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Eulogy For A Princess

By: Leila

My Princess now lies entombed in ice,
Deprived of the warmth she knew in life.
The dead are quiet,
But memories are louder than reality.

There are a thousand wrongs that I cannot forget,
So many things that I regret.
Some may say I cannot really love,
But the pain I feel would put all theirs to shame.

I cannot deny what I am to please others,
But for love, I can find it in me to be what I am.
I am War personified, both in selfishness and nobility,
I am abandonment and sacrifice melded into one.

I alone among the gods face death with dignity.
Though I am afraid and unsure,
I find my strength in something greater than myself
I take solace in a love that has been lost.

If the many crimes that I have committed
Have lead me to this path,
To this one moment,
Where everything I ever wanted is gone
And everything I ever dreamed has passed,
I would commit them all again.

Because somewhere between losing my family
And losing the love I'd just discovered
I found something in myself
I hadn't known was there.

I found the capacity for compassion,
The ability to let go of hate.
In a moment, when I saw her threatened,
I transcended all fear, all pain.
I felt the true power and beauty of her,
Of the two of us
And I knew I could save her, if she'd let me.

She didn't.

Here lies Xena, Warrior Princess,
Queen in my dreams, Queen of my heart.
The only person in the world
That means a thing to me.

She'd be surprised at the change she inspired in me
Had she lived to believe it was real.

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