a temple. Gabrielle thought it might be dangerous to sleep in a temple. Even one of Aphrodite’s temples. Xena said that Aphrodite wasn't the kind of goddess that would kill a child, even one like Eve. Although she managed to convince Gabrielle Xena wasn't totally convinced herself.

Chapter Four

Xena had tried to stay awake that night but sleep had won the battle. When she awoke and looked over to her child she jumped out of her bed. The toddler was replaced. Dazed Xena walked out of the temple. A tear rolled down her eye. The baby she had thought she had been blessed with was no ordinary baby. She was loosing another child. She wouldn't have a second chance at motherhood as she hoped she would have. Doubts clouded her mind. Who was the father. No mortal she knew that for sure now. Why was she here?

Xena's thoughts were interrupted with a loud scream. Xena rolled her eyes and walked into the temple. Gabrielle had her sias in hand. A very confused Eve was trying to comfort her but Gabrielle kept rushing away from her. Gabrielle screamed for Xena again.

"Gabrielle SHUT UP!!"

"Xena . Xena. Look. What goddess is she? Where is the baby? What have you done to Eve?"

"That is Eve Gabrielle."


Gabrielle put her sias away and smiled an uneasy smile at the young woman.


Eve smiled back.

"That's alright Gabrielle."

Eve turned to her mother.

"We need to talk."

Xena nodded her head.

"I agree but first we need to find you some cloths."

Eve looked down at herself noticing that she was completely nude.

"That would be nice."

They wrapped a blanket around her and set out to find a market. Eve picked a light brown soft leather skirt and a maroon top. Xena smiled and said "Now you wanted to tell me something?"

"Yes, I am not going to kill the gods as the fates have foretold. I have been sent to protect them."

Chapter Five

"Protect them" Gabrielle asked, "from who?"

"From another, a demon, who was sent like me. He wants to rule the world. So he needs to kill all the gods. He decided he would kill the strongest first. The Greek Gods. He figures after they fall the others will be easy."

"Then why do the fates think you will be the one to kill them?"


"Because they will be so wrapped up in trying to kill Eve that this other thing will be able to sneak up on them when they least expect it." Xena finished.

"Exactly. We have to protect them. The fate of the world depends on it."

"We will"

"Mom. One of the gods will die in this fight if they are not protected. One that you hold close to your heart."

Xena's heart jumped to her throat.

"How do we protect him."

"We have to keep him away from the fight. He can't be involved. He won't be safe until this demon is dead."

"Wait a minute," Gabrielle cut in "HE you care for a god. Which one?"


"Xena! Ares! Are you crazy? How can you care for Ares?"

"I just do."

With that Xena began to walk away.

"They are in love Gabrielle. Although they will never admit it to each other. Ares is a good person. He is just fighting on the wrong side. Eventually he will redeem himself. Just like Mom has."

"If you say so Eve. Xena how are we suppose to keep him occupied. If there is a fight going on Ares will know about it. He will want to be involved"

" I know. We need help."

"From who?"

"A certain god..............Hephestus."

Xena, Gabrielle, and Eve all stood at the front of the temple. Xena pushed open the heavy wooden doors and they walked inside. It was a small, simple temple with an altar at the end. There was a walkway lit with candles. On the walls were tapestries of inventors and their work. On tables were displays of weapons and tools that were forged by the god himself.

Xena knelt before the altar and prayed that the god would come and listen to what she had to say. After a while the god appeared.

"I thought you didn't pray Xena?"

"I don't. But there are exceptions. I need your help."

"For what?" Heph asked confused. What good would he be?

" I need you to bui ld me something that will hold a god for a long time. Not for a etenity just for a few hundred years."

"Why would I want to do that? Your child is suppose to kill me and my family and you expect me to help you trap a god?"

" No! Hephestus, Eve is here to help you not to kill you. Someone else is trying to kill you. Eve has been sent to protect you. I'm trying to save a god I lo .. care about. Ares will die if you don't help me."

"Why should I believe you? You and Ares have been enemys for years. This could be a trick to save your child."

Xena was in no mode for this kind of questioning and she was getting mader by the minute.

Xena who was kneeling all this time jumped up.

"I came here for your help so I can help you and your family. None of you deserve it. If you don't want my help you can TRY to win this battle on your own. I don't care anymore. I'm leaving."

Xena started to walk back toward the door where Eve and Gabrielle were waiting for her. Heph's voice stopped her.

"Alright......You have never given me any reason not to trust you. I'll help."

Xena awarded him with a smile "Thank you so much. "

"Where and when do you want this prison?"

"By tomorrow. There is a cave not to far from here. I need it there."

"I'll try as best as I can Xena. But I can't promise you anything."

"I know you won't let me down" Xena said as she walked toward the door.

Chapter Seven

Heph stayed true to his word. He built and moved the prison before the morning.

"Thank you Hephestus."

"Your welcome Xena. Don't make me regret this."

"I promise I won't"

Heph nodded his head and disappeared.

Xena turned toward Gab and Eve.

"Now we need to lure Ares in here and get him in there." Eve said.

'I know just how to do it"

"What is that Xena" Gabrielle asked.

"When Eve was born, Hercules killed Zeus with the rib of Kronos. I kept the rib. Just in case I needed it. I'll force Ares into the..........coffin."

"Why did Hephestus make it look like a coffin?"

"I guess he doesn't fully trust me Gabrielle. I guess he believes I want him to die."

"Don't worry he will." The three women turned around. There stood a man with a sword in his hand. He looked normal except he had red eyes.

Xena stepped in front of her daughter and best friend. If he tried to kill anyone of them he would have to get through her first.

"The only one that is going to die is you."

Eve pulled her mother back.

"Mom you can't defeat him so don't try. I know you are a warrior of great skill. You will do what you can to save someone you love but in the end you will not win. The only thing you can do is get the god you love into safety. You can't do anything else... not today. This is my fight. I will deal with him."

"Be careful Eve."

Eve walked up to the red-eyed demon. Soon both of their eyes started to glow. His a dark black and hers' a blinding white. It was the ultimate battle between good and evil. They did not fight with weapons but with their hearts. They circled each other for what seemed like hours and soon Eve was on the floor in pain. Xena couldn't stand to see her daughter suffer anymore. Her war cry echoed through the cave as she flipped in the air. She landed right between the two and drew her sword. The demon broke off his attack on Eve and he to took his weapon in hand. There was a screech of metal as the two brought their swords together. Xena held the sword in one hand and punched the demon in the face with the other causing him to stumble back a few feet. Xena charged him and walked up his body. She kicked him in the knees, stomach, chest, and face. She did a perfect backflip and landed on her feet. The demons eyes began to glow again and he kicked Xena in the stomach. He then kicked her in the face twice. He took a dagger and pushed it through Xena calf. She screamed in pain and pulled it out. She threw it at him. The dagger stopped right before it hit him a fell to the ground. He formed a black ball of light in his hand and through it at the warrior princess. Eve screamed and xena closed her eyes.

Chapter Eight

Eve ran forward. If the power ball hit her mother it would kill her. But it never did. A man in black leather was standing infront of her with the balck ball of light in one hand and his sword in the other.

Ares threw it back at him.

"Keep it to yourself."

"Mom now!" Eve rushed toward the demon as Xena pulled the rib from her boot and flipped over Ares head and held it to his throat. Ares cocked his head

"Now is that anyway to treat someone who just saved your life?"

"When it comes to you...yes."Xena pointed to the cofffin. "Now get in there."

Ares laughed. She had to be joking. She would really kill HIM would she?

"Why?" he asked.

Xena looked at him with no feeling in her eyes.

"Because that's going to be your new home." She sneered.

Ares grimaced at those words but he just stood there looking at her. Didn't she know how much he loved her. What he would do for her. What he would give just to kiss her lips and hold her close. He knew he was an ass in the past and did things to her that she didn't deserve. Things he would never forgive himself for doing. But the was trying to make things better.

Xena pushed him. He turned around and wiped a tear from his eye as he started to walk forward. Gabrielle opened the top for him as he got inside. She smiled at him. He took another look at Xena and sighed.

"Your kidding right?"

"No get going hurry up."

Ares pouted his lips and got in. With one last look at the woman he loved the lid came crashing on top of him engulfing him in darkness. Xena locked him in and then layed her hands on top of the lid.

Ares began beating on the lid begging Xena to let him out. Xena who had tears streaming down her face gently kissed the coffin.

"I love you Ares" She whispered. She turned around and walked away. The sounds of Ares' struggle in perfect harmony with the beat of her heart.

Chapter Nine: Epilogue

Eve and the demon battle spiritually and eventually the light won. As soon as the goodness that was Eve made the demon weak Xena chopped off his head. The battle was over.

Xena who then wanted nothing more than to free Ares fromf his prison was stopped by her daughter. Eve explained that the danger to the gods was not over. That the Olympians would have to fight for there lives for a long time. A time that surpassed their life span. As long as Ares was trapped he would remain safe. He wouldn't be happy but he would be alive.

Xena, Gabrielle, and Eve continued to fight for the greater good until a time came that Xena lost her life in a battle. She was fighting against a warlord named Syrus who aimed a arrow at a young child. Xena leaped to stop the arrow before it hit the girl to find another one hitting her back. Gabrielle buried her friend next to her brother in Amphipolis. Gabrielle returned to the road while Eve stayed behind to help her grandmother cope with the loss of yet another child. Ares who felt his connection to the only person he ever loved slip away and finally let the tears flow freely. He cried because he knew he made her life painful and heartbreaking. That he never got a chance to tell her he was sorry and kiss tears he had caused away.

Xena who had never blamed him for anything went to the Elysian Fields where she deserved to be. She was reunited with her brother and her son. Soon her daugher, mother, and friend joined her. Where they live in peace even now.

Ares eventually got out of his prison when a descendent of Xena and one of Gabrielle accidentally let him out. By that time he was safe. She protected him, she protected us all. I am Hera. Queen of the Gods. Most thought me dead but I am here and I'm telling you this story from the books of our immortal history where Xena will be forever remembered. My son and this mortal beauty were in love,but they were both too proud to tell each other. Not all love stories end with a happy ending and I am deeply sorry that that this doesn't have one. So if you have someone out there that you can't live without tell them before it is to late.

The End

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